The Huntress : The Alterealm Series Book 1

Chapter 8

I had no choice but to follow, I’d never find my way on my own. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping or something by now?”

Chase chuckled. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

I looked up at him. “No. Yes.” I sighed. “I have no idea anymore; my life has been flipped upside down and I don’t know which way I’m supposed to be going.”

“You’re doing a great job if you want to know. I doubt many would accept any of this as easily as you have.” He led me through the third door, confirming I never would have found my way.

“I’m still expecting to wake up and find out this was all a dream.”

“Does that cheek feel dream like?” He grinned down at me.

“Not really, no.”

Opening a door, he ushered me through it. I stopped and realized it was my room. “Thank you.” I went into the bathroom and flipped on the light. Going over to the mirror I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Damn, with the way it was swelling I’d be lucky if I could see in a few hours.

“Not pretty is it?”

I shook my head and looked at him in the mirror as he leaned against the door, “and your blood would fix this?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“What’s the catch?”

Grinning, he came over and stood behind me and spoke to my reflection. “Trusting soul, aren’t you?”

I raised my eyebrows at him, even though it burned.

“There’s no catch, Daxx. A small amount will just heal you.”

“And a larger amount?”

He smirked. “With a small ceremony and larger amount, you’d live a lot longer than your human body is presently equipped to do.”

“Well, we won’t be doing that.”

He chuckled. “No, my brothers would castrate me if I talked you into that right now.”

I didn’t ask, just by the answer I knew somehow there was sex in that scenario. “So no side effects from a small amount? Just healing?”

“Just healing. You may feel a slight connection to me, but it won’t last more than a day or so.”

“This sounds a lot like vampire stuff.”

Throwing his head back, he laughed. “Kitten, vampires are mere amateurs compared to my lineage.”

That didn’t sound promising. I turned around and leaned against the sink and looked up at him. “I don’t want to know. Anymore surprises with other races and realms and I might just run away screaming.”

Chase stopped laughing and tilted my chin up so I was looking right into his eyes. They had turned yellow. “I doubt you’ve run away from anything in your life.”

“You’d be surprised.” The ache in my face was starting to amplify and move up into my head.

“Let me heal you.”

He whispered it in a way, almost pleading and I knew this was not a tone he used often. I swallowed the lump in my throat and then nodded. I stood there clutching the counter as he pulled his shirt over his head. If my whole face wasn’t burning I may have appreciated how he looked a bit longer. I’d never seen real six pack abs up close and having them a foot in front of me was fairly impressive viewing. His chest was well muscled and made me silently congratulate myself for being able to knock him down earlier.

With a smirk, he leaned close to me and reached around and pulled my raptor free. I just continued to stand there and stare at his chest. He held the knife against his chest, just above his heart and I reached out and stopped him. Looking up at him I studied his yellow eyes. “Troy told me why his eyes go red near me, but why do yours turn?”

“Your emotions are well guarded from me, but I still pick up hints of the strongest ones.” His yellow eyes burned into mine. “Anger, when you’re nervous—any sexual emotions you feel.”

I swallowed and then exhaled slowly. I couldn’t think of a thing to say to that, so I released his hand and nodded. Watching him pull the blade across his chest, I winced for him. He tossed it to the counter and then with a light touch he guided my head towards the dripping gash above his breast. Bracing my hands against his warm skin, I leaned closer and ran my tongue over it. He hissed out a breath and his hand clenched in my hair. I licked over it again, taking the time to taste the sweet salty taste on my tongue.

“Have mercy, kitten, stroking me with your tongue is killing me.” He groaned.

I felt my cheeks flush and quickly moved closer to him and placed my lips around the small wound and sucked gently. He moaned quietly and pulled me into his body so all of me was tight against him. Chase held my head with one hand and stroked the other up and down my back slowly as I drew his blood into my mouth, swallowing it quickly before I had a chance to think about it.

He backed me up a step until I was against the counter and couldn’t help but feel how arousing it was for him having me do this. Sucking again, I lifted my lips away and slid my tongue over the cut once more. I didn’t know if it was enough but my mind was quickly moving past healing and into an area I wasn’t ready to go to.

Leaning down, he nuzzled my hair as I continued to lean against his bare chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I’d have this reaction.” Lifting his head, he moved back enough that I could look up at him. His eyes were glowing much brighter now. He exhaled slowly and closed his eyes for a second.

My whole body felt different as I stood there leaning against his bare chest. I could feel his heart beat under my chest and it was almost as if our hearts were beating together. Lifting my face away from him, I curbed the urge to lick him again, and not for healing purposes.

Grinning, he opened his eyes, a look told me he was picking up on my thoughts or emotions or whatever it was I was having. Surprising me, he stepped away.

Footsteps came from my bedroom. “Daxx?”

Chase motioned for me to go out, taking a deep breath, I moved around him and did.

Troy stood in the doorway. Seeing me, he came in. “Quinton is under control now.” He started to come over, his eyes moving over my face. A puzzled look appeared in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything.

Turning, I watched Chase come out of the bathroom with his shirt in his hand. My cheeks flushed warm.

Troy came over and lifted my chin, turning my head to study my face. Releasing me, he looked at Chase, his eyes pausing on the red mark on his twins’ chest my mouth had left behind.

Chase pulled his shirt over his head and sent his brother an annoyed look. “I wasn’t going to leave it. Another few minutes and she wouldn’t have been able to see out of one eye. Is Shelby being dealt with?”

Troy stepped back from me and inclined his head towards him briefly before looking back at me. “If you’re up to it, I’d like to go see if we can find Wanda.”

“I’m up to it.” I glanced from one man to the other, noting both of them now stood ridged. Reaching up, I touched my cheek, it was still a bit sore, but nothing like it had been. “Thank you.” I made eye contact with Chase.

The hard look in his eyes softened. “I’d say anytime, but I think I’d prefer you not getting beat on.” His eyes moved over my face once more before he looked back at his brother. “I need to get home. Let me know how you make out.”

Troy nodded but didn’t say anything in reply.

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