The Isle (Chronicles of the Irish Princess Book 1)

Chapter Forty

Thanksgiving was an American celebration, one that most of the villagers did not celebrate, however the castle had a great way of celebrating it. People from all over the village came to the castle to bring gifts to the King in return the king would bless them with money to protect their families through the winter. It was a great tradition that was started by King Tobias. From the side I watched my brother and Sarah greet various people of the village. Many of them brought gifts from their fields or animals, such as eggs or wheat. The scene itself reminded me of the scene in Princess diaries 2 where Mia was learning how to cater to the people. I tried not to giggle as various baskets were revealed to be filled with food and drinks, thankfully there were no live chickens.

Dear sister, must you put the horrifying scene in my head.

Luca, maybe you should focus on your people.

They are yours as well. Maybe you'd like a turn up here?

Maybe another time. My luck someone would bring me a chicken.

I saw his shoulders move as he laughed to himself. From the mass of people I watched Liz and Corbin move through the line and move over to me. Ana was carrying a little box with a bow on it and Finn was smiling from ear to ear.

"For you, Princess," Ana smiled.

I bent down and took the box from her. Hugging her I replied, "Thank you Anabelle. Blessed are you and your family for the winter."

I stood and smiled to Corbin and Liz. Corbin, along with the rest of the guard were getting holiday bonuses any day now, so he understood why they were not receiving anything back. But still it looked like there was something pressing on his mind. I could see it in the way he so nervously held onto Liz and his aura was stressed. I turned to Malakai, who nodded, he had noticed it as well.

"Corbin, may I borrow you a moment," I asked.

With a nod he obliged. We walked a few feet away from the crowd behind some pillars that stood near the throne area.

"What seems to be weighing on your mind, solider?"

"I think you may have been right, Queen Leah. My heart has been pulled to Liz, in ways I cannot understand. I want to ask for the blessings of you and your brother to take her as my wife. I know it’s not a custom, but as she has no family aside from the children, I want to ask those close to her. I feel that you, and maybe even Queen Sarah, are my best options for this."

I smiled to him, "I knew it was only a matter of time. Let me grab Sarah quickly."

Looking over to her and my brother, I connected to her with our pack bond. Sarah, I need you over here a moment please.

I watched as she stood and came over to us from the side of the platform. She was smiling ear to ear, already knowing what was going on, no doubt listening in with her wolf hearing.

"Corbin, what seems to be the matter?" She grinned.

"I have a feeling, my Queen, that you already know my request."

"I do, and I give you my blessing, under one condition Corbin."

"Yes, my Queen?"

"You love those children like your own, and if you and Liz have any other children, that you continue to love them all equally. Finn needs a father figure in his life, a role model, thus far that person has been you, since his father's untimely death. Ana needs someone who is going to treat her like a princess and her mother like a queen. She needs someone to count on for everything a father should be for his daughter."

"I can assure you, that I already do, and will continue to do so until my body leaves this plane."

"That being said," I smiled at Sarah, "we give you our blessing. But please know, any additions to your little family will be spoiled by the crown. Sarah and I love those kids as much as you."

He chuckled, "I would expect nothing less my Queens."

We all went back to our respective corners. Kai kept me close, as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. The blessings went on for about another hour, from there everyone went to their quarters to prepare for the banquet my brother was hosting. As it was his first as King, I could tell he was a bit more on edge, so before we went to our room, Kai and I paid a visit to him. He was seated at his desk in his study, stare out the window to the right of the desk hand resting on his chin as if in thought.

"Are you okay brother?"

"Yeah, things went well with the blessings, I think. The people seemed to be pleased with me, and were all very cooperative. I felt very calm, still do in fact."

"Are you finally settling in?" Kai asked.

"I think so, I was nervous going into it though. Worried some would see the small bump that Sarah is developing as the twins grow. But not long after I started to greet people, things just felt right and I was at ease."

