The King’s Bride : A Steamy Second Chance Fantasy Romance (Scions of the Underworld Book 3)

The King’s Bride : Chapter 18

XARA MET OSRIC THAT WEEKEND. The week had been uneventful. Xara and Michael had been scouring ways to get Walric out, but she knew her best bet was Delton’s sanctioned visit. He still hadn’t told her when they were meeting. Michael accompanied her to the house on the outskirts of the village where Osric was hiding. They’d had trouble evading all the spies, but Xara had changed conveyances twice to hide her destination. When at last they arrived at the dilapidated cottage, which was abandoned, she let herself in. Michael didn’t accompany her in, choosing to guard the entrance instead.

Osric had grown thinner since their last meeting, and she was worried about Walric’s imprisonment. He was in danger of being re-captured. Sitting down on a rickety chair, she faced his shadowed face.

“Are you eating well? You’ve lost weight.”

“My weight is not what you should worry about right now. Walric is in prison.” Osric said.

“I know. We’ll get him out.”


“I’ll find a way. But before that, I want you gone. It’s too risky to stay in Skera.” She slipped a note into his hand. “You’re their next target. I want you to go to Cadia.”

“At a time like this? It will not be easy getting out of here.”

“I’ve found a way. I can’t lose you too, Osric,” she said. “One of our partners might be able to smuggle you out with his goods.”

“All right.” Osric sighed. “We don’t need to lose any more men at a time like this. That reminds me, have you spoken to Heires?”

“No. I didn’t know he was in Skera.” As far as she knew, Heires had no business interests in Skera. Why was he here?

“Heires wants to meet you to talk about shipments from Terra. I received a message last night. Destroyed immediately, of course. I don’t know how he found out where I am, but he’s worried about his goods. Your husband is tightening border controls.” His eyes narrowed hatefully.

Xara’s heart constricted on hearing Delton referred to in such unsavory tones. After he’d made love to her, held her hand, and confessed to liking her, she thought about him differently. He’d even volunteered to help her learn to swim to overcome her fear. Over the past few days, she’d become more comfortable in his company.

“We’ll use an alternative route. It’s nothing new.” Her voice remained calm, even though her heart was shaken. “Is that why Heires wants to meet?”

“He says he has information that you might be interested in. Something to help the revolution.” Osric shifted in his seat. “I’d be careful if I were you. Heires is useful, but he isn’t loyal.”

“I know that.” Osric’s frown remained etched on his face. There was something he wasn’t telling her. “What is it?”

“You shouldn’t have gone looking for Walric. Heires is the least of your worries. The Sapphire Serpents know Ifer is in Skera. I wanted to warn you yesterday, but I couldn’t do it without getting caught. You’ve been lucky, Xara, but luck runs out.” She didn’t like the way his dark eyes bored into her, incriminating. “Delton is ruthless. If I were you, I wouldn’t spend so much time with him.” At his hateful glare, all the fear in her heart bubbled up.

“He lives with me, Osric. I can’t help but be around him.” Her voice emerged defensive.

“Are you sure you want to resist him?”

“What does that mean?” Her senses were immediately on alert.

“Arya visited me this week.”

The alertness transformed into dread. She should’ve known her maid would carry tales. Osric had planted Arya. She reported to him. An iron band of discomfort tightened around Xara’s stomach.

“It is not wise to consort with a man like that,” he said. “For a moment, I thought Arya was lying… you’re spending time with him, holding hands, even fucking— “

“Osric, stop.” She held up her hands.

“I feel betrayed.” His tone was accusatory. “All these years, we’ve stood by your side while he cast you away, and now… what is the meaning of this? I thought you were better than this. How could you fall for him?”

“I haven’t fallen for him. Nothing has changed,” she said. “What happens behind palace doors stays there. None of this changes who I am… or what I must do.”

“If you think that, you’re deceiving yourself. You’ve always felt something for him. It isn’t like I didn’t know but…he doesn’t deserve you.”

A few days ago, Xara might have believed that. But she knew the truth now. She knew how much he’d been hurt and she knew he wanted to change. For her.

“He might think you a pretty piece, but what do you think will happen once he finds out you’re Ifer?” Osric went on. “Delton is the reason we’re fighting this war. If I were you, I’d end things now.”

