The King’s Bride : A Steamy Second Chance Fantasy Romance (Scions of the Underworld Book 3)

Chapter The King’s Bride : Epilogue


SHE HADN’T SEEN her husband in two months.

Ever since she’d taken up the position of the Queen of Escayton, Xara had been splitting her time between Inferno City and Cadia. Delton spent a few months every year in Cadia so that they could have more time together. So far, it had worked out well. However, she wanted to live closer to him. Xara glanced down at her belly nervously. It appeared flat, thanks to the loose pink gown that she wore. This was the reason she had decided to pay him a sudden visit.

The news of her enthronement was met with initial resistance. However, the rulers of other kingdoms welcomed the transition, believing her to be a more neutral party than her husband. Over the past year, she’d had to work extra hard to prove to the people that she was deserving of the queen’s mantle.

After the coronation ceremony, she had handed over the reins of the lag business to Walric. Ifer’s retirement had come as a disappointment to the people. Some wondered if King Delton had killed him. Others thought he might’ve grown too old and died. But those with a sense of adventure hoped he was still alive. His transition to the new leader had been easier than she thought. Their business partners recognized him and welcomed the change. Walric was softer than she’d been. Less driven. But he knew how to do business. Now that their enterprise was out of the shadows, his skills came in handy.

Osric still maintained his position as her guard. She’d officially given him the title of an army general, but he’d refused to take it.

“It’s my job to protect you, not this country,” he’d said. “I know nothing about being an army general.”

So, he stayed by her side as her bodyguard. Xara was fortunate to have him. He always looked out for her well-being. Looking out of her carriage window at Inferno City, she remembered the last time she’d been here—three months ago. Fresh memories had wiped away old ones. When she glimpsed River Wolfburg, she felt no trepidation or sorrow. Instead, she acknowledged it as part of the rich history that she and Delton shared. Every event that had occurred in these hundred years had brought her one step closer to herself. And to him.

Soon, the palace of Inferno came into view, its mist-encrusted dark spires rising tall above the ground. It was dark as always in Inferno, the warmth a contrast to the cool weather she’d gotten used to over the past few months.

The carriage came to a halt a few minutes later, and the door opened. A powerful pair of arms clad in a navy shirt extended in her direction. She met a pair of clear blue eyes that fanned out into a mop of golden curls.

“Michael.” A flash of the angel’s white wings completed the picture. She took his hand and stepped out of the carriage.

“I had some matters to report to you,” Michael said. “I sent Darius to distract King Delton. He has been eagerly awaiting your visit. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.” She smiled at her friend.

She’d appointed Michael as the Minister of Peace. Owing to his diplomatic nature, it was a role that suited him well. Though he was part of her court, his official residence was Inferno City, since that’s where Darius lived. Michael often came to visit, though, to inform her of recent developments. Initially, she’d been afraid to give him the job, worried it might compromise his relationship with Darius.

However, Michael said, “I have been looking forward to finding something that fills me with a sense of purpose. Though I love Darius very much, there’s nothing for me to do in Inferno City. I think this role will give me the sense of purpose that I’m looking for.”

That day too, he’d arrived to inform her of recent developments in their trade treaty with Elysium. Michael walked inside the palace with Xara, recounting the developments she had missed. When they reached the second floor, Darius was standing there, outside Delton’s bedroom door.

“Thank goodness you’re here.” He looked to Michael. “I was at my wits’ end.”

Michael’s hand reached for his and he pulled him close whispering, “Thank you.” in his ear.

Aware of her presence, Darius bowed to her. “Your Majesty.”

“General Darius.” She smiled back. “It is so nice to see you again.”

“It is always wonderful to see you,” he said, pulling Michael away “Now, if you’ll excuse us, I think we should leave before King Delton grows impatient. He has been awaiting your return eagerly.”

Michael promised to give her a written report the following day. Darius and Michael muttered their goodbyes and left together. Xara stared at Delton’s closed bedroom door. With a knock, she entered.

Delton stood almost instantly when she appeared. His lips curved into a bright smile and the creases lining his forehead disappeared. The sight of his face stirred a deep longing in her heart. She moved one step closer to him.

“Michael tells me you’ve worn out the carpet with your pacing.”

“I’ve been waiting for you.” His voice brushed over her senses.

“Did you miss me?” she asked. A rhetorical question.

He was next to her in a heartbeat, pulling her in for an embrace. She found herself squeezed by his large arms. Throwing her hands around him, she hugged him tighter. This is why she’d come back—to feel his solid weight. They’d written several letters over the past few months but nothing compared to being here with him, breathing the same air, hearing his voice, feeling his love bleed into the air like it was a tangible thing.

“Every minute.” His smoldering blue eyes always got to her. In them, she sensed his hunger and desperation. His love.