Kai nodded and Luca looked at him with a serious face, "Can you keep me accountable for tonight? With the girls unable to drink, I want to make sure I stay at my best. There are going to be some dignitaries asking about it. None of the packs really know all too much, except the Alphas and Lunas, but not really any of the others. I just don't want word to get out yet. I know we are starting to push the limit on this, but the longer we can keep the news about the girls being pregnant, it just makes me feel better about the upcoming events."

"Of course. We wouldn't want things to be repeated from the last party," Kai was joking and Luca just smiled.

"Luca, you really need to consider how much longer this is going to be hidden, Sarah complained about her dresses becoming tight. I'm worried that another week might not be enough time for her."

"When is her next fitting?"

"Brayden and Myra will be here with it in the morning."

He nodded. "We can make a decision after then. Just keep me posted."

"I will," then I turned to Kai, "We should go get ready."

"Agreed. See you shortly, my friend."

Hanging up in my closet was the evening gown I planned on wearing for the night. It was a royal purple, with sheer sleeves covering in lace appliques that faded down the bodice of my dress. It was a short V-neck dip as well, with a broad neckline that rested just on my shoulders. The tulle skirt puffed out some, unlike Sarah, I had yet to notice a difference in my apparel fitting and tighter. Almost weekly, there were boxes being delivered to her now with clothing that was for maternity or just larger than her normal wear. She was attempting to hide things well for any public events and had taken to wearing her dress a size up to cover the little bump she had. I did worry for her and the twins. But like Emilia promised she had performed the protection spells over Sarah and I. As I put on the dress, I thought more about the wedding coming up in a week. Sarah and I had been hard at work with Liz and the team for the last two weeks preparing for the big day.

Since moving to the Solider Quarters, Liz had put her shop up for sale and began to work more with the team here at the palace. It wasn't long after the coronation that my brother officially hired her on as the head of the department. With the change of pace came more protection and benefits for her and the kids, as much as she enjoyed her shop, the opportunity was too much to pass up. They made an agreement that she could keep her website up and work out of the Palace as well. Liz was earning her own, on top of the constant demand of the palace, and she was doing great.

Kai and I had been relaxing on the couch together before heading to the dinner. As King and Queen, we would be announced just before Luca and Sarah. For uncle Tobias, this day marked a day of unity and peace for the two crowns. It was around this time that he and Oran had finally come to an agreement that ruling together would be better than apart on the same island. I admired how special this day was for my people and the people I ruled. Thus far, things had been simple. None of the dignitaries were pushing any new laws or stipulations at us, we were all mostly preparing for the impending war. Our hopes were to hold off until after the new year. Luca and Kai buying me as much time as possible to find an answer. I was hoping that the wedding would be the key to my insight on the war.

"You alright?" Kai asked. He could probably sense my anxiety about the whole ordeal.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about next week and what will happen after."

"Have you even visited the dungeon since she was taken captive?"

"No, but Luca goes every week. He told me that she sits there and stares at him. She can't get into his head for some reason, probably because she knew how full of crap she was for most of our lives. Knowing she's down there though, I don't feel any safer. I won't until she'd dead. I'm really hoping that their wedding is the key to unlocking the spell or ritual I need to lock her in that body. Once Aideen is body locked, killing her will be much easier."

Kai pushed a stray curl behind my ear. "Do you think you'll be able to do that? Kill your own mother?"

"I will do whatever it takes to protect my family. Including kill my own mother. She has never really been a mother to me. I mean what kind of mother lies about you, to you and attacks you verbally, mentally and physically. Certainly not a good mother worth keeping alive. Those types of moms lose custody of their kids and many times will go to prison for that."

"But isn't that the situation now?" He pondered aloud.

"That isn't good enough for her. As long as my mother is a possessed vessel, then there is no other option. Meara told me that I have to end it, to end her. I don't see any other way of accomplishing that. I've accepted this as my path, but I know it is for the protection of my people, and I won't let that turn me to Aideen's side."

He sighed, "I know, I just worry about you and the baby. I will now for the rest of my life. Because you are my life, I love you Leah and our baby."

"I know, I love you too Kai, and this baby will love you just as much. I know she will."

"She? How do you know?"