“There is nothing to end. I have no feelings for him.”

“How long do you think it’ll stay that way? Delton isn’t like you. He must have an ulterior motive for pursuing a liaison. Didn’t you say he suspected you of aiding Walric?”

“He isn’t sleeping with me to get to Walric.” Xara felt obligated to defend his honor. The entire world knew Delton as a ruthless, manipulative bastard. She’d thought him the same until she’d glimpsed another side of him. “Our plan will proceed as usual.”

“Fine.” Osric bit out. “I’m going to go to Cadia. Good luck with your husband. Does he know you’re Ifer?”

“Osric.” He ignored the warning in her tone. She hated to be told what to do and he damn well knew it. So, she changed the topic. “Where does Heires want to meet?”

“Ifer’s farmhouse outside the city. In a week. He said to come alone to minimize the risk of discovery. He’ll do the same.”

“Understood.” With that, she stood. Guilt seized her. He was her closest confidante. She couldn’t lose him. “I care about you, Osric. Delton can’t come between us.”

“I know that, princess.”

“Then, please be safe.”

He didn’t reply, but she knew he wasn’t happy with the way things had turned out. As she made her way back, she kept turning his words over in her head.

You’ve always felt something for him.

Did she like him as he liked her? Could there be anything between them? With those uncomfortable thoughts swirling in her brain, she made the journey back.

THE SUN WAS SINKING on the horizon when Xara arrived at her farm on the outskirts of the city. Beads of diamond light gleamed on the lake’s surface. It was the first place that had popped into her head when she thought about swimming lessons. It was secluded and quiet, and she knew nobody would come there because it was Ifer’s property. There were no goods or supplies in the farmhouse, which is why she’d chosen this particular location.

Delton stood next to her, carrying a picnic basket, framed by the orange sun rays. He’d dismissed the servants, wanting them to spend some time alone before they returned to the residence. Xara’s fingers brushed his.

“I didn’t know such a place existed in Skera,” he said, glancing ahead at the small lake. It looked more like a spot for lovers than a swimming spot, coated in the remnants of sunlight. “How did you find it?“

“I passed by this farm on my way to the children’s shelter.” It was a lie she’d rehearsed earlier. “It looks like nobody uses this farm anymore.”

She wanted to come here because she could be sure nobody would drop by her land. However, after Osric had informed her about Heires’ visit, she had been on edge. Bringing Delton to the place where she met her business partners was a bad idea.

His hand clasped hers as his dark blue eyes stared into the depths of her soul. “I am honored you’d let me teach you swimming.” The deep, sincere tone of his voice struck something deep in her belly. Xara couldn’t tell if it was fear or fondness. Probably both. “But I’d like to know what made you change your mind. The last time we spoke about it, you didn’t want to learn.”

“I thought it was time to overcome my fear. After telling you about my suicide attempt, I think I’m ready to face the past. I don’t want to live with bad memories.”

His hand tugged on hers and he pulled her close, snaking an arm around her waist, while the other still held the basket.

His voice brushed her ear seductively. “Don’t worry, my dear. We’re going to make some very good memories. After today, you’ll never think about drowning when you see water.”

Her cheeks heated at the suggestiveness in his tone. Deep inside, she wanted to retreat; to look away. But she had become more comfortable with voicing her desires to him. Xara didn’t want to lose that. So, she matched his seductive tone with her own.

“I look forward to it.”

He let go of her hand and stepped back, surveying her costume. In the rush to get here, she’d not changed out of her heavy gown. There was no way she could swim in it. After sending Michael home, she should’ve taken some time to fix her dress.

“That dress won’t do,” Delton said. “You’ll have to take it off.” Her instinct was to deny it, but she knew he was right. “You’ll sink like a stone in that thing.”

“We’re in public. What if someone sees?”

“There’s nobody for miles and our carriage and guards are still waiting on the boundary of the farm. Besides, you have me to protect your virtue.”

She scoffed.

“Do you need help?” he asked, placing a finger on her first button.

