The king's eyes

Chapter Back home


I finally see the castle.

We have been traveling all day, it was tiring but now we are back to safety.

It’s already dark after all, but it’s not very late yet.

I hear the sound of hunting horns announcing my return. I call my children to make our entrance together.

My daughter is always sulking at me, she’ll get over it.

Joan is always smiling and pleasant, he brings with him that relaxed atmosphere that everyone needs, while being serious when the circumstances require it.

He is easy to live with, sociable, and manages to be respected naturally, without being bossy, I love that. He is awesome.

The doors open. A lot of people are waiting for us, more than usual...

I observe the crowd and I smile at them all to thank them for this warm welcome.

I take my mother in my arms, she is relieved to see us all in one piece.

A face appears to me more distinctly than the others in the crowd… Pointed ears, long white hair. This aura of wisdom that he has, that we perceive from afar...

Levander, Iris’ father...

Thank God.

I give him a nod, to express my gratitude, and he returns it as if it was me who should be thanked.

He sent me an angel, she saved me from darkness and he is the one who thanks me.

Elves are like that.

I get off my horse to greet everyone but above all to meet him."Lord Levander, I am honored to meet you."

"Your majesty, Monsignor Dorkaron, what a joy to see you again so master of yourself and in perfect health.

I was able to hear your call and came as quickly as possible to salute your bravery and express my gratitude to you, mine, and that of my people who are delighted to find the lands of their ancestors." He said.

"About time, right? This Cold War had gone on long enough. But I owe this bravery to your daughter, Lord Levander.

She was exceptionally patient, I admit that I was not kind to her in the first days. And I regret it." I confessed.

"Don’t worry about that. The damage you suffered is immense, we were determined to face it, Iris too." He told me.

That reminds me... "Iris... She’s unconscious.

They locked her up... She was dehydrated and malnourished when I found her, they put her to sleep with many spells at once, and she couldn’t protect herself...

I don’t know how, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to wake her up."

"I felt that my daughter’s consciousness was buried too deep to be reached.

Her subconscious is also turned off.

But she is strong and I hope we can reach her conscience if we go about it... As it should be." He said to me, confident.

"How?" I asked, skeptical.

"I will explain it to you in due time.

In the meantime, I would like to be able to take care of my daughter and prepare her for a ritual that I would like to perform tomorrow at dawn.

I’m going to need you Monsignor, I’ll only ask for your presence." He answered.

Of course, I am in "Sure. I will be there.

We are going to install Iris in a room near mine, you will have the adjacent one to watch over her as you, please.

You are welcome here, I am even very happy that you are with us this evening. So pretend you’re at home, I want to be able to put you at ease."

"Thank you Monsignor, I do not have great needs, but the intention fills me. I’m going to my daughter, looking forward to seeing you again my king, welcome back home." He said, grateful.

I greet Levander, hoping that what he has in mind can wake up my sweet mate who has been sleeping for too long.


We came back...

I was welcomed by Nana and her warm arms. I should be over the moon after this victory, all the joyous celebrations, and all these constructive exchanges with the citizens of the kingdom...

The future bodes well. But I don’t feel like celebrating all that tonight.

I think back to that tortured face… Romeo.

I am very saddened by his fate and even revolted that he undergoes such treatment.

I am absolutely convinced of his innocence now. But there is nothing I can do to help him… I would like to speak during his trial, but apart from telling them that I feel he is telling the truth, I have nothing factual.

I need to see him again.

I know that it was installed in one of our cells, in the basement.

Prisoners should always be deprived of sunlight and, as far as possible, of other elements. They don’t necessarily feel it, but they suffer from it.

He’s been treated like an outcast for days... I can’t bear to witness this injustice anymore.

I refuse to condone this any longer.

I will go see him. But it is well guarded now...

I need help.

I knock on my oldest sidekick’s bedroom door.

"It’s me, can I come in?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He answered.

I try to coax him "You’re okay? My awesome little brother?"

"Okay, what do you want?" He asked... Obviously, he feels it coming.

I admit "Arf… Yes, I need you to help me with something, something really important. I have to see the inmate."

"You laugh?! It was out of the question to disobey Dad, he forbade us to approach him!" He said, almost yelling.

"But I’m sure he can help us with Iris, I have to gather information.

Nobody wants to talk to him but it’s a mistake, you have to know what exactly happened there and what they did to her, to know how to get her out of there.

He’s harmless Joan, he can’t hurt me. Please trust me...I will be brief and careful. You have to create a diversion with the guards, I’ll sneak into the corridor of the cells. He is chained and behind bars...

... I risk nothing." I told him.

"… I don’t like it at all…

If daddy finds out, he’s going to kill us." He said, puzzled.

"He won’t know. And I do this to help him." I insisted.

"You will owe me that, I tell you." He warned me.

"Sure, thanks a lot. You just have to ask what you need." I promised.

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