The Innkeeper

Chapter 850 Contingency Plan II

When he turned to look at the dwarf, he channeled his spirit energy into his spatial bangle and had it at the ready. Although he had survived the attack of an Earth Immortal before, he had been gravely wounded in the process. Suffice to say he could not go up against an Immortal on his own.

He also did not want to take any risks, or waste time arguing with unnecessary people. Not to mention, the dwarf might just be with the enemy, and simply pretending to cause problems to get closer. In short, there were more than enough reasons for Lex to be prepared.

"If you have a problem, take it up with the superiors," Lex said plainly. He was trying to deflect responsibility in the hopes that this would become someone else's problem long enough that they could leave. But of course, that hope was destined to become a disappointment.

The immortal dwarf, who was already blaring his aura as if he was afraid people wouldn't notice him causing a ruckus, seemed almost offended that Lex wasn't suppressed to the point where he couldn't even respond.


The dwarfs aura crashed down on Lex even harder as he yelled, and his face warped into an distorted grimace.

Countless others had noticed the situation, and a number of guards were already on the way to resolve the situation. Far away, Lex could also tell that the officer who had given him departure clearance was alarmed by the situation, and was paying attention to it.

A part of Lex's brain told him that if he held out for just a few seconds, others would solve the problem for him. But the majority of Lex's brain had already decided that this dwarf was working for whoever was targeting the Inn. Why else would he behave so absurdly?

Instead of responding to the dwarf, Lex held out his hand above his head, and a massive rocket appeared in it, its tip pointing towards the dwarf.

Suddenly, the entire base, the hooligan dwarf included, froze. Of course they did. This was the most powerful rocket he had looted from the dragon.

"I didn't quite hear you. Could you speak a little louder?" Lex asked as he took a step forward, his gaze fixed on the now panicking dwarf.

As an Immortal, his senses were quite sharp, and from this massive rocket he felt nothing but an impending death with no chance of escape.

Lex wrapped the rocket in his spirit sense and lifted it into the air, so that it was floating above him. Then another rocket appeared in his hand.

"What's the matter? Didn't you have something to say to me?"

More and more rockets appeared above Lex as he approached the dwarf. Considering that even Heaven immortals could be injured by some of these, they were a threat not just to the dwarf but the entire base. No one moved, so as to not agitate Lex, but an emergency alert had already been sent out as the peak powers of the base were being summoned.lights

By now, the tip of the rockets were floating mere centimeters away from the dwarfs face as Lex closed the distance.

"How urgent is your mission? I hope I'm not causing any inconvenience," Lex said, his voice actually sincere. But the menacing devil's mask made it clear to anyone watching what Lex really meant.

Like the dwarf had blared his aura earlier, Lex unleashed Domination as he finally approached the dwarf, his figure towering over the stocky dwarf.

The dwarf did not dare respond, and his eyes were dashing left and right, hoping to be rescued by someone. Yet no one was closing in. With over 10 rockets capable of killing him floating just above the dwarf's face, no one dared to take a step closer.

In the distance, an elf appeared silently in the room, surrounded by a large entourage. But in his trembling hands, he held a letter. As a Celestial immortal, he had not been overwhelmed by the aura of the letter, but he understood clearly that certain matters had gone far outside the range of his authority. Now he just wanted to get the representative of the Midnight Inn out of here as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the next report he received wasn't of Lex departing. Instead, it was of him wielding immortal weapons right in the hangar.

Absolute hate was radiating in his eyes, but he was not looking at Lex but the dwarf. What was that maniac thinking?

A part of Lex's brain took in all the information of what was happening around him. Most of his brain, however, was focused solely on the dwarf.

"You know I've come to realize that my relationship with dwarfs is not that great," Lex spoke softly. Lifting his hand, Lex tapped the dwarfs face a couple of times, like one might do to a kid they were encouraging.

"In the future, remember your place," Lex said softly. He had not slapped the immortal, but what he had done was many times more humiliating. But no one noticed that each time Lex's hand touched the dwarf, it seemed to fade a bit, as if disappearing.

Lex was using his newest ability to turn his body into thought itself, and reading the surface of the dwarfs' thoughts. This was not a true intrusion into the dwarfs brain, or else it would have required more effort. Lex simply wanted to know if the dwarf truly harbored malicious intent, was or just an ill-tempered fellow.

Fortunately for the dwarf, it seemed like the case was the latter.

Lex looked around the hangar once and saw countless faces staring at him. The dwarf wasn't the only one who could sense the danger from those weapons.

With his point made, Lex turned around and walked away. The rockets, however, kept floating in the air until both Cirk and Lex boarded the Silent Wanderer. Even when Lex withdrew them back into his spatial bangle, no one moved.

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