The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Twenty-Six

When Luca left the room we still weren't satisfied with what we saw. It was hard to determine whether or not that both of the children were Sarah's or if the small wolf pup was mine. I flopped on the bed frustrated. Kai sat next to me and picked up his book to read.

"How long do we have?"

"We have time relax, Luna. Mom says that your training is going well."

"I'm not really sure its training, but our wedding planning is going well."

He chuckled next to me, "What do you think that Queens do, mostly?"

"Please don’t tell me event planning, I'm not that kind of person."

"Not just that but, yes they take part in it. Your train every time you step into the hall and come to meetings too."

I sat up and looked at him, "Really?"

He nodded, "I think that's why the reps get so upset with you sometimes. They're intimidated by you, no woman has ever held a place like that in the hall. I think some of them fear what it means and I know that they are beginning to realize that you won't take any crap. They're beginning to straighten up, be real advisers and helpers to the crown. You did that, Luna."

"Well just because they are animals, doesn’t give them the right to act as such. If they are nobles, trusted members of a pack, they can't just bear their teeth and hope they'll get what they want. It certainly isn't going to be that way when you and I are on that throne."

"I know, dear." I heard him say "damn" under his breath.


He gave me a deer in the headlights look. I just looked at him blankly waiting for what he was going to say next.


"I was just thinking that it's kinda cute when you're all fired up like this. I like it."

I gave him a flat look, "Really?"

There was a knock at the door that interrupted us. Kai strolled over to the door to see who was on the other side. From where the bed was you couldn’t see the door.

"Leah, you may want to come here. It's for you." The tone in Kai's voice was concerning enough.

I got up and found Alex in the doorway. His eyes were bloodshot and his clothes were wet and tattered like they'd been ripped apart by claws. I rushed over to him calling for Luca to send Sarah over in my mind. We'd just been with him most of the day and there were certainly no signs of this. It was only a few moments after I got him in the room and a blanket wrapped around him that she arrived and knelt in front of him.

"Sweetie, who did this to you?"

"I don’t know I didn’t see. I was on my way to meet up with Brayden to go home. He always picks me up. But when I got to the service entrance his car was empty and it looked like he had been pulled from the car. His phone is dead, but it is on him, I think."

"Did you see anything?"

"It was too dark with the rain, but it had claws. I screamed like a little girl which startled it and the guards in the watchtower. They shined their lights, but saw nothing. I ran for the castle, hoping you might be able to help me, Princess."

"Of course we are. But first we are going to get you warm and dry." I called for one of my attendants. "Jael, please take Mr. Alex here and see to it that he gets a hot shower and some dry clothes. Put him in our guest room."

She bowed, "Yes milady."

Alex looked back to me and Sarah. "Thank you both."

"We are gonna find him, promise." Once they were both out of earshot I turned to Kai. "Can you go talk to the guards and Moriarty. I know we've taken care of the staff, but I'm worried that the shadow wasn't a shadow at all. I think it was another shifter based on the power senses, that's what I picked up. But it wasn't good like Brayden is. Aideen is making her way onto this island and we need to stop it now."

They all looked at me concerned. Sarah spoke, "What are we going to do?"

"I need you to go get Oran and help him call all the Alpha's. We need them here ASAP."

"What are you going to do, Leah?" Luca looked at me somberly.

"Emilia and I are going to go close the barrier."

"Without me?"

"No, I need you to meet us there as quick as you can and bring father."

"Leah that could kill him."

"He'll be fine. He still has two months to live."

The castle was on very high alert as I joined hands with Luca and my father. My father, in the wheel chair that the doctor had brought, smiled up at me. I gave him a sad smile in return. A chair had be placed behind each of us as a precaution. This spell was very dangerous.

"Sound the alarm," my father spoke to a guard. Apparently we had one of those. It rang out much like the ones I grew up with for tornadoes. I smiled a little knowing that this was something father had implemented.

"Leah, are you sure this is what you want. We can only open it a little bit once we close it."

"Papa, I see no other way. The packs have been summoned, this is all that's left to do."

He nodded and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, they were clouded and glossed over. I looked around noticing that Emilia's were the same. Luca and I shared a look and quickly entered our trances as well.











When we pulled apart there was a bright light that flashed around us in a circle. I assumed it was a physical light that represented the Barrier. I sat, not because I felt like I was going to pass out, but because I was a little drained.

"How will we know when it worked?" Luca asked.

"It worked. I can feel it," father stated. "You'll be able to once you ascend the throne and gain your full power."

"Part two is finding Brayden?"