“No, I can do it myself.” She took a step away, knowing that if she gave into the urge to touch him, they’d end up not getting any swimming done. A week with him had opened the floodgates of her desire. She craved him all the time and Xara was pretty sure Delton was just as affected by her presence, if not more.

She began undoing the buttons at the back of her gown, feeling it loosen. All the while, she snuck glances at Delton, who didn’t take his eyes off her.

“What is in that basket?” she asked, trying to distract herself.

“A little treat for after our lesson.” He set the basket down on the grass, under the shade of a tree. “I’ll feed it to you if you do well.”

Gosh, he had no idea how filthy that sounded. She’d like to be fed by him, she admitted, loosening the final button at her back. Then, she slipped out of the gown, leaving it to crumple in the grass. Xara was wearing her undergarments—a white cotton chemise and drawers. No doubt they’d turn transparent the minute she hit the water, but they’d do for now. Carefully, she folded her gown and set it next to the picnic basket.

“I’m ready.”

He extended his palm to her, and she took it, walking with him to the edge of the water. Every time she touched him, she felt a little shiver of anticipation.

“Do you know how I learned to swim?” he asked, overlooking the lake with her hand in his. “My teacher just threw me in and told me to save myself.” Her face went white at the sound of it. “I’m not going to do that to you. At least not yet.”

“I don’t think I’d be able to survive if you threw me in.”

He let go of her and took a step into the lake. Unlike her, he had come prepared for the lesson, dressed in lightweight clothing. She watched him further and further away until half his chest was submerged in water. Then, he extended his hand and called out, “Come in.”

Carefully, she dipped a toe into the water. It was cool but not cold. The minute Xara dipped another toe in, dread, familiar and overwhelming clouded her senses. She closed her eyes and at once was transported to the churning, deep currents of River Wolfburg. She sunk deeper and deeper, darkness consuming her soul. Xara was sure her body swayed but she was too deep in the nightmare to notice.

A warm, solid weight came to rest on her shoulders. Delton’s hands. “Xara, are you all right?”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she met Delton’s face. Remnants of sunlight gleamed over his straight nose, high cheekbones, and angular jaw, his cobalt eyes having turned a shade darker.

“Y-yes.” She tried to take in deep breaths. Walric said it helped calm you down. Delton watched patiently as she returned to herself, breathing in and out in a slow rhythm. When the fear receded, she took another step in, grinding her teeth. Delton’s steady hands remained on her, giving her the courage to take another step forward.

“What are you afraid of?” he asked, as she took another step, trying hard to focus. The water was around her knees now. Her husband walked with her, holding her close, giving her strength.

“Of drowning…like I did that time.”

Another step. Another breath. Another calming touch from him.

“You won’t drown.”

The water reached her thighs. She swallowed, shutting her eyes tightly, trying to fight the onslaught of memories.

“How do you know?” Her voice was tight.

“Because I’ll be there to catch you.” His arms wrapped around her tighter as she took another step and another and another until the water reached her stomach. When she was almost in the middle of the lake, she released the breath that she’d been holding and opened her eyes. The water was all the way up to her breasts. He still held her, just as he’d promised, but she didn’t know how long she’d last with dread clawing at her stomach.

“You did it.” That deep voice soothed her overwrought nerves.

“I’m standing in the middle of a lake,” she remarked. “I’ve yet to learn how to swim.”

It was now that she noticed how hard she was holding onto him. Clearing her throat, she tried to peel her fingers off his arm, but he held onto her. Delton pressed a kiss to her forehead. Delton was an uncharacteristically gentle lover. She wondered if he knew that.

“I’m proud of you, nevertheless.”

Xara blushed all the way to her toes. That tiny gesture seemed awfully intimate, more intimate than lovemaking. She let herself revel in the hard warmth of his chest. Left to her, she’d spend the whole lesson holding him like this. He rubbed soothing circles on her back, as if he read her thoughts, her apprehension.

“Are you ready for the next part?” he asked when she was calmer.

“Yes.” She let him go, clearing her throat. “How does one learn to swim?”

“We’re going to start with floating, not swimming. You need to get used to being in the water first.”

Before she could respond, something hard came around her ankles—his arms. She was lifted and dumped into the lake.

