The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Chapter Amy and Clayton's jobs

“Well then if has sent for me, we had best go see him” Amy replied and the two of them walked to the hall, Leigh walked in first

“Amy is here my Love” Leigh said

“I have a job for you” the king said looking at Amy

“anything my king” Amy said

“I want you and four of your best men to deliver a message for me” the king said

“what message and to who my king? “ Amy asked

“first I want you to go to Clayton in the city of Baren and tell him that if a woman and man arrive at his village and he is to capture the woman, once he has her, he is to send for me, tell him to give her nightshade it will make her weak, also I want you to tell him not to underestimate her, if he does it will be at his peril” the king said

“what do you mean if?” Amy asked

“once you have told Clayton that, I want you to go to the ruin city beforeBarenand wait for her there, she will go to a safe house that is there” the king said

where is the safe house? “ Amy asked

“I will tell you where it is and how to get in, when she turns up I want you to give her a message for me and the I want you to kill her and bring me her head” the king replied

“what is the message?” Amy asked

“tell her to stay out of my business and I will leave her alone” the king replied

“but you just said to kill her” Amy said confused

“yes” said the king

“so, why offer peace if you want her dead? “ Amy asked

“if you offer her peace, she will lower her sword” he replied

“are you sure?” Amy asked

“I am, I know her and so do you, she will ask who I am, do not tell her anything, I don’t want her to know anything, she will fund out if she ever makes it here alive” the king said

“who is she?” Amy asked

“you will now” he replies “do not make her angry” he added

“why?” asked Amy

if you make her angry it will be the last thing that you do” the king replied

“but I am the best” Amy said

“do not make her angry” the king said again

“I will not” Amy said but the king knew better, that was why she was going toBaren first, hopefully Clayton would be able to capture her because Amy would fail, she would open her mouth and say something stupid to her, he wanted to know why she had chosen now to come back into the world, he was playing with the chain around his neck as Amy left the hall

why do you wear that?” Leigh asked

“I wear it as a reminder of what I lost” the king replied

“you mean love” Leigh said

“yes and no” the king replied

“but do we not have love?” Leigh asked

“we do” the king replied

“if we have love then why is it yes and no?” Leigh asked

“one day I may explain to you what I mean but you were never in love as a human so, would not understand what I mean” the king snapped

“try to explain” Leigh said

“you would not understand” he said

“please tell me, I am your wife” Leigh said

“maybe” the king replied

“talk to me” Leigh said and sat down next to him

“the love I had for her, is like nothing I have ever felt before, I could not stand to be anywhere that was not at her side, everything I did was for her, I would have given my life for her, the night she came for me I begged for her life notmine, I did not care what happened to me as long as she was safe” he said remembering what it felt like

“I don’t remember that night” Leigh said

“why would you?,you were still human” the king said

“why did you feel like that about her?” Leigh asked

“it was love Leigh, she was unbelievable and perfect, there was no one like her, I will never fully understand love but I do know that it was what I had with her and she threw it away, it was because of her that I became what I am, she is why I killed all the hunters, she was the love of my life, my perfect beautiful wife and she abandoned me” the king replied

“wife” said Leigh had she heard him right

“yes, she was my wife, we got married two hours before I came here and got captured” the king replied

“you had a wife” Leigh shouted “why did you never tell me? “ she added

“what was there to tell you” the king replied

“maybe that you had a wife” Leigh shouted

“what did it matter?, she was dead” the king replied

“it matters because it is something you should have told me, I told you everything there was to know about me, I have never hidden anything from you” Leigh said

“I have not hidden anything from you, it is just something that you didn’t need to know” the king replied

“are we not meant to share” Leigh asked

“it was not something that I have ever wanted to tell you” the king replied

“you haven’t wanted to tell me in over four hundred years and she obviously not dead” Leigh snapped

“don’t you think I don’t know that” the king snapped

“does that mean that you are not my husband but hers?” Leigh asked

“I don’t bloody know do I, you are my wife and that is all that matters” the king replied and he walked from the room, he hadn’t ever thought about it and he never would, after all no one was ever going to find out

“Charlie” Leigh called after him.

It took Amy and her four men two days to reach Baren and she had spent the entire time trying to figure out who this woman could be that had made the king so angry but she didn’t have any idea, when they reached Baren they were greeted by the village mayor, a man called Clayton

“hello my dear. What can I do for you?” Clayton asked

“you, know who I am?” Amy replied

“I know who you work for” Clayton replied

“good, he has a job for you” Amy said

“anything for the king” Clayton replied

“there may be, a woman and a man turn up at your village” Amy said

“and what would the king like me to?” Clayton asked

“you have to understand that this woman will be different, the king believes that she is part human and part vampire, it will be a difficult task for you but he wants you to capture her” Amy relied

“and the man?” Clayton asked

“the man does not matter, he only wants her and he told me to tell you to not underestimate her” Amy replied

“and how do you capture a vampire?” Clayton asked

“with this” Amy said handing him the bottle of nightshade

“what is it?” asked Clayton

“nightshade, it is deadly to a human but will only weaken us” Amy replied

“what do I do?” Clayton asked

“make her drink it” she replied “I am sure that a smart man like you can come up with a plan, when it is done and you have her, you are to send for the king” Amy added and started to walk a way

“as always a pleasure” Clayton said

The five of them walked back to the ruin city to wait for her to arrive, they looked for the vampires that should have been guarding the city first as the sun was beginning set and would need a safe place to rest for the day

“hello” Amy said as they came upon two vampires

“hello Amy” one replied “what brings you to ur fair city?” he added

“waiting for someone to arrive” Amy replied

“they may already be here, we had an intruder early but we could not find anyone” he replied

“when?” Amy asked

“a few hours go” the man replied

“then we must go and find her” Amy said

“you cannot the sun is about to rise” the man said

“we will wait with you until nightfall and then go and find them, we have an idea of where they will be” Amy said

“can we help?” the man asked

“no, you can stay here and do as your king commands” Amy said

They found the nearest place to wait out the sunlight and Amy was growing impatient with every second that was passing and having to this to the constant chatter of the vampires that had decided to join them

“who is it that you are hunting” he asked

“I don’t know, the king just wants whoever it is dead” Amy replied

“but why?” he asked

“does it matter, our king wants her dead and that is all I need to know now, shut up and get some rest” Amy snapped and walked into another room to get away from them, Amy did not rest at all, she spent the rest of the day pacing and waiting for the sun to set, as soon as it was out of the sky Amy walked from the building with her four men to go and hunt this woman, she didn’t say a word as she left.

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