The Journey of Two Sisters: Book 4 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 10: Refuge

We drive for a couple of hours along back roads. Even if the car is invisible, it never hurts to be safe, something Mom would surely want for me. I lay curled up in the backseat, having to stop once when we cleared Waco. This gave us the opportunity to get out and stretch.

Kateryna took over being in the driver’s seat, but in actuality I had set it on autopilot. While not actually driving the car, the elf still took watch.

Fenris lies curled beside me, having pulled me into his side and draping a tail over me. I knew we had to leave Austin, as much as it pained me to do so. While there are coven members in the city, who would more than happily take us in, we needed to go somewhere a little less conspicuous. A place that few know about.

The car jostles and shifts as it makes a right-hand turn. I feel a hand gently nudging my shoulder.

“Your Highness,” whispers Orga. “I believe we have arrived wherever you had set for us.”

I sit up on the seat and peer out the window, seeing a large house and spacious fields. The car comes to a stop in the driveway.

I crawl off of the seat and over towards the side door and opens it.

“Where are we might I ask?” inquires Kateryna as she steps out of the car.

“We’re at the outskirts of Dallas, but really thirty miles from the main interstate,” I reply. “In fact, you could say this place literally is in the middle of nowhere.”

I hoist my bag over my back as we walk towards the front door. My legs wobble a bit, but I’m soon caught by Orga.

“Easy, Your Highness,” he says gently.

I smile to him, “Thank you.” He smiles in return.

We walk up the stoop. I step to the front door and knock on it. A moment later it opens, revealing a brown-haired woman named Evelyn Parkston, fellow coven member.

“Aria, Fenris, Orga, Kateryna. What…what are you all doing here?” she asks. “Not to say that I’m never happy to see you.”

I look up at her, “The Estate fell, Miss Evelyn,” my voice finally cracking as the stress and fatigue come rushing back to me. “We were attacked.” Tears run down my cheeks, “My mom…my mom is gone.”

Evelyn’s hazel eyes grow wide as she quickly pulls me into a tight hug. Tears well up in her eyes, as she shakes her head in disbelief. “No…not Rachel,” she says, pulling me inside the house. She looks up to my knights, “Please…please come in.” Both knights and Fenris enter the house with the latter closing the door.

She holds me tightly, then looks to the stairs, “Jonathan, get down here right now! Aria’s here with her knights and Fenris.”

Overhead, I hear the frantic steps of someone racing through the second floor. I look over to the stairs, seeing a rust-color haired man exiting onto the first floor of the house. “What’s going on, Evie?” he asks. He too looks at us, “Why are you here?”

“Jon, according to Aria, the Estate has fallen. And Rachel is gone,” she says, holding me even tighter to her.

The man staggers back against the railing, before opening his arms to me. I quickly race into them as he holds me tightly against his chest. “Our home is now yours,” says Jonathan. “We have plenty of room upstairs. So follow me.”

We nod and head upstairs, with him showing us a set of spare rooms. Fenris and I are led to the room next to where Orga and Kateryna are staying. It's simple, a large bed and a couple little dressers.

“I know it’s not the same as your room, but it’s the best we can offer,” says Jonathan.

I shake my head, smiling, “It's perfect, Mister Jonathan.”

He smiles, “When you’re ready, we’ll all be waiting in the kitchen.”

I nod, “Thank you sir.”

He smiles and leaves the room. I drop my bag onto the bed. I open it and begin pulling out suitcases, setting three of them onto the floor. I smirk as each has been labeled for the three of us. I wheel them out in the hall, where I am met by Orga.

I smile to him, “My mom had these ready for us.”

He nods, taking the pair with him, “Thank you, Your Highness.”

I smile to him and reenter my room. I plop down against the wall, pulling my legs into my chest. Fenris sits in front of me. I peer up into his ice-blue eyes, “What now Fenris?”

He leans his head, pressing his nose against my forehead, “Rest for now, little Aria. We have endured a long journey. And you require time to adjust.”

I nod, reaching up and stroking his fur, “Thanks Fenris.” He smiles, pressing head into mine.

An hour later, we all reconvene around the kitchen table. I recall the attack, of how the first wave was a flight of black dragons which Silvi and I fought. I explain how she was then shot out of the sky. The story then moves to where we were invaded by other covens, who apparently had been paid off by Regulus. Both Evelyn and Jonathan ball up their fists as I mention the names of the covens.

