The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Forty-Two: SARAH

When I woke up that next morning, a smile spread across my face. I was getting married today, not only that, but I was marrying the love of my life. I looked over to Luca lying in bed, still asleep next to me. His face was fully relaxed and he looked so peaceful; lately, this was the only time he was at peace. The threat his mother possessed to us, to me was especially hard on him. I knew it was our bond that was making him far more protective. Even if he wasn't a wolf, he was just as possessive; it made me crazy most days. I thought back on the day I met him. We were only seven years old. My father had sent me to live with my Aunt for a summer in the states. He had hoped that in doing so, I could learn from the Ponca pack. I had learned a lot that summer, but the best day was when Uncle Tomas took Kai and I over to the McDonalds. It was just another summer day, until I came out of the barn with Kai and Uncle Tomas. Out of the house ran a little boy. He was so happy to see Kai that he nearly ran me over. As he halted catching me and balancing us both my eyes were locked on the pair of piercing blue ones that stared back at me.

When he let go, I felt so empty. But I let him walk away from me with Kai. I hadn't shifted yet, so I wasn't aware that Luca was my mate, but I felt the pull to him. That's how strong it had been. Uncle Tomas knew this, and so he bartered with my father to keep me in the states. In the time between then and the beginning of school that fall, my Uncle left me in the care of a couple that was a part of the pack, but they lived off the reservation. I felt at home with them too, Amanda was a teacher at the school that Luca and Leah went to. Although my teachings in Ireland had been superb, I knew nothing about American history or their version of English spelling. She had spent the rest of that summer teaching me the American way, helping me blend in and helping me get rid of my Irish accent. On my first day, the teacher sat me down between the twins, in hopes to keep them from talking the whole class. That was the day I met Leah and we became best friends over snack time. Luca never said anything about knowing me from my run in with him. Later I learned it was because Uncle had the memory hidden until it was time.

On my thirteenth birthday, I got my pack markings and shifted for the first time. When Luca and Leah came over for my party the next day, Amanda had to hold me back from Luca. I had learned that he was my mate that day. From the moment he walked in the door, I could smell that something was different about him. When I looked into his eyes, I knew. In my mind, my wolf was screaming MATE, over and over. Amanda immediately notice a change in the air and pulled me away from them. I waited another eight months before he asked me out. Just before we turned sixteen, I told him about the wolves and our mate bond. But I had to swear to his family that I would never breath a word of his family's true identity to him before they did. I obliged, but it was so hard knowing that his father was alive. That Christmas, when Luca got his powers and he found out, we didn't speak for about a day. As hurt as I was, I knew he was more hurt that I had to hide that from him. But after he forgave me, was when I started sneaking over.

I felt Luca stir next to me and watched as his eyes slowly opened.

"Well, good morning, my love." He smiled and put his lips to my belly. "Good morning to my two other loves. Please do me a favor and don't make mommy sick today. It's a special day for us all."

I smiled and tried to keep my libido in check. Though our twins were still in a dangerous stage of growth, he liked to talk to them and it turned me on. He grinned at me knowing what he was doing to me, ever since he and Leah had gotten his full powers, he had a better tie to me, and could feel every emotion I felt. With a quick kiss he got up and headed for the shower, leaving the bathroom door open. I shook my head and ignored his invitation. Not today, we were going to wait this one out until tonight. As much as I wanted him, I forced myself to do something else. I ordered breakfast from my maid, Arlene, and got ready to head to Alex. Leah was probably already there, I thought looking at the clock and notice how late it was getting. After eating my portion of breakfast I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Not getting in with me?"

"No, I've got to head downstairs and get ready. I'll see you at three. Oh, and it's snowing," I smiled looking at the light snow falling past the window, there was a nice fluffy layer on the ground and it was building. My smile grew, this was just what I was imagining. I was instantly happy to live on a magical island with perfect weather for every season.

Down in the salon, I could hear Leah and Alex talking. It was mostly about her baby, and the twins. So far, with the help of some peppermint tea from Gran Kali, I was having a good day. When I entered the salon, I found that Leah had a whole pot of it with her and a spare cup. It was typical of her to be so prepared.

