The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 18: Reunited at last


I turn to see Marron walking away. My heart thumps in my chest as I transform back into a human. No…no not now, not after you’ve just reappeared when I need you.

“Marron!” I call out to her. “Please don’t go.” But she continues to walk away from, as if she’s ignoring me. Why? Why you are walking away from me?

I appear in front of her, peering up into her emerald eyes. “Marron, please don’t leave me again.”

She looks down at me. “I won’t talk to a clone Aria.” Her words cut deeply into me. I can hear the pain and guilt within her voice.

I reach and grab for her jacket, clinging tightly to it as she begins to walk away again. “Will you please stay?” I ask.

She shakes her head, “I can’t sweetie.” Marron then tries to pulls her arm free of my grip.

“Mom’s gone, Marron,” I tell her.

She turns and looks at me; eyes filled with horror and shock, not sure how to respond. “She’s likely dead. Marron I need you, now more than ever.”

Her gaze then darts away, as if still trying to process what I just told her.

I step closer to her, still peering up into her eyes. My grip tightens on her jacket, “You say you can’t stay, why? You think I’m angry with you? I’m not angry with you for taking me from my mom and my home. I’m not angry with for abandoning me that night. What I do hate you for is not wanting to stay the night I woke up and talk with me.”

She looks to me, eyes fluttering with surprise and shock.

“If you sinned against me then I sinned against you as well. I should’ve told you everything from the start.” I pull in closer to her, “This is all my fault. I should’ve gone with you that night to the show, that way when you were given my dairy we could’ve talked. We always could talk to each other. You shouldn’t have to carry all of the blame because I should as well.”

Tears begin to swell within my eyes, “If you have to hate someone then hate me.”

She then pulls me into her chest and holds me tightly, “Why do you care so much? I betrayed you.” Her voice now choking up.

I look up at her with tears rolling down the sides if my cheeks, forming a soft smile. “Because I’m your baby sister, and ever shall be.” My grip tightens, hoping she doesn’t try and tear herself from me.

She drops us to the ground, and pulls me into her chest. I feel drips falling onto the top of my hair. “I could never hate you, sweetie,” she says. ”Never in my life.”

“You shouldn't let your guilt consume you, sissy,” I say, still clinging to her. I fear if I do, she’ll vanish from me again. I look up at her, “Guilt kills the heart as easily as the blade. I won’t give up on you, so don’t give in either.”

She grins, stroking the back of my head. She then lowers her head and presses it against mine.

“Am…am I still worthy of being your sister?” I ask.

She leans up and kisses my forehead, “You’ve always been worthy, sweetie.” She begins to stroke my cheek with her thumb. “Am I still worthy of being yours?” she asks.

I stare up into her eyes, “Always and forever.” My heart aches that I’m now in her arms again, not out of pain, but of sheer joy. She’s here; she’s actually here with me. That alone makes me happier than I have in a long time.

She chuckles, kissing my forehead again. I feel her tears dripping onto my cheeks, mixing with my own. “I’ve been such an idiot. I thought I had fallen so far off out of fear that I never thought I’d see light again.”

I giggle softly, “You may have fallen, but you can always rise again, Marron.”

She chuckles again, “When did you become such a wise sage?”

I shrug, “Who knows?” Again I meet her gaze with my own, “Can you forgive me for being such an idiot? For hurting you as I did?”

She cups my cheek, stroking it, “Yes sweetie, always and forever.”

I giggle. I have her back, I have my sister back with me. I just wish Mom were here. I glance over to Orga and Kateryna. The both of them look to me and smile. I give a weak smile in return. I’ve forgiven my sister. I just hope I don’t to have another conversation with them.

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