The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 117

CHAPTER 117 Hit and Run


I watched in horror as the delivery truck plowed through the intersection aimed at

one car

and one car alone.

I may have told Max to run her off the road, but I didn't order him to kill her. I just wanted her to be admitted to the hospital with a broken leg or maybe a couple of broken ribs, but I didn't intend for her to die...well, not just yet.

Sure, she did something s tupid... She targeted Joy, but that was to get back at Noah.

Nicole was Noah's kryptonite...

It seemed Nicole would go to great lengths to hurt Noah. I believed she was the one who would help me take him down...

After she had the time to cool off and think things through.

Luckily, Link came out without a scratch. He was in a white Audi SUV, driving alongside Nicole's BMW when the truck sped towards them. He was able to veer away and stop just as

the truck hit Nicole's car.

The BMW bounced up and down like a huge basketball against the hard

concrete before exploding against a street light.

"Max, you seeing this?" I asked through our coms. He was a few cars behind me. "Affirmative, X," Max answered. "It doesn't look like it was an accident." He was right.

Obviously, Nicole had become someone's problem and that someone put her on his hit list...

Which raises the inevitable question, who?

It couldn't have been Liam. He valued his friends. His only beef was with Pete.

She seemed to be close friends with Dan although Cristos mentioned she annoyed him in a


Jack was like Liam. He also valued his friends. He'd kill for them, but I doubted if he would1/6

CHAPTER 117 Hit and Run

That left me with only three men on the top of my head. The notorious underboss Pete, the ex-boyfriend Noah and the sa distic Cris.

Fortunately for Nicole, this attempt on her life made her a valuable asset to me. She needed to survive.

up and

"I noticed when we were waiting for the light to turn green, the truck had its hood. the driver had his head stuck underneath like he had car trouble. He was gesturing to the

cars behind him to drive ahead," I said, as I quickly drove my car off to the side. I needed to

get to the driver of that truck.

I took off my seatbelt and exited the car.

"Maybe the truck driver was stalling purposely.... waiting for her," he replied. "X, I'll drive ahead and park my car at the convenience store. Holler if you need me." I ran out to the middle of the intersection and saw Link on his phone, walking towards a lone female body in a blue and white dress lying with her back against the cold hard pavement. Her legs and arms were splayed out and she wasn't moving.

"I need an ambulance at the intersection of Main Street and Prairie Avenue. There's been an accident. There's one victim lying in the middle of the street, female, possible spine and head injuries," I heard him say. "Of course, I won't move her, just tell the EMTs to hurry." He pocketed his phone and quickly walked towards me. "She flew out through the windshield her car. I'm guessing she didn't have a seatbelt on."

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's conscious," he answered. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"You deal with her," I told him. "I'm going to go and have a small chat with the driver of that truck." He nodded his head.

"I have a blanket in my car," he said. "The operator told me to keep her warm, but not to move her."

"Sure, keep her comfortable," I said, nodding my head. "Don't let anyone else near her until the paramedics arrive. And I need you to call our doctors. If it's

possible, I want her transferred to another hospital."

"I'm on it, Bo," Link said, before running back to his car to grab a blanket for Nicole


CHAPTER 117 Hit and Run

I dashed towards the truck and saw a man emerge from the driver's side. He was walking unsteadily, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. He was of average height, dark hair and tanned skin, with a mole on his right cheek. He was wearing dark blue coveralls and black


He was someone I've never seen around town before.

"Hey, you!" I yelled as I approached. He raised his head to look at me, the shock apparent in his dark eyes. He lowered his hand from his forehead and pointed at himself. "Yes you! What the fuck, man! Didn't you see your light was red?" I

asked angrily.

Instead of answering me, he turned around and hurriedly walked away from me. "Don't you walk away from this!" I yelled after him. He didn't stop. Instead, he bolted. "Stop him! He's trying to get away!" I yelled to anyone who could hear me. However, everyone was preoccupied. It was all up to me.

Thank goodness I had changed into my sneakers.

I chased after him as he ran across the intersection towards the direction of the

hospital. He apparently knew there was crowd gathering there.

"Max, I have a dark haired man in dark blue coveralls headed towards you," I

said, panting as I ran. The f u cker was fast.

"Copy that, X," Max said. "I'm across the street from you," Max answered, "and I

have eyes

the target."

I glanced to the right and saw Max walking casually towards the driver who was desperately trying to reach the crowd. The assembly of people were so near that I could hear them chanting prayers for Theodore Cohen.

Just before the driver could enter the dense mob through a gap between a group of people, Max quickly positioned himself in front of him and with one fluid move, struck the man in the neck, right at the Adam's apple.

The driver fell back, clutching his neck while gasping for air. He tried to call out to the people, gesturing for them to help him, but his pleas were ignored. Max quickly pulled him up, twisting his arm around his back. The driver howled in pain, but his cries were drowned out by the cheers and chants coming from the



CHAPTER 117 Hit and Run

I stopped underneath the trees along the sidewalk, away from the street lights, to catch my breath. Without loosening his hold on the man's arm, Max pushed him towards me. Fortunately, we were well hidden in the darkness.

