The King’s Bride : A Steamy Second Chance Fantasy Romance (Scions of the Underworld Book 3)

The King’s Bride : Chapter 16

XARA SAT in front of the mirror, the back of her gown undone. Her maid had left mid-way through, helping her undress to return her dinner tray to the kitchen. The smooth curve of her back was exposed all the way to the base of her spine. Weighed down by its layers of silk, she felt miserable, staring at her made-up reflection in the mirror. The rouge on her cheeks shone brightly against the pallor of her skin. She’d gained a bit of color since moving to Skera but it had all drained the moment she heard the news.

Walric has been captured. 

She had left the residence as soon as she heard the news and had stayed out all day, trying to salvage the situation. Walric’s capture was an unexpected blow. He was being guarded in a prison cell at the Silver Serpents, and she had no idea how to get him out. Xara was at her wits’ end. And she was all alone. Sometimes, she needed someone to make her feel better. To tell her it’d be all right, even if she didn’t hold on so tight.

Her reflection looked horrid, her face smudged with tears. She reached to wipe it dry, but nothing could stop the anxiety churning in her stomach. Her plans were in jeopardy. The future of Skera rested on her shoulders. It wasn’t a responsibility she took lightly. But she had only come up against more obstacles. She had to figure something out soon. Delton would make Walric reveal her identity by any means. However, when she thought about him, all she could remember was his broken voice as he confessed what her father had done to him.

The door clicked open, putting her on guard.

“I’m sorry Arya, could you come back later—” She turned to instruct her maid.

And froze.

Against the rosewood door stood Delton, wearing his royal black coat, those flame blue eyes focused on her disheveled state. The lights reflected all the silver he wore. With his messy raven hair, sharp jawline, and those deep blue eyes, he made her heart speed up. He was a heady mixture of danger and sensuality, and she felt more drawn to him with each passing day. Hurriedly, she turned back and wiped the tears with the back of her palm.

Too late. He’d already seen them.

“What are you doing here?” Her words emerged unsteadily, her gaze turned away from him. She heard the rustle of fabric and saw his shadow move toward her. Her breath hitched, her heart hammering in her ribcage.

Squaring her shoulders, aware of her exposed back, she turned around and fixed him with the fiercest look she could muster. It turned to water in the face of his proximity. He had closed the door and was moving in her direction. Only three feet of space separated them. His imposing figure was hard as stone. She couldn’t look at him and not be aware of her tragic attraction. He was the reason she was crying, but she still wanted him. She would’ve laughed if he could move. As it was, her heart flooded with longing to touch his strong fingers curved on the edge of her dresser, caging her between his body and the mirror.

As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she worried he’d bring up Walric’s capture. But he did no such thing. Instead, he said the last thing she’d expected to hear.

“I’m sorry.”

His voice was raspy, heavy with emotion. The words robbed her of the ability to speak. And motion.

Was she hearing things?


“I didn’t finish apologizing last night.”

He looked down at her, eyes smoldering with a passion she knew she was imagining. The spark in those cerulean eyes couldn’t be real. They vibrated with an intensity of raw desire she’d never experienced before. Her insides quivered, her skin longing to make contact with his; to kiss those firmly set lips and figure out if the chemistry she imagined was real.

“I thought you said you’d never apologize to me. What has brought on this sudden change of heart? Are you that desperate to sleep with me?” Her body felt hot and cold, even as her mind hung onto its final defenses. He couldn’t be apologizing. Not now when she was so weak, so fragile, one breath from breaking down.

He closed the distance between them in two strides. His fingers brushed her exposed back, igniting a spark in her lower belly.

“I won’t deny that I desire you, but that isn’t the reason I’m apologizing.” He exhaled a jagged breath.

“Is this about last night? You don’t have to worry. I won’t reveal your secret—”

“It’s about much more.” The vulnerability from last night was back in his face. There was also something else. Something she’d never thought she’d see in Delton—understanding. His hands closed on the back of her chair and she sensed the anger, the frustration, the struggle. “Walric told me everything.”

A fresh wave of panic rose. Her voice was a scared whisper. “What!?”

