The Last Dragon Shifter (Shifter World - Book Eleven) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Five: Explanation - Needed

“How the fuck did you do that?” She asked, stunned.

He chuckled. “You don’t know anything about Dragons, do you?”

She shook her head. “Everyone thinks they’re extinct.”

He smirked. “Good.” He said with a nod.

“Why didn’t you knot? I thought I was right, I thought you were my mate.” She cried as she watched him.

He smiled down at her stomach and breasts. His Dragon had begged him to cum inside her, but he’d wanted to pull out. He hasn’t cum inside a woman…ever. But he guessed, with her, he can make an exception. Next time.

“Now I’m sticky.” She said with a pout.

He chuckled. “I’ll get a wet towel.” He said as he started to stand, then found that he couldn’t move.

“Zeph?” She questioned as she watched him.

He smiled at her. He liked that she’d shortened his name. It was better than, Lizard Boy, anyways.

“Are you my mate, or not?”

He shrugged with a wicked grin.

She growled as she tried to move away from him but found that she couldn’t.

“What’s going on?” She whispered.

“Fuck!” He groaned as he fell on top of her.

Shit! Now it was all over him too, maybe he should have just cum inside her.

‘Told you so!’ His Dragon said with a wicked laugh.

Zephyrus grunted as he moved his arms up to hers, and intertwined his fingers with hers, their wrists flush against each other.

She stared up at him then screamed when the searing pain took hold of her wrists.

Zephyrus groaned and closed his eyes. His mate’s cries hurt more than the burning sensation in his arms. He opened his eyes and quickly took her mouth in a passion-filled kiss. She moaned against his lips as his tongue explored her mouth. For the moment, the burning sensations were forgotten.

When the pain subsided, their lips parted and they both looked up at their wrists.

“I…I was afraid I was wrong.” She whispered as a tear slid down her cheek.

He smiled as he pulled their wrists down so they could look at them.

“My Dragon is hardly ever wrong.” He said with a smirk.

She smiled at him. “You just don’t like to listen to him.”

He chuckled.

They laid in each other’s arms on the floor of the cave, for what felt like hours. Just admiring each other’s markings. He smoothed his finger over his name on her left wrist and smiled.

“Wish Biason had told me you’d be coming to me as a Vampire.”

She laughed. “But then, we wouldn’t have had all that fun.”

Zephyrus snorted. “Yeah sure, fun.”

His Dragon seemed to think so; if his large tail thumping in his head wasn’t an indication that he’d enjoyed the chase.

“Do you think you’ll come home with me?” She asked as she looked up at him.

He nuzzled her neck and took in a deep breath of her raspberry scent. “Why don’t you stay here with me?”

She sighed. “Because they will need us, for the upcoming wars.”

He grumbled, then smiled. “My treasure. My Dragon won’t let me leave it behind.”

She sat up on her elbow and looked at him. “Seriously?”

He nodded. “Seriously.”

She sighed. “Then it’s true, about Dragons and their treasures.”

He laughed. “Oh yeah. It’s true.”

She thought about it for a moment. “We can build a cave system under our property.” She said as she looked at him.

He grinned. “You would do that for me?”

She smiled. “Zeph. I’m a bitten Vampire. I didn’t think I had a Fated Mate. I only knew that I was destined to be a guardian to the twins. Then I saw you. I can’t go on as if I never saw you. That’s why I forced you to see, that I am yours. And I’m not a horrible monster, well, not anymore.” She said as she leaned into him.

He sighed as he held her close. “Okay, my little raspberry tart.”

She leaned back and glared at him.

He chuckled. “I won’t ever call you that again, if you promise to never call me, Lizard Boy, again.”

She squinted at him, then smiled. “Okay, Dragon Lover.”

Zephyrus groaned as his Dragon purred.

She wiggled against him as she pulled back to look at him better. “Why didn’t you knot?”

He smiled as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. “Because Dragons do not knot. Not in human form, anyway.”

She blinked. “Wait, what?”

