The Hunt: The Oakmont Saga, Book 2

Chapter 21

“Children, we have a surprise for you. It’s not for very long, but we wanted to give you something special,” Agent Samson said, as he walked in during their breakfast.

When he finished speaking, the door opened and all of their parents walked in. All three kids ran to them, almost tackling them with their enthusiasm. The “Mommas” and Daddys” from the younger children was loud in everyone’s ears, even though there were only two of them.

Just as Randy knelt to hug his son, there was an odd thump, glass shattering and a thud behind them. Agents went into a frenzy, shoving all of the adults and kids to the floor. That was when they all realized, at the same time, that Becky Brager was on the floor, not moving and bleeding.

Eliana slumped down, her face pale and still. Ben screamed and started crying hysterically. Mike shoved Sarah to the floor, not being very gentle.

“Get me a medical kit!” Randy commanded, at his wife’s side in a matter of seconds.

Moments later, an FBI agent was handing him the kit, which he tore into with a vengeance, not caring where things went as he searched for certain items.

“She needs better treatment than I can give her here. She’ll be dead in half an hour,” he stated, looking up at the nearest agent.

“Under the circumstances, we can’t call an ambulance,” the agent replied.

“Give me a weapon,” he demanded of that agent.

“I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t,” the agent replied.

“I could take out the threat, much more efficiently, if you would let me,” he said, without any apparent emotion.

“Mr. Brager, although we know of your capabilities, we’re not allowed to give you a weapon, of any kind,” Agent Samson added.

Randy returned his attention to his wife, knowing her life was seeping out of her, as she sat there. He was ready to scream at the lack of action, but he understood the position the agents were in, all too well.

“Daddy, there are three guys across the road that have guns, and a girl,” Ben whispered to him, as he knelt back beside his wife, gently taking her hand in his. Ben had regained some measure of calm as Randy had been talking to the FBI agents. However, he wasn’t leaving his momma’s side, his hand clasped to hers in a death grip.

Randy looked at his son, and quietly asked, “How do you know that?”

“I can feel them,” he replied.

“Can you hear the voices too?” his father asked, very concerned.

“Yeah, but Aliyah and Mel taught me how to block them,” he said.

Randy looked at Aliyah with a look she couldn’t interpret. She wasn’t sure if she should be scared or not.

“Where are they?” he then asked.

“The house straight across from us,” Ben said.

“They have a telepath,” Aliyah added, and closed her eyes. “She has shields up that I can’t get through,” Aliyah then said.

“There are only three of them, though, plus her,” Ben said, reaffirming his count.

“Do you need backup?” Mike very quietly asked Randy, knowing what he was about to do. Randy shook his head slightly, but remained silent, an intensity in his eyes that Mike knew well.

“Be careful. I’ll take care of Becky,” Mike assured him, Sarah gripping his hand very tightly. She was terrified, which was understandable since she’d never seen that kind of action in her entire life.

“Uncle Randy, I’ll keep the telepath distracted,” Aliyah said, an odd smile on her face. He was about to tell her not to, but he knew he didn’t stand a chance against a telepath.

As the agents were all looking for the shooter, Randy shushed the kids with the slightest movement of a finger to his lips. He then slowly worked his way out the back door, very subtly taking a butter knife off the table as he went.

Aliyah thought about planting an image in the minds of the FBI agents, but decided against it. If they didn’t watch their charges good enough, then it was their problem. In addition, it was obvious that Uncle Randy, the man she’d been calling Dad for a little while, was perfectly capable of avoiding notice. The final deciding point, though, was she needed to deal with the other telepath.

“Where is he?” someone shouted a few moments later. Aliyah smiled at the delay of the FBI agents noticing Uncle Randy’s departure.

“Aliyah, where did he go?” Agent Samson asked, as he crawled over to her. She didn’t exactly understand why he addressed her and not her Dad, and she was focused on her task, anyway.

“I’m only a kid, but even I could figure that out,” she replied, glancing at her Dad as she replied.

“Is he crazy? He doesn’t have a weapon,” another agent exclaimed.