"The Great Mother, she blessed us, yes."

"Are you sure about that though? Like is there a chance that maybe we have a little boy and something happens?"

"I'm not sure, not one hundred percent. I won't be until this little bundle enters the world. But, my gut tells me to trust the Mother. No matter what happens."

"That is what my gut tells me too. Love my family, and trust the Mother, it has always said that."

Once at dinner with food in front of me, I began to feel more at ease. It wasn't until then that I realized how little I had eaten. For someone growing a baby, that wasn't exactly safe and I made a mental reminder to start tracking of when I was eating and if it was a snack or meal.

Don't worry Luna, I'll help you to remember to eat. Even if it means interrupting your research or wedding planning to bring you food. Kai's voice resounded in my mind.

I smiled at him and continued to devour my meal. Luca had been smart in planning this feast. He made sure that the dishes were approved by Sarah and I hoping to avoid any hormone triggers that would send us running to the nearest bathroom. However, everything that was put in front of our noses smelled delicious and we each put away a hefty amount of food. There were many small conversations happening between Packs and species that were in close contact with each other. My brother, had invited some guards and townspeople who were of the supposed leads of their species, many of them had taken homes on the isles. Then for added appreciation the entire staff had been invited to join us. Not many took up on the offer, but there were a few who were curious enough to participate. I noticed Brayden and Alex sitting down by Myra and Liz. They all looked to be having a good time.

Following the meal, we all separated into groups of men and women taking to the different spaces for mingling and bonding time. This left Sarah and I with all of the Pack Lunas, Myra, Emilia, Liz and a coven leader named Naiome to dote on little Anabelle and the few other girls that belonged to a few of the Leaders. Naiome took some interest in Anabelle, clearly picking up on her abilities.

"Liz, has your daughter shown any interest in a specific element yet?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Naiome."

"Unlike the royal family, most covens only have one specific element that they cling to, such as earth, water or air. My coven in particular deals with earth."

"Oh, umm not that I have noticed. Emilia, have you noticed this at all?"

"Not yet, but I also have her working with all of the elements at this moment. With her still being so young, and only part witch, it could be another year or so before she officially shows any particular gift. As you know Naiome, witches not born in constant contact with their covens and accepted upon at birth take longer to show these traits."

She grinned at my aunt, "Yes, Princess Emilia, this is true, I wasn't aware that her home coven was no longer on the isle."

"Yes, the coven her father belonged to moved off the island and has been secluded ever since," Liz added. "We haven't had contact with any of them since his death. Not even his sister."

"That is a shame, well, please know if she does show an interest in the earth element that my coven would be happy to welcome her."

Liz nodded scooping up Ana. "Please excuse us my Queens, Princess, it's nearing Ana's bedtime."

"Do you need any help?" I asked her.

"Maybe if you could, let Corbin know I'm leaving. Maybe even grab Finn for me?"

"Of course, Liz."

I followed her out and down the room. We made it about six feet down the hallway before she handed me Ana and broke down. She seemed angry, or stressed when we left.

"The nerve of that WOMAN."

"Liz, I'm sure any other coven leader might have asked the same thing. But yes, she was a bit rude about it."

"If Ana shows any affinity for any element, she will still be the one making the decisions."

"Liz, let me assure that she will be welcome to my family's coven weather she declares or not."

She smiled at me. "Thank you Leah. I appreciate that."

"I'll be back in just a moment."

I walked through the set of double doors on my right, with Ana in my arms still. Most of the people in the room bowed their heads at me in respect as I passed by, there were few who did not see me and that was just fine, the less the better. Corbin was in a card game with my brother Kai and a few other men when I came in, Finn was sitting on his lap clearly enjoying the bonding time with all the men. They all stood as I approached them and Finn ran up to me hugging at my side.

"Leah," he beamed. I noticed Corbin kneel down and whisper to him. Finn looked back up at me with apologetic eyes. "My apologies your Majesty."

"Not to worry young Finn. Your mother has asked for you to come with us. Have you had fun today?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Wonderful. Corbin, Liz said for you to stay as long as you'd like."

