The Huntress : The Alterealm Series Book 1

Chapter 42

I stood back and watched this Romeo as he spoke to Arius, pausing often to smile over at me. Mitz had been right when she’d used the word slimy. Did he really think I was going to smile back each time he leered at me? What I wanted to do was throw my knife at him. Turning to roll my eyes at the man playing ominous bodyguard, I couldn’t seriously believe he worried about my being around this ‘romeo’.

Troy just continued to stand there with his arms crossed looking like an enormous statue. When he moved his eyes slowly down my body and then wandered back up to my face, I did the very same thing to him and then winked at him. He actually smirked before turning his glare back to the two men heading our way.

Arius stopped a few feet away, but the other guy moved right in and dropped to one knee in front of me. “My Lord. My Queen, I am most humbled by your presence.” I lifted my hand, hovering it over his slicked back hair, glancing at Arius, his eyes flicked behind me and then he shook his head barely moving it.

“Enough, Romulus,” Troy barked, “we have no time for this.”

Romulus raised his head, his eyes moving up over me. I took an automatic step back until I was leaning against Troy. His hand moved to rest on my waist, so I decided this is where I was staying.

Standing, the mage’s eyes moved over my arm and then hesitantly to his King’s. He inclined his head. “Of course, time is of the essence in this matter.” He smiled. “I know I can be very helpful. Marcus was my mentor and taught me everything.” He shook his head. “I am still troubled that this is happening.” Sighing, he turned and went over to a table. “Although when one has that much power it’s not surprising that it got to him.” Picking up a book, he came back over to us. “This is my journal, it illustrates much of what you’re looking for. To teach you would take hours, but I feel as long as you can learn some of the preludes you will be able to recognize when to bail and run and when not to.” He paused and studied me. “You are really immune to him?”

I shrugged not really wanting to engage him in any sort of dialogue.

He nodded, a smile plastered to his face. “Of course you are, prophecies don’t lie.” Holding out the book, he bowed his head. “If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to come and see me.”

Troy reached around me and took the book out of his hands. With a nod to Arius, he placed his hand behind my back and started guiding me toward the door, with no room for argument.

With a helpless look to Arius, I shrugged and went where I was being lead.

Once we were outside, he paused and looked down at me. “I am sorry.”

I had to wonder for which part exactly, but kept my mouth shut.

“For even considering you’d prefer him over me.” He looked embarrassed.

I grinned up at him. “Oh I don’t know.” I sucked in a breath. “It’s a tough call…” I shrieked when I found myself swung up over his shoulder.

Lifting my head, I tried to look around to see if there was something I could reach to get out of his hold. I found myself looking at an amused upside down Arius as he was closing the door.

“If I didn’t know for fact you were only ten years older than I, brother, I would have to wonder if you predate the dinosaur.” Arius shrugged at me and then stepped out of my sight line. “Put the huntress down, we can’t walk through the village with her slung over your shoulder, despite how charming it looks.” He almost sounded bored.

I would have to thank him later for that when I found myself flipped around and practically tossed up in the air before being caught in strong arms.

“Can I carry her this way?” Troy was smirking.

Arius sighed. “Perhaps you should ask your Queen if she wants to be toted around the village like a toddler, with everyone looking on.”

Troy looked at me and then heaved a dramatic sigh. “I am fairly certain I know the answer to that.” Gently he placed me back on my feet and smiled down at me.

Flipping the hair back from my face, I sent him a scalding glare and then turned to Arius and grinned. “Thank you.”

He inclined his head and then side stepped so Troy’s large body was between us. I frowned, wondering if I was going to have to always walk five feet away from everyone from now on. It could make things a little hard during a fight or even practice. Females that hung around the royal brothers were something I’d never seen yet so that would leave me on the side lines. That I didn’t do. Shaking it off, I turned and started walking, hoping it was in the right direction. “Let’s go look at the compound.”


Being surrounded by four large men in the little steel shed on the roof was an experience I didn’t want to repeat again anytime soon. Of course, I had to try to keep my distance from all of them so Troy wouldn’t have another of his predatory episodes.

“How many are down there now, Daxx?” Michael asked sounding frustrated.

I made my way back to the peep hole as the men shuffled out of the way again keeping Troy closest to me. Looking out, I did a quick tally. “Fifteen.” I turned and looked around Troy so I could see Michael. “They’re horsing around more than practicing, but there’s one group that seems to be tight and when they get the moves on it’s almost beautiful to watch.” I puffed out my cheeks and then sighed. “It’s going to be a real shame when you guys beat on them.”

Arius, who had decided he was coming at the last second, laughed. “Just remember they’re going to be gunning for you too, my little huntress.”

I glanced up at Troy quickly to see his jaw tense. I snorted. “Yeah good luck on them getting close enough to even get in a swing.”

Troy smiled down at me confirming he wasn’t going to let me get into any heavy scuffles. I didn’t know how I was going to get around it, but I was not going to stand there and be the only bloody cheerleader for team Alterealm Royals.

