The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2839

Chapter 2839
Regina’s eyes bulged in disbelief as she reiterated that this meal was definitely on her, but Nolan only felt more disgusted.
“Are you playing some kind of good cop, bad cop with your dad? What’s this innocent act for, huh? How could he have the guts
to make that kind of proposal without your acquiescence?
I really didn’t want to show up today, but after hearing about the nasty stunt your folks pulled, I just had to come and get the story
straight from you. Or maybe you’ve been playing me from the start with some ulterior motives?”
Regina’s smile completely vanished, and she felt pinned to the spot as if she were in the stocks in the town square, humiliated
for all to see.
She couldn’t fathom what Nolan was getting at, but she understood it had something to do with her family-and her only real
family was her dad.
“Did my family do something that’s upset you? don’t know what they’ve done, but if that’s the case, can I just apologize now?
Can we talk about this without the accusations?”
Nolan leaned in, his voice laced with frustration, “Who do you think you are to talk to me like this?
Did you ever consider the damage your father’s words could do to my family?”
Regina had never seen this side of Nolan, and her apologies stumbled out in a fluster.
“I’m sorry, I honestly don’t know what’s going on. I’m really sorry...” she murmured.
Sitting across from Nolan, Regina was a mix of defensiveness and panic. She had no clue what had caused this sudden
nosedive in his demeanor; he wasn’t the type to lash out without reason.
This made Regina even more certain that her father must have done something unforgivable behind her back.
She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure, “I may not know what happened, but I still want to apologize on behalf
of my family. If you could, would you tell me what exactly went down? You know I’ve been in the hospital lately, and I’m not
always aware of what’s happening outside...”

Regina was trying her best to clear the air and hoping for Nolan’s understanding. Their last phone call had been so pleasant; she
wished Nolan would remember those good times and not be so hard on her.
But Nolan just scoffed, “You think you’re so clever, don’t you? Your little tag-team with your dad is almost flawless. But don’t
forget, there are details I shared only with you, things your father shouldn’t know. How would he be aware of them without your
consent? In the end, this is all a game you and your father have concocted. Regina, oh Regina, I really didn’t see this coming. I
thought we could be friends, but you’ve been playing me for a fool.”
“I never thought that way; can’t you at least give me a chance to figure out what happened before you throw these accusations at
me? How are you any different from my two ‘family members’ if you act like this?”
Regina was so livid. She hated being slandered. Nolan knew it was her sore spot, yet he jabbed right there, where it hurt the
“And how are you any different from those two women now? You’ve become what you once despised. But Regina, I’m not like
you. If you’re so set on this path, then fine, I’ll play along. I’m curious to see if marrying into my family gets you whatever it is
you’re after.”

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