The Last Dawn

Chapter 7. The Subway

Descending the concrete stairs, Logan and Sarah was greeted by an eerie silence. The once bustling hub of commuters was desolate, the air heavy with a foreboding stillness. The fluorescent lights flickered intermittently, casting ghostly shadows along the tiled walls.

“Keep your eyes open and stay close.” Logan demanded.

They stepped onto the deserted platform, the sight of empty benches and abandoned newspapers adding to the sense of abandonment. The digital timetable screens, usually flickering with arrival and departure times, were dark, reflecting the cessation of normal life.

As they cautiously moved along the platform, the distant echo of dripping water was the only sound that accompanied their footsteps. The group passed by a row of vending machines, their once vibrant displays now dim and lifeless.

Approaching a stationary subway train, its doors gaping open like a silent cry for the passengers it once carried, Logan decided it would provide a safer passage through the tunnels.

“We can probably move through the train and then out the back.” Logan suggested.

They entered the train, the musty smell of disuse filling their nostrils. They treaded carefully through the carriages, past rows of empty seats that spoke of routine journeys abruptly halted.

As they reached the end of the train, Logan carefully pried open the connecting door to the next carriage. Each step took them deeper into the bowels of the city, away from the chaos above but into an uncertain darkness below.

Their journey through the subway system began with a mix of apprehension and determination, a journey into the unknown in a city that had become alien and hostile.

As Logan, Sarah, and their continued their cautious journey through the dimly lit subway train, they reached a junction where several tunnels intersected. It was here they heard voices echoing faintly in the distance. Instinctively, they halted, uncertain of the potential danger.

“Wait here. I’ll check it out.” Logan said.

Moving stealthily, Logan advanced towards the source of the voices. Peering around a corner, he saw a small group of five people huddled together. They looked scared and disheveled, clearly survivors of the chaos that had engulfed the city.

Logan stepped into view, his hands raised to show he wasn’t a threat. “Excuse me? Hello?”

The group, startled at first, relaxed slightly upon seeing Logan’s non-threatening demeanor. One of them, a middle-aged man with a weary face, stepped forward.

“Names Cody, we’re trying to get out too. We thought the subway would be safer, but we’re not sure where to go.”

“We’re heading to the outskirts of the city. You’re welcome to join us. There’s safety in numbers.” Logan said. “I’m Logan, this is Sarah.”

“This is Ty, Shannon, Marry and her husband Tony. We’ll join you.” Cody replied.

“We’ve got some supplies, but we’ll need to ration them carefully.” Sarah offered.

With the groups combined, Logan quickly assessed their resources and briefed everyone on the need to remain quiet and avoid drawing attention to themselves.

“Alright, lets keep moving.” Logan demanded.

As the group started down the dark tunnel, Logan reflected back on the events the past few days. He was no longer an intern, somewhere in the mix of the chaos he felt he has become a man. BioCorp was no longer his concern. Sarah, who he had always made the conscious attempt to avoid due to her beautiful and sweet nature. He had got caught up in work that he didn’t see the potential feelings he has had for her.

The group proceeded through the subway tunnels, their footsteps echoing softly against the cold, concrete walls. The air was tense with apprehension, but there was a newfound sense of hope among them. In a world turned upside down, these strangers had come together, united by their common goal of survival.

Now leading a larger group of survivors through the subway’s labyrinthine tunnels, Logan felt the weight of responsibility resting heavily on his shoulders. The diverse group, while relieved to be together, looked to him for guidance and reassurance in the daunting environment.

Aware of the myriad eyes fixed on him, Logan addressed the group with a calm yet firm tone.

“Where is this maintenance facility.” Logan asked.

Ty, who knew the subway layout stepped forward, offering to assist Logan with navigating the complex network of tunnels.

“I use to work down here, not much further.” Ty replied stepping ahead of the group.

“Great, you’ll take point with me. We need to keep an eye out for any signs of the infected. If we encounter any threats, we retreat quietly. No unnecessary confrontations.”

Sarah, standing beside Logan, distributed the supplies they had gathered earlier among the group, ensuring everyone had water and some food.

