The Joy of Revenge by Sheila

Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Ace Up My Sleeve


Pete turned to enter the car, but, stopped. I assumed Pete would do as he was told without any objections, but I was wrong.

"Wait a second," Pete said, turning back to face me. "You?" He pointed at me. "You become underboss and I have to leave? Do you think I'm an idiot? I won't agree to that. So, no, we

don't have a déal."

"I don't think you're in any position to negotiate, Mr. McDowell," the Colonel reminded him while he kept his gun aimed at Pete's heart. "So why don't you do us all a favor and gét in

the car."

Yet, Pete didn't move. He stood his ground and continued to stare at me, waiting for my


I noticed that the anxiousness in his eyes from earlier was now replaced with cold, unadulterated rage. I took a quick look at his gun and found the safety pointing on fire. I aimed it at his head, daring him to challenge me.

"If I were you Pete, I'd listen to the Colonel. Get in the car and don't do anything stupid," I warned him, the sides of my mouth curving into a malicious smile.

"You can't kill me, Noah, and you won't," he scoffed, lifting his chin defiantly at me. "In case you didn't know, I'm a valuable asset to Lorenzo So much so, he negotiated with De Vega on my behalf." He moved his lower jaw in a circular motion, slightly wincing from the pain the movement caused. "Yes, it was painful, but it's water under the bridge now and I am free from any and all obligations tying me to Ariana De Vega."

To my surprise, Pete took a small step forward towards the gun in my hand. There was a proud smirk etched across his hideous face and a wicked glint in his eyes. This crazy so nofab itch was taunting me to shoot him.

"Okay, I admit, we can't kill you without a good enough reason, but we can incapacitate you," I said, lowering my gun. I leaned towards the Colonel and pointed at Pete's lower extremities. "Colonel, how about if you and I take the use of his legs? Or perhaps his feet? He could stay in bed while we-"

"Woah! Hold on!" Pete interjected loudly. "Before the two of you get any ideas and shoot me


Chapter 169 Ace Up My Sleeve

may I remind you, Noah, that there's still a small issue concerning a certain Virtue Sullivan."

"What do you mean, Pete?" I asked, annoyed.

"If, for whatever reason, I don't show up to collect Virtue, I gave instructions to the delivery man to slit her throat," he answered, a small smile tugging at the ends of his lips. "Since she seems to be very important to you, I somehow sense that a lifeless Virtue won't be of any use to you. Am I right, Noah?"

Fuck! I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. Needless to say, I had to rethink my plans and come up with a new strategy. For sure, I needed to keep an eye on this vulture, clone his phone and listen in on all of his conversations.

While I took a moment to come up with a plan to keep tabs on him at all times, Pete suddenly snorted with laughter, pleased at the apparent distress he was causing. As he continued to snort away, the Colonel and I looked on with disgust. The injuries he sustained from Ariana and her men made him sound like a pig with a bad cold.

"That's right, gentlemen. I have an ace up my sleeve," Pete said, after he composed himself. "So get this through your thick skull Noah... I am still your boss. You, Capo Villegas, you work for me... whether you like it or not." He crossed his arms in front of his chest, then

shook his head, acting like a disappointed parent scolding a child. "When this is all over, I'll make sure you'll pay for your mistakes. Maybe a good spa nking will do the trick."

The Colonel chuckled, impressed that Pete still had the balls to threaten me when he was

outnumbered two to one. I rolled my eyes at the Colonel, urging him not to encourage Pete

any further. The Colonel coughed and quickly composed himself.

"That's where you're wrong, Pete," I rebutted. "The only reason why you're still breathing is because you're considered family to Doña Ortiz. Sure, you may be important to the Consigliere, but not important enough for him to disobey a direct order. For your information, Doña Ortiz instructed the Consigliere to step aside, if Joy Taylor comes to

execute you." His eyes widened at the mention of Joy's name. "As for Virtue, I doubt the delivery man knows what you look like. All I have to do is use your phone, show up at the designated meeting place and present myself as you. See? Easy."

"He knows my voice. You won't be able to fool him-"

"Oh, yes I can. Delivery men are usually concerned with one thing and that is payment. Just as long as I show up with his money, the goods will be delivered to me, no questions asked," I said, cutting him off and calling his bluff.


11:37 Sat, Apr 6 M.

Chapter 169 Ace Up My Sleeve


I noticed Pete had began to sweat, a tell-tale sign that I had backed him into a corner. "The way I see it, you have two choices. You can either agree to the deal I so graciously offered you earlier or die by Joy's hand? So, what's it gonna be, Pete?"

I was surprised to see his expression change from anger to fear at the mention of Joy's name. He was scared of her. But why? She was technically nonexistent.

Honestly, I, myself, couldn't believe Joy was back from the dead. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, she has come back to haunt us... or rather, hunt us. It was an inconceivable

thought hatched to mock us and scare us.

Nevertheless, I couldn't shrug off the feeling that maybe Joy was indeed back for retribution. But the mere thought of Joy on a killing spree was a ludicrous idea.

I guess the anxiety I was feeling showed on my face because Pete's mouth curved upward into a knowing grin. "I can see you're worried as well. What's wrong, Noah? Are you scared your bestfriend might find out who orchestrated the whole thing?" He asked, his voice dripping with disdain."

