The Joy of Revenge by Sheila

Chapter 106

CHAPTER 106 The Mystery Sebastian

After congratulating the newly engaged couple, Xavier positioned himself at the long table and began his duty as a gracious host. He handed out plates and assisted the people with appetizers and drinks, making sure they had their fill before entering Virtue's.

Since I was the one who installed the POS machine, I went behind the store counter and started ringing up sales. Everyone was happy eating, drinking and shopping, seemingly clueless of what was yet to come... Especially Liam.

He had a possessive arm around Joy's waist like he didn't have a care in the world. He was beginning to look like his usual self... conceited and arrogant. After the fire, he lost his confidence, but now, he was back in the game.

Unfortunately, in an hour, maybe less, the rug will be pulled from under his feet once again. I, for one, will enjoy watching him squirm.

Earlier, startled gasps echoed all around as the unsuspecting public watched their mayor confess his feelings for Virtue. Although Liam appeared to look brave, I noticed the beads of sweat that formed on his forehead and how his hands shook uncontrollably as he presented Joy with the ring. He was obviously terrified she would reject him, but I believed that was all

an act.

By proposing to her in front of everyone, Liam had the support of the people. He was counting on the backlash that would happen if ever Joy said no. A rejection of him was a rejection of New Salem. Joy would be ruined in this town without Liam having to do anything.

If Joy answers yes though, no one would say she was coerced into accepting his proposal when in fact, Joy didn't have much a choice. Liam was very clever indeed.

Wanting to look as terrified as his friend, Dan gripped Cristos' hand tightly in his, closed his eyes and began mumbling a prayer. Cristos repeatedly tried to pull his hand away, but Dan held on firmly. Since there was nothing he could do, Cristos endured the discomfort, his eyes looking up towards the sky, praying Joy would voice out her answer as soon as possible so Dan would let


CHAPTER 106 The Mystery

The four middle-aged women who were seated off to the side, looked on expectantly, however only one of them watched with disdain... Norma Martin. Unlike the others who seemed to accept Joy, Norma didn't hide her contempt.

Norma was a lioness who was utterly territorial. She couldn't accept that soon her position as the leader of the matriarchs of New Salem will be taken by another... by someone who was much younger, definitely more beautiful than her and who would soon bear the name Cohen. That family name was the ultimate weapon in this town and Norma Martin could lose all the things she worked hard to build just because Liam wanted to get married.

I knew what was going through her head. She didn't want to share power again... not with


Her eyes narrowed sinisterly while her lips curled into a disdainful sneer as she recorded the proposal on her phone. I had a hunch she was going to send the video to Pete McDowell. She and Cynthia, despite their power struggle in the organization, were good friends after all and Pete was probably like a son to her.

I believed she would inform Pete of all this. It was the main reason why I had Xavier invite her and her friends. I needed to trigge Pete into coming out from wherever he was hiding.

young women in Bismarck all the way to South Dakota, his trail went dead. My men in the Bahamas were having trouble finding his location while Dina had problems spotting him through facial recognition..

Although he left a series of raped and savagely beaten

Currently, Dina was tucked away in Xavier's office, hacking into the four women's phones through the public wi-fi system that Cristos set up himself. Actually, he was getting everyone's information. Cristos was sick and tired of going though the townsfolk one by one. This way he will have all he needed on file.

My eyes darted back to Norma who had an ugly scowl on her face. Poor Norma... she and her ex-husband will be shunned by the public after the people hear of the death of New Salem's beloved patriarch. If everything goes according to our plans, Norma and her ex-husband will be on Liam's s hit list.

While Xavier poured champagne in the glasses, hit him on the back knowing his feelings for Joy would be more obvious to the trained eye. With four older women eyeing him so closely, he didn't have the luxury of showing any emotion except a reaction to actual physical pain.

"Ow!" Xavier mumbled, wincing in pain. "That hurt, Dom."

CHAPTER 106 The Mystery

some support. Soon, she will get what she wants and we will be in charge of this town."

Xavier stretched out his sore back like a big baby. "I wish it were that simple, Xavier muttered under his breath.

"It is that simple, Bo, I argued, grabbing the empty bottle and handing him a glass of champagne. "You should be proud of what she's accomplished. Everything she has done to get to where she is now is all because of you." Xavier grinned at me and raised his glass.

*I really appreciate you saying that, Dom. Thanks," Xavier said and drank the champagne.

