The king's eyes

Chapter The ritual


It is very early, the sun has just risen.

I did not sleep well.

I would have liked to sleep next to Iris, as I have done since we bonded.

But I had to let her father examine her and treat her.

I get ready and go out. I can’t wait to see what Levander wants to do for his daughter, and how I can help her.

The weather is nice and the temperature is mild. It gives me confidence for the future.

Levander arrives, with Iris in his arms. It wrings my heart.

He looks at me with an intriguing little smile... I’m puzzled for a second, but I decide not to look up.

"Are you ready My Lord?" He asked.

"More than ever. It’s time to bring her back to us. How do you want to proceed?" I wondered.

"The forest. First, it needs her environment." He answered.

I propose my arms, I want to hold her, I want her next to me...

“Let me take her in my arms, Lord Levander, and lead you to the woods that are now familiar to her.”

Levander gives me his daughter. There is a whole symbolism in this gesture.

I look at my partner’s face... He managed to treat her so that you can barely make out the bruises and small lesions on her cheekbone, on the brow bone, and on the corner of her lips.

"Monsignor. Before we leave the castle, we need two more people, one of whom is incarcerated." He said.

"... I’m not sure I understand..." I told him, puzzled.

"Shezaar’s son, Your Majesty. We need him."

"Why? He is one of those who hurt Iris." I said, disapproving.

"It is certainly not him who is at the origin of all this. We need him, My Lord. And a fairy." He said, with no hesitation.

He seems to know what he's doing. But I need more explanations. "I need to know why I’m going to have to get a person suspected of being very dangerous for my family out of the cell."

He answered: "With all due respect to you, my king, Romeo is not a dangerous person. It seems quite clear to me that he never understood or approved of the motivations of those close to him, throughout his life.

He has always been very alone and in search of a possible escape to free himself from the grip of his destiny as the son of Shezaar.

He is undoubtedly a good person, and moreover, a very special being.

We need the four elements to help Iris regain her energy, and we need the four species manipulating them, then sorcery to probe her mind and find her consciousness, and finally bring her back.

You are the demon and the fire,

I am the elf and the earth,

Felice if she agrees; will be the fairy and the air,

and Romeo will be the wizard and the water.

He’s a hybrid. His mother is descended from a wizard, and a water nymph. He doesn’t know it, but I know it. We need him, his sorcery, and the magical other species he represents.”

I’m completely taken aback... it’s way too much to take in all at once.

He pursues “King Samael. You said yesterday that you were willing to do whatever it takes to wake Iris. as you expected later.

Then go with Iris to the place you find the ideal for her, and I will join you with Felice and Romeo.”

I do not like it. But I have no choice.

I call two of my most senior guards, my voice carries enough that I don’t need to go find them.

They arrive quickly and ask me to confirm twice that I authorize the release of the cell of the kid for this morning.

I then head into the woods with Iris in my arms and let Levander take care of the rest.

I chose a very wooded and sunny spot, next to a stream.

I lay my beautiful partner down and hold her hand while waiting for the other participants in the ritual.


I’m going with the guards to Romeo’s cell. He is lying on the ground, in a sorry state.

"Hello, Romeo." I greeted him.

"Hello?" He answered, puzzled.

"My name is Levander, I am Iris’s father."

"Oh, of course, what do I owe this honor, Lord Levander?" He asked me.

"We need your participation in the ritual which I hope will wake up my daughter." I answered.

"Me? Really?"

"Yes, you see, you are irreplaceable at this moment. Your role will be very important. Do you agree?" I asked.

"Of course, I don’t understand how I can help you, but I agree to do what you ask me." He said, voluntarily.

"Good. Before that, we will allow you to wash decently. And feed you."

I observe the guards, who do not object. We lend Romeo a bathroom and clothes, then fruit and bread.

In the meantime, I’m going to find Felice who was part of the convoy yesterday. We got to chat about the care she gave Iris throughout the trip.

