The Indifferent Luna 1 - Austan wolf

Chapter CHAPTER 25

We were like that for days that felt like years, Rieka went about her life in the wild, and I watched her like I didn’t care. I wasn’t talking to her. I can’t believe she thought me weak after all that I had to endure, but she didn’t care. In fact, she seemed satisfied that I was no longer talking or nagging her to spear the animals she slaughtered.

She seemed to be more angry at me than she was at the world, well I don’t care! I don’t care anymore. She can do what she wants, burn the world, and bath in blood for all I care.

A few days ago, a rogue stumbled on our territory. It must have sensed the danger but the fool just kept on coming, and like a predator that she was, I watched Rieka lurk in the shadows of the mist that had now fully taken over the forests and watch him like he was some deer.

She killed him, I don’t remember how because I lost consciousness from the dehumanization of the act, she was too bloody, tearing them apart like they weren’t worth creating in the first place. When I regain consciousness, I saw the carcass of the shredded wolf on the floor, some part of it had morphed into its human form, while the other parts were in the wolf form.

I gaged at the sight but she hissed and said her signature words to me again,


Before walking away from the sight majestically.

Though I was angry, I noticed that it gave her greater satisfaction to see these animals dead, something close to joy, but it wasn’t joy. She found pleasure in the pain of these creatures and she always stuck around to make sure I saw what had become of them especially when I lost consciousness due to the bloodiness.

I think I finally understand why the witches had felt the need to run away, why lady Freya had called the Austan wolves bloodsuckers, Rieka is the perfect explanation.

And even though she knows I am disgusted, she doesn’t stop or try to conceal her feeling, not that she can actually do that. We were two sides of a coin and by now, there was no secret between us. We could translate that perfectly through our feelings even though we didn’t talk.

My ears perked up from where we were lying down when I heard the snap of twigs from somewhere far within our territory and I immediately felt bad for the life of the stranger whosoever it was.

But still, can’t they feel the difference in the atmosphere of this place? Can they see the thick fog that surrounded the forest? Didn’t their brain scream danger to them when they came close? I mean that was what a predator’s territory marking does to other animals, it makes them sense the danger that lurks within the territory, but somehow, these creatures didn’t seem bothered, or did they think that Rieka wasn’t scary enough?

Rieka growled at my thoughts and I looked back at her, I knew she had sensed the intruder, she even sniffed the air to catch his scent but still, she didn’t leave her position under the tree bark. She just laid there lazily as if she wasn’t in the mood for a hunt, her mind was blank, she wasn’t saying anything or thinking anything.

Did she finally decide to listen to me?

She growled at me again, and I knew that signifies a no. but then why.

I perceived the scent again as she sniffed the air. It was unfamiliar but strangely familiar like I knew it but can’t remember where, or how? Why is that?

“This isn’t good Rieka, why aren’t you reacting?”

“Why? You want me to kill the intruder now?”

“Tell me why you aren’t responding? Because I know it isn’t because of me!” I responded urgently but she didn’t answer, she only sniffed the air and I realized the scent was getting closer.

It was a werewolf, and the werewolf, whoever it was, was coming for me. It was obvious he was here for me... us and Rieka doesn’t seem bothered.

If he is coming for us, could it be?

Fear shook my heart as I remembered one of the men who had tried to rape me just before the witches saved me.

What if it was them? What if......

“You’re weak!” Rieka hissed angrily at my fear.

“Yes! Maybe you’re right!” I said amidst my fear surprising even her.

“But you didn’t see firsthand the nightmare that they put me through. So if you aren’t going to fight you should at least run.” I said amidst tears, not wanting to relive the memories.

“Never!” she spat with venom and laid her large head on her forefeet then closed her eyes as she waited patiently for the intruder, listening to how far the intruder was with her ears while I went crazy in her head begging her to run

when the person felt so close and she wasn’t running, I said my last prayer and closed my eyes, waiting for the growl of the other wolf.

“Well, aren’t you the queen of the jungle?” I heard an unfamiliar female voice say.

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