As they moved on, Logan’s leadership instilled a sense of order and purpose within the group. His clear directives and calm demeanor in the face of uncertainty provided a much-needed anchor for the frightened survivors.

Navigating through the dimly lit tunnels, the group encountered abandoned stations and discarded belongings, silent testaments to the sudden upheaval that had seized the city. Logan kept the group focused, encouraging them with his steady presence.

The tunnels stretched out like a vast, unending maze. Every so often, Logan and Ty would stop to consult a faded map they had, carefully plotting their course to avoid getting lost in the labyrinth.

As they progressed, the group’s anxiety was palpable, but Logan’s steady leadership provided a sense of security. Sarah stayed near the middle of the group, offering words of encouragement and helping to keep everyone together.

“We are going to get through this.” Sarah said to Marry.

“Oh I know, Tony will take care of me.” She smiled.

“How long have you two been married?”

“Thirty-five years.” She said look up at Tony.

“Longer than I’ve been alive.” Sarah briefly smiled.

The air in the tunnels was stale, and the only light came from the flashlights they carried, casting eerie shadows against the walls. The darkness seemed to press in on them from all sides, a constant reminder of the uncertainty that lay ahead.

They passed through deserted subway platforms, where the silence was broken only by the occasional drip of water from the ceiling. The scene was haunting abandoned trains sat idle on the tracks, their doors agape, as if frozen in time.

“Keep your eyes open for any supplies we can use. Anything could be useful.”

As they rummaged through an abandoned service room, they found a box of flares and a couple of sturdy flashlights, which were quickly distributed among the group.

“There, that’s it.” Ty said pointing to the door of one of the maintenance rooms. “The stairs to the high school basement should be up ahead. We should search these rooms along the way.”

As they began to search the area, Sarah, rummaging through a cabinet, found a set of walkie-talkies. “These could be useful,” she said, handing them out to the group.

Logan, exploring the corner of the facility, noticed something odd: a series of hastily scrawled notes on a chalkboard. The writing was erratic, filled with technical jargon and what appeared to be frantic calculations.

“Ty what is this?” Logan asked.

Ty studied the board. “These are route changes and... wait, this mentions a quarantine?”

The revelation struck them with chilling clarity. The subway system had been used to transport something dangerous, possibly related to the outbreak above.

“Logan look.” Sarah said handing him a package with BioCorp’s logo on it.

“Fucking BioCorp.” Logan whispered to himself.

The discovery cast a pall over the group, the implications of the chalkboard’s message looming large in their minds. The subway, their chosen path to safety, might also harbor unseen dangers.

As they prepared to leave one of the smaller maintenance rooms, Logan decided to take a photo of the chalkboard with his phone, thinking it might be useful later.

“Lets keep moving.” Logan demanded.

As they neared the main facilities stairwell, the faint sound of shuffling and groaning reached their ears. Logan signaled for the group to stop and listen. The sounds grew louder, more distinct it was the unmistakable noise of the infected.

They backtracked and took a side tunnel, trying to circumvent the infected. But as they rounded a corner, they came face to face with a group of the infected stumbling through the darkness toward them.

The group froze for a moment, then chaos erupted. The infected, upon seeing the survivors, let out guttural screams and charged.

“Fuck run!” Shannon yelled giving her position away.

Logan grabbed Sarah hand and ran for the stairwell. They reached the stairs and started up with the group behind.

Sarah, running alongside Logan, glanced back to see the infected gaining on them. “They’re catching up!” she cried out.

Logan, realizing they couldn’t outrun the infected, stopped and turned to face them. “Get to the door now!”

He swung his makeshift weapon, keeping the infected at bay as the rest of the group continued to run. Sarah hesitated, torn between following the group and staying with Logan.

“Logan, come on!”

Just as the infected were about to overwhelm him, Ty and Cody jumped in and pushed the infected back knocking them down, but not for long.

The group managed to make it through the door and to the basement of the high school. Sarah reached out and hugged Logan.

The group took a moment to catch their breath and regroup. Logan, looking at the weary and frightened faces of his companions, knew they couldn’t stop now.

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