The Immortal Player

Chapter 292: “Don’t Mess With The NPCs!”

Similar to how Team Fuji's Press Conference proceeded… An Event Staff asked everyone else to calm down and take a seat.

The flashes of the cameras were disabled, while the Live Coverage of various news outlets started.

The event staff did the 'scripted' introduction and soon proceeded with the questions of the reporters.

"Does your strength rely on your weapon and equipment?"

The very first question was asked directly to Pedro, the Captain of Team ARES.

Of course, the atmosphere, at this moment, was tense—be it inside the Press Conference Area or be it amongst the people who were watching the coverage of the Press Conference. 

Pedro simply chuckled and said, "Partly Yes, Partly No!"

Pedro's answer made everyone become a little bit rowdy. Some gossiped amongst each other. Some sighed—as if they have unlocked an ultimate secret in the world. While some simply smirk—as if they know what Pedro would answer.

But before the reporter could ask a follow-up question, Pedro said, "Team ARES obviously wields great weapon… But… Those weapons would be useless if we won't be able to use them properly!"

"Imagine giving an ordinary people a sword... Would that person be able to swing it like a real-life swordmaster?" Pedro asked. Then, he shook his head and added, saying, "I don't think so!"

"That is why… No matter how powerful our weapons and equipment were…  If we were not able to wield them properly… Then, it would be more of a disaster than a victory!" Pedro said with a smile. Then, he glanced to the reporter who asked the question and said, "I hope that I was able to answer your question, sir!"

"Yes… Yes…" The reporter murmured whilst nodding in amazement as if he learned a valuable lesson from one of his greatest professors. Then, after a few seconds, the reporter glanced back to the tablet in his hands before saying, "Uhm... Moving to my last question… Seeing four men defeat hundreds of thousands of NPCs… There are speculations on the internet and social media, indicating that the players from Team ARES are the same beings that wiped out the entire United Asian Force in the Asian-Australian Server Disaster lately. Perhaps these rumors are true?"

Sabrina, Talia, and Lony could only glance towards Pedro upon hearing what the reporter said. Obviously, it was them who annihilated the United Asian Force back then.

However, they can't reveal their 'true' identities to the world because Pedro did not want to do so in the first place. And more importantly, because their hard work to hide their true strength would be jeopardized.

That is why the three of them were nervous as to what Pedro was going to answer.

That said, Pedro simply smirked in response before shaking his head and saying, "Those people were OUR MASTERS! Just to clarify to all of you and everyone else watching… A few weeks back, Philippine Players were being targeted by the players that were members of the so-called United Asian Force. Back then, it was a difficult time for us, where some of our players needed to remain online in the game for a day or more!"

"But I have no grudge about it or something!" Pedro chuckled. "Bearth Online is a VR Game, and such competition is only to be expected!"

"Unfortunately for the United Asian Force… Our MASTERS—powerful NPCs, were with us during those days. The players from the United Asian Force attacked us, thus, our Masters simply retaliated in response." Pedro said before smiling. A few seconds later, he added, "In case those players from the United Asian Force are going to blame or roast us for not stopping our Masters… I can only say one thing to them!"

"If we were JUST their students—their apprentice… How are we supposed to stop them—considering they were our Masters!" Pedro asked with a smug on his face.

"So… I think that this is a lesson for all of us!" He said. "Always know who you are going against with, and always know that there would always be more powerful beings in the game! So, don't poke anyone's nose just because of some childish reasons… Even if they were just MERE NPCs!"

Everyone became rowdy once again, while Sabrina, Talia, and Lony sighed of relief before nodding in agreement to what Pedro said—indicating that what Pedro said was 'somehow' the truth.

Everyone understood the message that Pedro wanted to convey.

"Don't mess with the NPCs!"

For the weak players, they completely understand what Pedro wanted to say. But that was because they look up to the NPCs because they are weaker compared to them.

But it was a different case for the capable players and the strong players!

Capable Players—or the players who can barely survive on their own in the game, and the Strong Players—or the players who can even fend off or mess with the NPCs, tend to look down at the NPCs since they were really just artificial intelligence programmed for the game.

