The Inauguration

Chapter 3

The first thing they noticed when they lifted their hanging heads at the sound of approaching footsteps was the big black wolf that strode in first.

Their eyes followed the animal, watched how it eyed them like the prey they were and they eyed each other as the wolf steered closer to their cell and they gulped.

Their eyes left the wolf with caution when the male that followed behind the animal demanded his attention. His aura had their wolves whimpering with their tails in between their legs. They gulped once again.

Footsteps echoed in the cellars. The cold swept in and settled in its natural habitat amused by the show before him. The floors were constantly moist and the walls were dripping with what the males hoped was water.

They had heard about the infamous Rouge King, how he treats those who dare cross his borders, how he was ruthless. He had no mercy even when it came to children, pups.

Yet when they see him near the cell they wonder why they were sent to speak with such a man. Why they even volunteered to be sent out as a messenger. Why didn’t they heed the warnings like everyone else?

They wanted to be heroes, the cold mocked, foolish pups. The males stiffened when the wolf stood in front of them - its grey eyes gazing over them- and the male stood tall and proud next to it.

The pregnant silence between them was nerve-racking for the shaking males. They never dared to lift their heads to meet his eyes, their wolves wouldn’t allow it. They didn’t want to defy the laws of nature.

He was king and they were the peasants below, that’s how intimidating the man before them was. And like a command, they both lifted their eyes to look at him.

But suddenly they fell to the floor clutching their chests that tightened with every second that passed. Their heads grew heavy and their eyes were dosed in water as tears leaked from them.

Their lungs were empty and they clawed at their chest, trying to find some sort of relief but they were denied the luxury of such.

“Genhji, let the pups breathe”.

A small snarl echoed from the one female in the room, ” I wasn’t doing anything,” and with that said they finally felt the relief they have been seeking.

They sighed and eyed the people staring at them. One female and three men.

They knew the one that had spoken was the King and they didn’t dare look at him. Their eyes fell on the woman in question, they noticed her white hair first and they stared in awe at her emerald eyes.

She glared at them and they quickly shifted their eyes onto the male that stood right behind her.

His hair, rich in vanilla and his brown eyes stared at them with a brow raised as if asking them why they even dared to look his way.

The man next to him looked bored of the situation, impatient as his arms were crossed against his chest and the tapping of his foot echoed in the cellars.

It annoyed one of the imprisoned males and if it annoyed the group before him, they didn’t show it.

“Start talking,” their eyes darted to the female.

“We were sent by our leaders-”

“Who are your leaders?” asked the brown-eyed male. The prisoner that had spoken gulped, looking to his companion as if asking for help to calm his bubbling nerves. “I won’t ask again,” the male gritted his teeth as he stared the prisoners down.

“Alpha and Luna Thearalt of the pack Ethereal Growlers,” he said this with such pride. That somehow intrigued Lucius. The room echoed with snarls and the prisoners shrunk back into the darkness. Lucius simply studied the gentlemen that were now quivering in his cells, trying to figure out at that same time why Ethereal mutts were sent to him.

“Let the boy finish,” he said, hushing his partners in crime. “Xiev parx(bloody mutts),” Kobus growled from behind him making him smirk as he watched as the prisoners looked at each other in confusion.

The room went silent as they all looked at the prisoners, waiting for them to start talking before a final decision could be decided if they were to live or be killed.

“They have invited the Rouge King to celebrate their heir finding a mate and taking over the pack.”

“What makes them think he will even agree to come?” asked Genhji.

“Because a meeting follows the celebration”, the prisoner lifts his head to meet her green orbs, “a discussion of peace”. “Peace from what?”, the prisoners eyes drifted to the eyes of the male that had seemed bored of the discussion but his eyes were now clouded with what seemed like interest. “They know that he is the one behind the rouge attacks and they want to discuss peace as we move into a new era.” “New era?”, their bodies quivered under his voice, his voice striking fear into their bones.

“Yes”, he merely whispered back, "the council has decided to crown the Ethearel Pack as a royal pack, thus making their heir the new king and his mate the queen. All the packs have agreed to this”.

The room went silent as they digested the information. Lucius huffed as his hand went running his fingers through his wolf’s coat.

“King and Queen?”, Genhji began, "they want him to bow to them?”, and she broke out into cackles.

“When is this supposed coronation?” the brown-eyed male spoke once again.

The prisoners looked at each other gulping before merely muttering, “Tonight”.

Growls echoed in the cellars, the once cackles that had bounced off the walls were now gone and all of them glared down at the prisoners.

“These said royals want me to bow but they cannot even respect me and my pack. They throw accusations at my pack and deliberately send messengers that can’t even look me in the eyes and still expect me to bow,” he growled in anger and his wolf only snarled.

He let out a gruff before leaving the cellars but not without mind linking Genhji that the messengers were no longer needed. Later that evening, Kobus walked into his office, his blue hair dancing in front of his violet eyes. He found Lucius standing where he always did when he contemplated.

The fire raged at the attention it was being given as Lucius stood before the fireplace with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He had felt the presence of his Beta enter the room and he knew he should give him his thoughts, but he didn’t want to look into those violet eyes and change his mind.

So he simply took a sip from his glass before saying, "tell Genhji to prepare the cars,” he huffed watching the flames grow, "I believe we have a coronation to attend”.

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