“You wouldn’t give him one, so he found something else,” Mike Draper said, a smile playing on his face. Agent Samson looked angry, and worried. Aliyah and her parents knew the agents thought Randall Brager was about to get himself killed trying to be something he wasn’t.

Aliyah centered her mind, just like Mr. Miller had taught her. Then, she sent a barrage of probes at the telepath, trying to batter her shields. In that moment, she knew it was a girl, even though Ben had said so and she’d gone along with it. Then she felt the pain in her mind of the telepath trying to get inside her shields. The other telepath was better trained than she was, and she knew it. She wouldn’t win this fight, only delay the girl’s advance into her mind.

As soon as the thought occurred to her, the other telepath lost consciousness, and was no longer a threat. She had to assume Uncle Randy had done it, but she wasn’t sure. As she opened her eyes, she felt her head blossom with pain. She fell back against the wall, unable to move for a few moments.

As the agents were huddled together, trying to figure out what to do, the front door burst open. Every agent jumped, pointing their guns at the empty doorway. A couple actually pulled the trigger, before Agent Samson yelled for cease fire and silence. Once things settled down, Randy stepped through the door, carrying two obvious sniper rifles and three handguns. He’d been gone less than ten minutes, but had done the job the FBI agents couldn’t.

In a glance, he assessed the scene, “I want two agents taking her to the hospital, now. She can’t wait for an ambulance. Disregard traffic laws,” he ordered, and when they didn’t immediately move, he raised his voice ever so slightly. His slight increase had the effect of a megaphone, though, as he said, “Move before I shoot you myself!” At that, two agents began scrambling, without any guidance or approval from their superior.

“Ben, they’ll take Mommy to the hospital and get her fixed. Uncle Mike will go with her to make sure the doctors do a good job. Okay?” he said to his son, but looked to his brother-in-law. Mike nodded, and Randy relaxed ever so slightly, knowing she was in good hands. Ben was reluctant to let go, but Mike seemed to know what to do, and soon Ben was clinging to his father, instead of his mother. Sarah, still holding Mike’s hand in a death grip, left with him.

“Now that my wife is being seen to, a team needs to go to the house directly across the road and secure the scene. One of the snipers is injured and needs medical attention, but can wait for an ambulance. There is a relatively young girl with them that’s a telepath. Aliyah, go with them to assess, but do not engage. If there is any trouble from her, knock her out,” he said.

No one had noticed her condition, which she hoped meant there was no blood coming out of her nose and eyes. She didn’t feel the tickle of it.

“Move your asses, right now,” he ordered them, his voice very commanding, but not loud. His command came from his presence, not from being loud and overbearing.

“Follow his orders,” Samson said, as the agents looked to him for guidance.

As all of the agents went into motion, Randy sat down to relax. Only a couple agents remained in the house with them.

As Agent Samson was about to say something, he looked at Randy’s hands, noticing the latex gloves he was wearing.

“I didn’t want to damage any evidence,” Randy said, in a bantering tone. It was a 360 degree turn from his tone of only a moment ago.

“Mr. Brager, that was stupid and dangerous,” Agent Samson stated, obviously feeling like he was back in charge.

Randy’s demeanor again did a 360, as he sat forward, very intense. “No, your indecisiveness followed by your hesitance to give me a weapon was stupid and dangerous. You made my job more difficult, but thankfully not impossible, and you endangered the life of my wife,” he admonished the FBI agent.

“Mr. Brager, how did you do that? Aren’t you a ranger or a woodsman, or something like that?” Agent Samson asked.

“No, I’m not a woodsman, although I can hold my own in the woods. I’m a soldier, and a highly trained one. My job is infiltration and suppression of small hostile forces. I also happen to do other things, in the line of duty,” he replied.

“But that’s not what your record says,” another agent stated.

“Then you didn’t read my full record, although most of it will be redacted, for national security reasons,” he informed them. Although he was speaking highly of himself, it was not in a boastful manner. Rather, it was more of him trying to inform them of simple facts, and he seemed irritated as he replied.

“When are you going to release us, so I can protect the children, and ourselves?” Randy asked Samson.

“We can’t release you. At least not yet. There’s another agency claiming jurisdiction over you and the children, although I don’t understand how they get rights over the parents,” Samson informed them.