“I know that you tried to kill yourself by drowning in River Wolfburg. That’s why you’re afraid of water.” He fixed his midnight blue eyes on her. “I had no idea you’d been through so much. “

She stilled, pretty sure that her back was filled with goosebumps—goosebumps that his knuckles caressed. Every touch was like a flame licking her skin.

“I didn’t mean for you to find out about that night. It’s… it’s been a long time.”She didn’t dare look into his eyes. Not when her heart was in turmoil.

“Why did you do it? Was it because of what I said?”

“Yes.” She saw no point in denying it now.

His eyes closed in pain. “I’m sorry. That word seems too insignificant. I’m sorry for how I treated you, for every cruel thing that I did.”


“I was immature and… I wanted to settle a score with your father. I was miserable, and I wanted to make everyone around me miserable. How dare they be happy when I was so broken? How dare they go on like nothing happened?” He raked a hand through his raven hair. “I didn’t realize my rejection could scar you. After Karina’s betrayal, I couldn’t think straight. I wanted to destroy everything I laid eyes on. You got caught in the crossfire. I won’t make excuses for it.”

Locks of brown hair fell from her knot, their tips touching his palms that flattened on her back and roamed in exploration. She sucked in her breath, letting the exquisite torture go on. This close, she realized he was a head taller than her and had an advantage. She was so starved for human touch that his fingers made all her nerves ignite, unleashing all the suppressed longing she’d filled her heart with for several years.

“You wanted to hurt me because he loved me.” She knew that now. As well as his reasons for choosing revenge. Was that enough to forgive him? Was that enough to let him touch her?

Even though she hated him, she wondered if she’d have done anything differently if her only chance at love had been stolen. No, not stolen. Maliciously engineered by a vindictive, power-hungry king. Xara already knew the answer. She’d chosen revenge too. Which meant that someday she’d hurt him.

“Yes. I deliberately hurt you. Even though you’re the last person I ever want to hurt.” He closed his eyes, and she sensed his pain. Delton was trying to be honest, even though the honesty undid him.

She swallowed. “Do you mean that?”

“I know you don’t believe me, but I’ve never hated you, Xara. I hated Karina as much as I loved her and I resented your father. But never in my life have I hated you. From the moment I married you, I knew you were too good for me. There was a light in you I had long lost. A light that I’ve unwittingly extinguished.”

“Delton…” She believed him. His apology was honest. But instead of ending her resentment, it fueled her lust.

When he exhaled, his breath caressed the tiny hairs at her nape. “I won’t hope for your forgiveness. Walric says I have no right to and on this, we agree. If you want to go back to your life of independence, I won’t stop you. But I want to make this right.”

Xara couldn’t listen to any more of this. She was Ifer, and he was her enemy. The only thing that could exist between them was hatred. But something else had taken up residence along with the hatred.




She wanted to surrender to the obliterating heat of passion and forget the worries weighing on her head. Tomorrow, she’d blame this lapse in judgment on exhaustion. On weakness. On fragility. But tonight, she wanted to be honest. She’d lost everything, but at the bottom of it lay an attraction that had been simmering since the day she married him.

For tonight, just tonight, she’d give in. She’d let herself have a taste of passion. She’d use him like he’d used her. To forget the past. To forget the pain. To forget all the uncertainty that lay ahead.

“Tell me what I can do to make this right.”

He was so convincing. So sincere. His apology shook her heart, and with his fingers on her back, he pushed her to the inevitable conclusion.

“There is something I want from you.” Her voice was a breathless whisper. Their eyes met as his words faded away. Wrapping her fingers around his lapels, she pulled him down, their lips almost touching. “Make me forget everything tonight.”

Then she kissed him.

Their lips met in a violent clash, like a bolt of lightning splintering the sky. The minute they kissed, all the pain was forgotten. His lips captured hers hungrily. Her response to him was as intense. The awareness of him flooded her senses, leaving no room for doubt. Lust raged through her veins, obliterating all the history that lay between them, even if just for the moment. Her fingers raked through his dark hair shot with silver, fisting the thick, coarse strands. She pulled him back by his hair, inflicting pain while demanding pleasure. His arms wrapped around her as his tongue forced her mouth open. He tugged at her lower lip, trapping it between his. Their tongues met, devouring each other like there was no tomorrow.

