The Illyrian Series: The Oracle Of Rosedale

Chapter 1

The Caledonian forces charge through the castle's gates. My mother's voice comes out strained as she says, "come, darling, we mustn't watch this."

My feet stay rooted to the ground, I look down as Father's army meets the King of Caledonia's head-on. I want to shout, tell him to stop, that he will lose. But nothing comes out, I can only stand there and watch the battle unfold.

I spot King Evander instantly, he readies his sword and runs up to Father. "Run." I choke in my smallest voice. Even if he heard me, he wouldn't listen. Kings don't run from war, they come out victorious, or they don't come out at all. He gets off his horse and stumbles to the ground. He then gives out a loud cry and rises to his feet, leaving a pool of blood where he previously lay.

He picks up his sword and steadies himself for his final battle. My mother clutches the railing of the balcony and releases a bone-chilling scream. Father looks up at us and mouths something I can't comprehend.

King Evander raises his mighty sword and stabs him in the chest. Father crumples to the ground, his eyes never leaving ours.

Our few remaining soldiers start dropping their weapons. King Evander shouts victoriously and his army joins in. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look back at the oldest council member, Amell. He has a grave look on his face.

"Follow me, your majesties. Quickly, before he comes." He takes us in each of his hands and drags us away. Mother protests with tears streaming down her face, she's tugged by Amell. "The Queen and I will meet with King Evander. For now, stay in your room. You will be summoned when you are needed."

We walk past long corridors before stopping in front of a familiar door. Amell opens it and throws me inside. I turn to my mother, she's still sobbing uncontrollably.

Is Father actually dead? Are we next? I want to ask these questions but I'm unable to form anything more than incoherent mumbles.

The door slams shut and I sink to the ground, finally allowing the tears to fall. Gentle arms wrap around my shoulders, I soon hear Rainey singing a soft lullaby.

After a few minutes, she helps me up and wipes my face with a wet handkerchief. "It's okay, Adria. Everything will be alright."

"How? King Evander won the war. It is over for us and for this country." I whisper, slowly finding my words.

She sighs deeply and moves on to my hair, carefully detangling all the locks. I'm so preoccupied with my thoughts, I don't notice when she starts putting makeup on my face.

She makes me stand up and begins to adjust my dress. "What are you doing?" I ask.

She chuckles softly and adjusts her greying hair under her black bonnet. Something she does when she's either nervous or hiding something. "Just fixing you up, you looked a wreck when you walked through the door."

"Who cares what I look like? I'll be murdered soon anyways." I try to make my tone sound light but it comes off raspy.

Rainey has a sad smile on her face. "If everything goes according to plan, you won't die. You'll live a long and hopefully happy life."

My head throbs and I feel a migraine forming. "I don't have time for this Rainey, what are you hiding?"

"It's not my place to tell. I'm just supposed to make you look presentable." She walks to the door and knocks softly.

It swings open. Outside is a guard bearing the insignia of Caledonia on his armor. I back up slowly till I'm pressed up against the bed. "No, no." Fresh tears are rolling down my cheeks.

"He won't hurt you, sweetheart. He's just here to escort you to the throne room." Rainey takes my hand and leads me to the door.

The soldier grabs my arm and squeezes it forcefully. I wince in pain and Rainey scowls. "Be careful with her." She reaches for the soldier's fingers and tries to pry them off my wrist. He uses his other hand to hit her face. The impact sends ber to the floor.

I try to run to her but the soldier strengthens his hold on my arm. He doesn't release his grip as he drags me to the throne room. We reach the doors and he finally lets go to push me through.

The sight I witness makes my stomach churn. King Evander is seated lazily on father's throne with the few remaining council members kneeling in his front. My mother is standing by his side, her face is dry and emotionless.

King Evander notices me and rests his back on the throne. "Adria." The sound of my name on his lips fills me with rage. " You may come forward."

I internally scoff. I may come forward, in my own father's throne room. I stand there, daring him to react to my insubordination. The council members all turn to me with frightened expressions. I don't budge, if this is the 'life' Rainey was talking about, then I don't want it.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" King Evander sits up. A look flashes through my mother's face and she steps forward.