I patted him down, looking for his wallet or a phone. I found his wallet in his back pocket and his phone in a pocket up front. I pocketed the phone before searching

for any


"It says here your name is Miguel Hernandez,” I said. "Born in Mexico City, thirty- eight years. old, current address is in Houston, Texas. What are you doing all the way in North Dakota, Miguel? I waited for his answer, but he refused to open his


Max pulled on his arm. "Answer him or I'll break your arm!"

"I was called to fulfill a promise," he cried out.

"A promise to whom?" I asked.

"I can not tell you," he replied. "I am sworn to secrecy."

This as shole was a member of the Angels of Darkness!

"Get him out of here," I told Max. "I want you to find out everything he knows. I'll

go back to

the intersection and tell everyone I lost him in the crowd. You know what that

means." "That means you and I are going to bestfriends, amigo," Max said, smiling." And I can promise you, we are going to have lots of fun together. Later, Bo."

I ran back to the intersection, thankful the paramedics and the firemen were already there. Surprisingly, Jack was also there, overseeing everything. "Undersheriff, oh thank God, you're here," I said, catching my breath. "Lchased after the driver who hit Nicole's car, but I lost him in the crowd. He's around five

foot eight or maybe nine, dark hair, tanned skin, a mole on his cheek. He looked maybe around mid or late thirties wearing dark blue coveralls like a mechanic.

How's Nicole, by the way?"

"She's over there. EMTs are prepping her up before they drive her to the hospital.

I already got a statement from your attorney. I need to get a statement from you, Bo," Jack said. I nodded my head. It appeared Jack was all business. Of course,

he had a lot on his plate at the



was dri

driving behind her... heading towards the hospital. When the light turned green


CHAPTER 117 Hit and Run

her car didn't budge, I h onked my horn to get her to move. I actually regret doing that now," I said sheepishly. Jack patted my shoulder.

"This wasn't your fault, Jack said. "So you were behind Nicole in that lane. Where

was this truck?"

"Over there," I pointed to the left side. "While we were waiting for the light to turn green, I remember seeing the driver was outside of his vehicle checking the engine. Seemed like he was having car trouble or something. Anyway, one second, the truck looked like it was having trouble starting. The next, it was in the

middle of the intersection heading straight

towards Nicole."

"And the driver fled the scene?" Jack asked. "Yup. I confronted him and asked if he had seen that his light was red, but

instead of answering me, he ran. I chased after him, but I lost him in the crowd."

"Thanks, Bo, that's all I need for now. I'll radio in the description of the driver and

give all the information you gave me. This is now a hit and run investigation,"

Jack said.

"Is it okay if I go and check up on Nicole now?" asked. He smiled. "Sure, Bo. It's nice to know Nicole has friends she can count on," Jack replied

before walking

to his car.

The sounds of sirens echoed all around me. The EMTs had placed a neck brace


Nicole's neck and had securely strapped her in a stretcher before moving her into



I walked up to a female EMT who was talking to Link and coughed to grab her

attention. I had to stop myself from smiling. It was Autumn I forgot she was a

Nurse Paramedic.

"How is she?"

"From my initial assessment, she has a fractured leg, fractured wrist and a

broken collar

bone. Vitals are stable and she's conscious. We'll check for any head or spinal

injuries once she's in the hospital," she answered. "Honestly, it could've been worst. She's one lucky girl." "How can I have her transferred to another hospital?" I whispered. "She needs to have an injury like Abigail's and she has to have her next of kin or

family doctor sign for the transfer." she said. "This is the reason why Abigail can't

be transferred. 5/6

CHAPTER 117 Hit and Run

Her mother won't authorize it."

"Got it. I'll speak to Ms. Davis and hope she can help me transfer her out of here.

Thanks for your help."

"No problem. Well, I gotta go. The docs are already waiting for her. They probably see her as a great distraction from all the trouble the hospital is in. In case you didn't know, the mayor is sueing the hospital for his father's death." Link and I waved goodbye as the ambulance rushed off. Luckily, no one else was

hurt from

the crash.


I gotta make a pit stop at the pub, so I need you to follow her, Link. Present yourself as the family's attorney," I instructed. "Also, I need you to draw up a Power of Attorney making you Nicole's guardian. I heard that Ms. Davis was

diagnosed with early onset Alzhiemer's. If the family doctor won't sign the transfer, I want you to do it, I instructed.

Got it," he said. "I called our doctors, by the way. One is flying in tonight to make

an assessment. While the doc makes her assessment, I'll have the papers

printed out ready for

Ms. Davis-"

The sudden sound of my phone ringing interrupted him. I pulled it out and saw

the name

Dom on the screen.


"I need your help. I'm at Pete's mansion on Huff Hills and there's a team of

mercenaries who've entered the compound," he said..

For the love of God...

"I'm on my way."

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