She didn’t want to talk. Too many thoughts crowded her mind, and all she wanted was an escape. His scent — musk, ash, and something potently masculine—filled her nostrils, and she was sure of her desire. She felt so weak and breakable and wanted him to make it better. To give her the pleasure he’d promised.

Hands traveled up her bare back, parting the sleeves of her gown further, traveling under the fabric to her breasts. When his large, firm hand cupped a breast, she inhaled sharply. Lips still joined in a wet, passionate kiss, he palmed her breasts. A calloused thumb circled her nipple, making her knees go weak with its circular motions. The cool touch of his rings on her sensitive skin intensified the sensation. She ground her hips against him, the movement loosening her sleeve to allow him easier access.

As he began pushing her sleeves lower, she reached for the buttons of his coat, unbuttoning them in such a frenzy that most of them broke. Still, she didn’t care. They’d wanted this for so long. With her permission, she’d unleashed the centuries-long fire that had been burning inside her. More buttons littered the floor until his shirt fell away, revealing an expanse of chiseled, hot skin. Xara ran her hand up and down his chest, feeling his elevated heartbeat. Her involuntary smile made him break their kiss.

His sapphire eyes bored into her, a mix of trepidation and teasing. “What is so funny?”

“You have a heart.” She smiled, running her palm over his exposed chest. “I can feel it.”

When he smiled, her heart did a somersault in her chest. His smile was genuine, almost boyish, and it went to the base of her stomach. Who knew she’d be turned on by his smile, of all things?

Delton’s fingers brushed her bare shoulders, his fingers frozen on the seam of her gown that was rapidly sliding away.

When he spoke, his voice was gentle. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” His hands receded from her shoulders, their loss making her feel empty. “I can wait.”

Xara saw the erection tenting his trousers, echoing the want clawing inside her body. Waiting was the last thing on her mind. She wanted him to go all the way. The minute he’d stepped into the room, she knew this would happen. And she wanted it so badly. She wanted him to fill the yawning emptiness within her.

Her fingers gripped the neck of her loosed gown. When she lowered it, familiar anxiety crept up her spine. The last time she’d bared himself for him was on their wedding night. And that had ended badly. Old fears choked her but the desire she saw in his eyes gave her courage. Delton moistened his lips with that dark pink tongue, giving her the chance to make her move as if this were a game of chess. Before she could overthink, Xara pulled down her gown, letting it pool around her stomach. Instantly, her breasts were bared to his gaze.

Orange candlelight skimmed over the pale gloves, with hardening pink buds. As she lay eyes on Delton’s lips rounding in an ‘o’, she imagined how they’d feel closed around her peaks.

“Do you remember the promises you made at the portrait gallery?” Her voice was a husky, poised to seduce.“I want you to do those things to me. Give me the pleasure you promised.”

Delton’s fists closed around his rings indicating how tortured he was by the temptation of her. His eyes flickered over her naked breasts and waist and she knew the moment he lost the battle in his mind. She undid the rest of her gown, pushing her skirt down. It fell away, layers of starched, pressed silk gathering on the bedroom floor.

An audible gasp filled the air.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” She saw her naked form reflected in his eyes. Eyes that were filled with awe. She suddenly felt a little self-conscious. Unlike demons, she aged, which meant her body had acquired a little more weight over time, her skin not as tight as it used to be. “I thought you beautiful when I first saw you. But time has only made you more ravishing. Be sure you want this. Because I don’t think I’ll be able to stop once I have a taste of you.”

Even as he sought her affirmations, he began to remove his rings. Another flicker passed over her heart, coming to pool deep in her belly. The thoughtful gesture seemed highly uncharacteristic of her husband but today was a day of discoveries. Finally, he removed their wedding ring and placed it on the dresser.