“Those greedy bastards,” exclaims Jonathan, clenching his fists on the table. “They’ve always been gunning for Colburn and now they were given the chance to strike at us. This could start a war between us all.”

Orga looks to him, “I was under the impression that the covens here in North America were at peace.”

Jonathan leans forward in his seat. “Not at peace, more like a long-standing ceasefire. But the weaker covens have always wanted to rise through the ranks and topple the strongest of us.” The man presses hard with his fist into the table, “Such a thing will never happen.”

The knight nods.

I continue saying that we fought them in the driveway, with Xiphos joining us in the fight. I describe the battle as brutal, with even Fenris taking on a dragon. Both adults smile.

“Well,” says Evelyn. “I guess the stories about Uldulvan wolves being able to take dragons are true.” I give a small smile as the wolf straightens up.

But it soon fades as I tell them I saw my mother being stabbed first with a knife, and then a sword through the stomach. Their eyes light up. Evelyn pulls me against her, rubbing my arm. Kateryna reaches over and begins to stroke my back.

Evelyn then sighs, “In less than one month, this little girl has had to fight for her life three times.” She shakes her head, kissing the top of mine, “I think a lot of people would love nothing more than for this girl to live out a normal life.”

Her husband nods in agreement.

“If either of you have need of us,” say Orga, “you have but to ask.”

Jonathan smiles, “Thank you, Orga.”

Evelyn continues to hold me close to her, “We need to let Miriam know. News like this will spread like wildfire across the world.”

I let out a sigh, nodding as I curl up into her. She smiles, kissing my forehead and gently pushes me into Kateryna’s arms. The elf holds me to her, again stroking my hair.

“I should go and make that call,” says Evelyn. She then rises from her seat and disappears into the house.

“We should inform the Court as well,” says Jonathan. “They’re definitely going to want to hear this.”

I shake my head, “Right now, while I know I have friends within it, I’m…a little skeptical of talking to them right now.”

He leans forward, “Not even to Arcturus?”

My hands twitch as my eyes turn away. Knowing him, once he learned about my mom he’d probably come racing to America and snatch me up. While the idea is a sound one, I wonder if it would paint an even bigger target on my back. I think the world of him, but I really don’t like the idea of traveling to the other side of the world just to remain safe.

I shake my head, “No, not even to him.”

Jonathan nods and stands up, “Well, since it’s getting close to that time, why don’t we start making some dinner?”

We all nod and rise from the table to help him.

Later in the evening I’m flooded with hundreds of messages from nearly everyone in the coven, all expressing their shock at my mother’s death, but also their praise that I’m safe and alive. Many of the messages from them say how worried they are of me.

Miss Elizabeth told me that she wishes she could come and snatch me away and take me to her home. She adds that little Susie would love to have her big sister with her. I smile, thanking her.

Miriam and I don’t actually talk per se, but text one another. She tells me that her door is always open to me if I ever choose to travel to Seattle. I thank her and say that I’ll keep it mind. I still feel a bit guilty about my outburst to her when she visited us just a couple days ago. I want to apologize to her, but couldn’t. I want to wait until the right time.

Jenn actually calls me and we decide to video chat with Mandy and Heather. The Parkstons let me borrow their computer in their study, so it’s nice seeing their faces. I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am to have such amazing friends.

“You going to be okay, Aria?” asks Mandy.

I pull my legs into my chest, “I…honesty don’t know, Mandy. I never thought that I would be driven from my home, or lose my mom.

She nods slowly, “Well, whatever happens, know that we’re just a phone call away.”

I smile to her, “Thanks Mandy.”

Jenn’s parents sit beside their daughter, having wanted to join in on the call. No one could blame them. Since meeting them at the Solstice Festival, we’ve sort of been the closest in the entire coven, aside from myself and Miss Elizabeth. She and I actually spoke for well over an hour, with the both of us nearly breaking down into tears.

“Aria,” starts Mr. Bigsby, “if you need anything, just give us a call.”

I smile to him, “Thank you sir. I mean it.”

Jenn leans in, “Girl, you have to know that when news reached us here in St. Louis, people freaked. And then when we learned that the other covens were sent after you, the few teens that live here wanted to go out and bite off the heads of their members here.”

“While admirable, Jennifer,” interjects her mother, “you do know that we would have never condoned it nor would Miriam. Even if she would be first in line to join you.”

I grin softly, but then tears begin to well up in my eye. Jenn looks to me, “Aria…what’s wrong?”

A small tear runs down my face, “I was supposed to fly to you this week to celebrate your birthday. And…and then everyone was supposed to meet me at my home before school starts.” My throat begins to choke up.