"Adria, I did not raise you to be rude. Come forward at once." She scolds. I can see the anger in her eyes.

With that, I begin the steady march to the throne. My steps are slow and precise, I stare at every corner of the room to avoid looking anyone in the face. I scan the portraits of past kings hanging around, and the lush golden carpet that runs from the door to the throne.

As I inch closer to the throne, the council moves aside so I can stand directly in front of the king.

"She's stubborn." He speaks.

I hear my mother's voice. "She is sad. As is to be expected, your Grace."

Then silence. "I'll forgive her just once. Consider this act a wedding gift."

My mother can't meet my eyes.

Amell clears his throat and King Evander gestures for him to stand. "We should get started on the statement, your Grace. We should release it to the people as soon as possible."

King Evander coughs and nods. "Good. I don't want to waste any more resources squashing rebellions."

The rest of the council stands up, bow, then leave. Soon it's only three of us left in the room. "We are journeying back to Caledonia soon, we leave in two days." The King says.

"Of course, your Grace. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let me know." She bows and walks up to me. "Adria, we must get you packed."

"Packing, wedding. What's going on?" I know what's happening, I'm not an idiot. I just refuse to believe until I hear it from her mouth.

"Stop asking stupid questions, let us go." She whispers to me.

The king stands up from the throne and ambles forward. "No Selene, I'll be happy to tell her what is happening." My heart beats louder with each step he takes and I'm scared of what he'll do. "Your father engaged in a war, and he lost. I have taken over your kingdom and your mother proposed marriage to me." I shake my head, she wouldn't do that. "Our marriage will cement my rule over Illyria and we are all going back to Caledonia."

"No, that's not..." He cuts me off by grabbing my throat. "I would have killed you, but as per my agreement with your mother, you will live. If I hear so much as a word of protest from you, any act of disobedience, any mention of this fallen country. I will not hesitate to have your head on a platter. Am I clear?"

I struggle against his tight grip on my neck. Just when I'm about to go unconscious, he releases me and I crumple to the ground, just like father. My mother encircles me in a hug and I start crying.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some nobles to kill." He unsheathes father's war blade and walks out of the throne room, shutting the door behind us. I hear a loud clack as the door is bolted shut, and mother holds me tighter.

She adjusts my hair and wipes my tears with shaking fingers.

"Why would you marry him? How could you betray father so quickly?" I ask in a quavering voice.

"This is the only way to survive. Your father knew this might happen. He said I should protect you and that's what I'm doing." She's crying as well.

"This can't be the end. We can still do something."

She shakes her head. "We can't, he's killing all the nobles who won't swear fealty to him. Our army is barely even an army. We have no foreign allies, they've all deserted us. The Sodalites washed their hands off this war weeks ago. The mages and Sorcerers can't get involved. It's over."

"Please stop saying that, tell me there's hope." I plead.

"You heard him, he'll kill you if you disobey him. This is the only way."

I don't utter another word.

King Evander releases us hours later. I go back to my room and take the sleeping elixir Rainey made for me. My dreams are long and packed with nightmares, each worse than the last. They all start the same way. I'm a child, running around without a care in the world, and end with me covered in the blood of everyone I love.

I wake up by noon and see maids milling in and out of my room. I wear a purple silk robe and leave for my parents'. My mother is walking around with a smile on her face.

She spots me and her grin widens. "You're awake, marvelous. Rainey says she's almost done with your packing."

"Why do you look so happy?"

A look of hurt flashes across her face for a millisecond. "Because it's a new day. We can't dwell on the past. All we have is the future to look forward to." She places one of her crowns in a box and drops it on the bed.

"You're not happy." I accuse. "Your kingdom has been taken over, thousands have been killed and most importantly, your husband is dead."

Her lips tremble as she says. "We cannot change the past, darling. All we can do is try to find happiness in this time of misfortune."

"Misfortune?" I scowl. She nods sadly. Her smile is soon back on her face.

I watch her floating around the room in forceful bliss and shake my head.

I slip out unnoticed and spend the rest of the day in my mostly empty bedroom.

The next day, we begin the somber journey to Caledonia. And our new lives.

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