The Hybrid Queen Unedited

Chapter 30

The day of my wedding arrived sooner than I was ready for. I knew what I wanted. I knew I wanted to marry Elijah and become his Queen. I knew I wanted to be with him. However, with the news of the Witches Coven so close to home was cause for concern. When we arrived back at the Manor around 9pm, the second I stepped out of my car, I was escorted by two Pack Members inside the Manor. Bodyguards, I realized. Elijah was in his study, on the phone with other Beta’s, ones who were invited to the wedding. Beta’s I would meet and get to know at the wedding reception. These men would be the ones on the lookout for anything they could use against Elijah or myself. I spent the rest of the day in my room trying to relax. Elijah was attending some last second meetings and would be gone most of the day. My mind was running wild with the idea I had told Amilia about. I still wanted to liberate the captive wolves in the Pound’s all around our area and bring them to the Manor. There would be more pthan enough room for all of them. I would have more power, officially, once I had a crown on my head. I knew that and I planned to use it. The sun was turning the sky pink and the darkness was now fading away by the rising sun. I wondered how many of the other Pack members would be OK with this idea. I shook my head. It was not an idea. It was a fact. It was going to happen. Amilia sighed and reached for another strawberry beside me. She looked me over and shrugged. “You look like you have not slept in days and I have done all I can with your hair and make up,” she said as she turned my chair to face the mirror behind me. I looked up at myself in the mirror and did not recognize the girl looking back at me. This seventeen year old girl who looked like a Queen. Her hair done up in an elaborate style, braids and curls pinned carefully and perfectly into place, leaving room for the crown and veil that would be placed upon my head here in just a few short hours. It was seven in the morning and I was being pampered as much as Amilia wanted me to be. She had insisted on manicures and pedicures even when no one would really be looking at my hands and feet. What I did know was that people would be looking for my Mark. It was faded and hard to see. I sighed. I wished we would have had more time to Mate before our wedding but it was too late now. Amilia sighed and dropped into the seat next to me. “I guess you will do for now. There is not much else that can be done,” she mused. Then she looked at her phone and groaned. “I have to go. Something in the Throne Room is wrong. I will be back as soon as I can,” she said and hurried to the door. For the last three days Amilia had been non stop go. She had ordered everything to be perfect for this day and now she was stressing about last second additions and modifications. The fact that the Elders were insisting on hosting the wedding ceremony bothered me. Then, last night, when we arrived home, we had a letter waiting on us from the HIgh Priestess of the witches, asking to officiate the wedding for us since I was half witch. Elijah had sent a written letter back with Robin who was not permitted inside the Manor due to safety concerns. I had told Elijah this was in poor taste but he waved me off and sent the letter back, inviting the High Priestess to come to the wedding but respectfully declined her request. I sighed and walked to my dresser. Amilia refused to let me dress myself and insisted that I stay in my robe until I was ready for my wedding dress. I had not yet seen it. She wouldn’t even let me have a peake at the vail. She had said she wanted me to get the full effect when I saw myself in the mirror.I pulled out the lacy bra and panties she had gotten me and quickly put them on before replacing my robe. There was a soft knock at my door and I hurried to answer it. When I saw Elijah he raised an eyebrow at me. “Is my sister here?” he asked me.He was out of breath and his hair was windblown. Still dressed in the clothes he had thrown on this morning he pressed forward and into the bedroom, before I could answer. He looked around once, taking in the messy room of shoe boxes and clothes everywhere. Once he was sure no one else was here and turned and locked the door. “Elijah, what-” He turned and placed a finger on my lips. “Don’t ask questions. Just go with it,” he whispered and then pulled me in and kissed me hard. I immediately knew what he was thinking and what he was wanting to do. I did not waste a second. I ripped my robe off and jumped up into his arms. Elijah pulled away looking down at me now, his eyes almost glowing with lust. I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders. It was literally now or never. I was a Marked wolf, but an unmated one and it scared the other Tribe and Pack members. I knew that. I had heard the whispers and I had heard it from Amilia herself. I now wondered if Elijah had told her to make herself scarce. Elijah fell back onto the bed, towering over me as I worked to unbuckle his belt. Elijah pulled away, leaning on his hands to look at me. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked me. I smiled a wide smile and nodded at him. “Let me Mark you first,” he said, sliding his hand over my collarbone and up the side of my neck.

