The Huntress : The Alterealm Series Book 1

Chapter 28

Now I was in awe, pure simple awe. The cells were nothing like I thought they’d be. I had pictured old bars and cement walls, you know, cells. This was way more than that. It was high-tech heaven for starters and just plain cool.

It was underground, so there were no windows anywhere and the security would make the Royal Mint weep with joy if they had anything close to the system here. If you didn’t have the right handprint, not just thumb or finger the whole hand, you went nowhere.

Most of the area’s I’d seen when we first arrived were clear walled rooms, like Plexiglas. There was only one door, which I had to assume was a bathroom for the unfortunate ones being held in the cell. Each cell had cameras aimed at it from all angles, it seemed redundant considering the cells were completely transparent, but then again, I just caught criminals I didn’t study them.

Michael took great pleasure in walking me through and explaining things to me. Each prisoner had a wide red cuff like bracelet on and it stopped any extra abilities from being used. I mentally labeled those the magic jammers. They could only be taken off by a handheld scanner, locked up in a safe that only opened for the right handprints. High-tech indeed.

A few wore a second bracelet that was blue. Those ones prevented any close contact from anyone. I didn’t ask what the offenders had done that wore them, it didn’t take a great leap of genius to figure they were the ultra-dangerous ones.

My little tour concluded when we reached a door. Michael paused and looked like he wanted to say something, but then shook his head and pressed his hand against the panel on the door. “The ones we sent back are in here.”

I looked behind me at the row of clear cells and wondered just how big this place was. As soon as we stepped through the door, he motioned me into a room right inside it. Stepping in there, I smiled to see most of the brothers gathered in front of some monitors.

Chase turned and smiled at me. “Impressed, kitten?”

I shrugged slightly. “A little.”

He chuckled and motioned for me to come over.

I did.

On the monitors were the group we sent back home, I recognized a few that had tried to take me out of all worlds. Moving closer, I spotted the woman with that had tried to break me in half with her bat. She stood in the middle of the room with her arms crossed staring at the camera.

Victor came in and closed the door. “We’re not getting very far.”

Arius leaned back against the wall looking bored. “Why are you doing it the hard way?” He lifted his chin toward Troy. “We could go in and come out with everything you need.”

Victor sighed. “That would be breaking about ten laws.”

Quinton cursed under his breath. “After what they were trying to do, why should we give a shit?”

I had to agree with him there. I looked back at the woman. “What about the human ones? Have they said anything?”

Victor shook his head and pointed to the one I’d looked at. “She refuses to talk until she sees her boyfriend.” He sighed. “She won’t tell us who that is, so complying it rather difficult.”

I looked at the screens, trying to spot him. “Quinton, where’s the big guy you and Raf double teamed and I scanned?”

“That’s her boyfriend?” Rafael leaned closed and looked at the monitors.

I squinted at one of the men on screen, trying to picture him in the dark. “Well it was after I scanned him that she went ape shit and tried to relocate my shoulder to Denver with a freakin baseball bat.”

Chase leaned around me. “That’s what happened to your shoulder?”

I glanced at him briefly and then nodded before I looked some more.

“Daxx, why didn’t you say that? I thought it was a fall that did that.” He sounded really annoyed.

Turning I gave him a confused look. “What difference does it make?”

Chase looked over at Troy, a look passed between them before he turned back to look at me. “There could be damage to the bone, I thought it was just flesh bruising.”

“What’s he talking about?” Quinton was now crowding me.

Glaring at Chase for a second, hoping he picked up on the thanks-for-nothing vibes, I sighed and looked up at the concerned brown eyes. “My shoulder was a little banged up, it’s not bad now.”

No one was looking at the monitors or plotting how to gain information, instead all eight brothers were looking at me. Rolling my head to the side, I sent Chase a look of annoyance, he had the good sense to look repentant for opening his big mouth.

“Guys, I’m fine.” I lifted my arm, it only hurt a little bit compared to how it had. Putting it back down, I rolled my shoulders. There was an ache, but again not as bad as it had been.

“You should get it x-rayed.” Rafael said in a tone that made the other men look more concerned.

“I’m fine.” I looked up at Quinton. “Chase gave me some blood, it will be good as new in a few hours.”

A surprised look appeared on Quinton’s face, but he didn’t voice why. “Let me take a look.”

