The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 26: Escape

We charge headlong towards the remnants of the campsite. I look up to see Marron fending off several attackers as my knights circle and alternate their positions, blasting back their attackers. I catch a glint of something small flying through the air and piercing through the people surrounding my party.

With a tap of my tail to Fenris', the wolf barrels ahead and breaks through the line, snatching up soldiers with his tails and tossing them away. I leap over another group in front of me, spinning through the air, kicking and firing orbs at them. I flick my fingers, which causes them to shatter into smaller ones and rain down on them only for several to return, sending them flying into the air.

I summon more water from the moist air and creek to create a small platform of ice. I kick off of it and rush towards Marron, blasting away several more before landing beside her.

Fenris turns and howls, sending a blast of frozen wind into the pack, slicing into them with ice blades hidden amongst the wind. They quickly fall to the ground as Orga charges his sword with magic and slashes into the air, firing a slicing wave at them.

I press my back against Marron, watching as Kateryna intercepts a spell with her shield. I look up at my sister, “We’ve got even more incoming.”

She looks up to see dozens of fresh troops racing towards us.

I dodge a spell and summon water from the nearby creek. My hands sway and twirl, causing the water to churn and swirl. I then send it crashing down upon the first few people in front of us, which knocks several off of their feet.

I bring my hands together, summoning all of the orbs I had been firing throughout the battle and send them careening into the soldiers. They’re knocked forward, allowing Marron’s needle to pierce them as well.

Fenris howls once more, freezing the people soaked with water and opening several small shadows under their feet, further entrapping them. My sister then reels in her needle, and streaks her finger across the thread, sending a surge of magic into it, causing the soldiers to explode.

I stand up and look to Marron, “We need to get out of here.” I pan over to my knights, who are still fighting, able to slay several of the soldiers, but are slowly being driven back as more people arrive. This new group is gradually beginning to wear them down having already been fighting for the past several minutes.

“I agree sweetie,” she says, looking to me.

I see several balls of magic rocketing straight towards us. I rush upwards to intercept them, cocooning myself within my tails. The spells instantly make contact with them but I’m soon shot down hard to the ground, landing a couple feet away from my sister.

A woman, one of several I had seen, soon jumps onto me and pins me down. I try and fight her off, whipping my tails at her. She grabs me by the scalp and slams my face into the dirt.

Marron reaches over and rips her off of me. “Get away from my sister,” she tells the woman. She then tosses her captive over towards my knights, who is quickly met by Kateryna as the elf drives her sword into the woman, killing her instantly.

I stand back up and stare out into the oncoming horde. We need to get out of here right now. I look to everyone, “I need fifteen seconds to open the fairy road.”

My party looks to me and nods. They soon form a wall behind me, staying back at least ten or fifteen paces from me.

I unfurl my tails and begin to gather up magic, feeling it swirling as I feel fae magicks slowly being drawn towards me. This was way different than when Titania first gave me the ability to use them and then showed me how to open them.

The strain starts to manifest as I draw in more and more magic into my hands. I swirl my hands, forming a small pinkish aura that slowly manifests and forms into a ball in the center. While I’m doing this, my ears are filled with the sounds of swords clashing, a wolf snarling and magic being thrown about.

When I feel the magic reach a critical point, I clap my hands together, seeing them glow brightly and fling them apart. As I do, a large pinkish portal opens before me, very much like the one that Titania used to send Mom home to me. I marvel at it for a moment as it stabilizes.

I then turn to my party, “Everyone, get in!”

Orga and Kateryna charge their sends with magic and swing them at the crowd, firing yet another slicing wave. This knocks back numerous soldiers which is then followed up by Fenris showering them in ice spikes, impaling them to the ground.

My knights then turn and dash over to me, followed by Marron and Fenris. My sister stares at the portal. Her eyes swim with amazement mixed with a bit of pride before turning her attention back onto me. “Sweetie, you should go in first.”

“We shall cover your escape,” exclaims Orga.

“We will defend the portal, Your Highness,” adds Kateryna.

I roll my eyes, groaning. “Guys, I’ve told you this before, I don’t want anyone else sacrificing themselves for me,” I tell them. “Besides, I have to be the last one in to close the portal.”

Marron stares at me, seeing her eyes fill with worry. I revert back to my human state, not knowing how Miriam or anyone else might react to me stepping through as a kitsune while flying out of it from a battle.

A spell explodes near us, kicking up debris and pelting me with it. I remove my hand from my face and look to everyone. “Just get in guys,” I order.

My knights hesitate for a moment, but then bow, reluctantly stepping through.

“Don’t take too long, sweetie,” she tells me. I smirk to her, as she steps through.

Fenris follows after her, looking equally as worried. I smile to him, “Go ahead, Papa Wolf. I’ll be right behind you.” He gives soft whimper and then enters.

I look back to see yet another oncoming horde of people rushing towards me. I hold out my hand and swipe it across, erecting a wall of dragon flame and foxfire. I watch as several burst into flame upon contact. They fall to the ground screaming in pain.

I see Diana running towards me on the other side of the wall. She looks at her men and then back to me. A snarl grows upon her face as she tries to attack the wall with magic, only for it to bounce back.

I smirk and wave to her before turning towards the portal. I hear her growl as she launches a spell over the wall which explodes right behind me. The blast sends me flying into portal, which then promptly collapses.

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