He sighed heavily, then sat up and pulled her up with him. He then stood and lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed, which was in a small cave, off to the side of the main entrance of the cave system. Once she was on his bed, he crawled in with her and pulled her against him.

“A Dragon can only get his Dragon mate pregnant.”

She blinked. “What?”

He pulled her down, so her head was on his chest. “A Dragon Shifter; can only get another Dragon Shifter pregnant. If you want hatchlings, you will have to be a Dragon. Because only in Dragon form, can I get you pregnant.”

She pulled away from him. “What the fuck were the Goddesses thinking?”

He laughed. “My thoughts exactly. Now come here and get some sleep. We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.”

She shook her head. “I want to know now.”

“Sleep, first.” He said, then yanked her down onto his chest and played with her hair.

Soon, she was sound asleep, and he sighed with relief. He wasn’t ready to discuss this with her. Maybe in the morning, he will have the courage to tell her, that the only way they could ever have children, was if she took the cure, and died.

Bridget woke the next morning with the smell of waffles in the air. Waffles? How the hell did he fix waffles in this cave? She crawled out of bed and found her mate in a small cave, that was set up like a kitchen.


He turned to her and laughed. “Generator.” He said as he pointed to the generator on the other side of the cave.

She looked at it and sighed.

He smirked, then offered her a plate full of waffles. “I know Vampires don’t really eat much food, but humor me? I just woke up to a beautiful woman at my side, and I have to figure out how to tell her, that we can’t have kids together.”

She blinked at him. “But the Goddesses.”

“Are crazy.” He said, then picked up another plate and pulled her to the table.

“This place is almost like a real house.” She said as she looked around.

He smiled. “I have adapted to each time-period.” He said with a nod.

She smiled, then took a bite and sighed. “I bet these would taste really good.” She said as she took another bite.

He watched her. “You can’t taste them?”

She shook her head. “Nope. No sense of taste.”

He grunted as he continued to eat.

“So, how are we going to make it so I can have your, what had you said? Hatchling?”

He grumbled. “You can’t.”

She pouted. “But you said we’d discuss it…”

He leaned forward and stared into her eyes. “You can’t.”

She huffed, then got to her feet and stormed to the makeshift sink and placed the plate in it. She hadn’t eaten much of the food, she wasn’t hungry. She then turned and stormed out of the kitchen.

Leaving his plate on the table, Zephyrus took off after his naked mate.

“Bridget.” He said as he followed her.

“I don’t want to talk to you.” She said as she entered the entrance of the cave.

“Stop.” He said as he took hold of her shoulder and spun her to face him.

She punched him in the stomach, and he went down. At least she hadn’t hit him in the nuts.

“Fuck you.” She said, then turned and started to walk away.

He grabbed her ankle and pulled her off her feet. She landed on the floor of the cave and coughed as the wind was knocked out of her. He moved over top of her and laid on her back, to keep her in place.

“I didn’t want to fight you this morning.”

She groaned. “You said we would discuss it.”

He grumbled. His Dragon was anxious as he felt the emotions coming off their mate, and Zephyrus sighed.

‘Mate with her.’

That’s your answer to everything, you horny old Dragon.

‘Show her you care.’

Mating doesn’t always mean, I love you.

His Dragon snorted, then pushed forward and forced Zephyrus to spread her legs apart and enter her.

“Holy fucking hell.” Zephyrus said with a groan.

Bridget liked it too; if her moan had anything to say about it.

“I’m sorry.” He said as he paused inside her.

“Don’t apologize.” She whispered.

He sighed when he realized she’s known this was coming. She can read their thoughts after all.

He grunted as he started to move inside her. He held her hands to the floor, and pumped his ass, up and down as he slammed into her. She groaned as she lifted her ass into the air to give him better access to her hot, wet, pussy.

He moved harder and faster, pumping in and out, making her cry out his name, over and over. When she came, her pussy strangled his cock and he almost passed out from the pure pleasure of it.

“You drive me wild.” He said with a groan as his head tilted back and he let himself cum, deep inside her.