He laughed and pushed away from me, shoving the rest of his pants down, along with his boxers. It was the first time I had seen a man naked. Even in the Pound, it had been too dark to see anything clearly. I swallowed, keeping my eyes l on his face. I knew I had to bold now. I could not back out. I didn’t want to. I was scared, yes, but I knew I wanted this and I had to be ready to give myself to him anyway. We were about to be man and wife soon. Elijah reached forward, pushing my bra strap to the side and down my arm, a small smile on his face. And then, the light seemed to fade away from my room, enveloping us in a darkness that drowned away all of our worries and concerns…

When I opened my eyes, I knew it was not as late as it felt. I had only been asleep for about an hour. Elijah was resting beside me, my face pressed to his warm chest and my arm slung over his torso. I felt my face heat up and smiled a small smile. Elijah was awake, looking out the window to his left, away from me. I took a deep breath and sat up, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. Amilia was going to kill me. Elijah reached and touched my shoulder. “I am sorry I came in here and ambushed you like that,” he whispered. I turned to face him and shook my head. “Don’t be,” I assured him and leaned down to him and pressed my lips to his. “We need to get ready,” he reminded me. Elijah sighed and nodded. “My sister is on her way up here with Kat so I better leave before she kills us both for running her master piece,” he said and pulled his clothes on. I watched him sneak out the door quickly and shook my head. I quickly replaced my underwear and robe. Amilia would know as soon as she saw me anyway. I knew she would. I had just sat back down by the mirror and was about to attempt to fix my hair when my door opened. Kat and Amilia both stopped when they saw me. Amilia was looking at me, her face shocked.