She shakes her head, tearing up as well, “It's okay Aria. I mean it. You being alive is more important. Honest babs.”

I nod, wiping my face.

Heather perks up, “Well…I might have soon news that might perk everyone up.” We all turn our attention to her. The girl smiles, “My family has decided to move up our moving date. So I’ll be in Nashville in the next few weeks rather than mid-September. If Mr. and Mrs. Parkston will allow it, we could still come and visit you.”

Mandy and Jenn’s eyes light up at the idea. All that we needed was to let Alexis and Henry know. So the plan we set up during the Gathering could still be put into motion.

Jenn’s mother shakes her head, “Sorry Heather, but the Ranch is a secure fallback, only a handful of people should even know about it.”

Heather slunk back, “Well…okay.”

“Which leads to the question as to how you know about it, little Miss Aria,” inquires the woman.

I form a weak grin, “Not saying.”

She rolls her eyes, “Honestly, you are becoming more and more a fox every day.”

My grin grows, “Well…I am ‘the Fox Princess of Colburn’ aren’t I?”

She stares directly into my eyes, “You are, but it’s not really a title that many within the coven refer to you as. I know for certain that other covens know you as such.”

I sigh, shrugging, “I know Edtrich called me that while attending the harvest festival last year.” So does Titania. In all honestly I don’t exactly mind the title, but it depends on who’s calling me it is where I do.

Mr. Bigsby leans back, folding his arms, “I wouldn’t worry about them. While they are a coven, like many of the weaker covens, they’re really nothing more than a gang of thugs. Have been since I was boy.” I nod to him.

The group then shifts the topic to the upcoming school year. Jenn makes reference to Jimmie and how there could be other sleepers at their schools. I chime in and say given what happened a few weeks ago, most would’ve been recalled. Adding that Arcturus and Kerrigan both informed me of the order.

Mandy agrees but says that there could be others aside from the Court acting as sleepers. Heather and Jenn nod in agreement. Jenn’s parents advise caution, but should still coordinate with the other families living in their respective cities just to be safe. They all agree, promising.

As the conversation wears on, I feel the fatigue and stress from the battle rush over me like a flood. I slowly start nod off. I try and fail to stay awake until my body slumps over, falling out of my chair.

“Aria!!” screams everyone.

I feel my body resting against something soft. I peer up to see that Fenris had caught me, wrapping his tails around my body. “You need to rest, little Aria,” he say gently. I nod to him.

A pair of hands then helps me up. My gaze turns upwards as I see Kateryna standing over me. The elf helps me to my feet. She then leans onto the desk, “Please forgive me, but I must get Her Highness to bed.”

Everyone nods.

“We understand, Miss Kateryna,” says Mr. Bigsby, he then looks to me, “get some rest. Call us if or whenever you need us. And also know that few members live near you, so you are not without people to call upon.”

I nod to him, “Thank you sir.” I then look to everyone, “Love you guys.”

“We love you too Aria. Always and forever,” says Jenn.

“Take care girl,” adds Mandy.

“Stay safe Aria,” says Heather.

I nod to them, “Night guys.”

They all say their goodnights and we end the call. Kateryna helps me up to my room and tells me goodnight. I tell her the same and close the door. I open up my suitcase and find some pajamas, putting them on. I crawl onto the bed, watching as Fenris lies down beside me on a rug. I smile to him and pull the covers over me and flip off the light.


I watched her being stabbed through in the chest, and then again through the back. The image of her standing there in the driveway bleeding envelopes my eyes.

I am then standing on Silvi’s back, and quickly am thrown off after a beam of energy shoots right through her.


I hear screams as I pan over to see the greenhouse erupting into flames. I see the image of a woman wailing and thrashing inside. My heart sinks as I drop to my knees.


Screams of pain and agony fill my ears. They keep growing louder and louder. I try and cover my ears only to have to grow in intensity. I scream as the images grow more and more graphic as they repeat again and again.

I wake up screaming. “Mom!!!”

My door soon flings open as my knights rush over to me. Kateryna quickly drops to her knees beside my bed, she holds my hand. “It’s alright, Your Highness.”

I look to her, crying as I collapse into her arms.

Fenris hops onto the bed, wrapping his tails around me. “Steady, my little Aria,” he says as he presses his head into mine. Orga kneels next to his wife, taking my other hand. “We are here, Your Highness.”

I continue crying, clinging desperately to the only family from the Estate I have left.

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