“I’ve seen enough.” Victor stated sounding bored. His eyes moved over me slowly and then to his sibling crowding me. “Shall we go back and do some planning? Troy?”

Troy turned and nodded.

The planning was a bunch of men leaning over a roughed-out map arguing which way would be the best. I wanted to go to my room and read through the book, not being really big on plotting out a fight. For me it was free fall and beat on anything that moved, but each to their own.

I did not get to go to my room and read the book when Troy suggested I look through it where they were. Focusing was a little difficult as I attempted to envision these arm diagrams on a body in front of me.

Sighing, I set the book down and lifted my hands again.

“Getting anywhere?” Rafael spoke from behind me.

I turned and grimaced. “No. I will never recognize any of these from this.” I pointed to the book.

He leaned over my shoulder and looked down at it. “Someone wasn’t really big on art,” he quipped.

I shook my head and flipped back a few pages. “This entire section is basically the beginning moves to some real whopper spells. If he’s going to get down and dirty he’d have to start with these,” I sighed, “if I’m even reading it right.” I sounded defeated, I knew I did. It had been one hell of a day, or night so far. Troy’s crowding me was starting to get on my nerves and I was trying to be patient and not rock the boat, so we could all focus on more important things.

“Maybe I can help.” He smiled his player smile. “I spent a lot of time with a young mage once.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you did.”

He shrugged, still grinning. “I’ll try to decipher these moves so you can see them in action with real arms, would that help?”

I wanted to hug him, but then glanced over at his brother that was leaning over the table with his head close to Michael bickering about something. “Yes that would be awesome.”

Raf looked over at the others and winked. “Don’t worry about him, he’s very occupied right now.”

I let out a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s start at the beginning and see how far we get.”

Picking up the book, I backed up a step and held it out so he could see it. He studied it for a moment, moving his arms a little this way or that and then nodded and looked up at me. When he went through the full motion, it was definitely different than trying to figure it out from sketches. I started to feel a little more encouraged.

He kept repeating it over and over as I watched, picking up the pattern and trying to remember it so I’d know it again. “How,” he started it over once more, “are you planning to be in battle and watch which way Marcus moves his hands at the same time?”

I pouted and kept my eyes on his hands. “I really don’t know. Shit luck mostly.” I grinned and then nodded at him. “Okay I’ve got that one.” I flipped the page. “Next.”

We made it through ten different moves, before they started getting more complex. A few times Raf had to start over because even looking at the book he lost his place. He sent me a sheepish grin. “I knew I should have paid more attention in school.”

I laughed. “You’re not the first to say that. Did any of you boys pay attention in school? Are the people being ruled by a family of drop outs?”

He placed his hand over his heart. “I’m wounded that you would think that little of us, of me. Here I am trying to wrap my brain around these chicken scratches and you’re insinuating I’m a slacker.”

Lowering the book, I tried to glare at him but couldn’t and ended up laughing again. “You are ridiculous,” I gasped out.

His deep chuckle echoed around me. “No, ridiculous would be recording me flapping my arms around like a damn bird here.” He shook his head. “The things I do.”

“What are you doing exactly?” Troy’s tone silenced all movement in the room.

Rafael glanced over his shoulder at him. “Helping, Daxx try to figure these out. Did you look at this book, brother? It’s like interpreting a child’s drawings.” He looked down at me and squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for Troy’s response.

Quinton moved away from the table and strode towards us quickly. “They’re that bad?”

“At least Raf can read children scratches, he’s still at that level himself.” Leone moved away from the others and in our direction as well, an amused look on his face.

I handed the book off to Quinton, not sure what they were up to but knew enough to know I wasn’t going to take a direct part in it. When Arius smiled across at me and then edged his way around the table, I knew they were at it again.

“I didn’t think to actually look in the book. I took Romeo at his word.” He came over looking very serious and held out his hand for the book. Glancing at it he shook his head. “And Raf is able to read this?” He smirked at his younger brother. “You’ve improved.”

Michael and Victor stepped back and crossed their arms, obviously not wanting to be a part of the game when the stakes were this high.

“I think we should all help, Daxx.” Raf suggested, still not facing Troy.

Leone nodded and stepped to stand beside him, blocking me from Troy’s view. “I’m in.”

Quinton took the book from Arius and flipped a few pages. “It could take a while, but anything to help our Huntress.” He winked at me and then stood with his shoulder to Leone’s.

A big grin plastered to his face, Arius stepped in line and I found myself almost surrounded by men that towered over me, blocking out anything past their bodies.

Chase’s voice suddenly filled the room. “Sorry I’m late, I had to attempt some sort of sleep.” His voice faded at the end. “What have I missed?” His pushed his way between Raf and Leone. “Ah, hello, kitten.” He glanced around at his brother’s faces as they tried not to smile. “You guys have a death wish I don’t know about?” He looked over Raf’s shoulder. “That my silly siblings is a rabid animal you’re teasing.” Giving me a sympathetic look when I shook my head to say I had no part of this.

I heard movement, but when I tried to look between them I couldn’t see a damn thing. I was all for a little camaraderie among family, but somehow I think this was a few steps beyond considering the circumstances.