“You should’ve come to visit.” She wondered why he’d stayed away for so long. Was there something he wasn’t telling her? “I thought you forgot about me.”

“There’s no way I could forget you.” He loosened his grip. Her legs touched the floor. “I’ve been trying to find a way to move the capital closer to Cadia. Maybe we should build a palace between the two kingdoms so that we don’t have to be apart so often. What do you think? All this traveling back and forth is killing me.”

“You know what, maybe we should,” Xara stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He looped his arms around her and held her up. “These two months were hard. Next time I want to see you, I hope I don’t have to travel three hundred miles.”

“A woman after my own heart,” he said.

She glanced over his shoulder, catching sight of the chess board on the table. “You were playing chess. My favorite game.”

“I’m trying to figure out how to win against you,” he said, a palm flat on her back. “It’s been the sole purpose of my life since your last visit.”

“If I remember correctly, you won last time.”

A victory that had resulted in the most amazing sex of her life. Which brought her to what she had to tell him.

“I believe I did.” He smirked, his thumb caressing her cheek. “Though I prefer losing since it gets me heated kisses from my favorite person.”

She wanted to kiss him again, but she needed to get her news out of the way first.

“I have something to tell you,” This was it. Time for the truth. Xara’s fist was in his shirt. His blue gaze calmed her as she said what had been bothering her all day, “I…I am pregnant.” His eyes widened. “I found out from a healer last week.”

“What?” Xara studied his face looking for any expression but he was completely still.

“I am with child,” she emphasized, finding her voice. The news had come as a shock to her. Of course, she knew they’d have kids but she hadn’t expected to get pregnant right now. With all the vigorous lovemaking they engaged in, she should’ve guessed. However, he still didn’t move. This was beginning to worry her. She thought he might be shocked but he was still as stone. “Are you…not pleased?”

“Pleased?” He rumbled in a low voice. Delton’s hand shot out and gripped her. Before she could breathe, she was pressed up against him and his lips were on hers. He kissed her with an intensity that was all his. Like there was nothing in the world more important than her. Oh, how she’d missed being worshipped by him. She opened her mouth and drank him in. His kiss conveyed his feelings better than words could have.

“I am extremely pleased.” He tugged at her lower lip and pulled. “Do you need me to show you how much you please me?” His hand reached for the back of her gown and began undoing it. She leaned into his touch, longing to feel his skin on hers. “This might be the best news I’ve heard all month.”

Xara’s heart grew lighter as his fingers grazed her back. “Really? I thought you wouldn’t take it well. You know, this child is going to carry my father’s blood.”

“They will carry yours too,” he said, his lips trailing her ear. “And that is the most wonderful thing in the world. A miracle that is yours and mine. Proof of our love.” She felt his words deep in her heart. His lips brushed her neck.

“I like the sound of that…” Her thoughts turned hazy when his thumb circled the base of her spine.

“How are you feeling?” he caressed her hair.

She inhaled his scent. It grounded her. “Fine, so far. I get sick in the mornings but the healer says it’ll go away.”

“I’m not letting you go back alone to Cadia. Until that palace at the border is built, I’m going to follow you around like a shadow,” he said. It was just like him to be protective of her. Truth be told, the reason she’d come to Inferno City was because she wanted to be with him. Not just a few days a month but every day.

“I welcome your lurking,” she said, kissing his cheek as her fingers tore open his coat.

“I never thought we’d have a child, after everything we’ve been through.”

“Neither did I,” she confessed, running her palm over his bared chest, feeling his heartbeat. “It seems like so long ago when I hated you. Now, all I remember is how much I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said, his eyes staring deep into hers. “Every day of my life.”

Her arms wound around his hips, bringing their bodies closer. “Now, if you’re done with the talking, Your Majesty, I’d very much like you fuck me.”

“Your wish is my command, my queen.”

They spent the few seconds tearing each other clothes off; fucking each other like they were starved beasts. He took care with her because she was pregnant, but she pushed him. She had missed him a lot, she realized. Their lovemaking was wild and passionate. Every time he touched her, she felt reborn. Cherished. Beautiful. Desired beyond reason. Xara now knew why she’d agreed to marry him all those years ago. It was because she felt the possibility of this—of the love they could have. It had taken a hundred years for that possibility to become a reality, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She was so glad he was hers; so glad to experience something so wonderful in this lifetime.

Hours later, just as a new day dawned, they collapsed on the sheets together. The sky was dark, but she felt like she carried the sun inside her body. Every muscle was beautifully sore, and every impulse she’d had was sated. She quietly watched the light play on the ceiling, wrapped in his arms.

Delton looked at her and asked, “Aren’t you glad you decided to come back?”

“I am.”

She was glad she’d chosen to become the king’s bride.

Because it had led her to her greatest dream— a lifetime of love.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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