Glancing around at the men, I rubbed my hands over my face. There was no way I was going to take my shirt off with all of them standing there staring at me. Dropping my hands, I sighed again. “Its fine, Quinton, really.” He didn’t budge. I looked around at the faces watching me, hoping for some back up but not one of them were going to side with me on this.

With my hands on my hips, I glared up at Quinton. “Are you serious?”

He nodded, the determined look still on his face still.

“Unbelievable!” I threw my hands up in defeat and moved out of the group of them toward the corner of the room. Turning my back, I reached for the hem of my shirt but then stopped when I heard movement coming in my direction. Chase was suddenly standing in front of me, pulling me into his body.

“Just pull your arm out.” He said quietly as he pulled the material out away from my skin.

I pulled my arm free and then angled my body into his so the only part that would be seen was a small amount of my back and one shoulder. I looked up at him, wanting to silently thank him, but he was sending out the look of death to all of his siblings. Why he hadn’t spoken up before now, I didn’t know.

Looking over my shoulder, I scanned over the faces in the room. A few pairs of eyes were on the protective man in front of me, the expressions were of shock and surprise. Troy’s eyes were on my back, but flicked more than once to look at his twin, a pained look on his face. I didn’t know what that was about and decided I didn’t want to either.

Quinton came over and gently touched my shoulder. “Did it look this bad before you helped?” He asked Chase.

Chase leaned over me, pulling me tighter into his chest and looked. “It was ten times worse than that.”

Quinton made some sort of noise, which I chose to ignore and just focused on the warmth of the body against mine to distract me from spitting at the audience behind me.

“You really have the tattoo.” Rafael said with wonder.

Lifting my head away from Chase, I looked over at him.

Troy shook his head, and then cuffed Raf in the back of his. “You had doubts?”

Rafael shrugged. “Well, no, but knowing and seeing are two different things.”

“Are we done examining me?” I didn’t try to hide the annoyance in my voice. Without waiting for an answer, Chase helped me get the shirt back on and pulled down. He ran his hands slowly down my back and looked at me, his apology was very plain to make out in his expression. I rubbed my hands over his chest in a forgiving motion and then turned around. “Now, can we find the slugger’s man so I can go tell her he’s just dandy?”

Arius turned from the screen. “You’re going in?”

I grinned. “Oh yeah.”

Chase chuckled. “The raptor stays on this side of the walls, kitten.”

I shrugged. “Fine with me.”


I was only half listening to the instructions Victor and Michael were giving me on interrogation, honestly if the woman had been from their side I would have paid closer attention, but as she was like me and fit the very familiar category of scum I generally chase down, I didn’t think they could give me much to work with. That was only half of the reason I wasn’t paying attention; the other half was Troy’s behavior.

He stood on the other side of the room by himself, which in a room filled with his many siblings was odd to say the least. Every few seconds his eyes would move from his twin to me. From this distance, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face, but curiosity had me putting my instructors on hold and wandering in his direction.

He straightened away from the wall and uncrossed his arms as I got closer to him. There was no smile to greet me when I stopped in front of him.

“Is something wrong?” I asked quietly so everyone else present wouldn’t stop to listen.

His eyes moved over my face slowly. “I don’t believe so.”

I hated the stiff proper tone he used, but let that slide by. “I know you do the strong silent observing thing more than the others, but you’re taking it a bit further than usual.”

His mouth quirked, like he wanted to smile but it didn’t quite make it all the way. “I learn a lot from standing back and observing.”

“I can’t argue with that, but you seemed unsettled.”

Both blonde eyebrows raised and he looked down at me. “You can sense what I’m feeling?”

I shook my head and then grinned. “Just an observation.”

He almost looked relieved to hear that. “I see.” His eyes moved away from me and in the direction of Chase again. “I’ve never seen him like this, or felt his emotions as I have been.” When he looked back at me his expression softened.

“Are you blaming me or thanking me?”

“I’m not sure.” His hazel eyes searched mine.

Feeling a little too much déjavu with the look he gave me, I glanced over my shoulder at Chase. “The blood healing is wreaking havoc on both of us these last few days.” I turned back to him. “Maybe that’s the reason.”

Troy grinned down at me. “I’m sure you’d love to think that was the only reason.”

Busted. “Yeah, I would actually, can we leave it at that?”

He chuckled. “We could if you’re feeling cowardly.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Okay then, the truth?” He nodded. “I have no idea what to think anymore. Nothing makes any sense to me.”

Compassion filled his eyes. “I’m sorry, Daxx, I realize there’s been a lot of changes to your world.”

