The Kingdom of Secrets and Ruin

Chapter 23


Thick, sturdy arms wrap around my waist as if to balance me, as clearly Ruairi has not yet realised who it is he has trapped in his snare. The shock of his skin against mine sends a jolt through me and goosebumps rise all down my arms.

How have I never noticed that before, or is this the first time we’ve actually touched?

Come to think of it, it must be, and it almost feels as though he’s just pulled a jumper on to cause that sense of static. Either way I jerk my arms back away from his touch, and it’s this motion that finally has him look down and recognise me.

“Doll? What are you doing here?” A great smile breaks out across his face, causing dimples to form deep in his cheeks, and if it were anyone else I would have enjoyed to see such a reaction to my presence.

“I erm…” Words fail to find me as I really have no idea what to say or use as an excuse for the fact that I’m here and not back at the castle. I mean how is this even possible? I left this morning and even if he rode horseback none stop he shouldn’t have found me so soon.

Is he mad? Does he know that I ran? If so, why is he so happy right now? It’s disarming.

“Did Tedric send you? I can’t believe him, Avery maybe, but not Ric.” He’s so caught up in the joy of seeing me unexpectedly, that he interrupts, giving me the perfect lie and another reason to owe him.

That is if this counts when he’s saving me from himself.

I’ve never seen him this expressive before, you know, in a good way and I wonder if there’s alcohol sold in this tavern that could be behind it. Without my duties to distract me, I have no idea how to act when it’s just us. So I stand here awkwardly waiting for him to get it out of his system.

“So how do you like the beach? Have you seen it properly yet? We should go down to the shore now!” He exclaims, arms still clutching my sides like a vice but at least we’re not skin to skin now. That static feeling was far too much for me.

“I have…” I hesitate, wanting desperately to have him stop touching me and allow me to go and find a fireside to warm up by. Heading back out there is the last thing I need right now as I’ve realised in my rush to get out here that I left without a cloak, something I’ll need when travelling across the sea later.

His eyes search my face for the reason of my hesitation before they widen, “I’m an fool! You’re freezing and I’m blocking your way... I’m sorry, how long did it take you to find me?” He turns and gestures towards the wooden desk at the back of the room where I assume the owner of this place will be.

As I follow him over, my heart rate increases rapidly as I try and think of a way out of this. There’s no room booked for me, no one but him who knows who I am and certainly not why I’m here. It’s funny to think that seconds ago I was worried about warming up, but already there’s a layer of sweat starting to coat my body now that the panic sets in.

A small stout man greets us from behind his perch, recognition of Ruairi showing on his face and something else when he turns to me. I don’t know what but it’s not comforting.

“Two portions of warm cider please and…” He turns to me, “Have you eaten?”

I pause for a second, not sure if I should admit to bringing my own coin or not, but my hunger has returned already after my walk on the beach meaning I should be okay to lie. Not that I do anything else recently.

“No, I haven’t, thank you.” I keep my response short and sweet, hoping to avoid probing any further questions that will stress me out further.

“And another portion of stew.” He finishes and the owner merely nods before walking away.

Which is odd when considering the fact that he’s talking to his king, but I’m not in a position to lecture him on it. I don’t act much better, though I’d like to think I’ve improved recently when toeing the line.

I just can’t believe that I’m back to square one after the rush of today. I’m a bubble that has been popped leaving only a droplet falling to the ground at high speed.

But despite the decision to hold my tongue, my brows must have said something for me, as Ruairi reads my expression. “He doesn’t know who I am… Or what I am, I should say, as he knows my name is Ruairi.”

“Why doesn’t he know?” I ask before I can stop myself, curiosity getting the better of me despite my reluctance to enter into further conversation.

“I erm…” He scratches the back of his neck, something I’ve only ever seen him due when flustered and that doesn’t happen very often. “I needed a break.”

Once again my face betrays me as I frown in confusion, what could he need a break from? He’s the king! He can do what he wants, when he wants. I mean, if I were queen all of my problems would be solved, I’d sleep like a baby and never see a callus on my hand again.

Not that I know much about being a queen, or any form of royal that is.

He laughs before guiding us towards a large fireplace, there are various table and chairs dotted around the room for those staying at the inn, and we take one close enough to feel the benefit.

“The how’s and whys don’t matter….” He shrugs, and when two mugs of cider are brought to the table, I don’t reply as I realise that he intends to drink one with me.

It’s silly, I should have realised the second he ordered two, but we’ve never done this before. I’m his maid and everything about this just feels wrong. Can’t he sense that?

I take a sip from the mug to silence my thoughts, wrapping my cold fingers around the sides in the process while feeling the amber liquid burn it’s way down my throat. I’ve never tried cider before, and if it wasn’t for the warmth I could probably do without it.

“Not a fan?” Ruairi chuckle’s and I feel my cheeks start to burn as I realise how easily he’s been able to read me tonight. For someone with a life threatening secret, you’d think I’d be better at this.

“It’s bitter,” I reply, smiling slightly to diffuse the tension while knowing that I’ve never done that in his presence before without fully faking it.

“That it is,” He concedes, “But if you try it in the summertime, you can find it a lot sweeter when mixed with berries and fruits.

I look down at the mug in thought trying to picture the drink he just described. I like berries as much as the next person, but I can’t imagine how they’d pair well with a drink like this. I mean, who even had the idea of putting the two together?

I’m about to open my mouth in reply, shocking myself in the process once again as I move to extend our exchange of small talk, when the owner walks over with a steaming bowl of stew. The smell hits my nose before the meal can even touch the table, but rather than fish this time, it looks like I’m getting some lamb. I didn’t expect that in a sea-side tavern but I’ll take it.

The owner coughs to gain back our attention before turning to Ruairi and I grimace at the fact that I’ve already got a spoonful in my mouth. My manners have died a death since my identity was taken and I know my mother wouldn’t be impressed.

His voice is low and scatchy, the sort I imagined for the villains I read about in my books, “I’ve prepared the room you’ve asked for, you’re lucky as it’s our last one.”

I don’t recall Ruairi asking for a room while I’ve been here, so I turn to him confused, swallowing harshly as I try to think about how this will affect my sudden appearance and need for shelter tonight.

While we might be drinking together and eating together on my part, I surely won’t be staying with him. They both know that, right?

Ruairi’s cheeks redden slightly, easily missed when sat by the fire, but I notice as I stare at him, waiting for an answer to my silent question.

“None at all?” He asks the owner, his voice croaking slightly despite only just having a drink moments ago.

“I’m afraid not.” His voice suggests otherwise as he looks between us with a smirk, what does he think he sees? “With the markets on we’re in demand.” And before we can ask anything further, he turns to serve someone else, leaving us to process his words.

Ruairi forces a cough, “I don’t suppose Tedric organised a place for you to stay, did he?” For the second time this evening I watch as he scratches the back of his neck, giving me the excuse needed in the meantime.

“No…” My voice is small and I hope he doesn’t read into it too much, doesn’t expect me to share anything other than his company at the table just now. Of which I’d avoid still if I could.

For a moment he just looks at me, eyes searching for something I can’t name with pupils dialating in the process. The patch of sweat under my dress only seems to grow with my nerves as I consider my options, or should I say lack of.

Will there be other inns? Can I bare the wind as it’s growing even colder?

Ruairi picks up his mug, downs the contents in one heavy swallow and stands. “You take the room, I’ll find somewhere else.”

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