The Innkeeper

Chapter 745 Letter

Chapter 745  Letter

The envelope only read 'Lex' and had a smooth texture to it. After concluding that there was nothing amiss with the letter, Lex tore open the pale white packaging and revealed within it an off-white textured paper filled with a very pleasant handwriting. Lex once again found it odd that it was handwritten when it could have easily been printed, but ultimately chalked it all up to a quirk of Alexander's noble upbringing.

'<nulli>Lex, contemporary romance

<nulli>Were it that I would be writing to you in better circumstances, I would have thanked you profusely for your help. You not only saved my life, surely, but that of countless others as well, and that deserves no shortage of gratitude, especially since it was not your duty to begin with.

<nulli>Unfortunately, circumstances are not pleasant so I must end the flattery here. I do not know if you were present during the final moments of Polebitvy, but the situation went drastically out of hand. It quickly became clear to us that there was something amiss with the insects, for towards the end their blood directly started warping and tearing space. The more insects we killed, the more fragile space became.

<nulli>When the order to retreat came, it was already too late. Only those I had distributed the keys to managed to escape when the night sky itself was torn asunder. What I am about to reveal to you now is confidential, and I have been informed that I will soon have a soul lock placed on me so that if I ever try to reveal it, I will be killed. Fortunately, they have not placed the lock yet, and there is a convenient loophole for me to use.

<nulli>The soul technique works on my memory, so I am writing this letter to you in the Chamber of Secrets, and once I finish, I will erase the memory of ever revealing it from my memory. That way, you will gain the relevant knowledge, and I will be safe from the consequences of the lock.

<nulli>The final tear that opened large enough to swallow Polebitvy did not open on its own, but a massive creature the likes of which I have never even imagined was on the other side of the rip, pulling space apart.

<nulli>It then pushed forth more arms from the tear, and seemed to grab the planet itself, before pulling it within. I, of course, did not stay long enough to see the event happen for myself, but one can imagine.

<nulli>I do not know what is actually happening, but I know enough to conclude that whatever is happening is far outside the capacity of even the Empire to handle. In this universe, one cannot rely on others for security, or at least not rely on others completely - that is the conclusion I have come to.

<nulli>My new goal will no longer be to hunt down the terrorists, especially since the empire no longer seems interested, and they claim that others are on the hunt now. Instead, my new focus will be on growing my strength.

<nulli>I have a confession to make. My family is not originally from earth, and instead we arrived there hundreds of years ago, escaping from an already long forgotten conflict. We brought along various secret heritages, one of which I managed to awake at a very young age, which is the real reason my family so carefully nurtured my growth. That is also why I was able to control six flying swords even before I unlocked my spirit sense!

<nulli>I am revealing this to you to let you know that while I am pursuing my own path to strength, I have every confidence that you, too, will do the same. However, should you ever find your path blocked, and need a heritage or technique to guide you along higher cultivation realms, my family's library is always open to you.

<nulli>By the time you read this letter, I will already be inside the mysterious tower that the empire is guarding. That tower has many secrets as well, and can serve as a shortcut for my growth. If you have time, you should try to practice there more as well. Who knows, we might just partner up again someday.


<nulli>Alexander Morrison'

Lex read the letter several times to ensure there was no secret message or code written within that he was missing, but there seemed to be none. Despite that, the information shared in the letter was very significant, and seen through a certain lens, Alexander even risked his life to share it with Lex.

Although it did not directly influence Lex to know that there was a creepy space monster able to tear space and then pull planets in - planets that it grabbed with its hands - it was still good to know. After all, what if one day he had such a guest? What if his guest ate planets for food? What was he supposed to do? Lex did not have any spare planets on hand to feed hungry guests.

On a serious note though, it reinforced Lex's motivation to get the hell out of the Origin realm and get far away from this ridiculous war. As for whether someone was able to find his new realm, and then start a war with him over it, were topics Lex was doing his best not to worry about. After all, there was little he could do in such a situation but fight back.

Taking in a deep breath, Lex calmed himself down and then looked at the spatial ring. Alexander had not mentioned it at all.

He channeled his spirit energy into the ring and discovered only a couple of things. One was a token that had a massive 'M' on it, likely representing the Morrison family. The other was a commendation letter for ACA Lex for discovering the poison early, and warning the empire about it. The letter stated that Lex had proven he had the ability to perform certain tasks where the empire failed, and that his stellar performance would be marked and speak in his favor with the empire in all his future endeavors.

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