“You will release us or I will release us. This is no longer a negotiation and I’m not going to bend. If you refuse once more, I demand a phone,” he said. Agent Samson stood for a moment, thinking about what Randy had said, and finally, slowly, handed him a phone.

“This is Randall Brager, EC 32745 with priority orders. I need executive privilege invoked for myself, my wife, my children, the Draper family, the Stones and a small but unknown number of others. The Stones, Collier Anderson and the others are being held by the FBI in Everett, Washington at the county lockup. We need secure evac with medical at my current location. This is an FBI safe house, so discretion advised. We need a Case-Evac for my wife. She’s been taken to a local hospital by the FBI. Get the details from them. There are four hostiles in the house across the road, one wounded, the other three subdued. The youngest is a suspected telepath. Advise medical suppression, until determined safe.” A moment later, he replied, “Unknown.” With that last word, he listened for a moment longer and hung up the phone.

“Transportation is en route, along with a medical team to the hospital. The orders will be coming to you shortly to release control of us, and that means all of us, to the agents that are coming. I’m sure that you won’t believe me, and you shouldn’t, but I wanted to prepare you,” Randy said.

“Who are you?” Samson asked, extremely curious at what appeared to be about to happen.

“I’m the Deputy Director of the Woodlands Protection Agency. We’re a special operations group reporting to the Director of National Intelligence. We’re most closely affiliated with the CIA and NSA, but report to neither and don’t always collaborate with them.”

“What have I become mixed up in?” Samson asked, although it was clear he didn’t intend to hear an answer.

“You will remain involved for some time, agent. We need the FBI involved as there have definitely been domestic crimes committed, which is your area, not mine,” Randy told him. “Where is my daughter?” he asked Samson, after a moment of thought.

“The agency that posted the warrant for the children captured her,” Samson replied.

“Daddy,” Ben very shyly began. Randy looked down at his son, irritation clear on his face. The irritation dissolved rapidly, as he looked at the nervous little boy. Ben continued, when he had his Daddy’s attention, pushing through his nervousness, “Aliyah talked to her and said the bad people got her.” He stared at his son for a little while, trying to understand what Ben meant, before it dawned on him.

He returned his attention to Samson, deciding to put that aside for the time being. “So there is also kidnapping, which is definitely your jurisdiction, and I can guarantee that she was transported across state lines,” he said to Samson.

When Aliyah returned, Randy didn’t waste any time, and asked, “Where’s Mel?”

“She was caught in South Dakota, and I think she’s back at the school. She had all of the stuff, Uncle Randy,” Aliyah told him.

“How did you end up in the care of the FBI?” he then asked, after thinking about her reply for a few moments.

“We told a bunch of reporters who we are and that you were in prison but there were no charges against you, and that you were in solitary confinement. We also told them that we’re telepaths, and can do some other things,” she said, but was getting nervous, as she saw the incredulous expression forming on his face as she continued. “We...I, showed them some too, to prove that I wasn’t lying. I had to. They didn’t believe me,” she said, her voice getting very small and quiet at the end.

There was a long pause, as Randy let her story sink in.

“Mr. Brager, I obviously can’t speak for the agency that is attempting to take possession of the children, but for us, that press conference turned out to be a bit of a nightmare. I can only imagine it was less than desirable for them, as it threatens to expose them and makes taking the children a bit more problematic,” Samson said.

“That’s not an option I would’ve considered, or even thought of, but it was probably the best course for the kids. That’s of no concern at the moment, though. I need the exact location where she was apprehended,” he said, looking back to Agent Samson, who was curious about Randy’s inquiry as to the location where Melanie was captured.

Samson pulled out his phone and showed Randy a text, containing a status, along with an address. It read:

One subject secure. Caucasian female, approximately 10 yo.

Blonde hair, multi-colored eyes: blue/pink/purple...weird

Approx. 60”; 80-90 lbs.

142 Sagebrush Lane

Piedmont, SD

Subject unconscious at time of recovery. Abdominal wound...healing.

All agents removed by DOD after initial examination.

“So, your agents were removed from the situation, once they had her,” Randy observed.