“These fingers are going to be inside you.” His fingers ran lightly up and down her hips. They brushed the underside of her breast, circling his roughened thumb around her peak. Then, he pinched—hard—and a jolt of pleasure skewered her body. “And a lot of other places.” He used his other hand to remove the pins in her hair until it tumbled down, a wave of mahogany curls. “Ummm…” His satisfied moan made her toes curl. “I’ve always wanted to see your hair undone.”

Every last trace of doubt vanished, replaced by a surge of want.

“Show me how much you want me. Make me quake with desire. Take me all the way…to where there’s nothing except pleasure.”

Her words broke the tether on his self-control. There was no stopping this now.

Delton slammed her against the wall, one hand grabbing her ass as the other fisted her hair, pulling her chin up.

“Your wish is my command, my queen.”

He brought his lips down on hers, claiming her in a greedy kiss.

All trace of shyness gone, she drank him like a starving beast. Fingers gripped the back of her neck—hard—as she began to undo the buttons of his trousers. A savage groan erupted from Delton’s mouth when she freed his cock. His hips shifted but he didn’t break the kiss, feeding his moans to her mouth.

This was a silent war. A wordless reconciliation. Delton’s fingers traveled lower, cupping her ass cheeks. His hands were like hot pokers branding her skin, making her throb and ache wherever they touched. A finger skimmed her wet slit. And she forgot to breathe. His fingers parted her slick, sensitive folds, reaching in to find her throbbing bud. He traced circles around her clitoris, working her hot flesh with light, torturous movements. When he closed his fingers around her bundle of nerves and pinched, her back arched off the wall.

She bit her lip so hard that it began to bleed. A glide of Delton’s tongue swept up the blood, sucking and licking her lower lip until the tang of iron disappeared. It was just like their marriage—when they’d drunk each other’s blood to cement their eternal union. Was this a symbolic renewal of those vows?

Thoughts scattered when he touched her again. His finger circled her opening, lightly dipping into her cunt. Blood rushed to her swollen clit.

“You are so wet for me,” he said, breaking the kiss. All the nerve endings in her body sparked to life. She’d never felt anything so intense before. He dipped a finger into it, and she gasped.

Her flesh resisted the invasion, feeling a slight sting before his finger went all the way in. But he was patient, gently massaging her clit, trying to lessen the ache that she felt. Xara wrapped her hands around his shoulders, trying to lessen the onslaught of sensation.

“Don’t fight it, darling, let it go.”

Miniature waves of pleasure ebbed and flowed, and she relaxed in his arms. Wet lips kissed a trail down her jaw, kissing the ivory nape of her neck, lightly licking the love bite he’d given her. A reminder of how wild they were together. Her moan encouraged him to move on.

So, his fingers moved again. Curving a finger inside her tight channel, he found her sweet spot. Xara saw stars. Her body was building up to a climax. She was so sensitive that she felt she would shatter if the wind brushed her skin.

Delton continued to kiss her lower and lower, his fingers pumping in and out of her. Pressure built up inside her and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold it in. He inserted another finger in, stretching her more, intensifying the climax that would erupt any moment.

“I think…I can’t hold it in any longer…” Her voice was almost a cry. He gripped his back hard, her fingernails digging into his skin.

“Don’t come yet,” he commanded. “I want to feel your pussy clenching around my tongue when you climax.”

With that, he dropped to his knees. She felt the loss of his fingers. However, her pussy didn’t remain lonely for much longer. A dark mass of curls appeared between her legs. His glowing dark eyes studied her pussy, slick with juices.

“I wish you could see how beautiful you are here,” he said. “That ripe, pink pussy begging to be eaten.”

He kissed the inside of her thigh, and she tilted her hips forward.

“Do you want me to make you come?”


He gripped her ass and pulled her closer. He dragged her legs up until they were resting on his shoulders, lifting her off the ground. She tilted her hips forward and his mouth made contact with her swollen lips. Nose buried in her dark curls, he rolled his tongue over her clit. Her hand tightened in his hair, feeling the sensation down to her toes.

“Oh, my god…” Her knees turned to jelly. This was the sweetest form of torture. She was close to breaking down. Up and down, up and down, he teased with long, luxurious strokes of his tongue from ass to clit.