Water rushed into her mouth as he lay her flat on the surface of the lake. With that, his hands receded, leaving her to fend for herself. She thrashed about. The water went in through her nose and she came up coughing. His powerful grip held her up, keeping her from drowning.

“Sleep on the water. Don’t panic. Don’t move. Make yourself light as a feather.” His voice was growing more and more distant.

“Delton!” she yelped, her arms displacing water in panic. She was taking back everything she said about him being a gentle lover. His hands left her body. “I’m drowning—”

More water rushed into her eyes and her nose. She snorted in an attempt to get it out, but he still didn’t help. So much for catching her when she fell.

“No, you’re not. Stop thrashing about. The water will guide you to the surface.”

“This is not the time for theory,” Xara said, calming down her movements. The water was shallow but her sense of panic ran deep. It was so counter-intuitive. It went against every impulse in her body. She came up, getting words between gasps of air. “This is survival.”

“I know,” he said but he still didn’t help her. Xara was struggling to speak; to keep her head over the water. As she relaxed more, she noticed that her body felt lighter. She wasn’t sinking at such a rapid pace, after all. “Keep going. Relax. Close your eyes. Think you’re lying on your bed.”

She wanted to strangle him. How could he be so relaxed when she was fighting for her life?

“Listen to the voice of nature. Didn’t you tell me that everything in Escayton had a rhythm? Feel the rhythm of the water. Stop struggling against it.”

Xara wanted to scoff at his untimely preaching, but she forced herself to relax instead. As she did, she felt her body grow lighter, moving up toward the surface of the water. Old fears rose to the surface, but she breathed through them, keeping her eyes shut and her body still.

And just like that, she was floating. She opened her eyes and stared at Delton’s smirking face.

“Very good.” His praise filled her heart. Xara never thought she’d be the type of person who needed praise but his words made her feel like she’d accomplished something great.

Water glided over her skin as she peacefully lay on it. It was a surreal experience—floating on your greatest fear like it was nothing.

“We can move to the next part now.” Delton came to stand next to her and swept her off, guiding her to the shallower part of the lake.

For the next hour, she went through a bunch of exercises—holding her breath underwater, learning to kick her legs to keep her body afloat, and using her arms to push back the water. By the time they were done, she was exhausted.

She surfaced from the water, sopping wet and hungry. Delton came up on her side, leaving a trail of droplets on the grass. He wrung his clothes, and she did the same.

“It’s a good thing you brought something to eat,” she told her husband, eyeing the picnic basket. “I’m starving.”

Delton reached for the basket and pulled out a blanket, spreading it on the grass. She reached for her dress but his hand clamped over hers. “You’re still wet. Take some time to dry off.”

While they were practicing, it had grown dark. Only a bolt of orange sunlight scarred the night sky. Stars began to appear on the black fabric, covering them in a subdued glow.

When she turned to the picnic spot, Delton had set it up beautifully. Lit the candles highlighted the scrumptious spread he’d laid out—grapes, cheeses, wine, cold cuts of meats, and bread. It was classic but she’d never actually been on a picnic before. Xara sat on the blanket and looked at him.

“I never thought you a romantic. Looks like you’re full of hidden depths.”

He smiled. “I’m glad it meets your approval.”

Smiling, she said, “This is beyond my expectations.” The white cotton clung to her skin, transparent and wet. She watched his eyes trail her wet skin, taking her rosy nipples peaking from under her undergarments. When her gaze returned to his face, her skin felt warm despite the wetness. Clearing her throat, she reminded him, “Someone said they’d feed me if I got through swimming lessons.”

“Of course. I always keep my promises.” His legs were stretched out, an arm patting his lap. “Lie down.”

“You want me to—” Before she could finish the sentence, he was reaching for a piece of cheese. She untangled her hair, letting it fall over her shoulder in wet curls, and lay her head on his thighs. He looked down at her, those bright azure eyes filled with a mixture of hunger and longing.

“What is it?” she asked, noticing his flickering eyes.

“It’s just that…” he shook his head. “This reminds me of a time long ago.”

The hunger was gone, instantly replaced with pain.

“Karina,” she surmised, getting up. “You did this with her.”