“Yes, although I don’t know the manner in which that happened,” Samson replied.

“May I use your phone again, unless you’re willing to return mine?” Randy asked.

Samson inclined his head, indicating that Randy should use his. “We didn’t receive any of your personal effects, and to my knowledge, none of them were with you upon arrival,” Samson informed him.

Once Randy had dialed the number, he waited for an answer, putting the phone on speaker. “This is Randy Brager, EC 32745 with priority orders. This is a supplement to previous orders. We need a thorough cleanse of 142 Sagebrush Lane in Piedmont South Dakota, ASAP. Unknown agency may be onsite. Take possession. All unknown or potentially sensitive items are to be forwarded to me. I need a sit-rep, as well,” he commanded.

“Understood, Deputy Director,” came the response.

“It’s good to hear your voice again, Rachel,” he then said.

“Thank you, sir. It’s good to be back,” the woman replied, and then they all heard some clicking, as she typed on a computer.

“Sir, transportation will arrive in three minutes. Safe house is prepared and the civilian case-evac was held due to current condition” she said, and then paused. “She is reported as stable for the moment, sir, but she is in critical condition. She was not taken to the safe house, as the med-team decided she needed surgery ASAP. Air transport is en route to them, once she is stabilized, sir,” she added, after the lengthy pause.

“Understood, and thank you,” he replied.

“Local FBI field agents will be stationed in an outer perimeter, with trusted agents forming the inner. As Agent Anderson is nearby and has now been liberated, he is handling logistics, sir,” she said, but was clearly not done. “Sir, as he will be in your sphere shortly, would you debrief him? We don’t know the means by which he was captured, or by whom. Scout team en route to SD location. ETA is one point five hours, full cleansing team on site one point seven-five hours. End,” she concluded.

“Roger. End,” he said and hung up the phone, handing it back to Samson.

It was a couple minutes later that the FBI agents became very tense. Before they could do anything, they were subdued by an equal but more effective group of men in combat clothing. Although all of them had small machine guns strapped to their backs, none of them had used a weapon to subdue the FBI agents, and none of the agents had been harmed. It was very clear they could have been, though.

“Sir, the area is secure. The prisoners are being transported to a holding facility. What are your orders for the FBI agents?” the man in charge asked, as he finished his report.

“Have we secured the services of the FBI?” Randy asked.

“Not yet, sir,” he replied.

“Detain them, comfortably, until then. Once cooperation has been officially established, follow the plan as outlined,” he replied.

“Yes, sir,” the man said, with a salute.

“Mr. Brager, those prisoners fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI,” Samson said, apparently not completely subdued by Randy’s team and his take-command manner.

“Yes, they are, but we need to ensure their safety as well as ours. Once that is guaranteed, you’ll have complete control of them,” Randy assured him.

“It seems that you’re putting them under your supervision, however,” Samson countered.

“It seems that way because I am. Again, it’s necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. It’s clear that this rogue agency is able to circumvent the FBIs safety measures, but that remains to be seen concerning ours,” Randy replied, leaving room for the possibility that his agency could also be compromised. Samson had no reply to that, since it was obviously true.

“Alright,” he finally said. “But my superiors may not agree with this.”

“My people are already talking to your people to work out the details,” Randy quipped, with a broad smile splitting his face. Although he wasn’t one to smile often, it softened his otherwise hard features and made him appear genuinely caring. He was, of course, but most people didn’t know it.

“Now that that’s done, I have something else to tend to,” he said, turning toward the children. “Aliyah, I have some people that need to run some tests on you, and possibly on Eliana and Ben as well,” he said, once he was facing the kids.

The look of apprehension on her face shocked him. “I promise that they won’t do anything bad. We need to find a way to protect our people, which means we need to find out how to keep telepaths out of our minds. Melanie has mentioned that the Oakmont program has a device that does this. What the scientists want to do is monitor your brainwaves when you use your telepathy and see if there’s a way to block just those waves,” he explained.

Although she was still apprehensive, she trusted him, so she nodded acceptance. The two kids followed her lead, which was rather interesting to him, considering he was the adult and also Ben’s father. With their gifts, though, it seemed that she was the leader, and her position in that trumped his as an uncle and father.