He groaned. “Hmmm…” Vibrations traveled through her.

He circled her clit, suckling on it, making her body scream out. She’d never been touched there before. She ground her lips on his tongue, needing him closer.

“Just like that, fuck me,” he said, moving her hands to cup her breasts. “Touch yourself while I make you come.”

He flicked his tongue on her bundle of nerves and she gasped. Before she could recover, that thick, wet tongue was pushing into her cunt. He darted in and out of her pussy, his fingers joining to pinch and rub her swollen clit. In and out, he darted faster, circling her clit as she bit her lit. Her breasts jiggled as she ground down on his tongue. She pulled at her nipples and felt her body go tight. When he flicked a tongue on her clit, she fell over the edge.

Xara came with a loud, hoarse scream. Her body convulsed, stretching and shattering into a million pieces. White hot fire engulfed her until all she could feel was shuddering waves of pleasure. Her pussy walls clenched and unclenched around his tongue as she came and came. She felt him everywhere, powerless to stop her body from feeling. It seemed that her body began and ended where his tongue touched her. Never in her life had she felt something so intense. So deeply erotic. So all-consuming.

Delton’s tongue darted deeper into her, unrelenting, as wave upon wave of pleasure hit her. She didn’t know how long she sat on him, feeling nothing but the feel of her climax.

Minutes later, she slumped. He held up her knees that were on his shoulders. She remained pinned to the wall, him holding her legs for support. A few seconds passed before she returned to the world. Her body pulsed with the glow of release.

When she looked down, his fingers receded from her ass. He drank the juices that poured down her thighs, finishing her off like the last spoon of cake. He peppered little kisses inside her thighs, bringing her down gently. When their eyes met, licked his lips which were wet with her juices. Viewed through her pleasure-fogged eyes, he looked devastatingly handsome, his dark eyes filled with a mix of hunger and satiety. Something flickered in her chest.

Pushing her knees apart so that she could stand, he rose.

 Xara slumped against him, feeling his arms come around her. Despite all that had happened, she felt safe in his arms. He pressed a gentle kiss to her hair, holding her for as long as it took to regain her strength. They stood there like that for a few minutes, letting her body adjust to the maelstrom of new sensations. When she opened her eyes, her skin tingled all over.

“That was…” His indigo eyes were on hers, not missing a beat. “I’ve never felt anything like it before.” She rested his face on the crook of her shoulder. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me,” he said, brushing her hair with his fingers. His erection pressed into her belly and she wondered if he was uncomfortable. “Not when I haven’t delivered on your request yet.”

Then, he began unbuttoning whatever was left of his shirt.

“I thought we were finished.”

“Finished? That was only the appetizer. We haven’t gotten to the main course yet.”

He stripped until he wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing. The sight that greeted her on the other side of his clothes was just as marvelous. Delton had the body of a warrior, his muscled hands, his chiseled abs, his strong, lean legs, and his muscular torso all converging to form a portrait of masculine beauty. Age hadn’t affected his body in the least. She had glimpsed parts of him before, but never had she seen him completely naked. Exposed for her to peruse leisurely. To watch. To judge. To love.

His thick member was hard, veins lining his flesh. He was aroused. For her.

Xara trembled as he approached her. Veins protruded from his powerful arms. She felt them wrap around her thighs, sweeping her off the floor in one fluid movement. Her head came to rest on his chest as he carried her.

Airborne, she traveled the five steps that separated her dresser from the bed in Delton’s arms. He placed her on the white mattress gently, cupping the back of her neck to lay her head on the pillow. Then, he climbed over her, the predatory, hungry gleam in his eyes unmistakable. His silver chains hung down from his neck. The coarse black hair that dotted his chest tickled her breasts.

When her hesitant eyes flickered to him, he said, “We can stop for tonight. I should’ve realized since it was your first time—”

“No.” Her eyes shot to his member, which hung over her in its full glory. He was hard for her. It was her first time seeing an erect penis. Veins lined the beautiful ridge of his shaft. A drop of moisture leaked from the tip, inviting her to explore. She ran her thumb over the slit, spreading the liquid all over his angry, aroused cock. The skin mirrored the texture of velvet. Velvet covering steel.

