The Last Dragon Prince: A Dark Fairy Tale

Chapter 2

Heidi’s POV

Sitting in Jericho’s arms is like a dream. I’ve seen him in school for years, but we don’t exactly run in the same circles. He’s one of the most popular boys in school, and I’m… Well, I’m a servant in my own home.

No one has held me with so much care or acted so protective of me since I was really little.

I don’t understand what happened, but when I was 5, suddenly my parents decided they didn’t want me anymore.

I remember mom was going to have a baby, and I was going to be a big sister, and I was so excited! I was going to be a big helper for mom and take care of the baby…

And then I wasn’t. I never found out what happened, but for some reason, the baby just didn’t come.

I was devastated. I wouldn’t get a brother or a sister…

But after that, mom and dad didn’t treat me like their daughter anymore. They treated me like I was a burden.

Then one day about a year ago, I started bleeding out of my nose and they took me to see a doctor. He told us that I am infected with something like poison and that I am going to die.

Mom and dad didn’t look too bothered by the information. But I was devastated. I was given between a year and a year and a half to live.

Looking up at Jericho’s beautiful blue eyes. I wish I had met him sooner. Something in them is so kind and caring. Like he would like to take care of me if he could.

But he can’t. No one can. I am just going to die.

“I am ready to go to class now,” I whisper, wishing I could stay in his arms longer. But I need to get to class. If my mom or dad hears that I skipped class… It won’t be good for me.

“Are you sure, angel?” He asks.

I blush at the pet name. No one has ever called me anything like that before. And hearing the words come from his mouth makes them even more special.

“You are the nicest person I’ve ever met,” I whisper, a little embarrassed for him to hear the words spilling out of my lips.

He beams the happiest smile I’ve ever seen, down to me. I guess it made him happy… Maybe I shouldn’t be so embarrassed if he is happy about it.

I try to stand up on my own feet, but he shakes his head and carries me like I’m a little kid. I giggle at that.

The nice nurse hands us a pink little slip before we exit the office.

“I can walk,” I whisper to him, slightly embarrassed.

“Yeah, I know. But I like carrying you. Besides, you are as light as a feather, and I bet I’m faster than you,” he winks at me.

I giggle, but nod my head in acknowledgement. He probably would get me to class faster.

“Speaking of, which class do you have right now?”

“Mr. Michaels math class,” I tell him.

“No, problem. I’m in Ms. Simpsons’ science class, and it’s just across the hall,” he assures me.

That does make me feel a little better that he doesn’t have to go too far out of the way just to drop me off at my class.

All too soon he places me on my feet in front of my math class. But before he pulls away, he places a sweet kiss on my hair.

I think I blush down to my toes. No one has ever kissed me before.

“I need to talk to you later, Heidi. I can help you,” he whispers in my ear urgently, before he pulls away from me and enters his own class.

I stand there like a fence post, completely dumbfounded. What did he mean he can help me?

I shake my stupor off and make my way into my class. I must still have my lost look on my face, because half the students turn to look at me.

Mr. Michaels stops his lesson and looks over at me, too.

“Sorry, sir. I was in the nurse's office,” I say and hand him a little pink note.

He looks at the note and nods. “Okay, Heidi, go ahead and sit down.”

The rest of school seems to be a blur. I don’t know if that had to do with the hit from Nichole, or from the fact that I kept thinking about Jericho and his soft words and sweet kiss.

No one treats me as kind as him, other than the teachers. But even they don’t tell me they can help me… I’m still confused about what he wants to help me with.

When the bell rings to release us from school, I gather my books and stuff them in my pack as fast as I can.

I need to get home. I already know I’m going to hear about being slapped. I know because the nurse called mom and dad… I wish she hadn’t done that. I know it’s her job, but she doesn’t realize it would be better for me if she didn't tell them what happened.

Now that my mom and dad know Nichole slapped me, they will assume It was something I did to piss her off and it was my fault. That’s how it is.

My parent’s work for hers, so if she slaps me, they could care less. It’s always been this way. She is the perfect princess, and I am somehow causing trouble worthy of a beating.

I hate to think this, because they are my parents… But I wish they’d put me up for adoption when I was younger. If they didn’t want me, couldn’t they at least sent me to someone who did want me? Who could have taken care of me?

I’ve seen other kids and their parents who love them and encourage them… They want what is best for their child… That is not my parents, and it has not been them in years.

I look out at the dark sky, opening up a torrent of rain upon the earth, and sigh. I’m going to get wet!

Just as I’m about to open the doors, Jericho comes up behind me and slings his arm over my shoulder.

“You wanna ride home with me?” he asks with the biggest smile. He look so cute, with his deep blue sparkling eyes, and the adorable dimple on his right side. He is absolutely mesmerizing!

Before I could even think about what I am doing, I just nod up at him with a shy smile on my face, not even realizing what I’d agreed to.

“Great!” he shouts with enthusiasm. Then he pulls me out into the rain with him, hiding me under his coat. He opens up his passenger door, making sure I’m comfortable, before closing the door firmly and rounding his car and sliding into his seat and revving up his engine.

“So, how do we get to your house?” he asked with a cute little dopey smile on his face.

I chuckle at him and give him the directions, and he drives me home. It takes him about ten minutes. It normally takes me thirty to walk home and even longer in the rain. I can’t even express how grateful I am to him.

“Thank you so much, Jericho!” I say as I reach for the door handle.

“You can call me Rico,” he smiles at me.

I giggle at that. “But Nichole called you ‘Jerry’?” I ask him.

He makes a revolted face. “Yeah, and she also thinks she’s better than everybody else because her parents have money and she’s never had to work a day in her life,” he says in disgust.

I’m shocked.

“But- but you were dating…” I finish lamely.

He looks up at me with a sheepish smile.

“Just before I saw you trying to get away from Nichole, I was about to break up with her. I couldn’t stand her anymore,” he admitted.

“Really?” I’m sure my disbelief is written across my face like someone took a big red Sharpie and wrote it out.

“Yeah, really,” he chuckles.

Then in a move that almost had me melting into a puddle at his feet, he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“Have a good night, Heidi. I hope I can see you tomorrow,” he whispers in my ear. "I really do have something important to talk to you about."

I don’t remember how I managed to get into my front door, but the first thing I noticed is mom’s open hand slap across the cheek that Nichole had slapped earlier.

“I don’t know what you did, but I’m sure you deserved it! Nichole called us all in a tizzy saying how you stole her boyfriend! How dare you?” Mom yelled.

She pulled her hand back again, and everything goes black.

Hours later, I wake up crumpled on my bedroom floor. The sky is dark. I am not sure what time it is, and I really don't care.

I think about my days events. I remember Nichole hitting me for no reason. I remember Jericho’s kindness and his kisses. Then I remember mom’s slaps, also for no good reason.

And that’s it. I’m done. I could do so much better than mom and dad.

I pack a small bag with my few belongings and slip out the window, determined to make it to the forest and the next town over! Maybe I can figure out how to get in touch with Rico when I am over there.

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