The Last Dawn

Chapter 3. Confrontations

The first light of dawn was just beginning to illuminate the city when Logan’s eyes snapped open. He lay in bed for a moment, his mind already racing with thoughts of COVID-2193. Unable to shake off his curiosity, he decided to do some preliminary research before heading to work.

Sitting at his small desk with his laptop open, Logan began searching for any public information on COVID strains, paying particular attention to anything beyond the well-known COVID-19 pandemic. He sifted through scientific articles, news reports, and public health databases, but found nothing on COVID-2193.

Nothing. It’s like this COVID-2193 doesn’t exist outside BioCorp. What are they working on? He thought.

His search then shifted to BioCorp’s internal database. He logged in, careful not to breach any security protocols. He tried various keywords related to virology, epidemiology, and bio-chemical research, but the search yielded no results for COVID-2193. It was clear that this was highly confidential.

If it’s this sealed off, it has to be big. But why the secrecy? He thought.

After an hour of fruitless searching, Logan realized he was not going to find anything through official channels. He leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. The lack of information only added to his intrigue and concern.

I need a different approach. Can’t just hack into the system. Maybe I can pick up more in the lab, indirectly. He thought.

As he got ready for work, his determination to learn more about COVID-2193 grew. He knew he had to tread carefully, balancing his curiosity with the need to maintain trust and avoid raising suspicion.

Heading out the door, Logan felt a mix of apprehension and resolve. He was stepping into another day at BioCorp, but this time with a heightened sense of purpose and a growing awareness that he might be on the cusp of uncovering something significant.

Upon arriving at BioCorp, Logan settled into his morning routine, his mind still preoccupied with COVID-2193. As he was organizing his workstation, he overheard a snippet of conversation from a couple of his colleagues who were huddled near a lab bench, speaking in hushed tones.

“Did you hear about what happened in Lab 4?” Scientist 1 whispered.

“Yeah, I heard something went wrong but I’m not sure what happened.” Scientist 2 replied softly.

“All I know is that its about some virus they’re working on but its supposed to be classified information, but I did hear someone say its different.”

Logan pretended to be absorbed in his work, but his ears were keenly tuned to the conversation.

“How is it different?”

“I don’t know the details but its pretty bad.”

The conversation was abruptly cut short as another colleague approached them, and the topic swiftly changed to a more mundane work-related matter. Logan sat back, his mind racing.

An incident in Lab 4? Logan thought to himself.

He realized that if he wanted to learn more, he would have to be more strategic. Direct inquiries were too risky and would likely lead to more walls.

As he resumed his work, Logan felt a growing sense of unease mixed with curiosity. He knew he was treading into potentially dangerous territory, but the scientist in him couldn’t ignore the pull of an unsolved mystery, especially one that could have significant implications.

Throughout the morning, Logan found himself grappling with a deep internal conflict. The snippets of conversation he overheard about COVID-2193 echoed in his mind, intertwining with his own sense of ethics and duty.

As he calibrated a piece of lab equipment, his thoughts were elsewhere.

This could be something major. He thought. Shouldn’t we tell someone?

He paused his work, taking a moment to consider the implications of his involvement. He knew that delving deeper into COVID-2193 could lead him into murky ethical waters. On one hand, his curiosity as a scientist was piqued; on the other, he was bound by confidentiality and his role as an intern.

Despite these concerns, the potential risks of the project, if mismanaged or used unethically, weighed heavily on his conscience.

Torn between his obligation to BioCorp and a growing sense of moral duty, Logan felt increasingly uneasy. He knew the boundaries he had to work within, but the potential significance of COVID-2193 made those boundaries feel constricting.

Resuming his work, Logan resolved to find a way to gather more information. He would observe, listen, and carefully probe, all while maintaining his professional responsibilities. It was a delicate balance, but one he felt compelled to navigate.

With this resolve, Logan continued his work, his mind now alert to any clue that might shed more light on the enigmatic COVID-2193 project.

Mid-morning, Logan decided to seek the counsel of a trusted colleague, Dr. Elena Martinez. She was a senior researcher in a different department, known for her discretion and wisdom. Finding her in her office, surrounded by stacks of journals and research papers, Logan knocked gently on the open door.

“Logan, good to see you. Wait don’t tell me you’ve decided to join my team?” Dr. Martinez laughed.

Logan smiled, “Not today, I was actually looking for advice.”

Dr. Martinez gestured for him to sit. Her expression turned serious, sensing the gravity of his visit.

“I stumbled upon something... unusual. It’s about a project named COVID-2193. I heard it’s something big and potentially dangerous. But it’s way above my clearance level.”

“COVID-2193? I’ve heard whispers, but nothing concrete. Why are you concerned?”

“I can’t shake off this feeling that something’s not right. I overheard talk about an incident related to it. I want to know more but I’m not sure if I should, or even how to go about it.”

Dr. Martinez leaned back in her chair, pondering his dilemma.

“Honestly you’re in a tough spot Logan. As a scientist, your going to be curious but if this is something that’s confidential, its for a reason.”