“Xara— “His breath was uneven. From the way his gaze grew unfocused, she knew her actions affected him.

“I want to go all the way.” She stroked him from root to tip. “You didn’t think I’d let you off so easily, did you?”

“Of course not.” He ground his teeth when she began sliding her fist up and down his member. Xara had never done this before and she didn’t know if she was doing it right. All she knew was that she wanted to make him feel the way he’d made her feel.

“Harder.” He ground out. His fingers closed over hers, guiding her to pump him harder, rougher, with more pressure. She followed. When his fingers left, she stroked from the root to the tip, feeling his cock throbbing under her touch. A groan emerged when her fist bumped his balls.

“Faster.” Xara was a quick learner. She worked him faster until his body went rigid.

“That’s enough.” He placed a hand over hers. “Any more and I’ll come. We don’t want your pussy to be lonely, do we?” His dirty words made heat pool between her legs. Her body was still sensitive from the orgasm she’d had earlier, but she wanted more. She released her hold on his shaft, letting him kiss her once more. She tasted her arousal on his tongue from when he had eaten her before. It felt dirty, forbidden. Like a secret only they knew.

Her husband kissed a trail down her shoulders. Stubble scraped the sensitive skin of her breasts when he kissed her there. His tongue darted out, licking a circle around her rosy nipple before taking it in his mouth and suckling. His mouth continued its exploration further down until she felt feather-light kisses on her inner thighs and knew that she was ready.

“I’ve longed to be inside you.” His whispers ticked the triangle of curls at the apex of her thighs. Delton pushed her legs apart.

This was it. Xara felt vulnerable. She wanted this, but trust had never come easy. How was he going to fit inside her? In all her fantasies, she’d never given that consideration.

“Are you nervous?” His voice resonated in her core.


He kissed her slick folds in an intimate gesture. Her limbs liquefied when he looked up at her with a smile. “Better?” She nodded through the haze of vulnerability that made her stomach weak. “I don’t want to hurt you, Xara. I’ll try my damnedest to make this easy for you.”

“I know.” She almost didn’t hear her small voice. His chest rose as he climbed atop her.

His cock slid against her folds. Heat flooded her body at once. He teased her clit with the tip of his cock, rubbing up and down her cleft, coating it in her juices. The pressure between her legs began building once again. She wanted him inside her, to fill her, to give her what she’d longed for all these years.

All she felt was a pleasant, delicious sensation when his cock entered her, arousal lubricating his passage. Delton was poised over her, looking down at her face.

“I want to see you when you come,” he said. One hand reached for her breast, massaging it.

His cock slipped into her inch by inch, stretching her a little at a time. When she moaned, he pinched her hard nipples, intensifying her pleasure, and making her forget he was between her legs. Her nails dug into his shoulder as tension pooled in her lower belly. Her skin was stretched tight, tingling all over. She felt a pang of discomfort when he pushed past her virgin flesh.

“Keep going,” she said when he stopped. Her nails dug hard into his back, pulling down every time he moved.

So he went on, kneading her breasts, the other hand moving to work her swollen clit as he slid deeper and deeper. Until he was completely buried in her cunt. Only when he looked up did she realize that he was ensconced in her. Her pussy was stretched to its limit. Filled.

“God, you’re so tight,” he muttered like it was a curse. She could see the veins in his temple; him trying to hold back for her sake. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes.” Her face filled with a telling flush. She saw desire reflected in his eyes when he looked at her.

“Good, because I really want to fuck you and I can’t hold on any longer.”

Then he began moving. First, in little, shallow thrusts. He opened her up, getting her used to the feel of him moving inside her. Assaulted by the sensations racking her body, she forgot to breathe. Her body got used to his pressure as his thrusts grew harder. When pulled almost all the way out and thrust back in, her entire body shook, like she was the epicenter of an earthquake.

Xara screamed.

“Is it too much?” His thrusts slowed, a concerned gaze filling his face. Xara wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his back, as she shook her head. His eyes went hazy as if he felt it in his groin.

