The Last Dragon Prince: A Dark Fairy Tale

Chapter 4

Jericho’s POV

Nichole steps out from behind the trees.

What in hell's name is the psycho doing in the woods? And even more… What did she hear?

“Oh, baby! I knew there was something special about you,” she cooed at me. “It’s why I decided that you would be my perfect boy toy. There is just something about you that screams ‘obey me’,” she cackled.

“Nichole, what are you doing here?” I growl. I don’t have time for this!

I don’t even care what it was she heard! She just needs to get the hell away from me and Heidi, and if she even tries to hurt Heidi again, no one will be able to find her body!

“Well, baby, I was following you to see why you thought you could dump me in front of the whole school?” she smirked at me, but there was evil intent in those crazy eyes. Then her eyes land on my sweet angel, and her smirk turns into a snarl.

“Why is she here? Did she follow you and beg you to be her big brave knight in shining armor?” her voice goes high in false high pitch.

Heidi suddenly hides herself in my back, shaking with fear. But she doesn’t have to fear this skank.

I chuckle darkly. “You know what Nichole? Just before I saw Heidi in the hallway this morning, I had every intention of breaking up with you, and yes in front of everyone at school,” I smirk down at her. “It just so happened to be perfect timing for her to show up, because she flipped my world upside down in a matter of seconds.”

She gave me a look of complete denial. “I don’t believe you!”

“Believe what you want. I don’t care! You are nothing, and you have never been anything,” I tell her with all honesty.

Nichole opens and closes her mouth like a fish. She has this look of absolute cluelessness on her face. I think this is the first time she’s actually made me laugh! I laugh so hard, I double over holding my belly.

“You- you're lying! I’m- I’m the most popular girl in school!” She demands.

“I hate to break it to you, but the only reason you have any friends is because your daddy is rich! No one actually likes you. In fact half the senior class can’t stand to be around you!” I chuckle with little pity for this epiphanie that she is refusing.

“It- it doesn't matter! You are still my boyfriend,” she growls as she crosses her arms across her chest, which she did to accentuate her breasts.

But she doesn’t realize that won’t work. It never has and it never will. Her body never turned me on in the least. She is completely fake, and now that I have Heidi I can’t even figure out why the hell I ever agreed to date her in the first place! Why did I put up with her when I could have ditched her so long ago and found Heidi so much sooner?

I just shake my head at her stupidity.

“I’m not. I don’t know how I made myself suffered so much when I could have had Heidi years ago,” I growl out frustrated with myself.

“I don’t care! You will do as I say! Or I will tell daddy!” smirked at me like she had the upper hand.

But she didn’t.

“Then go ahead and do it. I’ll never be your boyfriend ever again,” I insist. I’m not calling her bluff, I’m being honest. I would rather die than spend another day with her wrapped around my body.

“My daddy will call the hunters,” she snarls like I don’t understand what she is saying.

I do. I know what she is implying.

“Like I said. Go ahead and call daddy dearest and give him the biggest scoop of his life. I’d rather die than be around you for another minute. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with Heidi,” I tell her deadpanned.

“If you don’t be my boyfriend, then I’ll just have to kill Heidi,” she yells, pulling out a blade I had not even seen.

Where did she even keep that thing? I didn’t care if she tried to hurt me because that was basically impossible, but I couldn’t let her hurt Heidi!

“Okay!” I scream in complete frustration. I would do anything to protect my angel. Even tie myself to this swindler.

“I’m not worth it,” Heidi squeaked from behind me, surprising. I had momentarily forgotten she was there.

But what she had said was completely crap.

I turn around and hold her close to me. Just holding her settled my soul.

“Angel, you are worth a million of my deaths. I am still going to save you, I just have to figure out how to get rid of Nichole,” I whisper in her ear so Nichole wouldn’t be able to hear me speaking.

Heidi shook her head. “I’m dying anyway. I’ll be dead in the next month, it’s not worth you being stuck with the wicked witch,” she gave me a sad smile.

I couldn’t stand it anymore.

I bent over and took her lips. I can’t even describe what happened… But electricity shot through my whole being. It woke up my slowly dying heart with a reason to live. A reason to fight.

Cautiously, Heidi opened her lips for me, giving me complete access to her sweet mouth. I groaned as I take her mouth hungrily, pulling her tight against my body, causing my blood to rush south. She felt like magic. I am addicted in a second.

I will keep her with me forever.

And then I remember, she is dying. But I can fix that right now!

I bite my lip, causing my blood to drip, then I pull her top lip into my mouth and suck on it, while she does the same with my bottom lip, sucking my blood into her body.

I feel her body shudder against mine and I can’t believe how turned on I am. This heady sensation of just sharing my blood with my sweet angel. I will keep her safe, and then I will make her mine…


The word echoes over and over in my mind while I have my love gathered in my arms, kissing her breathless.

“NOOOO!” Shouts Nichole.

I don’t even make a sign that I acknowledge her existence. I just keep kissing my sweet Heidi, because I may actually need her lips on mine just to live.

I pull back and look down at a dazzled Heidi. Her face is flushed and her lips are swollen from my kisses, but her skin is starting to gain color. Her eyes are sparkling with life and lust. And those lips…

I smile down at my love.

“I love you,” I whisper half drunk on the feeling of her in my hands.

Her blush is absolutely adorable. “I think I love you too,” she giggles at me. Her voice tinkles like bells, light and beautiful.

Suddenly, Nichole tears Heidi out of my arms and throws her against a tree, knocking her out.

I roar in anger. How dare she hurt my angel!

“If you don’t come with me now, I swear on my life she will breathe her last,” she seethes at me.

And out of nowhere, Jason, the town's resident werewolf, shows up taking Heidi by the neck. He smirks up at me as he squeezes.

I look at him and flash my red eyes at him. For half a second, I can see the doubt and fear cross his face. He takes a deep breath, and takes an involuntary step back. He knows what I am now, and he knows I can tear him apart if hurts my sweet Heidi.

But in order to keep her safe for the time being, I will follow Nichole, until I can get rid of her.

“You hurt her, and I will be coming after you,” I promise.

He swallows hard and nods his head as he gathers her unconscious body in his arms, then he turns taking my whole world with him.

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