Randy had a moment of pain, as he let the realization of that chain of authority sink in. He should’ve been at the top, and his pain wasn’t just from seeing his son defer to someone other than him, although that was significant. Randy had to admit that the reason for that deference contributed to his discomfort.

They all loaded up in a large SUV, that looked like any SUV on the road. It wasn’t even black, like the FBI seemed to always use. This one was a dark green, suiting Aliyah’s tastes very nicely.

“Alright kids, I’ll take you to the medical facility,” Randy, said, as they all piled out of the SUV. He led them into a large building, down a number of corridors, seeming to have no plan to their curves and turns. Finally, he went through a double door that automatically opened in front of him, and into a large medical looking room, very much like the hospital at Oakmont.

As they went into the radiology room, the technician began placing Aliyah into the machine. She was well familiar with it, having had many images done of her mind, especially since meeting Melanie. What was new, and she knew it, was that she’d have to exercise her telepathy while the images were being taken.

“Aliyah, we’ll need you to use your mind to try and read someone else’s mind while the imaging is happening,” Randy said, which was exactly what she’d just thought.

She nodded understanding and he left the chamber, but she could clearly see him on the other side of the window, separating the chamber from the room with all of the computers.

“Alright, Aliyah. The imaging is about to begin. There will…,” a voice began.

“Stop right there,” another voice said, rather forcefully. Aliyah wasn’t certain, but she thought she recognized the new voice.

“Who are you and what are you doing?” the original voice demanded.

“You can’t use simple dipole model source localization…,” the new voice began. Aliyah very rapidly tuned it out, since it was way over her head and didn’t really concern her anyway. Not only that, she was trying to figure out where she knew the new voice from.

“I’ve scanned these kids many time, and I know what I’m talking about,” she heard, and instantly knew the voice. It was John, the radiology technician from Oakmont.

“You’ve scanned these kids before?” the first voice asked.

“And many like them. Well, maybe not exactly like them, but many with what you’re looking for...and you’re doing it all wrong, if you want anything useful,” John argued.

“Andy, let John lead. He knows what he’s doing,” Randy said.

“Mr. Brager, what are you after?” John asked.

“We want to figure out how to protect my agents from mind readers with the Oakmont program,” Randy replied.

“Well, that’s easier. I have one, although it’s apparently an older model, and I’m pretty sure they have newer technology. I know this version didn’t block Melanie,” he informed everyone. Although Aliyah couldn’t see him, she was certain he’d just handed Randy some kind of device. She’d never actually seen the device, even though she knew about it, thanks to Melanie.

After a few minutes of silence, John asked, “Do you still want the images?”

“No, I guess not,” Randy said.

“Actually, I think you do,” John countered, making Aliyah curious. Why’d he even ask the question, then?

“Why would we want to do that, if we have this?” Randy asked.

“Because, you need to know what you’re trying to block, so you can make it better,” he answered.

“John, why aren’t you in R&D?” Randy asked him.

“Because I’m a radiologist, not an engineer or inventor,” he said, the sarcasm evident even to Aliyah.

“Alright, teach Andy what to do and how to work with the kids,” Randy said.

“Mr. Brager, we need you, now,” a young man said, breathing heavily as he barged in. He was very clean shaven, if he even needed to shave. He had relatively light chocolate skin, and very well cut hair. All in all, he looked very professional, if young.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, his reflexes automatically looking for a threat.

“I was only instructed to bring you to the OR as fast as possible,” the young man replied.

The rest of the time for Aliyah was boring. She’d been through it too many times, and now she was being used as a teaching tool. It might have made her mad, if it wasn’t for knowing how Melanie had been used, with much less noble intentions.

Once he was done there, Randy followed the impatient young man to where his injured wife was in surgery. She looked bad, and he’d seen enough injuries in his life to be very knowledgeable about such things.

He gently lifted her hand and she barely gripped his in return, her strength barely there. Her eyes opened and peered into his. She knew what was happening and knew what her chances were...or weren’t. She’d accepted it as a reality, and was ready to accept it, if it was her time.

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