“Not quite like this,” he sighed shakily. “For one, we weren’t wet. And she wasn’t as tempting as you.”

Xara blinked. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not the only one making new memories tonight.”

“You’re right.” A tiny smile curved up the right side of his lip. She lay down on his lap, urging him to go on, to forget what happened in the past; to replace the memories of Karina with hers. She opened her mouth, tapping his arm. Slowly, Delton lowered the piece of cheese, inserting it between her lips. She closed her mouth over his fingers. A shudder ran down his arm, eyes shutting in agony. He dropped the cheese inside her mouth as her lips left his fingers. His fist curled at his side as she chewed on the piece of cheese.

“Hmmm…salty.” Her fingers reached for a piece of bread. He got it for her, feeding it to her. Just a week ago, she’d have abhorred a scene like this— being fed and taken care of by a man. But she’d changed. She liked laying on his lap, hair spread out over the blanket as he fed her delicious treats. Xara hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time. “I’ve never been on a picnic before.”

“Really?” Delton was surprised.

“As a princess, I wasn’t allowed to spend many hours outside the palace. My days were filled with lessons and duties. From a young age, my father trained me to be a good wife. He…he never thought I’d take over the kingdom, though I was his only heir.” Her eyes grew shuttered.

His thumb gently rubbed the juncture of her neck and shoulders. “For whatever it’s worth, I think you’d have made a better king than him. Maybe that’s why he didn’t want you to succeed him.”

“Perhaps you’re right.” She opened her mouth in anticipation of a piece of cured ham. He fed her one thing after the other until she lay sated on his lap with a contented sigh. He caressed her damp hair as she closed her eyes. The night was young, and they should be getting back but she didn’t want to leave yet. When she opened her eyes, his dark eyes were on her. The wind brushed her sodden clothes, making her nipples go hard.

He held a grape close to her lips. She clumsily bit before it was fully inside her mouth. A trail of grape juice ran down her cheek. His eyes followed the trail and she felt her skin grow warmer.

“Aren’t you eating?” she asked. His thumb stopped the flow of the grape juice as she swallowed. She sat up, leaning on one hand, eyeing him quizzically. His lips were close to hers. A dark pink tongue darted out, licking the juice on her skin. She felt the cool, wet contact in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes went hazy. He licked the juice on her chin, his tongue painting soft circles around her lips. Their mouths met in a sweet, lingering kiss. She tasted the grape juice on him and his signature flavor. It was intoxicating. Moving her bottom, she shifted to sit on his lap, deepening the kiss. They spent moments like that, leisurely tasting each other. It was so easy to forget the world when she was with him, so easy to let her worries recede. So easy to forget who she really was.

She was the one to break the kiss a few minutes later.

“I don’t want food. I’m craving something else,” he said, arms still around her waist.

“Oh?” Her tone was teasing.

“Sit on my face. I want to eat you.”

Her skin went hot at his words. The cautious part of her wanted to balk at the danger of having sex under the open sky where anyone could see them. But the new, adventurous part of her was turned on by the idea. Delton began undoing his shirt, peeling off the wet garment, and laying it on the grass to dry. He blew out the candles and cleared space on the blanket. Then, he lay down, his arms open. Her mouth went dry at the sight of his half-naked form sprawled on the ground. Swallowing, she reached for the tape of her drawers and loosened it. The garment, which had become heavier thanks to the water, fell with a splotch. She climbed atop him, her thighs and buttocks exposed. Her bare pussy hung over his mouth as his eyes flickered to her face.

“Take this off too.” He tugged at the hem of her top. She pulled it over her head. With the final piece of clothing gone, she was completely naked, bared to his hungry eyes. His fingers encased her hips, guiding her up his chest to his mouth. She sank down on his mouth, feeling the prickle of his stubble on her inner thighs. His lips kissed her wet pussy, making her moan. A hand reached for her wet, exposed breasts and lightly pinched a nipple. Xara closed her eyes, floating on the hot sensation of his lips on the most intimate part of her.

Delton dragged his tongue over her wet folds, in a smooth glide. All her nerve endings sparked to life. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and she tried to fight the weakening of her knees. Her eyes flickered to his, as they looked up from between her legs.