"THERE SHE IS!!! MY SISTER TO BE!" Leah squealed.

I shook my head, "We're already sisters Leah, and cousins, but that's besides the point. There's some thing to be excited about though."

"What's that my dear," Alex smiled.


"EEEEPPPPP!" We all exclaimed.

I felt a bubbling sensation in my stomach and stopped moving. This was different than the feeling I got before I was about to be sick. It was more like butterflies, but they were moving inside me. I was only twelve weeks, it was a little too early to feel them move, but that was what it felt like. Was I further along than what we all thought, it was impossible, Luca and I didn't start having sex until we had mated. Which was about a week after the coronation. Once i sat down and got myself some tea, they seemed to settle down. While Alex worked on my hair he was very careful not to spray too much product. I was better than, Leah, but it was still iffy most days. She stayed, chatting with us until the rest of the ladies showed up. Alex finished my hair quick and I followed out the door to where Leah had gone, she had made plans to wait elsewhere while the ladies got their hair done. When I asked if I could join her, we made new plans to go get lunch together.

Once we were done with Lunch, we decided to take a small walk around the palace. We were walking past the hall and I couldn't resist peaking inside. My eyes lit up as we walked in. The hall was draped in ivory linen banners, similar to the ones Leah had. There were linens and bunches of dusty blue hydrangeas blocking the seats from the center isle. I looked up to the alter area and saw that Liz and some others were working hard finishing up the flower archway. Everything was just as I had imagined it. The scent of roses was everywhere too, the archway being filled with them. Mauve and ivory with more hydrangeas and some eucalyptus leaves for greenery.

"LIZ, where do you want these, Hun?" We heard Corbin's voice coming from a back corner.

"Can you bring them here? OH can someone please runs the bouquets and bootineers to their respective corners? I bet Sarah is beginning to wonder about them."

One of her team member's spoke up. "Yes, Trevor and I will take them with the help of the kids."

Out of a side entrance for staff, the four took off with boxes. Leah and I were still in the doorway admiring the work Liz had done, looking at the detail on the tables as she had dried some of the hydrangea petals and dusted the table with them. Each table had votive candles on them and a vase with mauve and ivory roses with more eucalyptus leaves. It was beautiful.

"Liz, be careful, love."

"Corbin, I'm fine," Liz assured coming down from the ladder.

I was surprised they still hadn't noticed us. But admired the love I could feel from them. I missed that affection from Luca. Ever since they'd captured his mom, he'd been distant. I turned my eyes back to where they were standing on the other side of the hall. They were holding hands and Corbin was talking softly to her. Tucking some of the hair behind ear and honed in on them with my enhanced hearing.

"Liz, I know that this is probably happening a little fast, but, I learned a long time ago to trust my gut and follow my heart. Liz, you and your children are everything for me. I know that I am a servant of the crown, and that my duty is to protect them. But I want to protect you and the kids too. I know we talked about how you lost your husband and I my wife. But I cannot deny the pull to you anymore. I want to spend the rest of this life with you, Eliza. You and you're children, and maybe even one of our own."

I let out a gasp that only Leah heard and covered my mouth. "Leah, watch, he's proposing."

"Eliza Rose Butler-Crannaugh, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife."

Leah and I watched in awe as Liz, overcome with joy placed her hands over her mouth and nodded in response.

"Yes! Yes Corbin, I will. OH MY GOSH." It was clear she was crying tears of joy. Looking over at Leah, she was too, clearly her pregnancy hormones were strong.

"Alright, my Queens, you can come out now."

I paled as I realized that he'd known all along we had been there. Before I could recover, my matron of Honor was quickly making her way up to hug our Liz. I followed up to the front and took a look at the ring that Corbin had picked out. It was a beautiful two karat princess cut diamond with a white gold band that was encircled in smaller diamonds. Liz was beaming and then she realized that there was still work to be done.

"Liz, it looks beautiful, really, I think you've outdone yourself."

