The Human |✔|

Chapter 40

Victoria's pov

A constant tapping on the window woke me up the next day. I sighed in delight when the tapping stopped, but it didn't last long since it started again.

Groaning, I rolled out of bed and wobbled over to the window where the sound was coming from. The sun burned my eyes as I squinted, seeing a small little bird who woke me from my slumber.

I decided to let him be and got ready for the day. I could see that it was quite past morning, and Luka had that pack meeting to attend.

Yesterday when I fell asleep in Luka's arms, he had brought me to bed, where I slept until almost three in the afternoon.

It felt awkward to face them all, but I knew I had to. I wasn't regretting breaking down before them and showing them my weakest point, I just felt bad for making them feel bad.

I'd assume either Luka or Lincoln had filled them in, which I didn't mind since it must've been a puzzle to them.

What I didn't like though, was how they all watched me with pity when I went down for dinner. Which of course, I immediately shut down by telling them to, and I quote, 'shut down this pity party before I crash it for them'.

That seemed to lighten the mood for them, which I was grateful for and Caleb mumbled something about Victoria being Victoria.

We did, however, talk about it.

I'd reopen an old wound that took ages, efforts and tears to close. But they all assured me that I wouldn't have to do it alone this time, and I was happy for that.

I held on tight to what Emma said about it getting better in time, and I noticed it was already happening.

I'd accepted that I couldn't change what happened to Sophie, but I will always remember her. Not as the sad aunt who was stuck with a burden niece who caused her hell, but as the only family I knew up until I met these people.

I'll remember her as the mentor she was, I'll remember her happy laughs and puberty pep talks. I'll remember her as the wonderful person she was.

No longer will I tie the memory of her death to every thought I had of her. I'll only think about her love and kind heart, and I wont blame myself any longer for what happened to her.

Sophie Deslandes, a loving, dedicated and passionate mother to me. That's the Sophie I'll remember.

And it only took six wolves to help me see that.

Fully dressed and ready for the day, I strolled downstairs to grab a bite to eat. It was a little past ten, and the pack meeting was set for 12, so we had time.

"Good morning" I greeted as I entered the kitchen. Only Caleb and Ashley were there.

"Hey Tori" Caleb beamed and Ashley followed. I noticed she was glowing, and her face seemed slightly chubbier; something we knew wouldn't go unnoticed by Caleb.

We hadn't really had much time to talk about how the surprise was gonna go on his birthday this Sunday, but I just hoped he didn't pick up the change in her scent before.

"Where is everyone? " I mumbled with a mouth full of toast.

"Ty, Lincoln and Luka are getting things ready for the meeting, Emma is with her parents I think" Caleb said.

"And why aren't you helping Mr Beta? " I sketched a teasing smile on my face so I wouldn't offend him.

"I had pressing matters to deal with"

"And what might that be? "

He didn't respond, acting as if he didn't hear. I noticed Ashley had a light blush, which answered my question quite clearly. My smile transformed into a smug smirk as they tried to avoid eye contact.

"I see" I brought the cup to my lips to hide my smirk, since they knew that I knew.

What I've noticed with Ty and Luka was that whenever Caleb and Ashley were 'busy', they'd leave them be and drag Lincoln to do what ever duty was meant for Caleb. I didn't see how that was fair to Lincoln, but I guess it was a guy thing.

After a while, we went to the pack house where the meeting was being held. A makeshift stage was in the backyard again, and Ty and Lincoln were stringing wires for the mic. Not that they needed it, wolves could probably hear a pin drop on the top of Mount Everest.

"What is this meeting for anyways? " I noticed I didn't really know the agenda of the day.

"Uh, just some new changes" Caleb said casually with a shrug, but I didn't miss the excitement on his face. It made me wonder.

Luka's been preaching about the meeting, so it had to be important. I had a gut feeling something was being held from me again.

"Good morning my Angel" I squealed in surprise as I felt arms snake around my waist from behind.