Father smiled at me. "You're going to be a great Queen. So much care for your people already."

"He's more than just a part of the people, father. But thank you."

"Where do you think he might be Leah?"

"If that creature that attacked Alex took him, then there's a chance that he is still on the island. I think that the creature wanted them both, because it knew that it would hurt me. But it isn't strong enough to take me on, so it's going after the people I care about."

I heard father sigh next to me. "I know what it is. This isn't the first time it's come after you either."

"What is it?"

"An Alconost, they're a type of Siren. It just so happens that these Bird women so to speak are deeply rooted in the dark magic that Aideen lives in. So naturally, they will do her bidding from time to time."

"A Siren? You're telling me a bird woman siren kidnapped Brayden, who's gay."

"A Siren will work on any man, no matter his sexual orientation." My father countered. "But the good news is that I know how to defeat it."

After coming up with a plan to defeat the Alconost, I went with Sarah to check on Alex. He was resting in the room that we'd put him in, but he wasn't asleep. He was sipping some coca and watching a show on the TV. His eyes lit up at the sight of us and I knew he was hoping we'd found him.

"Princesses, how are you?"

"We're getting there Alex. We have an idea of where Brayden may be and when it's light we are going to send some guards and my Aunt after him. For now, even though it will be hard. Please try and get some rest ok."

He gave me a small smile, "Thank you, both of you. I know closing the Isle was a hard decision to make."

"I will protect my people at all costs. No matter the sacrifice it may take." I took his hand and squeezed lightly. "Now, if you need anything I'll be just down the hall."

Sarah and I each kissed his head and left him for the night. When we exited Sarah looked a guard dead in the eyes and told him to make sure this room was safe and the person was protected. The guard looked afraid of her, honestly I would have been too. The sun was beginning to rise as I finally crawled into bed. Kai was already asleep as he had gone to our room shortly after we finished with the spell.

It felt like I had only closed my eyes a moment when a maid knocked loudly on the door. Groaning I got to my feet and trudged over to the door.

"This had better be something good for you to wake me after last-" I wrenched open the door seeing King Oran on the other side. "My apologies my King, I was unaware that it was you."

He chuckled, "Relax child. Please wake my grandson and get dressed. We have packs beginning to arrive. They will need help crossing the barrier."

I nodded, "Yes my King." When he left I turned to Jael again. "Can you please get us some coffee? One black and the other with one sugar and two creams."

"Yes, ma'am and I'll be sure to put them in to go cups."

"Thank you Jael."

I cautiously walked back to the bed and gently shook Kai on the shoulder.

"I'm awake, go get ready."

"You don't look awake," I giggled.

"Well I don't think anyone could have slept through that loud ruckus my grandfather made."

Slowly, I made my way over to the closet and picked out the comfiest and cutest outfit I could find. Since this was official business I decided on a mint pair of pants, a coral blouse, and a silver accent necklace that I paired with my tan gladiator like sandals. The water in the shower was warm and inviting, just like the bed I wanted to be in. But after a few minutes Kai knocked on the door asking me to hurry up.

Still tired from my nap, I had asked Jael to help me with my hair and makeup. She handed me the coffee I requested and let me relax as she tightened up some of the curls that Alex had placed a couple days ago. I probably should have washed my auburn locks, but I didn't have time to deal with the frizz and didn't want my damp hair ruining my outfit. When she was done with me she slipped my sash over my head before placing my tiara into my hair. I looked in the mirror and saw a slightly exhausted new me. I wasn't the same naïve farmgirl that came to this isle almost four months ago. I was a woman now. One with powers capable of saving an entire race that doesn't exist in the normal realm. Long gone was the girl who freaked out over spiders, in her place stood a princess. The daughter of a goddess.

"Leah are you ready?" Kai asked from the doorway.

I nodded and followed him out to the carriage that was awaiting. Once again I found myself between Oran and Kai, my brother and Aunt and Sarah seated across from me. With how exhausted we all were I was glad we didn’t need my father to open it up. If Luca and I had our full powers we wouldn’t need Emilia at all. Our birthday was just a couple weeks away, when we turned eighteen then we'd come into them in full. I couldn't wait, despite all the love I had for my aunt, she was still sore about learning Sarah was pregnant and that in a few weeks I could be as well.

I gently reached across the way and touched Sarah's arm. I could feel how nauseous she was already and it was affecting me. I was hoping that using just a little of my power to help her on this was not going to be an issue. She smiled at me, knowingly and relaxed back in her seat. The feeling I had went away I was hoping it had left her also.

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