The Human |✔|

Chapter Prologue

I watched as they threw the first shovel of dirt on the box that confined my love.

‘Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.’ The continuous chanting in my head never stopped.

It didn’t help the tears that stung my eyes either, betraying every word I had been saying to myself since this horrific day started.

It also didn’t help that my wolf hasn’t stopped whimpering since I got here, after being dormant for days since Ella died.

I can’t blame him for hurting. He felt the mate bond stronger than me, but I needed him these past two weeks. He was my only strength.

Someone’s hand on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts, and I turned around to see my little sister looking at me with sorrow filled eyes.

“Don’t cry, Luka. It’ll be okay soon, I promise.”

‘If only I could believe those words,’ I thought but offered her a weak smile nonetheless.

I continued to stare as I reminisced about the times Ella and I had together. We only met three years ago on my eighteenth birthday when I accompanied my dad to an Alpha meeting where I would officially take over the pack.

That’s when I saw her. Her beauty fascinated me even before I learnt we were mates.

I spent the rest of the night stealing glances at her until I mustered the courage to go to her. I could still remember her scent. It was intoxicating, and her smile, when she saw me, pushed me over the edge. That’s when I knew she had me whipped.

“Luka.” A voice I knew too well snapped me out of my thoughts.

I realised everyone had left. It was just me, Caleb and Ella—my love—now completely covered and sealed in the deserted pack cemetery.

I didn’t make a move to leave; I just wanted to be in her presence a little longer before I said goodbye.

“Come on, man, you must be tired,” Caleb whispered as he took shaky steps toward me. I had to admit, I’m pretty grateful for his support these past weeks.

We were never close as kids. In fact, we hated each other. That was odd for two boys destined to work together as Alpha and Beta.

When I took over as Alpha, he became my Beta, so it forced us to get along. Over the years, we learnt to tolerate each other and became somewhat friends. But when Ella died two weeks ago, he was there for me more than everyone else.

At first, I assumed it was because he was my Beta and nobody else was brave enough to be around me when I was snappy and irritated, but then I realised that he genuinely wanted to be there for me as a friend. Since then, we got a lot closer.

He stared at me with sadness as I finally turned to face him. After giving him a strained smile, I took slow steps towards the exit.

The world was on my chest. I couldn’t find the will to move or talk as I simply sat in the car. Caleb joined me shortly after, and we sat in comfortable silence.

“Hey, you okay, man?” he asked as he drove. I sighed, keeping my gaze out the window.

“Nah. But I will be,” I answered, knowing he was the only one who wouldn’t push it, so I could be honest with him. “I just need some time.” He nodded in understanding but said nothing.

“Some time” may be two months, ten years or never. But I have to live without her. Maybe I can, or perhaps I can’t.

“You’ll get passed this,” he said, but I only hummed in response, knowing that I will eventually, but I’ll never be the same.

Most importantly, I will never love again. I swear it.

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