Both out of breath, he moved off to the side and pulled her with him. She laid her head on his chest and took a deep breath.

“Why can’t I have your hatchling?”

He sighed heavily.

“Dragons are different than other Shifters.” He said as he rubbed her back.

She sighed as she cuddled in closer to him. “How so?” She asked.

He looked down at her and smiled. “Well, as you can see, we don’t knot as humans.”

She smiled up at him. “Gives us more time for sex, don’t have to wait the thirty minutes, in between.”

He chuckled, then leaned up and kissed her forehead. “True.”

She smiled.

“A Dragon Shifter can only get another Dragon pregnant…”

“Wait, you mean I’d have to be a Dragon Shifter too?”

He nodded.

“And what if a Dragon Shifter fell in love with a human?”

He grinned. “Then he or she would simply turn the human into a Dragon Shifter.”

“What?!” She squealed as she jumped out of his arms and stared at him. “You can do that?”

He chuckled. “Yep.”

She rolled her eyes as she laid back down with him. “How?”

“Well, it calls for several powerful Witches, and their bond has to be strong enough for the human to survive it. If their love isn’t true, the human will die when he or she tries to shift into a Dragon.”

She blinked up at him. “Wow.”

He smiled down at her. “So, you see. You can never have my hatchling.”

She pouted. “But I thought the children of the Fated Mates are important to the future war.”

He sighed heavily. “I guess not ours. If you’d come to me human, I could have changed you. But you came to me as a Vampire.”

She sniffled. “You would think that they would have thought of that, before letting me get changed into a Vampire.”

He paused for a moment. “Bridget.”


“How old are you?”

“That’s a rude question to ask a woman.” She said as she glared at him.

He growled playfully and nipped at her nose.

She giggled as she hid her face.

“Humor me.” He whispered.

She sighed. “I recently turned three hundred and Seventy-nine.”

He groaned. “They let you come to earth too soon. They had to find a way to keep you alive; until it was time to bring us back together.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at him. “Why not bring me to you, so you could change me into a Dragon, like you?”

He shrugged. “Probably because it wasn’t time to activate the Fated Mates, and if I’d given you the gift of being a Dragon, it would have killed you, because we wouldn’t have been bonded yet.”

She held up her wrist and studied the scars.

He sighed and pulled her up his body. “Enough of this for now. Lets…”


They both turned to the entrance of the cave and stared at the other Fated Mates, standing there staring back at them.

“Hi.” Bridget said with a wicked smile.

“We have been looking everywhere for you. And here you are.” Dustin said with a shake of his head.

“What do you call the opposite of cockblocking?” Dylan asked with a laugh.

Bridget chuckled as she moved her body, so it covered her mate’s.

“You have a lot of explaining to do.” Daryl said with a growl.

Bridget whimpered as she buried herself closer to her mate.

Zephyrus growled at the tone in the Cougar’s voice and found that he could not respond. Hmm, he must be the Alpha. He wanted to laugh. Who would have thought, that a Cougar, would be the Alpha over a Dragon?

“Stop.” Sharissa said as she watched Bridget and the Dragon Shifter. She smiled at Bridget, then burst into laughter.

“Shar?” Dustin asked as he looked at his mate.

She pointed at the two newly mated Fated Mates and grinned. “She’s his Fated Mate!”

Everyone looked at Shar, then over at the two naked bodies on the floor of the cave.

“I knew it!” Maddy hollered as she jumped up and down.

Bridget smiled at her charge.

Daryl moved closer, and when he saw their wrists, he grinned. “About fucking time.” He said as he nodded to Bridget. “I was beginning to think you weren’t one of us.”

Bridget grinned. “Me too.”

“Okay, come on. Let’s leave these two to their privacy.” Shar said with a chuckle as she ushered the others towards the cave entrance so they could leave the couple in peace. They’ll be leaving in a day or two, and everyone will be up, their butts, for the next week, wanting to know everything they can find out, about Dragons.

Once everyone was gone, Zephyrus chuckled. “Great friends you have there.”

Bridget smiled. “Yeah. They’re the best.”

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