“I know but what if something bad is going on? Do we have a moral compass to stand up against it?”

“Yes, we do. There are ways to do so without jeopardizing your career.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“Of course, and if you need anything else you know where to find me.” She smiled.

Logan left her office feeling a bit more grounded. Dr. Martinez’s advice had given him a framework on how to approach his concerns about COVID-2193. He would be cautious and observant, gathering information in a non-invasive way. It was a path that required patience and subtlety, but it was a start.

By late afternoon, the weight of what Logan had learned about COVID-2193, coupled with his growing concerns, led him to a significant decision. He resolved to confront Dr. Harken Grey, the CEO of BioCorp and lead epidemiologist. It was a risky move, but Logan felt it was necessary to understand the true nature of the project.

Walking through the corridors of BioCorp, Logan rehearsed what he would say. He reached Dr. Grey’s office and hesitated for a moment before knocking.

“Logan, how can I help you?” Dr. Grey asked sitting up.

“Dr. Grey, I need to talk to you about something important. It’s about the COVID-2193 project.”

Dr. Grey’s expression changed subtly, a mix of surprise and caution.

“That’s a highly confidential project, Logan. Why are you bringing this up?”

“I accidentally came across the project name, and I’ve overheard conversations. I’m concerned about what this project could entail, especially if it’s as dangerous as it sounds.”

Dr. Grey leaned back in his chair, measuring Logan with a steady gaze.

“Logan, you’re a talented intern, but this is way out of your scope. I advise you to focus on your assignments and not meddle in matters that don’t concern you.”

“With all due respect, Dr. Grey, if there’s something potentially harmful about this project, don’t we have an ethical responsibility to ensure its safety? Isn’t that what BioCorp stands for?”

Dr. Grey sighed, his face softening slightly.

“Your concern is noted, Logan, but I assure you, we have everything under control. This project is part of a bigger picture you don’t yet see. I understand your curiosity, but this is not your concern.”


“Logan, that’s enough. I won’t discuss this further. Please, focus on your work and leave these matters to those of us who are handling them.”

Logan left the office, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. Dr. Grey’s evasive answers had only deepened his suspicions. He knew one thing for sure: he couldn’t let this go. There was something more to COVID-2193, and he was going to find out what it was, one way or another.

After his unsettling conversation with Dr. Grey, Logan returned to his work, but his mind was elsewhere. As he passed by the virology department, he noticed Dr. Mirov, the lead virologist, who seemed deeply engrossed in her work. Logan paused, recalling that Dr. Mirov was heavily involved in the COVID-2193 project.

He observed her from a distance. Dr. Mirov appeared unusually tense and distracted. Her hands trembled slightly as she handled some lab equipment, she had a slight cough making her shake, and she kept glancing around nervously, as if afraid someone might be watching her.

His curiosity piqued, Logan moved a bit closer under the pretense of fetching some supplies from a nearby cabinet. He overheard Dr. Mirov mumbling to herself, something about “unforeseen complications” and “need more time.”

“This isn’t what we expected... need to adjust the parameters... but how much time do we have?” Dr. Mirov mumbling under her breath whipping the sweat from her clammy forehead.

Logan pretended not to notice, but her words further fueled his suspicions. He remembered the rumors about an incident in the lab. Could Dr. Mirov be referring to that?

As Logan returned to his workstation, he kept thinking about Dr. Mirov’s behavior. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly forming a picture, but it was a picture fraught with uncertainty and potential danger.

He resolved to keep a discreet eye on Dr. Mirov and the virology department. Logan knew he had to gather more information, but without drawing attention to himself. The situation was delicate, and he was acutely aware of the need to tread carefully.

Intrigued and concerned by Dr. Mirov’s behavior, Logan decided to approach her under the guise of seeking advice on a routine matter. He walked up to her workstation, where she was intently studying a petri dish.

“Dr. Mirov? I have a question about the cell cultures I’m working on. Do you have a moment?”

Dr. Mirov looked up, startled. She quickly composed herself, though her eyes still betrayed a hint of anxiety.

“Oh, Logan, yes. What is it?”

“I’m seeing some irregular cell growth in my samples. I thought you might have some insights. But... are you okay, Dr. Mirov? You seem a bit... preoccupied.”

Dr. Mirov forced a smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“It’s just one of those days, Logan. Now, tell me about your cell cultures.”

Logan briefly explained the situation, but his attention was more on observing Dr. Mirov’s reactions.

“It sounds like a contamination issue. Have you checked your reagents?”

As she spoke, Logan noticed her hands were trembling slightly.

“I’ll double-check them. Dr. Mirov, if you don’t mind me asking... is everything alright with your project? I heard it’s under a lot of pressure.”

Dr. Mirov’s expression changed subtly, a flicker of concern crossing her face before she regained her composure.

“That’s not something you need to worry about, Logan. Focus on your work. And if you have further issues with your cultures, let me know.” Dr. Mirov said snapping at Logan.

“Of course, Dr. Mirov. Thank you for your help.”