I chuckled, hiding my discomfort. I wasn't going to allow Pete to get into my head.

What I needed to do was up the ante. "You know, Pete, when I spoke with Doña Ortiz, I pointed out to her that there wouldn't be a need to step aside if Joy presented herself. All Joy really needs is a good vantage point to shoot. You, my dear underboss, won't even see her coming." The smug smile on his face quickly disappeared.

"You don't think she's the one who killed my mother, do you?" He asked, his eyes widening

the possibility.

Thanks for the idea, Pete. I'll use that premise.

Actually, I highly doubted Joy was Cynthia's killer. She couldn't even kill a c ockroach, let

alone a human being.

Earlier, in our meeting in Texas, I was caught off guard when Veronica Ortiz mentioned Joy Taylor. I asked her how she came to know that name, but instead of answering my question, Doña Ortiz waved her hand dismissively at me, silently telling me that

such things didn't

concern me,

She asked me if I knew Joy Taylor and I told her Joy was a sweet girl who couldn't hurt a fly. Although Doña Ortiz sounded uncertain Joy would come to exact her revenge, she told us to

step aside if lov would ever present herself.


11:37 Sat, Apr 6 M.

Chapter 169 Ace Up My Sleeve

I stared at Péte's frightful eyes and decided it would be better if he feared a ghost named Joy


"Joy's the only one with a big enough grudge, Pete," I remarked. "If she's back to take her revenge, she'll probably kill every single person involved in the conspiracy."

I glanced at the Colonel and noticed he was listening intently, obviously interested in Joy. I had to move things along or I would be stuck trying to explain who Joy Taylor was and I didn't want to reminisce about a young girl with chestnut hair and aquamarine


I grimaced at the memory of her bloodied face and torn gown, but I quickly composed myself. Joy Taylor was my first... The first person I had to screw over so I could take my rightful place in the family.

This wasn't the time for regrets, Noah.

"Colonel, why don't you make yourself comfortable in the passenger's seat while I assist this tub of lard into his seat?" I was going to teach Pete a lesson.

The Colonel nodded in understanding, lowered his gun and walked to the other side of the


I quickly raised the gun in my hand and hit Pete on the side of his head. He howled in pain and stumbled backwards against the


"You aren't in charge anymore, Pete. I am. This was sanctioned by Doña Ortiz herself. So get your fat ass in the f ucking car or I'll break your jaw again," I threatened him.

"I won't be good to you injured," Pete replied harshly, wincing as he massaged his head.

"You're right. How about if I take this gun and shove it into your as shole? Ariana did say you purred like a kitten when she shoved that metal rod up your butt. Tell me, Pete, because

curious minds want to know... Did it feel good to be fucked from behind?" I smirked, remembering how Ariana and her goons defiled Pete while her father and I watched from the Smart TV at the penthouse suite.

He scowled at me and slowly raised his hands in the air in surrender.

Finally. Pete has finally realized there is nothing more he can do, but follow. He gingerly entered the driver's side of the car, placed both feet inside and relunctantly reached over for

the handle.


11:37 Sat, Apr 6 M.

Chapter 169 Ace Up My Sleeve

Before he could shut the door, I stopped him.

"What is it this time?" He asked, irritated.


"I want to know where you're taking us, Pete." I answered. "If your men were supposed to kill us, I assume you lied about the mansion the Consigliere asked you to procure for him." He

glared at me.

"For your information, I did what the Consigliere asked me to do. I was just expecting the mansion to be at my disposal once I

got the both of you out of my way," he scoffed,

answering truthfully.

I sighed and shook my head. He didn't even think of the repercussions of his actions.

"And after you had the both of us killed, how were you thinking of explaining yourself to

Doña Ortiz?" I asked. He laughed.

"That's easy. You were ambushed by Liam Cohen," he said slyly. Of course. "Veronica would then send all her men to kill Liam

and allowing me to take back what was mine in the first


I pushed the muzzle of the gun against his temple. Pete was such an as shole.

It took all of my self-restraint to keep myself from squeezing the trigger. I had to remind myself I still needed him.

He and Cris planned to abduct Virtue. According to the hospital director, Pete was having Virtue delivered to him, by a man Cris Murdock hired, at a gas station along the highway heading towards Red River.

Cris Murdock was another problem. He suddenly disappeared without a trace. I had thought maybe he had left the country or

was dead, lying in a ditch somewhere, but he was just here, in hiding, waiting for the perfect time to kidnap Virtue. Fucking


"New Salem is no longer yours, Pete. It's mine," pointed out, shoving the gun against his head. He winced and pushed the gun


After giving last minute instructions, I waited for the Colonel to put his seatbelt on before closing the car door.

As they drove off, I checked my watch for the time. It would be sunrise soon, but I still had

so much to deal with before we drove to New Salem.


11:37 Sat, Apr 6 M.

Chapter 169 Ace Up My Sleeve

And one of them was seated inside that limousine.


Chapter Comments

Elizabeth Johnson

Great to see you back dear author. Was worried the book would not be finished.

Tara Castelli

omg i cant wait for the rest. i actually thought the book was completed already:( plz update soon


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