"You're welcome. Now you know what you have to do. Norma is going to be knee deep in s hit if everything goes according to plan," I told him,

"Gotcha, Xavier said, fixing his hair and pushing his chest up like a stud. "So many women, so little time. Keep an eye on Noah, will yah? I don't want anything funny coming from him." My phone suddenly vibrated as I nodded my head to Xavier's request. I quickly took it out of my pocket, thinking it was Emma.

"It's Nicole," I said surprised.

"Noah dumped her, so she's running back to you. Isn't that convenient?" Xavier said. "Ignore her. She's bad news." "You're right." I quickly pocketed my phone. I was getting antsy. Emma told me to make sure whatever we had planned should happen without delay since it was possible Theodore's health could take a dive in a span of minutes. However, nothing yet. I wanted to message her, but Emma warned me not to send her any messages nor to call her. I had to be be patient. Well, at least luck was on our side. Theodore's time was up and Emma needed a fall guy for Theodore's unexpected death. Previously, I had thought she wanted to go home because she was homesick. Apparently, the main reason why she wanted to resign from work was because of a male nurse named Ford Martin who harassed the female nurses while on duty. She said if Ford gets arrested, she would stay in New Salem. The rest of the nurses were her friends and she was in good terms with most of the hospital administrators. It was just that putz who she needed to get rid off.

Xavier nudged me with his elbow as the crowd began cheering and applauding Virtue and Liam's engagement. I poured a glass of champagne for Joy and rushed forward to

CHAPTER 106 The Mystery

While I manned the cash register, I was pleased the townsfolk were clearly enjoying themselves. When Xavier and I opened our stores, we didn't serve appetizers or refreshments. This was our way of giving back while helping Joy with her store.

"You seem to be deep in thought, Dom," Noah said, appearing in front of me with an empty glass in one hand and a couple of sill scarves in another. He placed the scarves and some money on the counter.

I felt embarrassed. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice him inside the store.

"I'm just surprised Virtue and Liam are engaged. None of this was expected," I said, lying to him, while scanning the tags. "I mean, they've only known each other for a couple of weeks. I guess, maybe they've been seeing each other in secret. Have you ever noticed Liam at Virtue's? You guys are neighbors right?" I placed each of the scarves in customized 'Simply Virtue' paper bags and placed his change on the counter.

"Yeah, we're neighbors," Noah answered. "But I've been working nights for the past couple of

weeks, so I can't really say if Liam has been visiting Virtue. But Virtue is usually with Chip,

so I doubt

ve been seeing each other," Noah said while he pocketed his change. "So ne, you didn't know?" I shook my head..


sked back.

y. I bumped into Chip and Dan in Chicago," Noah answered, puzzled. "You didn't Chip left

oah, of course they knew I left," Cristos answered, making his way through the crowd of customers. "I just didn't tell them why Dan and went to Chicago."

"Well, I said my peace last night and I'm sticking to it. Virtue is making a big mistake. Liam isn't the right man for her," Noah insisted.

"Noah Jensen!" Linda Jacobs called out, her hands on her hips. "I've been looking all over for you. We need to go over the schedule of your demolition team." She grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "If you would excuse us, boys. Noah and I have some things we need to straighten out." Before Noah could say anything else, Linda pushed him towards the exit. "Don't listen to Noah," Norma Martin suddenly said, carrying a dress in her arms. "That boy has always been jealous of Liam. Whatever Noah's told you about Liam, none of it is true. If there is anyone with skeletons in his closet, it's Noah." CHAPTER 106 The Mystery

There are rumors his parents' accident wasn't an accident," Norma explained. "There are some people who think Noah had a hand in that. Something about faulty breaks. Noah was top of his class in their automotive course during their senior year in high school. If there is someone who knows how to sabotage a vehicle, it's him. Nothing was proven back then, but

some suspect him."

"Norma, you're forgetting one pertinent question, though," I said as I scanned the tag of her dress. "Why would Noah want to kill his own parents?" Norma Martin laughed. It was shrill and incredibly wicked. We stared at her, waiting for her explanation.

"Why would Noah want to kill his parents? Now that's the mystery," Norma said, winking at

me. "But I'll tell you this

Noah... he isn't what you think he is. Not even Liam knows what he's capable of." "That sounds intriguing, Cristos said. "I would love to hear more."

You would, wouldn't you?" Norma paid for her dress then took the paper bag f

from the

counter. "Maybe if Bo proposes to me, then maybe you two will become part of my inner circle. Until then, my lips are sealed." We watched a very smug Norma Martin exit the boutique to say her goodbyes to Joy, Liam

and Xavier.

"We'll see about that."

Chapter Comments Tracy Smith

please update, this is why I try not to start ongoing stories



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