“Oh,” she said and did her best to suppress her smile. I sighed and shook my head. “I am glad I left when I did.”I rolled my eyes at her. “Amilia,” I chided here. “I need your help!” I pointed to my hair and she burst out laughing. Kat suppressed a smile as well.Amila hurried over to me and began to fix my hair and make up while Kat walked to my bathroom to get my dress. She and Amilia were both dressed in deep violet dresses, both floor length and beaded at the chest. When Kat emerged from the bathroom, she had a large dress bag in her hands. Amilia placing the last pin in my hair sighed and nodded to herself. “It is not how I want it but it will do I guess,” she said. I turned and looked at my reflection and smiled. My hair now hung down in thick curls, flowing down my back and over my shoulder. Part of my hair was up and curled into place with bobby pins and hair spray. I turned to face Amilia and smiled. “I am happy for you. Now no one can deny you the throne or Elijah,” she reminded me. I sighed and nodded, the thought of Reid coming back to mind. That is not entirely true. Reid is still out there planning gods knows what,” I said and turned back to look at myself in the mirror. The freshly placed Mark was now just a fain but clearly visible pink scar on my neck now. Amilia dressed me in the two piece wedding dress and then added the last few touches, adding my vail and then turned me back to the mirror. Both her and Kat watched me for a moment. “My mother should have been here for this,” Amilia said sadly. I turned to face her. “She is with us. You know that,” I reminded her. Amlia smiled and nodded. “That vail was her’s, when she and my father married. They should have had more time. My powers of seeing what is to come was weak then. After my father died… I committed to using them as best and as much as I could,” she said as she reached and adjusted the vail once more. I reached up and gripped her hand. “Amilia, she is with us. And so is your father. You just have to believe they are,” I reminded her gently. ?Kat sighed. “Do you think your mom is with you?” she asked me. I had tried hard not to think much about my “mother” the past few days but it had been hard not to. She was not my mother but she was the only mother I had known all my life. “Sometimes,” I lied. Kat smiled at me. “She is with you. I am sure she is,” she said. I sighed and nodded to both of them, gathering up my skirts in my hands. “Well, it would be in poor taste to keep everyone waiting,” I said and the three of us headed for the door. As we walked the halls, heading to the Throne Room, I noticed that two men, the same ones who had escorted me into the Manor, had appeared behind us. The guard detail Elijah had asingend me was annoying. I understood that it was necessary. That did not make it any less annoying however. Reid was still out there, doing God’s knows what and we had no idea what he was up to, where he was or who he had with him now. I gripped Amilia and Kat by the hand and nodded to myself. “After the wedding, before Elijah and I go to Paris, the three of us are going to all the Pounds in the area and liberating the strays,” I announced. Amilia raised an eyebrow at me. “Strays?” She questioned my choice of words. I nodded. “Yes. Strays. They are not Rouges. They are Strays. I was a stray before Amilia came to find me. I was a Stray thanks to Reid. Once we get them back here we will get them healthy again. Then, if they wish to leave, they can,” I said. “Is that even a thing?” Kat asked me. “ A Stray? Will Elijah accept that?”I shrugged. “In a few seconds I will have a crown on my head and I will be able to make that call. It will be my order. Not his.”We rounded the corner to the throne room and I could hear people talking and music playing now. “We will have to come up with something. A way to tell them apart from a real roug,” I said quickly. Amilia pulled me to a stop and made me face her. “I understand it is important to you, Faye, but you are about to walk down that aisle and marry my brother. Focus on that,” she reminded me. I smiled as blood heated my face. I was more ready for this then I had realized. Kat handed me my flowers and then nodded to the guards. They passed us and opened the big oak double doors for us revealing the throne room. I did my best to hold in my gasp. Amilia had outdone herself. The room was decorated in flowers of red, white and burgundy red. Wine red drapes hung from above, ferns and plants had been placed around the room, making the room look more like a royal green house then anything else. Amilia went into the room first, followed by Kat. I could see Cal waiting for them at the altar. I felt my heart rate pick up when I saw Elijah. He was dressed in a simple tux, a red rose tucked into his pocket. His eyes were already in me, like they always were when I walked into a room. I stood at the door frame for a moment and wished someone had offered to walk me down the aisle. I had no one on my side of the family to do so. My parents were not my parents so I had to do this one by myself. I took a deep breath and started forward, keeping my eyes in Elijah. He already had his crown in his head and I smiled. It was a simple crown, gleaming gold in the bright sunlit room. I walked steady and as slow as I dared, toward him. Once I reached the Altar I realized it was Cal who was officiating the wedding. I smiled up at him and he raised his hands for the guests to be seated. “Fellow Tribe members, friends and guests, we gather to officially greet our Queen and celebrate the union of these two creatures,” he said. I looked up at Elijah, tuning everyone else out, everyone else but him. He reached and gripped my hands, a faint smile on his face. “Faye Tamit, do you promise to uphold the laws and traditions of the Yansa bloodline for as long as you may serve as Queen?” Cal asked me. I nodded. “I do,” said, loud and clear. And just like that, I gave away my name. I was no longer a Tamit. I never really had been. It was not something I had given much thought about. Tradition seemed to be the whole point of the Yansa family line nowadays. I was no longer the sad lost little girl who’s Pack and Tribe had been destroyed. I was a powerful Hybrid. A Queen. Cal turned to face Elijah now. “And you, Elijah Yansa, promise to uphold the laws and tradition of the Yansa bloodline for as long as you serve as King?:Elijah smiled wider now. “I do,” he answered. Cal smiled at us. “And finally, Elijah, Faye, do you promise to be truthful to each other always and put each other and this Tribe first?”Elijah raised an eyebrow, his smile spreading across his face. “I do,” he said at the same time I did. Cal nodded and clapped his hands once. He turned and grabbed up my crown and turned back to face me. Elijah placed a small satin pillow at my feet and I kneeled down onto it. “Then, by the power invested in me by his Grace The King Of Wolves, I hereby crown you Queen. May the Great Spirit guide you both.”Cal placed the heavy crown on my head and asked us to stand. He announced us once more to the room and the whole room erupted in applause, some people clapping louder than others, others not clapping at all. Elijah did not waste anytime. His hands found my face and he pulled me in, kissing me hard. I felt myself melt against him. Had I known I would be this happy to marry him, I would have insisted on it sooner. We broke apart and people hurried over to us and congratulated us. I smiled and thanked them, looking around the room at all the people here. So many faces I did not know. That is when I spotted Summer by the door. She was dressed in a pair of jeans and a leather jacket, a backpack hanging on her shoulder. I could see she had been crying. Her glare seemed to soften when she spotted me staring at her. She sighed and nodded at me, a small smile on her lips. “Congratulations,” she said. My wolf hearing picked it up easily above all the commotion and celebrating going on around me. Then she hitched up her back pack and headed down the hall. Was she leaving? For good this time? I sighed. I knew I should have at least tried to stop her but I knew she would be gone by the time I made it from this room.