“What are you thinking?” His breath fanned her intimate curls.

“I cannot think,” she said, as his tongue traced lazy circles around her clit. Her tight fingers dug into his shoulders as her back arched.

He teased her clit with light, insistent flicks. Each flick made her wetter, hotter for him. Sizzling bolts of fire traveled up her nerves when he sucked her little pearl, tugging on it with his teeth and tongue. Xara forgot to breathe. He suckled harder, eating her like she was his dinner. All the while, his palms kneaded her breasts, torturing her with sensations all over. Her body grew tighter and tighter, building to a release.

When his tongue teased her entrance, she nearly came off. His hands grabbed her waist, steadying her on his face. Her body was hot and cold, begging to be released from this exquisite torture. Yet, when his tongue dipped into her, the torture only intensified.

She felt it everywhere when he dipped in and out of her cunt, drawing more pleasure from her body. Her hold on him grew tighter as she neared her climax.

“I’m going to come,” she cried in a high-pitched voice.

Delton’s licks only grew faster. More demanding. More aggressive. Devastating.

Until she came with a cry. All the sensation in her body was focused on that one place—the place where his mouth greedily devoured her. Her muscles clenched around his tongue as a release tore through her body. His fingers dug into her hips as her hips rolled over his mouth.

When she was capable of movement again, she eased herself off his face. She fell on top of him, hair sticking to his wet chest. Her breasts crushed against him, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck.

“Mmmm… that felt good.”

Glancing down, she saw his lips shimmered with her release. With a sweep of his tongue, he licked it off his lips, maintaining eye contact all the while.

“I agree.”

Lying on him, she noticed that his erection pressed into her thigh. Sitting back up, she watched him eye her curiously.

“I assume we’re not finished yet,” she said.

Sliding back on his body, she began unbuttoning his trousers. His eyes went dark. She thought he was going to tell her to stop but when she pulled his pants off, leaving him as naked as her, he didn’t stop her. She gave his shoulders a shove, urging him to get up, to take her but he didn’t budge. Instead, his glistening lips curved into a smile.

“Aren’t you going to get up and take me?” she asked.

“No. I’m going to make you take me instead.” His grin grew larger, fingers trailing over her naked thighs.

“What are you talking about?”

“Sit on my cock, Xara, Ride me.” He licked his lips with an impish gleam.

She blinked. “Ride you?”

At once, an image of her sinking down on his cock formed in her mind. She had seen pictures of it in books but she’d never thought she’d thought about doing it.

“I-I…” her brain blanked out. “I’ve never done it before.”

“Do you want to try?”

Today was a day of learning new things. She never thought Delton would be one to let her ride him, but it felt nice to control their experience for once, even if it scared her.


“Raise your hips,” he said, holding her hips and gently nudging her down. Moisture leaked from the tip of his cock, eager to claim her. She nudged his hips up, rubbing her swollen clit on his cock, moaning loudly when the pleasure hit her.

“Just like that. Make yourself feel good.” Delton’s low voice rumbled deep in her stomach. With a hand on his chest, she slid the tip over her pussy, rolling her hips, preparing herself for taking him in. Pleasure shot through her as he moved his hips, joining her in her exploration. Rolling her pussy over his erection, she felt his dick grow thicker, coated in her juices. Her body was already buzzing.

“Good girl.” His hands rested on her thighs. “Now, lower yourself onto me.”

He raised his hips, making the process easier for her. Xara lowered herself slightly onto him, her wet pussy ready to take him in. The contact was like an electric spark igniting her body. She adjusted herself, notching her entrance on his cock, and began sinking slowly. Delton’s hands reached up her body, cupping her breasts, kneading them roughly, and teasing her nipples as her weight sunk onto him. She felt waves of pleasure hem her in, every cell in her body coming alive. Inch by inch, his cock stretched her, rubbing against her most sensitive spots. Despite the wetness and the chilly air, her body was hot as a furnace. His cock slid into her wet, tight heat, deeper and deeper. When she was completely filled and stretched, she exhaled, the beginnings of an orgasm already taking hold. His body was tight under hers, speechless.

