The Inauguration

Chapter 11

The hall was packed with all different types of wolves.

The southerners with their green and sandy textures filled the room with exotic looks, from the north are the dwellers that love the comfort of the cold stood proud. The Easterners with their colourful fabrics and ravishing looks and finally, the packs from the west stood tall with their strength overshadowing everyone in the room.

The room was warm and yet cold at the same time. The soft music filled the room like a symphony as they all watch the guests of honour walk toward the centre of the stage.

They were dressed in such finery clothes, the unique colour of black and gold patterns decorated their bodies as they strode with pride as if knowing what they were to become at the end of the night.

Lucas recognized them immediately and he couldn’t help but admit that they did look like royals but he knew that beneath all that cloth werewolves that were nothing but filthy mutts that got anything they wanted at the expense and suffering of others. He watched how Elena graced the hall with her lovely charming smile and he wanted nothing more than to watch her suffer like how his family had suffered.

He felt the anger of his beast come to him in waves and felt the warmth of Genhji by his side, a reminder to him that he wasn’t alone even though it often seemed like it.

His hand felt the soft black coat that belonged to his companion, his matted fur bringing ease to Lucuis’s sudden anger and want for vengeance. The animal ruffled its fur as if somehow feeling his emotions.

It seemed like forever before the Therealt’s finally finished their gloat parade and they stood before the crowd smiling down at them.

“Evening,” Raphael Therealt began,” we are honoured to have you all here to share this iconic celebration with us. To begin this new era with us, a new generation for those coming, a new place and a new world for those to be born”.

Lucas couldn’t help but let his eye fall away from the Therealts and he focused his attention on the two newly mated couple. He looked at the young male and lightly scoffed, drawing attention to himself but he didn’t care as he analysed the male further.

‘He is just a boy’, he links to Genhji, ‘how is he supposed to rule when he can barely pay attention to his own father’s ranting’. He hears Genhji growling in agreement through the link as they both watch the young males eyes continue to wander around the room as if bored of the celebration.

He felt a small buzz of sensation go down his body and he shook it off, turning away from the couple and looking for the person who dared demand his attention. His eyes scan the room, he simply passing over the Therealts before settling on a pair of green ones.

He feels the long history of weight lift of his shoulders, the want for vengeance, the need for blood to be spilt lift of his shoulder. The emotions of fear that he may lose his mother, the fear that without her and Genhji he would have been nothing, he feels that fear disappear the more he looks into her eyes.

The most beautiful eyes he has ever thought to have seen. He sees the forest capture him, the smell of the leaves and grass. He somehow feels the breeze from the forest and it sends shivers down his back.

‘Lucuis’, he hears someone call him.

‘Lucius?’, he hears his name echo and he can’t help but want to hear his name being called by her.

He hears the echo of clapping, and then footsteps before someone stands before him, blocking the sight of his mate. The same green eyes pop up but they don’t make him feel the same warmth that he had felt just a second ago and he could feel his wolf’s disappointment swim through his veins.

He feels warmth brush up against him and he turns and looks down at Remus, who whimpers at him as if sensing his turmoil. Lucius smiles, “I’m alright friend, just…”, he starts rubbing his black fur while looking at Genhji who looked at him with worry swimming in her eyes,”…confused”.

“You’re okay,” Genhji nods to him and he can’t help but think it is more of reassuring herself than him.

“So, while you were…somewhere else,” she said standing back at his side,” the royals have started the time for pledges”, he didn’t miss the way she said royals nor the way her eyes rolled.

He turned back to the centre of the stage, watching as packs went up to the steps before kneeling and bowing to the Therealts. He rolled his eyes as he heard them pledge their lives to the monarch of the first of the Therealts.

Time passed as wolves went with no resistance or hesitation, and he couldn’t help but be sickened at this. An alpha shouldn’t throw away their title so willingly and he wasn’t going to go down and kneel to people who didn’t even deserve the monarch. They didn’t deserve to be called royals.

“It’s time,” he heard Dominic whisper to his mate. “Indeed,” he smiled to the couple, “come, Remus, we have been hiding for far too long”.

They walked towards the steps, ignoring the whispers that decorated the walls with every step they took. Genhji and Dominic stood behind him. Remus to his side and they walked with pride, as his warriors followed behind.

He stood before the newly mated couple and met the boy’s eyes, he made sure that the boy could see the amusement in his eyes. He turns to Elena and the infamous Raphael Therealts.

They stare at each other for a moment and immediately recognition runs across Elena’s eyes and he smiles as she turns to Raphael telling him something that makes him growl.

And that gives Lucius a little satisfaction that they didn’t forget him, he didn’t want to waste time trying to remind them. A moment passes and soon enough he hears the footsteps of what he would guess be the Councilman joining the stage. And he was right.

He stood there before them knowing that what was going to happen next was going to be as thrilling as watching Kobus lose his temper.

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