The Inauguration

Chapter 34

It had been a week since the council had made its decision to join forces…packs, in order to beat Elina. They had decided that they would each get a week, some time to get everything arranged not only in their own packs but this also gave the FantomHide Furs lands to prepare as well.

Today was the day, the day all packs would meet in one place as one and Solani couldn’t help but be nervous. She was finally going to see her mate, her male. They were finally going to be together. And yet she had a sense of dread in her, she felt the atmosphere around her change ever since her pack had left for the FanHide Lands. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was leaving her home for good, especially if she’s mated to an alpha, she would have eventually left the pack but she was still upset about it.

She wasn’t sure if the dread was brought upon because of the civil war that was going to take place in a month or any time soon. Or maybe the dread was caused by the fact that Genhji had promised to make sure that she and her male would never be together.

Thunder brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned to the little boy who snuggled to her side. William was turning six this coming Thursday and he was moving to a new environment and that meant he would resort to being his shy and quiet self. She smiled and held him tightly.

He had taken that from Lugar.

Her attention shifts to the brooding male, his gaze is fixated outside the moving vehicle into the darkness that is often lightened up by the storm outside. She can see his thoughts raming against his skull, his constant shift of eyes from the outside to his clenched hands.

“What’s troubling you Lugar?”, she hums in question. She looks outside, the moon was hidden behind the dark clouds and the sky was angry.

She hears him sigh, "A lot of things, things I cannot decipher or talk to you about right now,” she nods but doesn’t reply.

“Are we ready for this?”,

She turns away from the window and looks at him confused. Lugar was one to never question his decision. He had agreed with Melinda that this was for the best and yet the man she sees before him is nervous for a reason she knows not of.

“You’re not one to question yourself, Lugar, what’s on your mind?”,

“We barely know this man and yet we are willing to sacrifice everything to go fight alongside him,”

just by hearing those words leaving his lips, she felt a certain rage bumble up her spine,

“And yet you were ready to sacrifice everything to bow down to Elina. You are the last person to talk about sacrificing when you didn’t even listen to my worries and rejection of the ceremony and yet here is an opportunity sitting in our hands where we can get rid of Elina for good and you start doubting everything, why?”

She awaits his answer but he ends up just looking away from her and back out the window. She grumbles a growl under her breath, and focus on calming herself.

The more she looked at the growing storm, the more she and her wolf calmed down. The night grew older and the vans and cars that followed each other travelled throughout the night, determined to the land by sundown the next day.

It was only in the after the next day, did Solani feel the brush of electricity upon her skin. Her wolf was awake and she could feel her male close by. Solani and Lugar had not spoken since their disagreement last night but they both knew that they had to put their personal feelings away and put on a professional front.

“We have arrived,” Lugar hummed and she gave him a nod.

As they travelled through the rough territory, their whole pack could feel being watched, they could feel the presence of wolves around them. They travelled for merely an hour before the bumpy road stopped and they were met with a smooth road, but the vehicles came to halt and Lugar and Solani shared a look of confusion.

‘Alpha there’s a male in the middle of the road asking to speak with you,’ he gets a link from his Gamma Daylen.

“I’m coming with you”, she says ignoring the look of disapproval he had given her.

They both get out of the Ford Ranger, and the smell of rain and twilight fill their sense and Solani couldn’t help but sigh. They pass a few vehicles in front of theirs before Daylen comes into a view, next to him a male with dark chocolate skin and the most exotic blue hair and purple eyes.

He slightly bows as his eyes meet Lugars before he gives a nod to Solani,” My name is Kobus, I am the second in command here at the FantomHide Furs, welcome. I hope you don’t mind but we’re going to have to search the vehicles before you go any further”, he says to Lugar.

Lugar gives him a small smile, "no that is not a problem at all, but I don’t know how you’re going to do that to 200 vehicles”.

Kobus smiles and realises a small laugh, "Don’t you worry Alpha we have our ways," he assures Lugar before turning to the woods surrounding them and whistling.

A Male and female walked out of the woods, behind them three wolves followed. The male had pale skin but glowing purple eyes and silver hair. The female had tanned skin, her eyes were also a glowing purple, her hair silver was tied up into a bun. Solani could see the resemblance between the two, from the pointed ears to the small button nose and freckles that decorated both their faces.


“This is Kgopotso and Kgotatso, they will be searching the vehicles,” Lugar stared at the twins perplexed at how they were going to do that, "I would also advise you to tell your pack members to be calm. Their wolves might be a little uncomfortable, after all, Fae and Werewolf never got along”.

“And I don’t want to be attacked like last time,” the silver-headed male spoke with a smirk on his face.

Lugar did as he was told and gave a nod to Kobus as an indication of it, who in turn turned to the twins with the same expression.

Solani watched in wonder as the twin’s eyes closed shut, she waited for some time but she didn’t have to wait for long before the wolves that had followed the twins out quietly surrounded the woman two in some sort of protection. The twin’s eyes opened and their eyes were pure white, their silver hair started rising slowly and soon enough, Solani could see the light around them start to change.

The twins lifted their hands and from their fingertips, a white silver ribbon of mist came out, it travelled past Lugar and herself and she turned to watch it pass through each car behind her.

She could feel the mist brush her skin, and her wolf grumbled in discomfort and she knew she wasn’t the only one to feel it as a series of growls echoed through the pack link.

The mist started to diminish slowly and soon enough it disappeared. She turned to the twins and watched as their eyes closed swiftly. She watched as Kobus helped both the twins lie on the wolves back and whispered something in their ears before they leapt off.

“It’s been a long day for them. They had to sort through four-packs, all they need now is rest”, he tells them, "Now follow me, everyone’s waiting”.

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