It was my turn to laugh. “My world, my beliefs, my everything…”

“We’re trying not to push you.” He sounded so sincere.

“I know, there’s just so much—”

Chase appeared beside me and nodded to his brother. He placed a hand on my back and rubbed it gently. “Feel like partaking in a few interrogations with me, brother King?”

I watched Troy smile and nod at his twin, but noticed he looked at the hand that rested on my back and the look of what I could only say was envy in his eyes. Smiling up at Chase, I moved out of his touch. “I’m off to play some head games with the crazy chick.”

Chase sent his brother a silent look before smiling back at me. “Take someone in with you.”

“Yes, Sire.” I winked at Troy and then moved back over to Victor. On the way past, I glanced at Arius who stood with his arms crossed and looking completely bored with the whole thing. I stopped in front of him and looked up in his grey eyes. “I have been instructed to take a chaperone in with me.” He didn’t say a word to that. “Wanna volunteer?”

A wide smile answered before his words. “Absolutely, my Huntress. Lead the way.”

Victor sent both of us a warning look as we moved past him to the door. I don’t know for sure what Arius thought, but I was pretending not to notice myself. I didn’t have any funky extra ability to use, so as far as I was concerned anything I did was fair play.

We paused outside the clear door of the clear cell that held the scowling woman. I looked over my shoulder at Arius. “Does your hand print work?”

He gave me an odd look. “My hand print?” He smirked. “Huntress the scanner doesn’t record hand prints, it looks for the balance of your Charma.”

Turning I gave him my best huh? look.

Crossing his hands behind his back, he looked down at me with a light in his eyes that said he was laughing inside. “Your intentions—so to speak. It can measure the good or bad and if the balance is right it will open.”

“Really?” I looked down at my hand like it was going to give me a preview of what my balance or whatever would be. “Think it will work for me?”

He snorted. “It better or we are in deep shit having the long-awaited huntress with a bad streak inside her.”

I wasn’t even sure if that was an answer to what I asked, but I shrugged and placed my hand on the scanner. A light passed under my palm making my hand look see through and then the lock snapped open. “Guess you’re all safe with me.”

“I didn’t doubt it.” He held open the door and let me go in first.

I walked in and wandered over to the other side, taking my time to look at the cot and small table near the top of it. When I was done there, I went over and pushed the door open and peaked into the bathroom. At least I’d been right about that.

When I turned around I expected the hostile female to be cowering away from Arius, she wasn’t and in fact I don’t even think she noticed he was there. So much for my intimidation ploy. Her murderous gaze was on me and me alone, she must have recognized me as the one that vanished her boyfriend. I gave her a quick once over, noting she had seen a bit of action before she tried to take me out with her sporty weapon, her clothes were dirty and had seen better days. “I see you remember me.”

“Where is he?” Her voice shook with emotion.

I shrugged. “I might be willing to share information…”

“I’m not telling you anything until I see him.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

Looking around her, I made eye contact with the hovering giant that still stood by the door, he looked bored again. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I studied the woman for a moment just to give that dramatic pause element into this game. “You do know my friend over there could just make you tell me, right?”

With a brief look at him she sent me a seething look. “I don’t care if he beats me, I’m not saying anything.”

I laughed, trying for a light carefree one, but failing. “Honey, he can get you to do anything his heart desires without ever laying a hand on you.”

She looked at Arius again, who timed a flashy grin just perfect as she did. This time she checked him out just a bit longer before looking back at me. “Marcus warned us about the royal brothers …” A quick look at him again. “It’s true? They can do all sorts of freaky things?”

Remembering what her boyfriend looked like and the fact that his eyes had that whole neon flashy thing going on, I was a little surprised she thought the royal brothers were freaks. Clearing my throat, I swallowed the laugh. “Oh yeah, and more.”

Stepping back, she looked me up and down like I held the answer to some sort of puzzle. “Your her.” Her eyes filled with accusations. “You’re from my side and a traitor.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”

She paced over to the narrow cot and dropped down onto it. “You’re the supposed mystical huntress, finally arriving to save the world.” With her eyes looking at my feet she continued. “You should be on our side.”

I checked with Arius before I commented, he shook his head having no clue what she was talking about. I met her eyes, seeing she believed what she was saying. “Who’s side of what exactly?”

She sent me a look saying she thought I was a dunce. “The royals are going to take over our side.” She snorted. “Some mystical savior you are.”

