The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2812

Chapter 2812
“Look, I didn’t even take this photo, you’ve got the wrong idea about me,” he tried to explain, his voice tinged with frustration.
“It was just some passerby who snapped it and then sent it my way. That doesn’t mean I’m infringing Mr. Harris’s right to privacy,
does it?
And come on, Mr. Harris is a looker – why keep that under wraps? The whole online world is shouting for more snaps of the guy.
After raking in the big bucks here in the States, surely Mr. Harris can throw a bone to us regular Joes, right?”
If Emrys wasn’t smack in the middle of a serious case, he’d have scoffed at the audacity. The guy across from him was stubborn
as a mule, even with his back against the wall.
“So, what you’re saying is you refuse to take down the photo?” he pressed, barely containing his irritation.
Waller was dancing around the issue. “It’s not that I won’t take it down, it’s just that, right now, I can’t. Making a living isn’t a
cakewalk, you know? If I take down that photo, it’s like I worked for nothing. You get me?
You’re one of Nolan’s hotshot lawyers, aren’t you? You get paid the big bucks, and hey, I’m just trying to do my job here.”
Emrys was not moved by Waller’s sob story. If the guy wouldn’t play ball, they’d settle it in court.
Besides, they had given Waller fair warning – a courtesy before they’d play hard had more than enough tricks up their sleeves to
scrub that photo from the inter good.
Waller hung up with a smug grin, still basking in the glow of his ‘masterpiece.’ But second, his whole world went dark – his
homepage, his posts, all of it, gone without trace.

“What the heck did my internet crash? What’s going on? How could this happen?”
Feverishly, Waller refreshed his page over and over, but his homepage remained a barre wasteland,
And just his luck, everyone else’s pages were fine. Thinking it was some virus, he panicked and rebooted his computer.

But whether it was on the web or on his phone all he saw was that glaring blank space where his content used to be, his
username hanging there in lonely isolation.
Waller slumped onto the couch, all his hard work up in smoke. He wasn’t the only one noticing. Other netizens drawn by the
trending topic were also met with confusion.
[What’s the deal? I just saw Mr. Harris’s photo, and now it’s gone?]
[Tsk, tsk. You’ve gotta hand it to the big leagues for their efficiency. Why else would it vanish?
Mr. Harris clearly didn’t want his photos out there. This paparazzo stepped on a landmine. Mark my words, anyone who tries
posting his pic is gonna get the blackout treatment. If you want to keep your account intact, best not to poke the bear.]
Some didn’t buy into the warnings, with a few trying their luck by posting Nolan and Dahlia’s photos they had saved.

But it didn’t matter who it was as soon as they uploaded those images, their pages were flagged and wiped clean as if they’d
never existed.
[Didn’t I tell you not to mess around? You’re seriously underestimating Mr. Harris’s patience. You’re infringing on the guy’s
privacy and rights. Be thankful if all you get is a wiped account – this kind of thing can bring a lawsuit down on you so fast, and
trust me, Mr. Harris isn’t one of you penny-pinchers. He’s got the time and resources to drag you to court.].
Now it wasn’t just the anonymous internet users who were scared – even Waller was shaking in his boots, fumbling to redial
Emrys number.

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