The Innkeeper

Chapter 735 Mysterious Healer

Two soldiers slowly approached Lex to ensure he had nothing suspicious planned. Although they knew the ongoing battle was against some foreign race, they were under the highest level lockdown so they had to take every precaution.

"What's the matter with you? You don't look injured," said one of the soldiers.

"It's the bones in my right arm. They're completely crushed. I need to see a doctor," confessed Lex, telling the truth. This was a much quicker way of getting close to the medical professionals then showing up and directly asking for the cure. Besides, he was not sure if more immortals would be showing up. If that were the case, using any kind of coercive means would end badly for him. Not to mention, if he got to experience the medical system of the empire first hand and liked it, there was a lot he could learn.

The soldier scanned Lex with his spirit sense, and was alarmed to see the state Lex was in when he checked his body. Naturally, Lex allowed the scan, otherwise his state would remain undetectable from the outside.contemporary romance

"My god, how are you standing?" the soldier asked in shock, and immediately cleared the way for Lex. It was not long before a floating gurney was brought for Lex to lay down on, and he was quickly brought inside, little Fenrir following them the entire way.

Lex had not yet had time to question the pup about its new abilities, but he was thoroughly impressed by the little he had seen. He remembered that while the pup had always had an advantage in stealth, previously it would still have to stay out of sight to keep that stealth active. Now, the pup was prancing about in plain sight, and all were ignoring him.

During the fight earlier, he had used this to his advantage to wreak havoc among the insects, all without getting targeted even once as none of the insects could detect him at all.

Pretty soon, Lex was brought into an overcrowded room that looked like it had previously been an office, and was now being used as an emergency room. Makeshift beds produced by joining two small tables together, multiple IV drips and overwhelmed medical personnel could be seen everywhere.

Lex was brought to a doctor as well, but after scanning Lex once, he was designated as a non-emergency case and was only given a single painkiller and moved to the side of the room. The outfit was clearly understaffed as soldiers were running about, using their emergency first aid training to follow the instruction of a few doctors.

The room was not filled with wounded soldiers, but countless civilians who all seemed to be suffering the effects of the poisoning. In such a chaotic situation, no one noticed Lex's spirit sense, which subtly moved about the room and closely listened in on the conversation of various doctors.

He was trying to figure out if they had any cure from their conversations, but that was easier said than done as they only seemed to be giving out orders for how to handle their patients.

His instincts weren't particularly helpful at the moment either, so all he could do was wait. Fenrir too was exploring the place in secret, though Lex did not know what to expect from the pup.

With the battle outside all but taken care of, Lex had enough time to spare until he found out about the state of things. Moreover, now that he was within the main office, he was aware that a stream of reinforcements were constantly teleporting over.

It could not be said that everything was going great, but it was going well enough. Until it suddenly wasn't. Lex frowned when his instincts began warning him of impending danger, and sure enough, soon Lex saw a panicked soldier run through the halls. He found a superior and whispered something in his ears, but Lex heard what was said.

The soldiers who had been affected by the poison were able to hold it off using some of the best medicine the empire could supply, but the strain of combat increased their metabolism, which aggravated the poison's effects. Soldiers had started to faint in the midst of combat.

This was suddenly going from a sure victory to an impending disaster. It was also at that point that Lex found out the state of the poison's cure. There was none.I think you should take a look at

The empire had no idea what the poison actually was, although apparently someone who could, through some unusual means, delay the effects of the poison had been discovered.

Despite the critical situation, due to the empire's phenomenal training, the soldiers did not fall into too much confusion. With a clear chain of command, someone took over and began giving out orders.

Lex, who was being completely ignored, decided to stop delaying matters. He called back Fenrir, and used the pups abilities to suddenly vanish from sight as he moved towards the mysterious healer that had been discovered.

Any time something inexplicable happened, Lex thought of systems, so he had to investigate this healer no matter what.

Shortly after, Lex followed the soldier outside the building and to a nearby park where hundreds of civilians were lying on beds of leaves. A bunch of kids were running around obeying orders, and in the middle of the park standing atop a monument was a young, fair man wearing a doctor's white coat.

The doctor was extremely skinny and seemed like he would be blown over by a single breeze, yet at the same time he exuded an aura of confidence and stability.

Lex could not help it, and tried to use his Targeted Scan.

Name: Charles Best

Age: ?

Sex: Male

Cultivation Details: ?

Species: Human

Remarks: An old soul in a young body, or just a young man pretending to be a stoic.

Lex frowned. The fact that even some information was available meant that the man did not have a system, which was unexpected. Lex stepped away from Fenrir and revealed himself, curious to see what kind of treatment he could get from this mysterious healer.

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