"Must you always find a way to make my heart race?"

"Mhmm I think about different ways everyday" He turned me around and sweetly captured my lips in a good morning kiss.

"What's the meeting for? " I asked as I pulled away.

"You'll see soon enough. Why are you here so early though? It's barely past eleven."

"I wanted to help" I pouted as he gave me his 'you don't have to work' look.

"Fine, you can help mom and Em make snacks in the kitchen" He gave into my silent plea, making me grin at him and gave him one last kiss, then I went to the kitchen.

Indeed, Mama bear and Emma were busy making finger sandwiches.

"Victoria! You look well" Mama bear beamed, kissing my cheeks in a sweet gesture.

"Thank you, I try my best"

Even though she always threw compliments at me, for some weird reason I always blushed at them.

"How are you? I'm sorry I didn't get to be there when you woke up yesterday" She asked. Stella and Chris had already left when I woke up yesterday.

"That's no problem. I had much support and company" I smiled at Emma, which she returned much brighter.

Mama bear wiped her hands in a towel and gazed at me with sad eyes.

"You know, he told us what happened" She said in a strained voice.

"I know. I wouldn't have expected him not to"

"Indeed, it crushed me to hear what you've been through and I'm terribly sorry that you've held such pain all along. But I didn't mean that, my dear"

I gave her a confused looked, and she looked at me as if I was the best person in the world.

"He told us how you guys met. The real story" She confirmed and I was shocked beyond measure. I never thought Luka would've actually ever tell them.

It made me wonder why nobody brought it up when I woke up yesterday. I did actually noticed that they seemed as if they had something to say but didn't know how, but I guess it was a 'one problem at a time' day.

"He had asked us not to say anything to you before the pack meeting, but what kind of mother would I be if I didn't thank you" Her eyes glistened with tears as she spoke. I even noticed that Emma's movements were slower.

"Mama bear you don't have to."

"Mama bear?" She chuckled through her tears, as my cheeks burnt. That nickname was meant for my subconscious only.

"Don't take it offensive, I only called you that because you're always so protective of your family, something I've noted from the very day I met you."

"Gosh, I was so mean to you that day" She threw her head into her hands. "If only I knew what you did for us"

I didn't say anything since I didn't know what to say. All of them must've been thinking the same thing also, about how mean they were when they just met me.

I understood though.

"I'm so sorry Victoria, and I'm forever grateful to you for what you did for my son. If it hadn't been for you, he wouldn't be here today. And if he'd somehow survived that night, he still wouldn't be how he is today and it's all because of you. I'm forever in debt to you. I get now why he calls you his Angel. I just-" She stopped as a sob coursed through her.

I did what anyone in this position would do. I hugged her. I motioned for Emma to come join us, since she looked as if she was gonna cry too.

"You've saved this family and this pack a whole lot of pain, and I speak on behalf of everyone when I say you are truly a blessing"

"You guys are more than a blessing to me also. You've given me what I've always wanted. Love, a family, and a sense of belonging" I told her.

So in some twisted way, Luka saved me that night too. Because if he wasn't at that cliff that night, I'd still be that lost, lonely and unhappy Victoria.

What else can I call that, but destiny?


"Thank you all for joining us today" Chris started once everyone was settled.

Like before, the Alpha, Beta and Gamma were present on stage. So were Ashley and myself, standing to the side. But this time, instead of being behind Luka, he was standing in the middle of the stage, a few feet behind Ty.

"I'm sure you all are wondering what the purpose of this meeting was, since it wasn't communicated to you as usual. " He continued. This peaked my interest, since I too didn't know.

"Instead of telling you, I'll show you" He stepped to the side and turned his attention to Luka and Ty. Almost instantly, they started moving towards each other.

Ty still had his back to Luka, so he was walking backwards, while Luka walked closer to his brother. Slowly, the crowd started to gasp and shout, but I still didn't get it.

I thought they'd do a dance number or something.

