The Kingdom of Secrets and Ruin

Chapter 13


Foolish, foolish girl!

How near I came to discovery was far too close for comfort and I doubt I could have fled faster from that room if I tried. Bowing to the man who murdered my family and stole their throne was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever had to do in my life and I’m not sure if I can bring myself to repeat the gesture should the requirement present itself again.

But that’s the least of my concerns right now, I just hope that he didn’t notice my reluctance too much, but it would be silly for me to believe such a thing could have been hidden on my face at a time like that. I might be good at hiding myself but this is a level I didn’t quite expect.

Why on earth did I think that revenge would be so easy? To think how close I came to him walking in at the wrong moment sends a chill down my spine and still my life is at stake here should he realise exactly why I refuse to be his little ‘Doll’.

At least from his disturbing chatter it’s clear that the discovery of a lost Leverer is far from his mind. The Red King is not only a usurper, but a flatterer as well, and I’m not sure why I find myself surprised.

Did he think that I would fall for his charms? His winning smile and smooth manners? Perhaps the other servants might have, as clearly they don’t seem to mind the change in ownership around here, but I do and I will not forget that just for some pretty face.

Yes, the king is attractive, even when covered in a decent layer of dirt but what are looks to me? What does it matter that he’s the only person on this earth that has found it in themselves to call me perfection?

No, something like this cannot occur again, even if this did give me the opportunity to give him a taste of his own medicine. But that raises the question, could I have done it anyway?

I mean, I hesitated which is possibly one of the reasons why he was able to walk in on me in such a position. But at least I’m saved by the fact that he couldn’t have known that the herbs are still hidden in my front pocket. The herbs that are calling to me that will now remain unused.

I failed.

I failed as my father’s daughter, failed to avoid the king and I failed to seek my revenge. It’s all I ever seem to do in this life and if I wasn’t so angry with him, I’d be more than happy to turn that wrath on myself.

But it’s clear that I am unable to do that, unable to take the step that will honour my fallen family and with Marjorie likely to recover after today, there’s not likely to be another chance anyway. I just wish that I could wipe that smile from his face, to explain exactly why his attentions repulsed me so much.

I doubt he’d be as likely to joke after that.

After finally reaching the kitchen, I order the bath for the king as instructed and watch as one of the more qualified servants lifts the jug on hand onto the fire for the water to boil, while taking the rest outside to fill from the well.

They’re more than able to take over things from here and besides, I have Marjorie to check in on and detection to avoid. Not that it matters as much anymore, the king now knows my name and I’ve haunted these halls enough lately to earn some form of recognition when it comes to my role here.

It’s quieter today compared to usual and the echoes of my footsteps surround me as I make my way towards our dark and dreary chambers. I swear it’s almost as if the light fades from the castle with every step as I travel deeper and it’s no wonder how I love to be outside.

It’s the same as my isolation before, only without the luxury and the love of my mother.

I hear voices before I turn a corner so it isn’t that much of a surprise when I find Meghan, Ingaret and Marjorie huddled together on a single bed. The sweat on both of the invalid’s brows looks far less profound now that time has been able to take it’s course, and I’m even offered a smile from each as they notice my entrance.

“How are you feeling?” I pretty much direct to the whole room, as I imagine we all have our reasons for troubles these days, even without Meghan’s failed attempt at botany.

“I think it’s almost out of my system.”


Both girls turn a not-so-subtle shade of red as clearly the secret is known by all who stand here, and I imagine that I would be quite embarrassed if I were in their shoes as well. Though I doubt I’d ever take someone’s word for it when trying something like they did… my mother taught me better than that.

“Yes, I think we can all agree that the worst is over and that there will NOT be a repeat of earlier,” Ingaret says in a matronly tone that has me standing a little straighter just from instinct.

Both of the girls mutter their asent and almost as if it never happened, Ingaret turns to me with a smile, “How was your day upstairs?”

“I erm-” I hesitate, not just because Meghan is still in the room and remains ignorant of my identity, but because I know that it will worry her to know that I’ve met the king. We’ve gone through a lot to keep my name hidden and it might as well never happened for all he cared and for all we can control at this point.

At least now I can start to interact with people more. The risk remains the same either way as far as I can see it, but to answer her question as best as possible, I slap on my best impression of awe and wonder as I try not to vomit on myself while declaring how “I met the king,”

Or should I say that he met me? Because I didn’t really have much choice in the matter.

Two pairs of eyes widen dramatically while the third crinkles in excitement for me as she believes the act I’ve learnt to play so well. Has she met the king too? Was he just as forward with her?

Not that it matters that much but it would be good to know more about the character of the man who ruined my life, the man I almost killed today.

Wow, to think I almost killed him today.

Before I have time to dwell on things again and get lost inside my own head, I’m called back to reality with Marjorie’s strained voice. “Oh really? What was it like?”

I suppose the weak smile on her face can be seen as the illness from this morning still taking its toll, but I’d also like to think that it’s concern that I see in her eyes.

We’ve been close since the night she saved me as we live, breathe, and sleep together all day every day, but I wouldn’t as confidently claim her affection as I do with Ingaret. Maybe it’s because we’re too similar in age or because I grew up with Ingaret watching over me, but I’m never quite sure where I stand with Marjorie.

“It was… something.” I laugh awkwardly. “I just never expected to meet him.” I shrug because this is definitely a moment where this gesture is applicable.

“Awe don’t worry yourself about it, I’m sure he didn’t even notice you.” Meghan says in a cheerful voice and I’m not quite sure how to take that.

Yes, it’s my job to serve and act as though I’m a piece of furniture but would she really wish that on herself? As far as she knows, there’s no reason why I’d want him to not notice me… or am I just overly sensitive after the arrogant king’s words earlier?

Ingaret must have read the look on my face, as it takes seconds before she jumps to my rescue, “What she means to say is-”

There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” Ingaret is interrupted by one of the male servants that I handed the task of drawing the kings bath over to.

Naturally all eyes go to Marjorie as this is our room and no one ever comes looking for me.

“Tommy? What do you need? I’ve been ill but all of my work has been done still.” Marjorie tries to cover her chest with a blanket as she’s only wearing her shift due to the fever earlier. Tommy is a young man and so it’s not proper for him to barge in here like this, so it’s with this in mind that all of our heads curiously turn towards him.

“Sorry Marj, I meant Dalliah… You are Dalliah, aren’t you?” He blushes slightly after having seen Marjorie like this and it gives me enough time to restore my dropped jaw back in it’s place.

What does Tommy want me for? I told him all that I knew was wanted by the king, and it’s certainly not my job to answer questions if he has any. This is my first day leaving servants level!

“The king has made a request.” He clears his throat as if wishing to deliver it like the man himself. “You are to be his permanent maid.”

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