The Huntsman of Adamos (Quartet)- draft



The night of the Autumn Equinox Ball came and the House of Adamos attended cautiously. Lady Fleur was, much to Yurieth’s discomfort, to be seen the whole evening with Lord Orin of Odini to lend credibility to the rumors that they were courting. The rumors would allow for the families to spend far more time together without raising suspicions as they finished the Tear.

Fleur’s hand rested lightly on Yurieth’s arm as they walked toward the palace, as eldest it was his job to escort and protect his mother’s novice. She looked beautiful in the dress Cinna had created, it hugged her curves and shimmered when she moved. The sleeves and skirt layers floated around her like flower petals swaying in the wind above her jeweled shoes. Her scars were completely hidden by make-up, but Cinna had chosen to paint the ones on her temples, forearms, and ankles with iridescent gloss. Her hair was tinted in places to accent her dress. Yurieth was amazed at how young she looked. Momentarily, he wondered how his brother felt about having a second wife who barely looked of marrying age.

Suddenly, she stopped, eyes wide as an expression of horror crossed her features. “There is so much darkness ahead.”

“Can you do this, my daughter?” Adamos asked with concern.

Fleur trembled as she reached around her neck and took off her oracle stone. “Yes, Father, but I can’t wear my stone, or I might turn someone indwelled by darkness into dust. I am struggling to contain my light from here. During the war, I rarely needed to restrain my light when facing shadowed ones.”

“I will keep your stone safe,” Yurieth volunteered and held out his hand. Reluctantly, she placed it in his palm.

His heart hated that it glowed for only a moment and became cold as soon as she withdrew her fingers from it. This was his stone once, but it never glowed for him as it did for her. Fleur looked at it longingly for a moment before he tucked it away in a pocket on his knife sheath. She hated to be without it, even for a few hours, the stone had been a focal point for her power for over five hundred years, but she knew if she carried it, she might lose control of her power and reveal herself. She reminded herself she was far from unprotected. She could use her light without her stone, and even if she was cornered, she was far from defenseless, Karstien and Kaleth had made sure of it.

“We will protect you, my Lady,” Yurieth said, feeling her hesitancy.

“We are all here, Fleur, they won’t get you,” Abrieth added.

Fleur’s hand fluttered to touch her temple scars but then she jerked it away so not to ruin the makeup Cinna had spent hours carefully applying. “It’s not me they are after,” she whispered, “It’s her.”

“Little Flower?” Adamos said two words neither of his sons knew and Fleur looked up at him at the sound of her birth language, he touched her shoulder lightly.

“I can do this, I promise.” She nodded resolutely. “I have walked through the land of darkness before.”

She placed her hand back on Yurieth’s arm, “Let’s go.”

After joining the House of Odini, Fleur and Oren were announced with their families. Fleur could feel the leering looks some of the young royals gave her and their faltering resolve as Yurieth glared at them coldly from over her shoulder. They quickly settled at the joint house table the Queen had arranged for. Fleur seated between Ylumina’s empty seat and Oren. Abrieth went to find Serapha, while Adamos and Odinus mingled with the other High Lords.

Oshay had red hair like Orion and smiled constantly. Fleur almost giggled when he sent her a covert thought about his face cracking and falling off. She sent a thought back to pretend he was his friend Vole, who was notoriously charming to the ladies and always had a perfect smile even when he was raging mad. He retorted flatly he would never make it through the night. She reminded Oshay, that in their time, he rarely smiled for more than a moment. A smiling Oshay with flaming red hair and goatee from this time would not easily be recognized as the dark and brooding Shadz of the future.

Yurieth sat down in his mother’s chair. Someone carrying darkness passed behind her chair and Fleur cringed forward.

“I don’t like this place,” Fleur whispered as she squeezed his hand under the table. There was so much dark energy in so many she doubled that she would have been able to vanquish it before being overcome. “There is so much evil walking about freely. Why would they allow it?”

Shuddering, Oren leaned in to whisper. “My lady, it has been this way for decades, as a healer, it offends me, but there is nothing that can be done to change the choice of another’s heart.”

Yurieth scooted his chair back, leaning and stretching out as if reclining in boredom, but really to block the path of any who tried to walk between their table and the one behind it. “Many don’t even see the corruption and perversion in front of them, Fleur. Apathy, rather than Light, guides our people now.” He felt how sad his blunt answer made her as Oren murmured, “It is true.”

Finally, the music started, Fleur rose with Oren to dance as they were announced along with several other couples as newly betrothed. She could feel the intent of those who watched them. Halfway through the music, at the point at which it was acceptable to cut in on a dancing couple, three different royals started to approach them.

Prince Xeus ran up with boyish exuberance, trying to pull her from Oren’s embrace. “You’re here! Dance with me, cousin Fleur.”

“A moment, my prince,” Fleur giggled. Smiling brightly, she turned and curtsied to Oren, before putting a modest peck on his cheek.

Oren kissed her hand before handing it to the young prince, with a grin, “Take care of her, my prince.”