So I refocused my attention on what was going on around me. Amilia was next in line and she threw her arms around me. “My sister!” she squealed. Leaving one arm around me she turned to look at the room around her. “So, did I meet your expectations?” she demanded. I laughed at her and hugged her close again. “Even more so,” I promised. Amilia laughed and clapped her hands. “Wonderful. Now, before your honeymoon-”Elijah cut her off quickly. “I have already taken care of that! No need to spoil anything now, sister. I am sure Faye would like wherever we go,” he said glaring at her. I looked up at him and then back to Amilia who was staring at me. “Oh,” I said quickly, remembering what I had said on the way down the hall. Amilia smiled. “Now?” I demanded. “No, of course not now. Tomorrow, before you leave for where ever you are going, silly. I already have both of your bags packed and a van is waiting for us to-”Amilia stopped, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and she began to shake uncontrollably. Cal was at her side at once, cating her in his arms and lowering her to the ground. Elijah and I stood beside her, waiting for the vision to pass. Amilia convulsed once more and then went limp. She did not reopen her eyes and she did not speak. Cal and Elijah both sided. “Take her to her room,” Elijah ordered. I rolled my eyes at him and tried to follow Amilia but Elijah caught my arm, not looking at me. “Wait!” he hissed at me. I followed his gaze and saw Raven and Robin standing by a window with a woman with long grey hair. They were all dressed in green robes, decorated with gold stitching. The woman with the grey hair smiled and bowed her head to me. When she stood straight she smiled. Elijah sighed and gripped my hand. “She wants to speak to us,” he said. I glanced at him. “The High Priestess?” I wondered. Elijah nodded grimly. “She is the same Priestess who ruled over the Coven when I was a child. High Priestess Morgana Vera” he said as we made our way through the crowd. The High Priestess watched us carefully as we made our way across the room, heading in her direction. Once we reached her, both Raven and Robin smiled. Raven with a welcoming warm smile and Robin, as always, with a scowl on her face.The High Priestess smiled at us and bowed. “Your Majesty’s. Congratulations,” she said. She looked up and smiled. “I am sorry we missed your ceremony. We only just arrived a moment ago.”Elijah nodded. “No worries, Lady Morgana. Perhaps you can stay for the feast,” he said. “It has been such a long time since we last saw you here at my Court,” he said smoothly. I stood beside Elijah, looking at Morgana, wondering how it was I felt I knew her. It was odd. I was positive I had never seen her before yet I knew her face. Morgana smiled and laughed a little. “King Yansa, we both know how-... cramped things could get. We are taking a great risk being here, as I am sure you know,” she said. I smiled up at her and gripped Elijah’s hand. “I can assure you, no one here would do you harm, M’Lady,” I said and then looked pointedly at Robin. "However I can not say the same thing for your witches.”Morgana glanced at Robin and sighed. “Raven told me about your altercation with one another. I came to offer my apologies and propose a truce,” she said. Elijah nodded, holding my hand up and bringing it to his lips. “We accept your apologies and I would love to hear more about this, Lady Morgana, however we are in the middle of our wedding celebrations and now is not the time for such talk,” he reminded her. Morgana smiled and bowed her head at us. It was not a full on bow like others did when greeting us, it was just a small nod of the head. I guess, as High Priestess, you could get away with things like that. “As you wish, King Yansa,” she agreed. Elijah turned us away from her and headed for our thrones. I waited till we were seated and we each had a glass of wine in hand. “Do we need to be worried about her?” I asked him, looking back to where Morgana had been but they were gone. I sighed and turned back to Elijah who had followed my gaze. “I am not sure yet. Time will tell,” he admitted. “For now, I would like to enjoy a single normal day with my new Wife and Queen.”I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, knowing that our hurdles were far from over. Reid was still out there, Amilia had had a vision and no one knew what she had seen and now we had the mysterious witches to deal with. But for now, I did my best to be here, with my Mate and King, and enjoy this small piece of joy as much as I was able.

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