The real threat in the VR Games is often posed by other players and the competition existing between them. Thus, NPCs were not considered as threats most of the time.

However… Now… Pedro and the whole world knew that Bearth Online had a different case from your usual VR Game. The level of difficulty was dramatically increased to the point that even the NPCs were affected.

And now… The NPCs not only were powerful but were also smart enough to even defeat the Capable Players.

That is why, Pedro's warning had so much impact to the point that even the Leaders of Different Gaming Organizations were starting to reconsider their approach towards the game—more specifically on the way they interact with the NPCs.

Well… It's not that they weren't able to notice such oddity in the first place. It was probably just difficult for them to deviate from their dominant way of playing—that is common whilst playing other VR games in the past.

But because of the huge advantage that Pedro and his Gaming Organizations were able to build because of such treatment to the NPCs, the other Gaming Organizations are obviously going to follow his footsteps—in consideration of the ever-growing competition in Bearth Online.

The Press Conference continued for more than half an hour, consequently making Talia and Lony suffer Faunia's punishment.

It was no other than… Two hours of non-stop psychological training… or also known by Pedro and Sabrina as their Magical Aura Training.contemporary romance

Right after their 'intense' training, Pedro led everyone else—together with Faunia, to the Adventurer's Guild's branch outside the Tarala Kingdom. They were about to meet Kazuto Kageyama and Ryu Taro from Team Fuji, as they have discussed after their match.

Team ARES Players' Black Armor became an immediate giveaway of their identities to the other players present in that area. Thus, Kazuto Kageyama—together with Ryu Taro, was able to locate them with ease.

Fortunately, players all over the world knew how powerful the players of Team ARES were. That is why no one dared to approach them, even after recognizing their glorious armors and weapons.

On top of that… No player really wanted to have a meaningless death. Thus, it was only a norm for them not to approach anyone they are not acquainted with, regardless of whether it was Team ARES or other Professional Teams.

"Captain Black???" Kazuto Kageyama asked with a frown on his face. He was able to recognize the familiar black armor and weapon, but… he was unable to identify his identity because of the helm that Pedro was wearing.

Pedro nodded in response before lifting the visor of his helm. Then, he approached Kazuto Kageyama and said, "It's been a while, Captain Kageyama!"

Kazuto Kageyama forced out a smile in response and said, "It's not that long since we last met though!"

At this moment, a cute little girl interjected in their conversation and said, "For Vampires like you… The passage of time is naturally faster than this measly human!"

Kazuto Kageyama and Ryu Taro's attention was immediately shifted to the little girl. They glared towards the little girl as if they were telepathically asking who she was.

Pedro could not help but force out a smile in response. Then, seconds later, he said, "Before anything else… Let me introduce to you one of my masters…"

Pedro pointed to the little girl and said, "She's the strictest instructor of ours… She is… The Great Faunia!"

"Nice to meet you, Great Faunia!" Kazuto Kageyama said before bowing towards Faunia.

He was then followed by Ryu Taro, despite being hesitant to do so at first.

To Ryu Taro, he thought that Pedro was just messing with them, by introducing a young girl as one of his masters. However, since Kazuto Kageyama paid respect towards Faunia, he can only hopelessly follow his lead.

As for Kazuto Kageyama… He greatly took into account what Pedro said in the Post-Match Press Conference earlier. That is why he paid respect to Faunia, regardless of whether she was really one of Pedro's masters or not.

Besides… It won't hurt to greet someone respectfully for the first time, right?

Unfortunately… Despite Kazuto Kageyama and Ryu Taro's respectful greeting, Faunia ignored them in response.

She glared towards Pedro and asked, "Human… What business do you have with the pawns of the Blood-Sucking Bitch?"

Kazuto Kageyama and Ryu Taro reactively glanced towards Pedro—as if they were also intrigued by his answer.

Pedro simply smirked in response and said, "We'll just have a discussion."

Faunia hopelessly sighed in response and said, "Do as you wish… You know your limits anyway!"

Pedro simply nodded in response before glancing towards Kazuto Kageyama and Ryu Taro, and saying, "Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?"

"Please…" Kazuto Kageyama said before bowing towards Pedro once again. Then, he added, "Please lead the way!"

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