As Logan walked away, he was more convinced that something significant and troubling was happening with the COVID-2193 project. Dr. Mirov’s behavior, her visible stress, and her evasive responses added more layers to the mystery. He knew he had to continue his discreet investigation, being mindful of the sensitive nature of his inquiries.

Determined to understand Dr. Mirov’s involvement with COVID-2193, Logan decided to discreetly research her recent activities. He waited until the lab was less crowded, then made his way to a shared computer terminal used for logging lab activities and accessing research data.

Logan logged in, his fingers moving quickly over the keyboard. He knew he had to be careful; accessing restricted information could get him into serious trouble. He started by checking the lab schedules and equipment usage logs, looking for any anomalies or patterns that could be linked to Dr. Mirov.

“Let’s see... Dr. Mirov’s been using the Level 4 Biohazard area more frequently. And late at night, too. That’s unusual.” Logan muttered to himself.

He dug deeper, skimming through the recent access logs to the high-security virology lab. There were multiple entries of Dr. Mirov accessing the lab outside of regular hours, often late into the night.

“What are you working on that needs such secrecy, Dr. Mirov?”

Next, Logan checked the inventory logs for specialized equipment and sensitive materials. He found several requisitions for advanced viral sequencing tools and a range of bio-chemical agents made by Dr. Mirov, some of which were flagged for high-risk research.

This is more than routine research. She’s onto something big. But what? He thought.

After gathering as much information as he could without raising alarms, Logan logged off the terminal. He had enough pieces to confirm that Dr. Mirov was deeply involved in something significant, likely related to the COVID-2193 project.

“There’s definitely more to COVID-2193 than meets the eye. And Dr. Mirov is key to it.”

As he walked back to his workstation, Logan knew he was piecing together a potentially dangerous puzzle. He felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He was on the brink of uncovering something potentially groundbreaking, but he also knew he was walking a fine line that could put his career, and possibly more, at risk.

As the day at BioCorp drew to a close, Logan’s mind was still swirling with thoughts about COVID-2193 and Dr. Mirov’s secretive activities. He left the building and headed home, lost in thought. In the elevator up to his apartment, he was so preoccupied that he didn’t immediately notice Sarah, his neighbor, standing next to him.

“Rough day?” Sarah laughed

Startled, Logan turned to her, offering a small smile.

“Oh, hey, Sarah. Yeah, you could say that. Just a lot on my mind. What about you? How was your day?”

“Same old. Work’s been hectic. But you look more stressed than usual. Anything you want to talk about?”

Logan hesitated, weighing whether to share his concerns. Sarah had always been friendly, and they’d occasionally chatted in passing, but he wasn’t sure how much he could reveal.

“It’s just work stuff. Some project complexities. You know how it is.”

The elevator dinged, and they stepped out onto their floor.

“Well, if you ever need to vent or want some company, just knock. My door’s always open.”

“Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate that.”

They walked to their respective apartments, and Logan paused at his door, turning back to Sarah.

“Actually, Sarah, do you ever feel like something’s not quite right at your work? Like there’s something going on beneath the surface?”

Sarah nodding thoughtfully, “Yeah, sometimes. I just trust my instincts. Why is something wrong?”

“I’m not sure yet. Just a hunch I can’t shake off. Anyway, thanks for listening.”

“Anytime, Logan. Remember, my door’s just across the hall.” Sarah smiled, hoping he would consider coming over.

Logan entered his apartment, feeling a little lighter for having shared, even if vaguely, his concerns with someone. Sarah’s words echoed in his mind, reinforcing his resolve to trust his instincts about COVID-2193. He knew the coming days would be crucial in uncovering the truth.

Logan sat in his apartment, the room dimly lit by a single lamp. Outside, the city’s night sounds filtered through the window, but inside, a heavy silence hung in the air, reflecting Logan’s troubled thoughts. He replayed the day’s events in his mind — his discovery about COVID-2193, the unsettling conversation with Dr. Grey, Dr. Mirov’s anxious behavior, and his brief exchange with Sarah.

He stood up and paced the room, feeling a growing sense of unease. The puzzle pieces he had gathered about COVID-2193 were scattered and unclear, but they pointed to something potentially alarming.

Logan, thinking aloud. “What are you hiding, COVID-2193? What’s happening in the shadows of BioCorp?”

He walked over to his desk and opened his laptop, contemplating whether to do more research. But he knew he had reached a dead end there and any further digging in BioCorp’s databases was too risky.

Restless, Logan moved to the window, gazing out at the city skyline. The twinkling lights seemed distant, and he felt a profound isolation, as if he were the only one aware of the storm brewing on the horizon.

The weight of the situation pressed down on him. He was just an intern, yet he felt a responsibility to uncover the truth. But with each step he took, the path seemed more treacherous.

He felt he needed to get to the bottom of this, but he had to be strategic. He can’t just waltz in and demand answer.

Finally, he turned away from the window and headed to bed. As he lay in the darkness, trying to find sleep, his mind was a whirl of thoughts and worries. The uneasy feeling lingered, a silent companion in the night, as he drifted into a restless sleep, haunted by the shadows of uncertainty and the unknown risks of COVID-2193.

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