The Invincible Young General by Kerr Temple

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Markus alugged, not at all frightened. “Do as you like fin kind of broke and don’t have a place to eat anyway? 

Of course, Abigail wasn’t just trying to scare lum 

She could really do that. 

But Markus wasn’t her target 

“You seem pretty fearless You have someone backing you up, don’t you?” Abigail asked. 

“What do you mean by that? I don’t need anyone to back me up’ he replied. 

Abigail frowned She had been in the City Watch for a long time and had met all kinds of people. 

Generally speaking, few people could still maintain a calm attitude when in the City Watch 

If they could remain calm, they would either have strong connections or be very strong themselves! 

Markus had just been released from the Greenvale Mental Institution 

He must be unusually strong! 

“Okay, back to business. Let’s start the interrogation Tell me your name, age, and occupation… 

Abigail adjusted herself and took the file, ready to take Markus’s statement. 

Markus chuckled. ‘Commander Hampton, can we stop wasting each other’s time? I think you know is better than I do? 

It wasn’t a coincidence that Abigail appeared at the Insatiable Bar at a critical moment today 

And she hadn’t come for the bar. 

She had come for him. 

If Markus couldn’t understand something this simple, he would have lived the past eight years in win 

Abigail fell silent. She put down her pen and put her palms together. “Not necessarily. For example, I don’t know anytharag about your experience in the Legio Fenricus Commandery. Why don’t you tell me about ?? 

Markus was silent for five seconds before flashing his trademark naughty smirk. “That’s boring Why don’t you triller your body measurements instead?” 

Abigail was speechless 

“We can talk about that after you tell me about your experience in the Legio Fenricus Commandery”

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