The Kingdom of Secrets and Ruin

Chapter 15


Tedric, who is now fully up to date with the war, this land and Avery’s ridiculous exaggerations of how it all went down, appears to have no problem with quizzing me about my interest in the new maid.

Clearly they’ve been talking between themselves and have failed to miss my sudden change in behaviour. It’s embarrassing to say the least, and if it were anyone other than these two I’d be tempted to take their tongues just as a way to shut them up again.

I’m well aware that for a man in my position, my attitude towards Dalliah is strange but I can’t help myself. What started as a desperate attempt to figure out what was done to her and to help her live better in the meantime, has become an obsession with winning her good opinion that seems impossible to meet.

With her I am never sure where I stand and it’s infuriating to say the least. One second she’s all smiles and respect, but then in the other it’s as if I represent the taste of spoiled milk in her tea. Clearly she’s not particularly interested in me, given the fact that every conversation must be instigated by myself, and it’s humbling when comparing her to the other women at court who are more than happy to receive my attention.

I just wish I could stop comparing them to her.

Every time that I try to learn more, like that scent she seems to carry around with her, I am struck down like the deer I hunt, and while I love the chase, it would be nice to receive something other than disinterest and could it even be scorn in return?

“He’s not listening.”

“Of course he isn’t, care to wager what he’s thinking about?”

“Fat chance of that, we both know that it’s the maid… it always is.”

I roll my eyes behind closed lids before returning my fractured attention back towards Avery and Tedric who are meant to be reporting on the status of the other courts. I trust them enough not to need to listen in to the fine details, they know my wants and needs as well as I do, but I suppose I could at least look as though I’m paying attention.

“What I’m thinking… is that’s it’s about time I visit the coast.” This lie is the most believable, as if it isn’t her, it’s the sea that I dream about.

It’s almost been 6 weeks since this war was over, the castle is running as well as it ever will and I have my men in every corner of the kingdom to carry my flag and protect my throne. Why should I continue to stumble through the woods each day when for once I can find myself back in the sea with the sand between my toes?

“I think it’s less of a question of when you can go, and more about when you’d return… If we could drag you back.” Avery raises a brow as if to dare me to challenge him but I don’t because it’s the kind of thinking I need from him, even when it does dampen my plans.

“I’d return.” I reply cautiously, “But how long do you think I could get away with?”

It’s just us three in the small library or I’d never say this outloud. If the people of Apheya people knew of my desire to leave, it would not look good for me as a newly appointed king, and the tensions between my people new and old are already fragile as it is. The original settlers are only just getting used to us and if I reject them for the coast, the offence I might cause could set us back months.

I hate politics.

But there is no point dwelling on how I was born for an island, not a crown, not a continent and not a court. That’s old news at this point and I need to continue to play the cards fate deals me, even if it is draining.

“I don’t know Rhu, how long could you be away from…” Tedric tries to hide his smirk as he trails off, not needing to say her name but fails miserably.

Considering we lived our teenage years in the middle of a war, our inner youth is bound to need a release occasionally and I swear when together we’re no better than boys at times.

“How long can you be away from your balls? ’Cause I can easily have them severed, Ric.” I tilt my head at him, hinting at the power that we still struggle to believe is now mine but it’s all in good fun. These men are like my brothers and while we talk the talk, I’d rather die than cause either of them a moments harm.

“Easy now… let’s get back to the meeting at hand and we can discuss Rhu’s holiday later.” Avery calls us to attention, which is something shocking in itself if you knew him, but chances are it’s because he’s jealous he didn’t say something first.

“Yes, Ric’s castration aside, what are you two idiots doing with my Kingdom and is there anything I ACTUALLY need to know… or can this end already?” The tea we were served with the various snacks from the kitchen has long since grown cold and it’s been hours since my unwilling friend has shown her face.

Maybe I’ll catch her dusting again, bending over my chest of draws… Hell, I really am acting like a teenager, aren’t I?

“Sorry, are we keeping you from something?” Avery jokes, not missing a beat but rather than reply, I finish the half eater cracker that was left on my plate.

“Nothing to note except from Writhage.” They both exchange a look. “They say that the celebration lasted for days and your presence is requested as soon as possible.”

This instantly brings a smile to my face as I recall my home, my true people and the happiness I have hopefully afforded them with my victory. Our time for mourning can finally come to an end and when I do my tour of the new kindgom in the next few months, that will be my last stop as I want to make the most of every second there.

“You’ll need to tell Odelina and my mother. They’ll be happy to hear that and hopefully soon I can take us all back again.”

“The sooner the better, the fish here is rotten.” Tedric mutters more to himself than to us but I silently agree.

Nothing quite beats a fish supper fresh from the island water roasting over a roaring fire with a cold mug of ale. Oh I can feel the breeze on my face already and it’ll need to be enough to keep me going for now.

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