“Nothing feels as good being inside you,” he said, his fingers tightening on her breast. “You’re so tight, so perfect.” She gripped his shoulders and reveled in the feeling of him filling her. Waves of sensation were rising inside her, demanding a climax. His fingers left her breasts, coming between her thighs to rub her swollen clit. His hips bucked.

“Ride me, my darling.”

She didn’t have to be told twice. Emboldened by his words, she began to move. He ran a finger up the pale curve of her breast, as she bounced up and down, rubbing against him, enjoying the delicious friction that his thrusts produced. She bounced up and down, taking him in and out of her body, riding his large cock. She felt like a queen. In control. Giving them both the delicious friction that they craved.

“Harder,” he said, pumping his hips into her now. Matching her thrusts with his. His finger receded and she angled herself so that her clit rubbed his cock with every thrust. The sensation was blinding. Their breathless moans filled with air. With every thrust, her body grew tighter. When he hit the sweet spot inside her, she broke apart.

“I’m coming—’ Her words were cut short by a scream as her pussy contracted around him.

There was no stopping the orgasm that crashed upon her. Even with the cool air brushing their wet bodies, she was burning. The stars, the wind, and the bird cries around her seemed to carry her pleasure until they merged with the rhythm of nature. They all beat as one, as a single cell quaking with pleasure, encompassing everything.

He felt the same for he came soon after with a shattering grunt. Her head rolled back, and she continued moving over him, the walls of her cunt spasming around his cock. It was a wonder—both of them climaxing at once—as if their bodies were one entity. His fingers dug into her ass, pounding harder and harder into her tight, fluttering pussy. She felt his pleasure as she felt hers.

He pulled out just before he shot his release. Through pleasure-drugged eyes, she watched viscous liquid dripping down her belly, coating her in the scent of him.

They both breathed roughly for a few seconds, her sitting on top of him, letting their bodies calm down. She let the waves of pleasure ebb and flow, gently receding as her orgasm faded. When her pussy began to relax, she got off, rolling to his side. Pulling her down on the blanket, he held her close. They lay side by side, watching the sky, hearing the crickets and the voiceless waves. She felt like she was part of the skies, the grass, and the earth. It was something she’d never felt before.

“Do you feel that?” Delton asked. “Now I understand what you mean when you said everything in Escayton had its voice. God, this…I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

“Me too…”

 Her skin was sensitive from the recent orgasm and every slide of their wet skins only made her more aware of it. Cuddling up next to him, she sank into his embrace as she watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. They remained close together in the silence, feeling a deep connection that no words could express.

He caressed her hair, and she nuzzled his throat. They remained like that for several moments, reveling in the silence. The peace, The solitude.

A long while later, she sat up, returning to her senses.

“We should get back,” she said.

She gathered her clothes and began to dress.

“Already?” he asked, but he got up too.

Xara knew she would never forget this night. With each thoughtful gesture, each grape that he fed, each shattering moan, Delton had worked his way under her skin. As she watched him collect the leftover food and pack up the basket, she knew that there was no going back to how things were before. When Delton turned his eyes to her, Xara was sure that her defenses had been razed. She longed for the new beginning that he had promised. How would it feel to sleep and wake up with him, to share more moments like this? How would it feel to have a lifetime of remaking memories? She should feel threatened. Instead, she felt seen.

Delton came next to her, dressed, and packed up to leave. She slid her hand to his face, cupping his chin. Standing on tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his dark, parted lips.

“Thank you for teaching me how to swim…and for this…” She gestured between them. “I think we’ve successfully made new memories.

He smiled. “I agree. In fact, we should come here every week until you learn to swim. Once isn’t enough.”

Her cheeks heated at the implication. It sounded like a fantasy—coming here together every week, swimming, and making love under the stars. She wanted to buy into the fantasy, to lay in his arms forever and have a predictable future.

But he didn’t know who she was. Time was bearing down on them and soon, she’d be forced to make a decision. Ifer or Xara. The thought of telling him the truth made her break out in cold sweat.

“What is the matter?” he asked.

“Nothing.” She said as she slid her hand into his and began walking toward the boundary of the farm.

As she looked into Delton’s blue eyes one last time, she promised her that she’d enjoy every moment of this. Of them together. Until there were no more moments left.

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