The Last Dawn

Chapter 10. The Clinic

Under the heavy cloud of unease that hung over the desolate city streets, Logan, Ty, and Daniel cautiously approached the clinic. Its once welcoming facade was now a grim reminder of the outbreak’s havoc. The glass doors were shattered, and the reception area was a mess of overturned chairs and scattered papers.

“Make sure to keep an eye out.” Logan demanded.

They stepped over the debris, entering the main hallway. The clinic was eerily silent, save for the distant, muffled sounds of chaos from outside. They moved methodically, checking each room for supplies and any lurking dangers.

Ty headed straight for the storage cabinets typically used for medical supplies. Despite the disarray, he managed to find a few unopened boxes of antibiotics and antiseptic creams. His hands worked quickly, pocketing the valuable finds into his backpack.

Meanwhile, Daniel explored the examination rooms. In one, he discovered a locked medicine cabinet. Using a heavy object from the floor, he broke the lock and found a stash of painkillers and a few bottles of disinfectant.

Logan took charge of searching the administrative area, hoping to find keys to locked supply rooms or any information that might be useful. As he rummaged through the drawers, he found a set of keys with labels attached, promising access to more resources.

As they gathered the supplies, the sense of urgency never left them. The clinic, with its blind corners and multiple entry points, felt like a maze, heightening their anxiety. The possibility of encountering infected or hostile survivors was a constant threat.

Inside the clinic, Logan, Ty, and Daniel continued their urgent search for supplies. With the keys Logan had found, they gained access to a secured storage room. The room, thankfully, had been overlooked by those who ransacked the clinic earlier. Inside, they found a treasure trove of medical supplies: bandages, sterile dressings, a few surgical tools, and even a couple of unopened first-aid kits.

In another part of the clinic, Logan discovered a small cache of non-perishable food and bottled water in what appeared to be an employee break room. It’s not much but every bit helps. He thought.

“Guys I found some water. Come help me.” Logan called out.

With their backpacks now filled with the gathered supplies, the they prepared to leave the clinic. They had managed to scavenge a significant amount of useful items, but the success of their mission was overshadowed by the need to return safely to the rest of the group.

While Logan, Ty, and Daniel were inside the clinic gathering supplies, Sarah, Shannon and Cody remained outside, keeping watch. The street was desolate, the eerie silence occasionally broken by distant, unidentifiable sounds. They stayed alert, aware of the potential dangers that could emerge at any moment.

“How you holding up?” Cody asked holding a makeshift weapon.

“I need to wash my hair.” Sarah slightly smiled.

“I’d say the same, but… ain’t got hair.” Cody said making a small joke.

“You guys think San Diego is like this?” Shannon asked.

“I doubt it.” Sarah said reassuring her.

As they scanned the area, a sudden and unexpected commotion startled them. Loud crashes echoed through the streets, followed by the sound of bodies thudding heavily onto the pavement. Sarah and Cody exchanged a look of horror as they realized what was happening.

“What the hell…?” Sarah said startled.

Peering around the corner of the building, they witnessed a terrifying scene. Several infected individuals were leaping from the rooftops of nearby buildings, plummeting to the ground below. It was as if a frenzied madness had overtaken them, driving them to this fatal act.

“Go tell them we gotta go.” Cody aggressively whispered.

The gruesome spectacle was unlike anything they had seen before. The infected, usually mindless in their pursuit of the living, were now engaging in what seemed like self-destructive behavior.

Before Sarah even entered the building, the sound of more bodies crashing onto the street intensified. It was clear that the area was quickly becoming even more dangerous.

“What the fuck is going on?” Sarah asked.

“Sarah…go.” Cody exclaimed.

Sarah ran inside the clinic. “Logan?” She yelled.

Logan hearing Sarah peeked his head out in the hallway. “Yeah?” He replied.

“We gotta go now.” She yelled.

“Guys lets go.” Logan ushered.

Cody, scanning the area, saw that the disturbing actions of the infected were drawing attention. Not only were more of the infected beginning to converge on their location, but the noise was also likely to attract other, potentially hostile, survivors.

They made their way back to the main entrance, moving with a sense of urgency that matched the seriousness of the situation outside. As they neared the exit, the distant sounds of the infected grew louder, a harrowing chorus that spurred them on.

Emerging from the clinic, they were greeted by the sight of Cody anxiously scanning the surrounding area. The scene was chaotic, with more of the infected appearing in the streets, drawn by the noise of their own kind.

“We need to leave now.” Sarah exclaimed.

Without wasting a moment, the group set off at a brisk pace, moving away from the clinic and the unsettling scene unfolding around it. The streets, once eerily quiet, were now filled with the sounds of chaos – the crashing of bodies, the growls of the infected, and distant shouts of other survivors.