Chase sighed. “Michael and Victor have about three seconds before he breaks free. Who’s the fastest runner?”

Rafael grinned and lunged toward me. “Me!” I found myself swung up over his shoulder as he ran out the door Quinton held open. I heard the door slam, but was too busy holding on tight so I wouldn’t bounce off and hit the floor.

The door banged three more times before I heard thundering foot steps behind us. How was this going to look to anyone we flew past? One brother of the royal family carrying me and the rest racing after us? I wasn’t a football for crying out loud.

There was a loud crashing noise that sounded like wood splintering and then some grunting before the echo of boots on the hall started again. I lifted my head, trying not to let my teeth clatter and saw Chase and Quinton trying to slow down Troy, a very determined look that said no one was keeping him from catching me. Arius was lying on the floor looking winded and possibly injured, Michael was beside him and not looking much better. Victor was bent over leaning on his knees either hurt of trying to catch his breath.

I put my head down. “Either run fast, Raf, or put me down and duck.” I squeaked out between the jarring movements of his fast strides.

There were more grunts from behind us, and what sounded like flesh hitting flesh. “You’re on your own, Raf,” Quinton called out.

The sound of feet behind us was now only of one pair. I squealed as Raf bolted around a corner and then almost tossed me to the ground, spinning me around so I was facing the sound of the stomping boots. Sounding winded, he steadied me so I wouldn’t tip right over before his hands dropped from me and he backed away.

Troy came around the corner and came to a stop when he saw me standing there. He sent Raf a look of death and then moved toward me intention clear on his face.

I held my hands up. “I wasn’t part of it.”

“I know.” Wrapping one big arm around my waist, he picked me up off the floor and held me tight against his body.

I held on to his neck, preferring this to hanging over a shoulder. His chest was rising and falling as he tried to breathe after the exertion and turned to head back the way we’d all just come from.

Around the corner stood Mitz shaking her head. “I thought the days of telling you no running in the halls was over.”

Troy scowled. “They started it.”

Giving Mitz an exasperated glare, I tried to twist free so I could stand on my own, Troy wasn’t having any of it. “How long do I have to put up with this?”

She sent the man holding me an annoyed look. “I’m not sure, until the bond is complete or…”

Troy growled something I couldn’t understand and started walking back down the hall. Quinton was pulling Arius to his feet as we passed. He gave me a sympathetic look.

“Troy,” I said softly, trying to sound patient. “I can walk.”

He looked at me and then back to the next brother he stepped around. “And I can carry you.”

“Troy,” Victor caught up to us, “we really need to get back to…”

“Later.” Troy said in a tone that made Victor bow his head and stop walking with us.

I glared at the man carrying me like a rag doll. “I’d like to walk, please.” I said it in a way that sounded like I was asking, but I really wasn’t.

He gave me a quick glance, but said nothing and we weren’t slowing down so chances of him doing what I wanted seemed slim.

Chase came up beside us. He walked along in stride with his twin for several steps without saying a word. I tried to catch his eye to ask that he do something, but he looked straight ahead mimicking his brother.

What do you want?” Troy asked in his lethal tone.

Shrugging, Chase finally looked at his brother. “I just wanted to be with you in your last moments.”

Troy glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “My what?”

“The way I see it,” he looked me up and down in his brother’s hold, “you have maybe another minute before Daxx is really pissed about being toted about like a puppet or,” he grinned, “she’ll keep it together until you stop and put her down and then she’s going to slice you up like a loaf of bread.”

Troy grunted in response, but did finally look down at me. I lifted both eyebrows at him, letting him know that his sibling wasn’t far off. He stopped and looked at his brother, still holding me off the floor. “I can’t help it. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

“Oh, I’d say you lost it.” Chase looked at his arm wrapped around me.

Sighing, Troy loosened his grip on my waist and let me slide down his body. My first thought was to step clear of him, but his hand splayed against my back ended that idea.

“Troy,” I tried for understanding, but have no idea if I made it. “This is crazy. I can’t live like this.” I wasn’t exaggerating. Here I was literally tied to a man that I’d had sex with once, spectacular as it was, and now I could barely take two steps away without him losing it.

The solution was the blood rite, but did I really want to permanently, and I mean forever and ever, be with him. I watched several emotions go through his eyes as he looked at me. Just the fact that he was waging an internal battle and trying to be reasonable counted for a lot more than he knew. I could feel the pull between us too, I just didn’t go all predator with it.

His hold on my back loosened a little further, like he was trying to let go but his hand wasn’t listening. Dropping it completely, he clenched it at his side. With a soft look in his hazel stare, he sighed again. “Go.”

It almost didn’t register when he said it, barely a whisper. I looked at Chase who nodded and turned and started down the hall. A few feet later, I paused and looked over my shoulder. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

Inclining his head, he looked back at me and then turned with a jerky movement and went back down the hall. Chase sent me a look that said he’d keep an eye on him and then followed behind him.

Heaving out a huge sigh of relief, I found my bearings and headed to my room, double time.

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