The Kingdom of Secrets and Ruin

Chapter 3


How could Alpheya be so foolish? As the strongest kingdom in the continent, I expected more from them, but it seems that with the river and the forest guarding them by land, they’ve become complacent in their security.

All the better for me.

You’d think the fact that my people and I are islanders first and foremost, that this would encourage them to look to their shores with caution knowing our skills on the water, but no, there’s not so much as a light lit along the coast tonight. Much like every other evening this week as we have glided along the shore from our last conquest, Yeolan, and I can practically feel their castle calling to me.

By sundown tomorrow, that land will be mine and the continent will fall, along with the Leverer name.

“Rhu, do we make for land?” Avery my second in command and friend asks me, as usual predicting my wants and needs ahead of my needing to voice them.

For 15 years we have worked together to avenge our families, our kingdom and our pride. We started this journey as boys and now we are warriors, painted with the blood of our enemies and finally feeling the weight of our people lifting from our shoulders as we reach our goal.

I can’t count how many sleepless nights we’ve all spent wondering if we will actually make it, if we will get this far but we have.

Now nobody will be allowed to forget what was done to Writhage, and I’ll ensure that by giving them a taste of their own medicine… only they may find that it has gotten more bitter as the years have raged on.

I’ve forgotten the carefree boy that I once was, and much like the other royal families of this continent, he’s well known to be dead.

“Another mile, I see a village up ahead and we’ll need supplies for the day’s journey,” I order, knowing that he’ll take my message and pass it along so that the others know to brace themselves.

On larger ships, I am usually able to order my people myself, but to avoid notice (not that we need to have bothered) we have smaller boats this time, ran by their own ranks and leaders to maintain order but also to encourage independence.

Chances are the villagers will cave the second they see my army and our weapons, but we’ve learnt over time that it’s better to be prepared for the worst which is why I’ve brought so many.

The more you sweat in training the less you’ll bleed in battle, was the saying that my father taught me as a boy, likely hoping that I’d never have to actually use it, but there’s no denying that it’s been invaluable advice during this war.

It’s nights like these that remind me of my first conquest, the fall of Khoba, and it’s strange to think that I was just a boy of 15 then. I’d spent two years planning how best to take the mainland and there wasn’t a day that went by where I wasn’t training, fighting or pushing my men despite being half of most their ages.

Gaining their respect was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever had to do. I started the battle of Khoba as a boy, but I made sure to end it as a man.

It was then that my people gave me the title ’The Red King’, not because of my hair, but because of the blood I shed from our enemies. Victory was ours and it became the first of many.

But since that night it feels as though we’ve never stopped and I am grateful that the Leverer family are the last on my list. The last of the royals that ordered the invasion of my kingdom and when they are gone, my revenge will finally be complete. This continent will be ruled under one name, my name, and I’ll have to try and remember what life was like before the constant battles, strategies and bloodshed.

If I stay on in Alpheya, with their castle being known as the largest, I think it would make the most sense. After all, I need somewhere that I can use to hold my court in and maybe I’ll be able to spend some time by the sea with it being so close.

My family would like that. It’s just a shame I can’t hold control from the Islands.

I know that my sister misses being able to go out and fish for our breakfast, and I long for the days when my own mother can sleep without needing to keep a knife hidden beneath her pillow.


After a few moments of staring at the beaches, thanking my vision for always adjusting so well to the dark, I hear the subtle splash from Avery’s dive and know that he’s swimming out to the other boats to pass along my warning like the fearless second he is. I just hope that Tedric, my other friend doesn’t get too jealous of the glory we gain today after I’ve ordered him to watch my sister and mother back at our last base in Yeolan.

I don’t particularly worry for their safety, Yeolan fell more easily than a stack of cards, but at least that’s one worry that I don’t need to fear crossing my mind while in the mist of it.

They will be safe and I will finally be able to reclaim our honor. Maybe I could even rename the castle Lefwin after my father instead Draeles or wherever it is the Alpheyans call it. But there will be time for thoughts like this later, as now I have my soldiers to lead and a kingdom to take.

The last kingdom to be precise.

“On my mark,” I growl under my breath, knowing that my anger is the best way to stir up the fire inside of the hearts of the men and women fighting beside me.

This isn’t just my fight, it’s theirs too and they have done so gloriously throughout this campaign. I am proud to be their leader and together we will make our home anew.

Pulling the helm to the left, as I always prefer to man my own boats, we make our way slowly towards land and I feel the tide beneath us urging us on and signalling that fate is on our side once again.

Since our home was first taken, it’s always felt as though the sea took offence just as much as we did, and it’s no wonder that sieges like this always go better for us with this in mind.

“Threats first, violence second… do you understand?” I yell, no longer caring if our presence becomes known, as it’s too late for the residents of this town to do anything about it now anyway.

“They are to be our brothers and sisters when this war is over and like we were, they are innocents. Do what you must but nothing more.” I order in the most menacing voice that I can muster, as I will not have my people fighting the same way that we were subject to.

No matter how just it might seem to some, my army is honourable. And while we didn’t start this, we are here to end this once and for all. To leave our mark as a warning for those who might dare to challenge us again but not have it fall to a kingdom of ruin.

“Yes, my King.” The residents of my boat call out and I know that Avery will be making similar commands as he travels from ship to ship.

While I’d never admit this out loud, he’s always been a better swimmer than I, and for once I am glad of it. We’re almost there now and while I shouldn’t play favourites in the position that I’m in, I make a quick prayer for his safety anyway.

Without my friends, my court would be a nightmare to host alone and I already know that he will have done the same for me twice over on the journey here.

If I die he is to marry my sister and take the throne. Eradeo has come too far to watch it fade away now and he is of noble birth already so it won’t be that much of a shock to my people.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that though, as I know that their relationship is strenuous at the best of times. Even if it does provide ample amusement for both myself and Tedric.

Sand starts to grind against the bottom of the boat and I lift the iron axe from the ground at my side to prepare myself for the fight to come. My war paint is already worn with pride and I stretch my neck and shoulders to loosen myself up, ready to run on.

After all, I am the Red King and unlike the other rulers I have came across, I am more than ready to lead my own front lines.


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