Prince Xeus dragged her to the middle of the dance floor, where they laughed and chatted while they danced, putting on the front of having been together since childhood. Many heard him talking about how happy he was she finally got to come to court, and her giggling declarations that it was all so much more amazing than he had told her, believed the falsehood. Both were very good dancers and, as long as Lady Fleur danced with Prince Xeus, no other eligible royal dared interrupt.

Many were already speculating why the House of Adamos had kept Lady Fleur from court for so long. She was beautiful, even if she was blind and so petite in stature. As they wandered to the dance floor past a group of particularly gossipy Ladies, Princess Serapha expressed concern to Lord Abrieth about Lady Fleur’s heart getting too tired from the excitement of her first ball, and before the next dance ended, Lord Yurieth was asked about the rumor that Lady Fleur had a poor heart. As he stood, watching over her protectively from the side of the dance floor, he simply answered, she came unexpectedly into this world, and that like her eyes, her heart had its own frailty that could not be cured through magic or medicine.

Yurieth remained where he was, chatting some, but mostly listening to the gossiping eligible ladies of the court who had gathered near him, hoping for an invitation to dance from the first-born of Adamos. Then he noticed a pair of cranberry-colored eyes watching him. Before he could move, he noticed the young cousin of Lord Odini approach and ask Princess Demona to dance. He noticed that the young Lord Oshay guided the Xelusian Princess to the dance floor on the upper level before dismissing them from his mind.

King Xerxes arrived late with Queen Eonae who flashed Lady Yllumina a smile as they saw Fleur and Xeus dancing together and laughing like happy children, a falsehood many would believe because they were the same size. Feeling a mental nudge, Xeus and Fleur turned at the same time.

“It was fun while it lasted,” Xeus said in such a grumpy grown-up tone that Fleur started giggling. He grinned at her sheepishly, “Well, at least I got to dance with the prettiest lady at the ball. Thank you, Lady Fleur.”

“No, thank you, my prince. You saved me from the vultures, and I saved you,” Fleur answered.

“Vultures?” Prince Xeus looked confused until Fleur inclined her head toward the group of male and female royals watching them dancing enviously. He burst out laughing as she covered her laughter with a delicate hand, they both seemed very young for a few moments. He led her off the dance floor and toward his parents as if excited. “Mother, Father, Lady Fleur asked me to visit this mid-winter, please can I go?” He begged.

“My thanks, Lady Fleur,” Queen Eonae said graciously. “Are you enjoying your first ball?”

The King stared at her strangely as Fleur curtsied, answering, “Oh yes, my queen.”

“Who are you?” the king demanded hostilely.

“My King, I am Lady Fleur of the House of Adamos. You met me many years ago, you probably don’t remember,” she added shyly hopeful, “I was just a little girl in a brown dress. It was summer?”

“Ahhh, yes summer... by the lake... You grew up.” The King seemed in his own world, remembering visiting and meeting Yurieth’s daughters.

“Yes, my King, just a little,” she smiled up at him and shined him with her power, making him feel comfortable and happy. Lord Adamos came up behind her.

“Please, Father, I haven’t gotten to see Fleur for a very long time,” Xeus begged again.

“Fine... fine... I have too much to do... Who will teach you while you are away? Regis aids his father here.” The King rambled but he never took his eyes off Fleur.

“My King,” Adamos bowed, “My sons will gladly keep the Prince’s training on schedule, not many houses can offer a Master Huntsman and a Master Protector as host trainers. It will be the honor of my house for the prince to visit us.”

The old king smiled at Fleur and then turned his attention to Adamos, “Lord Adamos, you are as loyal as your daughter is beautiful, my son will be fortunate to spend time with your house.”

Fleur blushed prettily as she and Adamos bowed together, the old oracle replied, “You are gracious, my King. It is our duty and honor to serve the crown.”

As they stood, Fleur and Adamos both stiffened slightly, feeling darkness approach from behind. Fleur shifted slightly closer to Adamos, pretending to be shy as he turned to face the Lord of the House of Baalru. “Lord Canus.”

“High Lord Adamos.” They looked at each other as old enemies often did then Canus bowed deeply to the King and Queen, “Your majesties, it is a lovely celebration, but you can’t spend all your time with one family, regardless of how lovely their daughter or how close she is to the prince.”

“It is not your lordship’s place to dictate to our rulers, who they should spend time with, Lord Canus,” Yllumina reminded in a softly intoned reprimand, then she asked, “Where is Lady Naphtala?”

“My wife is at home with our youngest. He had been... ill. Perhaps you should call on your cousin sometime, instead of expecting your lower ranked relative to visit your almost extinct high house.” His contempt for her was not well hidden but before Fleur could snap at him to be respectful, Yllumina answered in a smooth tone with a pleasant expression.

“Perhaps I will, as the High Lady of Adamos and Yophriel, I shall invite all of my relatives to my son’s wedding and my foster daughter’s betrothal celebrations, regardless of to whom they are sealed to.”

“Your son’s wedding?” Lord Canus looked surprised.

