The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2820

Chapter 2820
Orson finally seemed to relax, lifting the glass of water Regina had set out for him and took a sip. Regina, almost reflexively, took
a gulp of her own drink.
“The specifics, I’ve left back at the hotel, room 414. You’ll have to check it out yourself. I don’t have the luxury of time to waste
here with you.”
After finishing his water, Orson made to leave, but Regina, in a panic, grabbed his wrist. “You haven’t told me what the clue is.
Can it take down Domingo once and for all?”
He shook off her grasp and patted her on the arm, “Kid, don’t rush success. You’ve got to play the long game.”
As his figure quickly disappeared into the crowd, Regina furrowed her brows and let out a frustrated sigh.
For some reason, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about the informant. But since they had never met in
person, she couldn’t be sure if this was just the way he was.
At least he had left a clue at the hotel, so the trip wasn’t a total loss.
Regina picked up her room key card from the reception desk and felt a wave of dizziness as she ascended the stairs. She shook
her head, trying to clear it, and at that moment, her phone rang. On the screen flashed Nolan’s name, making her do a double-
take before sliding to answer.
“Regina? What are you on about, an informant? Since when do you have an informant?”
Her vision began to blur, and the world seemed to spin just as the elevator dinged, signaling her arrival on the correct floor.
“It’s my contact, alright. Once I find the evidence, Domingo’s going down, and we’ll both have our revenge. Nolan, don’t be mad,
okay? Stop giving me the cold shoulder. You have no idea how much it hurts me when you ignore me...”
Regina’s voice was erratic, and Nolan sensed something was amiss. No matter how emotional, she never spoke to him
like this.
“Are you drunk or something?”

“Drunk? As if! I hate booze. Stop accusing me, Nolan. Wait till I get that evidence. You won’t be able to ignore me then, heh
Nolan shot up from his seat, certain that something wasn’t right with Regina. She was at the Golden Hotel, and his mind raced
with all the possible bad scenarios that could unfold there.
“Do you even know where you are? Stay put. I’m on my way.”
“411, 412...” Regina counted the room numbers laboriously, leaning against the wall for support after every few steps. Her mind
was foggy, and her eyelids felt heavy.
“Man, I’m so tired, Nolan. I really wanna sleep.”
Her voice trailed off, and Nolan roared into the phone, “Don’t you dare sleep on me. If you do, I’ll never speak to you again!”
Jolted by Nolan’s outburst, Regina briefly snapped back to reality. “Hey, why are you yelling at me? You’re hurting my ears. I
don’t wanna sleep, I’m just... tired. The evidence is in that room, the evidence...”
Her tone suddenly spiked with excitement. “Huh? This door’s open, that’s not right. Ah-Who are you?!”
Regina’s scream pierced the air, and in the next second, the call went dead.
Nolan felt a cold sweat break out all over his body.

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