She had planned to leave to join her community but she agreed to stay for my request.

A little later I am in the company of Felice, Romeo, and a high-ranking guard to escort him. We are heading towards the place Samael told me about earlier.

“Good. We are all gathered for the ritual which is to be operated in the following manner:

King Samael, you are perfectly in the right place, under the sunlight, holding the hand of Iris.

Felice, you will stand on the other side to hold the other hand, you should be able to catch the breeze blowing between the trees.

I will stand by her ankles, one hand on one of them, and the other buried under the ground.

Romeo, you have a key role. You’re going to soak your hands in the water of the stream running behind us, then you’ll place your hands on my daughter’s temples.

When the time is right, when we’re all ready, Romeo, all you have to do is close your eyes, and imagine yourself in that same forest, looking for Iris, for her consciousness.

So you will open the door for all of us, together we will find her, and we will bring her back.”

My three teammates comply. Romeo does not understand everything but does exactly what is asked of him.

Once we are all in position, I give the final recommendations.

“Romeo... when you project your consciousness, open your senses, be attentive, breathe in the different scents of nature, observe well what surrounds you.

The path will open up to you. When you find the way, open the door for us. ”


I am very surprised and honored to be able to participate in this ritual which seems rare and very impressive.

I fully intend to put everything I have into it and to show which side I have always been on.

I don’t know yet why I represent water, but I will probably find out.

I close my eyes.

I am in the forest,

the rays of the sun warm me,

the breeze rushes into my clothes,

my bare feet trample the soft and fertile soil of the earth...

I hear... water.

Flowing water.

I go towards the stream, which turns into a big river as I go.

The water whispers to me, like when I was in the cell with Iris. “Romeo... approach.. come, my boy.”

This voice, I don’t know it, but it rocks me...

I put my feet in the water, I want to immerse myself.

I let myself disappear into the water. The depth attracts me.

I breathe very well, the rays of the sun pierce the water, illuminate the bottom of the river, and reveal a silhouette that appears a few meters from me.

A tall blond woman smiles at me. Her golden dress dances, carried by the weak current of the water.

"Hello my big boy, my beautiful Romeo."

"Who are you?" I asked her

"You know who I am boy. My name is Deiva, and what am I, my sweet Romeo?" She challenged

"A water nymph... Are you my mother’s mother?" I asked her, moved.

"Yes, I am... My daughter couldn’t live with me in the water. Hybrids do not always have the same magical abilities as their parents.

The wizard who was my lover, unfortunately, didn’t want to take care of our daughter...

He left her to another female witch who took in abandoned children...

My daughter’s darkness comes from being abandoned without being able to receive an explanation.

She does not know her true nature, she is closed and insensitive to my calls...

I never managed to reach her.

But you, Romeo... You opened up to nature and the elements, to the world and its diversity.

Your soul is ready for the truth, and for the challenge to be met, that of representing the union between two species.

I am very happy to finally have the chance to talk to you, my son.

You have an important mission to accomplish.

Go further into the forest, observe, listen and breathe." She said, advising me.

I was thrown out of the water.

I’m a little shaken by emotion,

but I continue my journey in the forest which becomes dense and fragrant.

I breathe...

it smells.. the rose?

Orange? I remember she had chosen orange.

I keep walking straight ahead, following the scent of orange.

I listen.. the wind blowing... a whisper

.. I hear a song, it sounds like a lullaby, I concentrate to better distinguish the sound of the wind blowing than the lullaby...

It’s elvish. Iris... I think I found your lead...

Orange trees as far as the eye can see.

This is where I must call the others.

I don’t know what to call them, I focus on the air, the earth, and the sunlight, thinking about each of them, it’s here, it’s now.

We will find her here. Come join me.

In a flash, with a gust of wind and the orange trees blooming, my comrades have joined me, all three of them are by my side.

Let’s go find her, and bring her back with us.

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