The king's eyes

Chapter A new life

I wake up in the royal bed...

I touch my ears, which are so normal, of course... Too bad, I would have kept my elve ears, but I have to make the difference between dream and reality.

I think we can get lost if we practice this experience too often and for too long.

What a comfortable bed... I would quickly get used to this kind of comfort, satin sheets, a soft and very thick pillow, a handsome man who looks at me...


“Samael, your eyes!!" I yelled, surprised.

"Hello you, what a pleasure to see for the first time in 8 years and discover a gorgeous blonde in my bed" He said, looking at me, and smiling.

I scream with joy and I hug him, I look at his black eyes without the white veil, and he just smiles at me and kisses me, this waking up is fabulous...

"How did you do it?!! Tell me!" I asked, excited.

"There was nothing spectacular.

I was so charged with energy that it was enough for me to concentrate on this immense dark task that invaded the castle in my dreams, but I felt this sensation in my head... As if I was cutting the tight bonds which hindered me for so many years... It took me a moment for this pain to stop, and for everything to return to its place." He explained.

"I'm so glad that you're free now... The task invaded the castle?" I asked, confused.

"The throne room... The place Shezaar wanted... He cursed this place, mine. Which is a blessing perhaps, but a burden at the same time. When he cast this spell before he died, he said that upon regaining my title, I would be chained to this throne like a prisoner in a dungeon... Alone with my pain, and darkness." He confessed.

"... My God... This twisted man... How did you manage to defeat him?" I wondered, curious.

"... Lilith. I never wanted her to be killed. I suspected that she had turned her back on me, that she was plotting with him.

So I gave her false information.

I wanted to trick her.

It gave her one last chance to stay on my side if she kept this information to herself, or if it exposed her betrayal to me and framed Shezaar.

I would have much preferred the first option, even though Shezaar would have been much harder to defeat.

When he realized that he had been trapped because of her, he became enraged and then he cast this spell to kill her. He then used his last strength and took advantage of my state of shock to curse me."

Damn... I say, upset "It’s awful... You must have witnessed her betrayal... And her death in the space of a few minutes... Then your own curse... How horrible...

How did you manage to trap such a manipulator?"

He answers: "The elixir... We don’t know the extent of the powers of magical beings. Especially Shezaar who only ever approached humans or wizards, as he took them for useless and sneaky creatures.

I told Lilith that I had an elixir prepared by the fairy people which allowed me to be more powerful for a few hours and that I had already taken it several times, which had made me more resistant to Shezaar’s spells in previous assaults.

He himself had noticed that I was abnormally resistant for a mere human. No one knew at the time, not even me, that I thwarted his attacks with my demonic nature.

I had no idea where this resistance was coming from, but I had to take this chance, I had the opportunity to bluff.

He believed what I explained to Lilith when she told him about it... She took it from the safe box in our room, only she and I had the key.

He swallowed it to finally kill me."

"The elixir was poison..." I guessed.

"Yes... It was really prepared by fairies.

I discreetly watched over the safety of the magical beings who had remained hidden on my lands, at least those I knew existed. There was a community of fairies in the forest which is a little further north. I asked them for this service, and they were happy to help me.

The poison killed anyone in an hour. The body takes root and becomes a tree, in a few minutes at the end of the process.

When Shezaar found himself facing Lilith and me in the throne room, he was elated to reveal to me the treachery of my queen... who dared not look at me.

I am ashamed today of the euphoria that animated me at that moment when I announced to him that he had condemned himself. Because right after, he went mad and killed her on the spot... I didn’t have time to act to stop him.

And I was so horrified and weakened by the despair of having lost my wife, the mother of my children... That he had the opportunity to reach me and succeeded in his bad spell.

After that, I threw myself on him, in rage... I couldn’t wait for the process to end, I plunged my sword into his heart, and a few seconds later, the black veil invaded my sight...

I had realized his spell since I had recovered my title by killing him. I had defeated the challenger... But I had lost everything...

I have so much time to catch up. I want to bring back my mother and my children." He said, puzzled.

"Of course, their place is with you. Send soldiers to get them?" I asked.

"I wouldn’t want to reveal their identities and make them vulnerable on the journey.

I will write to them. We have falcons trained to go to my mother’s house.

It’s a new life starting Iris, thanks to everything you’ve done to help me. You saved me from a very dark and isolated fate, you can’t imagine how much I owe you." He said.

"You don’t owe me anything. I am so rewarded seeing you there with that happy face, that smile that was all too rare. I fulfilled my destiny by changing yours. My father always told me that I had a role to play in getting you out of this." I confessed.

"Who’s your father?" He asked me.

"Levander. He taught me about your part demon blood. The people of the elves knew that your father was a half-demon. His mother, your grandmother, must have succumbed to adultery... The demons are very seductive, the incubus ancestors must have passed on their genes... Besides, I can attest to that today, my dear one." I said, seducing him.

"Hmm... I don’t know if I’m flattered by the compliment, or offended by the reference to incubi... Well, I would have liked to be informed... I should have known..." He said, confused.

I explain "If this information leaked at the time, it would have put your family in danger. Shezaar had managed to wreak havoc on many people’s minds for a few years before coming after you directly. Magical beings were threatened, you and your family could have been overthrown, and the elves wanted to preserve you.

You had to keep the people on your side, including the most suspicious. Because even if the ideas of Shezaar were convincing for some, the humans want to keep you as king, you are their rightful sovereign, there is something sacred in this notion, for them as for all of us. In case of attack, you would always have had them in your camp.

And finally, when he launched this battle against the castle, the elves had already been banished for a long time, in other lands, the borders were very well guarded, and there was no way to reach you.

As you know, the opponents remained very numerous, even after the death of their leaders. It’s too dangerous to tread the lands of your kingdom as an elf, fairy, or nymph... And they don’t know about the underground beings that are impossible to find.

I was able to come to you because I’m also a witch. And it was the elves who sent me back to the kingdom, they wanted me to be summoned in my turn, you know, without others finding out without your knowledge. May you be saved and may you continue to reign with all your faculties."

I take time to think and say "...It needs to change. All the peoples of my kingdom must be able to return. I’m ready now, to protect them. Do you have a way to call your father? I want all magical beings from these lands to be able to return home. I need to end this hold of the naysayers, and I need all the help I can get."

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