“Why, yes,” Yllumina responded lightly, “We are announcing the marriage of my Abrieth tonight. He has found love with the lovely Princess Serapha of Xelusia. It was a surprise to us but,” she waved her hand to the dance floor, “They make such a lovely couple.”

Lord Canus’ eyes narrowed further as he watched Abrieth and Serapha turning the slow circles of a formal dance. He had hoped to marry his youngest son to the daughter of the Prince of Xelusia. Suddenly, he held out his hand to Fleur, “Lord Adamos, may I have a dance with Lady Fleur? I saw her with the prince, she dances well for someone unsighted. You must be very proud of how well she has overcome.”

“She is the joy of our house.”

There was no choice and Fleur took Canus’ hand when Adamos placed hers in it. She felt Canus trying to measure her power and was glad her oracle stone was in Yurieth’s pocket or she would have turned Lord Canus to dust with her light. There was the coldness of someone touched by the shadows but the shadow she sought was not within him at the moment.

She nodded and bowed to the King and Queen, “Your highnesses, I can’t wait to talk to you both again.”

“Perhaps we will talk again before the night is out, Lady Fleur. Enjoy the dance.” The Queen bid her to go.

While they danced, Fleur played the part of an almost bind, nearly helpless girl. In the sea of consciousnesses, she senses Oshay, Oren, and Odini on the third floor with a presence she was not expecting here. Abrieth and Serapha are surrounded by well-wishers as they waited for the King and Queen, with Adamos and Yllumina, to make the wedding announcement. Darkness stood with them. Yurieth was fending off the advances of several desperate ladies trying to seduce him, as he made his way toward her. She felt the deeper darkness that she had sensed at the announcement moving toward her. Lord Canus was saying what a good match his son would be for someone of her status. Fleur can smell the blood mixed with wine on his breath.

“You could do far better than the House of Odini, Lady Fleur.”

She looked down meekly. “Thank you, my lord, but it is my daughter’s duty to marry whom my father tells me to.” She resisted cringing as he ran his hand down her arms and over the raised scrolling and crescent scars Cinna had painted iridescent under the sheer fabric that covered most of her skin.

“Your stylist has turned your scars into marks of beauty and temptation,” Canus said as he turned her and pulled her back against his chest, his thick arms trapping her small ones against her body as his thumbs traced the scars on her wrists. “There is someone who would like to meet you, oracle.”

Standing only a few feet away was someone whose aura rivaled the dark prince of her time, and she was trapped between them. She knew she was standing before one who would someday be indwelled by the ruler of the shadows and she battled to keep her light subdued.

“My Lady Fleur, I have so looked forward to meeting you. I am the Blood Prince Lucif of the House of the Fallen Star, ruler of Xelusia.” The Prince of Xelusia’s voice was silky smooth and carried the same strange lilt as Serapha’s. “Please, dance with me.” He reached toward her.

Before he could touch her, Serapha threw herself between them. Hugging her father and pushing him back, Serapha gushed happily, “Oh Father, you made it. I am so happy you came for my engagement announcement. I know it is different from our customs but isn’t it wonderful?”

“Yes, daughter, I am happy for you that you have found love with one of the heroes who saved our people.” Lucif said, but his eyes never left Fleur’s downcast face.

“I was just looking for Fleur, we have barely gotten to see each other this evening. Can I steal her away, Demona wants to meet her?” Serapha asked hopefully, with bright happiness shining in her eyes.

“Of course, my dear daughter, I never could say no to you and your sister. It was a pleasure to meet you, Lady Fleur, perhaps we can dance another time.”

“Perhaps, Prince Lucif.” In her mind, she sensed fleeting communication between Serapha and Abrieth as she took Serapha’s hand. Fleur smiled and curtsied to Lord Canus. “Thank you for the dance, my Lord. I hope your son finds love.”

“Thank you, my lady, you are too kind.” Lord Canus bowed, then asked suddenly, “My dear lady, how old are you again?”

“My sister has just passed marriage age, my lord, she is betrothed to the House of Odini.” Abrieth answered in a calm tone, smiling through his beard. “She will be almost as beautiful a bride as my Serapha.”

“That is a shame, but perhaps Lady Fleur would still agree to have dinner with me?” Prince Lucif asked.

“Father... Fleur is betrothed, their customs... it would be improper for her to be having dinner with you,” Serapha interjected.

Lucif laughed, then declared, “You can’t blame a widower for trying, your future sister is so beautiful, she just muddles the senses and your happiness makes me long for my own.” From his look, Fleur knew exactly what he was longing for and it wasn’t happiness.

Serapha leaned over and whispered into a shocked Fleur’s ear, “Laugh now and blush if you can.”

Fleur gigged and whispered back. “We need to go before he touches me.”

Serapha grinned at her father, “I’ll see you soon, father.”

To Prince Lucif, Fleur smiled shyly, and called out as Serapha made a show of dragging her away, “Goodbye, Serapha’s father.”

Abrieth bowed to Lucif and Canus, then followed the two gigging ladies tolerantly, pretending to be the long-suffering escort.

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