Leah tugged gently on my arm. "Gran Kali is looking for us, we need to go finish getting ready."

"Yeah, Okay."

I stood outside the hall again, my gown flowing around me, my crown perfectly incorporated in my hair. My father stood next to me, all dressed up in a grey suit with a dusty blue tie. It was probably the best I'd seen him look since I was little. Leah was standing in front of me in her mauve dress, as much as I would have preferred blue, the mauve went better with the sash, she was required to wear. I thought it was ridiculous that she had to wear that, it was a freaking wedding. She wore a smaller tiara, as another requirement, but she didn't want to take away from my day. I smiled, my best friend, knew me so well. She stood in front of me holding my hand with her free hand.

"Sarah, I love you. I can't be happier for you to become even more of my family."

"I love you too Leah."

The music started and Leah left me with just my father. It was quiet, he never usually had much to say.

"Sarah, my beautiful girl. I know I haven't been able to always be there for you. I know I've given you and Luca a lot of shit. But please, please know how happy I am to see you happy and with your mate. You've grown into a beautiful woman, and you will make a great queen for the people. I always knew you had greatness inside you. I love you Sarah."

"I love you too dad. You're going to be a great Alpha, and even better grandfather."

He smiled and took my arm. "Let's get this show on the road."

When the doors opened, everyone was looking at me in awe. My eyes were locked on only one set though, Luca's. I could see the tears he had building and smiled as my own tears blurred my vision. My father, well aware of this patted my hand and guided me to the end of the isle where Luca stood just below the archway. With Luca was Kai on his right and Grandad Oran on between us, who was overseeing the ceremony. Seems that we already had our mating ceremony, this was more for just show, because we hadn't gotten a big day.

When we stopped walking, Oran asked who was giving me away. My father turned me over and so began a small speech from Oran about loving one another & what the Bible had said. Then he took the rings and between him and the bishop standing by they blessed the rings. I took the one that was Luca's and held it in my hand. Luca had taken mine and placed it on my ring finger.

"I, Luca, take you Sarah; to be my mate, my lover and my partner in life. I promise to watch over you and protect you. I promise to care for you in times of happiness and times of need. I promise to provide for you and for our future. As long as we both shall live, this is my promise to you."

I felt the ring rest on my hand as he pulled away. Then I took the ring in my hand and placed it on his finger.

"I, Sarah, take you Luca; to be my mate, my lover and my partner in life. I promise to care for you in times of happiness and in times of need. I promise to make decisions with you and to guide you when needed. As long as we both shall live, this is my promise to you."

When I let go of the ring I felt the butterflies move around again and knew that it was for sure the twins. The smile that spread across my lips was uncontainable and Luca sense it too. He smiled at me. As we kissed the butterflies exploded and it felt like there were several babies roaming inside rather than just the two. The roar of the crowd was quite impressive too, of course what do you expect with a bunch of Werewolves at a wedding. I half expected as we descended into the masses that Leah would have her vision. But there was nothing.

After pictures with family and all that we ate dinner and then went back to sign the marriage contract. Leah and Kai signed it first and then Luca and myself. As I finished the small swirl on the "e" in McDade, I watched as Leah's eyes glossed over in white. We all had been waiting for her vision to happen, and here it was.

"A little too technical for an all powerful goddess isn't she?" Luca's voice dripped with sarcasm.

The statement earned him a slap on the arm from his sister, no doubt the Mother's way of punishing him. Then just like that Leah came out of it and returned to her normal self. Well almost normal.

"She looks like she's about to be sick."

"No, I'm okay for now. But that wasn't a pretty rainbows and sunshine vision."

Kai took her hand, "Do we need to go get anyone?"

"Not tonight. Let's enjoy the evening. I'm not letting another wedding in this family be ruined."

I gave her a weak smile. "Wanna go dance it off sweets?"


And that's exactly what we did. We grabbed our men and forced them to have a good time. That night with Luca things were amazing. Despite how tired we both were, we managed to stay awake and have some fun.

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