He smiled and hoisted Finn over his shoulders. "As it turns out Your Majesty, your dear brother bested me this round and I am out of the running." He turned to the table of men. "Thank you for your time gentlemen, have a great evening. Your Majesties," he bowed his head.

Corbin and Finn followed me out of the room, by then Liz had composed herself enough for the children. They all walked back through the halls to the soldier's quarters. Until I turned to go to my own, I was unaware I had been followed by more than Corbin and Finn. As I turned to go back to our room, Malakai appeared before me with a smile.

"Ready for bed my love?"

I smiled at him. "You read my mind didn't you?"

"No, but as always, Luna, your emotions are written in your eyes. You look exhausted."

I gave him a look. You try carrying a baby.

He laughed a little and took my arm. "How about a nice warm bubble bath?"

"That sounds lovely."

"Alright then, let's go." He smiled and picked me up bridal style carrying me all the way back to our room.

Once inside, he set me down on the couch and slipped off my heels. Silently, I hoped to have my feet swell sooner than normal, so I could stop wearing the infernal shoes. Whoever thought they were comfortable was probably a man. Sitting next to me was the box from Ana, the one from Blessings, that I had yet to open. Curious, I lifted the lid and peered inside. Neatly lain on top of some tissue paper was a book. It had old worn leather binding and yellowing pages. Just underneath was a note in Liz's handwriting.


Ana has asked me to write this for her. But she stumbled upon this book while we were packing up our things to move into Corbin's home as a more permanent situation, it belonged to my late husband's mother once. I guess he had told Ana once or showed it to her, but it's a spell book from her coven. Specifically that of his mother, who at the time was the leader of the coven. When her people began to turn on her for having non-magic bearing children she gave it to Theo and asked him to hide it.

Ana has had a vision, maybe more than one about a spell or power described inside that may help you. I hope that the Mother has guided her right, and continues to guide you. Happy Blessings Day.


The Crannaghs

When I finished reading Liz's note, I set it aside and opened the book. Inside were hundreds of pages on various common spells for all the elements and one rather interesting subject, Light Magic. I flipped to the thickest section on light magic and began reading into it. The coven was known for it, having kept documentation on it for over 2 centuries. This book belonged to one of their leaders, that must have made her very powerful, why didn't they search harder for the grim war. I flipped through a few more pages before finding a Light Binding Spell. As I read it, I became very aware that this Light Magic was similar to my own, and that this type of magic was a bloodline root of the Great Mother. Being a direct offspring of hers that much made sense, but how is it that this coven had access to it.

Kai Came out of the bathroom only a towel wrapped around his waist. "Hey, are you going to join me? What's that?"

"My Blessing's Day gift from Anabelle. It's her grandmother's grim war. It's about their particular type of magic."

"Oh," he seemed surprised.

"Anything good?"

"If I'm right, then we didn't stumble upon Finn that day in the village, the Great Mother placed them in my path." This book may contain something very important. Something that may just be the key to binding Aideen to my mother.

Kai looked at me wide eyed. Best to keep that to ourselves then huh?

Yeah, don't tell a soul. Lock this up deep in your mind please. If her followers somehow got word of this, that would be bad. Probably the difference in winning and losing the war.

Kai nodded and tucked the book under the sink in the bathroom. Then placed the lid on top of the box. If someone was going to break into our room, they'd have a hell of a time getting to the book with it near me. At this point, we didn't know where or how far Aideen's followers would go to destroy this book. I dropped my dress on the bathroom floor, undressing completely, before sinking deep into the warm soapy water of the bath that Kai made up. He sank in behind me and lightly massaged my shoulders. We relaxed for a while then got out, throwing on some clothes and stuffing the book in my pillowcase before laying in bed for the night.

As I slept, the Great Mother played dreams in my head of my mother running off into the night Naiome by her side. I took it as a warning not to trust that coven, especially not their leader. Who knew what dark secrets she kept and what her plan was. Maybe there was a deeper reason for her showing up tonight. Either way I knew She was warning me against them, and I took the warning with great caution.

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