“Harder.” Her command was unmistakable.

With a knowing smile, he pounded into her with all the anger and ferocity that he’d kept under a leash. His cock hit a sweet spot inside her and a wave of pleasure unlike anything she’d known shook her body.

“Delton…. I’m coming….” Her high-pitched shriek tore through the silence.

Their bodies rocked together, the bed squealing under her spine. Pleasure stretched her body like a string, pulling it to the point of snapping. Her petal-like folds sucked his shaft, squelching sounds filling the air. His balls slapped against her ass every time he drove deep inside her. His fingers continued their ministrations on her most sensitive spot. He rode her with wild abandon, his cock rubbing against the sweet spot that set her blood on fire.

Xara came before she could blink, her entire body torn in an earth-shattering, toe-curling climax. Her inner muscles spasmed, tightening around his cock. His violent moan was music to her ears. Through her hazy eyes, she saw his gaze fixed on her, taking in the sight of her pleasure as he continued to pound into her. He saw her face transform and relished every moment.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” he said. “I don’t believe I’ve seen a more arousing sight.”

She squeezed her thighs together, drowning in the pleasure that he gave her. Surrender was the only option. So, Xara let the waves of pleasure overtake her. They came like a hoard of locusts, coating her in a fog of ecstasy.

“Are you trying to kill me?” The forceful shutting of Delton’s eyes indicated he was on the precipice of his orgasm.

He drove harder and harder, taking whatever he needed to come. Her breasts bobbed up and down, shaken by the intensity of his thrusts. Her pussy muscles milked his dick, drawing out all the pleasure in his body.

His climax was powerful, shaking his entire body–all six feet of muscle and bone. He pulled out of her with an agonized groan. His seed shot onto her stomach in a full body release, coating her skin with hot, wet, ribbons of cum.

It was degradation. It was liberation.

It was the most profound thing she’d ever experienced.

She took the sight of him, cock pulsing as his orgasm drained out of him, memorizing his unfocused blue eyes that almost looked black, the beads of sweat on his temple, and the involuntary twitching of his lips. Her chest swelled with pride at the knowledge that she’d done this to him.

When his cock stopped twitching, Delton’s heavy body collapsed on top of hers. Their sweaty skins slid together. Nestling his head in the crook of her shoulder, Delton let out a breathy exhale. They remained locked like that for a few until the buzzing in her body ebbed. She felt his heartbeat thudding against her, her breasts pressed against his chest.

“My god… that was…” He laughed. “I don’t think I will ever forget the sound of your screams.”

She blushed. “It was so embarrassing.”

He held her, brushing little kisses over her cheek. “It wasn’t. It was beautiful. I love your voice.”

They lay like that; him draped over her; her embracing him, for a few seconds, waiting for their breaths to return. When his skin cooled a little, he stood. Leaving her to rest on the bed, he opened her wardrobe and fished out a clean handkerchief.

Juices coated her thighs, proof of what they’d done. Pressing her handkerchief to her gently, he cleaned her off. He cleaned her stomach, her legs, and her fingers. His touches were gentle and caring, something she’d never thought her husband capable of. She had seen a different side tonight. Yes, he was intense and forceful. But he was also considerate. The person who wiped the inside of her thighs with care wasn’t a monster. He was a complex man with flaws. Earlier that night, she’d felt his heart beating under her palm. The memory made tender emotion surge in her chest.

He cleaned himself once he was done with her. After discarding the handkerchief, he came to lie down next to her. She settled into the crook of his shoulder, feeling the strong band of his arms wrap around her stomach. He pulled the sheets over them, kissing her hair as he held her close.

Even as she looked into his eyes, she wondered what tonight meant. Had he enjoyed it as much as she had? They’d become man and wife in the true sense of the world. It had been everything she’d hoped for.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“I… Did you enjoy that?” she asked. “I know it was my first time—”

He kissed her lips, silencing her. “It was perfection.”



She threw her arms over him and nestled close to his chest. He held her close as her eyelids dropped. Within minutes, she succumbed to sleep, cradled in his arms.

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