As they moved, the tension in the air was thick. Every member of the group was on high alert, their senses attuned to any sign of danger. The quick exit from the clinic had left them all on edge, aware of how quickly their situation could deteriorate.

Sarah and Cody led the way, keeping a brisk pace while constantly scanning the environment for immediate threats. The infected were not the only concern; the noise had attracted other survivors, some in a state of panic, others looking to take advantage of the mayhem.

The streets they navigated were a surreal scene of destruction and despair. Abandoned cars were strewn haphazardly, shop windows were smashed, and the occasional uninfected survivor darted past, their faces etched with fear.

Logan, keeping the group close, signaled for a sudden stop as they neared an intersection. A large group of infected had gathered, attracted by the commotion, making it impossible to pass without being noticed.

Logan whispering, “Back, take that alley. We’ll have to circle around.”

The group quickly changed course, slipping into a narrow alleyway. The alley provided temporary cover, but it was cramped and littered with debris, making their progress slower and more treacherous.

Avoiding the run in with the infected, Logan knew they needed to reach the bridge before dark.

“The bridge isn’t too far from here.” Daniel said.

The atmosphere was tense, each member of the group acutely aware of the dangers that lurked around every corner. Buildings that once stood as familiar landmarks now seemed ominous and threatening.

“Almost there.” Sarah whispered bumping into Logan.

“Almost.” He smiled.

“You’re still not off the hook. I want my date.” She smiled.

“Oh, I haven’t forgot.”

As they navigated the labyrinthine streets, the signs of the outbreak’s devastation were everywhere. Cars abandoned mid-escape clogged the roads, their doors left open as if their occupants had fled in a hurry. The occasional distant scream and the constant, low growl of the infected hung in the air like a sinister fog.

After navigating the treacherous streets and alleys, Logan’s group reached a vantage point that offered them their first glimpse of the bridge. It stood in the distance, a silhouette against the sky, its structure partially obscured by the hazy air of the city.

The group paused, catching their breath as they took in the sight. The bridge, a potential gateway to safety, seemed simultaneously imposing and promising. It was a physical representation of the hope they had clung to amid the chaos.

“There it is.” Logan said pointing.

“That’s a lot of people Logan. It looks like there’s some sort of checkpoint on the bridge. That must be the safe zone Daniel mentioned.”

The presence of the military was a reassuring sign, suggesting a level of organization and safety that had been missing in their lives since the outbreak began. However, it also raised questions about what conditions might be like in the safe zone.

Cody, observing the bridge, noted the challenges ahead. “We’re not the only ones heading there. The area could be crowded, and that might mean trouble. We need to be careful.”

Despite the potential risks, the group knew that the bridge was their best option for escape. The city had become too dangerous, and the promise of a secure area was too great to ignore.

“Let’s keep moving then. The sooner we get there, the better.” Ty suggested.

“What if others are infected in the crowd?” Shannon asked.

“I don’t know, I think we have to take the risk but be careful.” Logan suggested.

With renewed determination, the group started walking. The bridge, now in their sights, was a beacon of hope, but Logan still couldn’t get the feeling out that this wasn’t a good idea.

As Logan’s group drew closer to the bridge, the environment around them began to change. The empty desolation of the city streets gave way to a more chaotic scene. A mix of survivors, all with the same goal of reaching the bridge, had started to converge on the area, creating a tense and unpredictable atmosphere.

The closer they got, the more apparent the situation at the bridge became. It wasn’t just a simple crossing; it was a heavily guarded checkpoint. Military personnel were visible, organizing the flow of people, and performing checks that were unclear from a distance.

“Everybody stay close.” Logan suggested.

The sounds of the crowd a mixture of hopeful and anxious voices grew louder as they approached. The sight of the military presence brought both relief and a new sense of apprehension. What would their arrival at the bridge entail?

“Shouldn’t this attract more infected?” Sarah asked.

“I don’t know, I think so.” Logan replied, wondering the same.

Suddenly, the crowd’s movement halted, creating a bottleneck near the entrance to the bridge. The group could hear raised voices and the distinct sound of a scuffle breaking out ahead.

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked looking ahead at the commotion.

As they edged closer, trying to get a better view of the situation, an alarming development unfolded. The military personnel began to raise their weapons, shouting for everyone to step back. Panic ensued as the crowd started to scatter, some pushing back towards Logan and his group.

In the chaos, Logan’s group got separated. Logan, Sarah, and Ty found themselves pushed to one side of the crowd, while Cody, Daniel, and Shannon were swept in the opposite direction.

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