Now I was just getting annoyed. “First, honey, I am not mystical anything. I am just as normal as you are.”

Her glare called me a liar.

I continued. “I don’t have any special abilities, unless you count survival. I do however know for a fact what Marcus has been feeding you is a big pile of crap though.”

“It can’t be.” She stood up again, suddenly agitated again.

“Let me explain a few facts that I know.” I moved to stand back beside Arius and gave her the room to pace. She may not have held any sort of weapon, but I did know she wasn’t restricted from taking any swipes at me and truthfully, I was feeling a little vulnerable without my raptor. “Marcus is handing out transporter bracelets to all the wrong players.” She paused in her pacing to listen. “Half those that were on your side shouldn’t be free to walk any realm, never mind handed the human population for snacks and entertainment…”

I watched her think through things, like a haze was lifting her expressions changed. When she came over and stopped right in front of me she looked like she was in a lot of pain. “I knew something wasn’t right.” She ran her hands through her tangled hair. “But I didn’t want to see, not really, it was the only way Javis and I could be together all the time.”

When she started to pull her shirt off, Arius straightened beside me. I looked to him and the look of confusion was clear on his face.

She revealed only her left arm and held it out. From the shoulder to wrist was an intricate tattoo, I’m not sure of what exactly but it was quite the piece of work. “We’re mates. We completed the blood rite.” She gave me a desperate look. “I have to know Javis is alright. He’s not a monster, he’s a guard from one of the daywalker villages. I can feel his pain…” She looked up at Arius. “Please?”

I looked from her pleading expression to her arm then up at Arius. He looked sympathetic now. Once again, I had no clue what was going on. “We’ll be back shortly.” Turning, I motioned him to the door.

When we were standing back in the hallway, I looked in at her as she put her shirt back in place. Shaking my head, I stomped back to the room of monitors, Arius was right behind me.

As soon as we stepped back in the room, my mouth couldn’t stay closed a second longer. I spun on Arius, who held up his hands like I was going to beat on him. Lifting my hands in the air, I stepped back so I wouldn’t take a swing just because he was convenient. “Find this Javis.”

Nodding he moved over to the monitors where Quinton stood. He sent me a puzzled look. “What’s going on?”

I sighed. “I have no idea.” Leaning back against the wall, I gave him a serious look. “Marcus has them all believing the royal family plans to take over my side of the realms.” His jaw dropped. “And as soon as we find her mate I’m sure we’ll get a whole lot more information from her.”

Quinton looked from me to Arius and then back again. “She’s mated?”

“Tattoo and all.” I held up a hand and moved over so I could see her in the monitor. “At some point was anyone planning on telling me this mating involved an arm of ink and pain if you’re separated?”

He flushed with guilt.

“Yeah, that’s what I figured.”

Troy and Chase stepped through the door with Victor right on their heels. Turning, I sent both Kings a look that would have wilted flowers. They both stopped so suddenly Victor walked into them.

Troy looked to Arius and Quinton. “Is there a problem?”

Arius tapped some keys to switch the cells the cameras viewed. “Other than we are holding a mated pair apart from each other and Daxx has just learned things about mating no one thought to explain to her? No, other than that all is well.”

Matching hazel eyes flicked to me, both looking wary.

I grinned. “You know this just keeps getting better and better, boys.” I pointed to one of the monitors. “That’s him.” Arius nodded and picked up a phone. I moved away from the monitors and walked slowly over to stand in front of the twins. Pointing up at Troy. “Was this another one of those things you thought to break to me gently, later on?” The guilt on his face answered without him having to speak. “I figured.” Poking my finger into his chest I glared up at him. “Later, we’re going to sit down and talk about all the things you’ve conveniently left out of my information pack.”

Troy cleared his throat. “I believe you’re aware of everything now.”

“We’ll see.” Turning, I looked up at Chase, I wanted to be mad as hell at him too, but then remembered how he had stopped the night before and now understood why. Even with hormones running amok he had found the common sense to halt things before I ended up tied to him for the rest of my days. I pointed at him. “You could have explained a bit more.”

Tucking his hands into his pockets, Chase looked down at me with a gentle expression in his eyes. “I planned to, as promised after this was dealt with.”

My anger was completely deflated when I remembered he had said he would explain everything. Looking from his apologetic stare to his brother’s hesitant one, I hissed out a breath. “Fine but later, the three of us are sitting down and all the little details you didn’t think I could handle are being tossed on the table.”

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