Caleb and Lincoln were beaming beside me, and Chris had a proud look on his face.

When they met, they faced each other and grasp their forearms firmly. With a curt nod, Luka took the place where Ty stood and Ty took Luka's former place also. And that's when it hit me.

Luka was getting the pack back.

I gasped in shock, throwing my hands over my mouth. His eyes met mine for a while as he smiled at me before heading to mic.

"Members of the Brightwater Pack, I'm pleased to announce that from this day on, I'll be resuming my duty as your Alpha" He said confidently and the pack erupted in loud deafening cheers. That's when I saw how much they loved him.

They all had excited and pleased looks on their faces. It made me even more eager to see how he runs the pack.

"As you all know, a little over a year ago I lost my first mate and it caused me to be deemed unfit to lead you. For this I'm truly sorry" I could see that it really hurt him to let his pack down, but they all seemed to understand.

"I must thank my brother for filling in so excellently, we couldn't have chosen a better man" He threw a smile at Ty, which he immediately returned. "But for some unknown reason, which I'm entirely grateful for, the moon gave me a second chance" He then turned to me with loving eyes and a huge smile, and so did everyone else. My heart raced at the sudden attention.

"Victoria, will you come here please?" He asked softly.

With shaky legs and a thumbing heart, I slowly met him at the podium.

"This wonderful woman has made me the person I thought was lost. She picked me up, brushed me off and opened my eyes to life again" He gently kissed my hand. "And now, she'll rule beside me, as your Luna"

Cheers and shouts erupted through the crowd again, and I wondered if my ears were bleeding yet.

"Do you accept? " Luka asked softly. I was taken a little off guard since I didn't know he would actually ask.

"Yes. Yes of course" I smiled brightly at him, and he quickly pulled me into a kiss. This started the crowd again and I suddenly felt shy.

Chris handed Luka a small dagger, one like which they used to recruit the new pack members.

He held out his hand and I slowly placed mine in it. He made a small slice through my palm and did the same with his, then joined the two wounds together.

"Just repeat after me" He whispered.

I nodded in response and did just that, swearing my life and loyalty to the Brightwater Pack. It felt so weird, yet so good. It felt absurd, but yet it felt safe.

It felt right.

Luka was Alpha again, and I was his Luna. Did I know the first thing about being a Luna? Nope. But I made a promise to them, and I have a responsibility.

So even if I didn't know what I was doing, I'll try my best. I also have Luka to guide me along the way, and that's all I needed.

He's all I'll ever need.


"Cheers to working beside my pain in the ass bestfriend again" Caleb shouted as he raised his glass. We all laughed at his toast, but Luka just rolled his eyes.

"Like you didn't miss me" Luka scoffed, taking a drink from his own glass.

We were back at the house and celebrating, since Emma insisted. I ensured that I gave him an ear-full about not informing me of the purpose of the meeting before, but as always he just loved surprises.

"Here's to my brother for filling in so perfectly" Luka raised his glass at Ty, which was followed by a series of agreements from the others.

I had to admit, from what I saw since I got here, Ty was actually really good.

"Aahh, but I'm not nearly as good as you bro" Ty dismissed casually. "I'm glad you're back where you belong with your Luna" He smiled at me, which I returned brightly.

"There is something else I would like to say" Ty continued, but this time he looked more serious."Since I now know my family is happy, I'll like to travel in hopes of exploring the world and finding my mate. I don't know how long I'll be gone for" He announced and I heard Emma whimper lowly from beside me as we all gaped at him.

It was only fair and reasonable, since nothing else was holding him here anymore, but I knew it affected Emma. Even though they had their bickering now and then, their love for each other was boundless.

"When will you be leaving? " She asked in a tone she tried to make sound flat, but it came out shakily instead.

"I was hoping to go tonight"

"Tonight!? " She sounded exasperated.

"Em.. "

"Tonight Ty? "

Everyone knew the seriousness of the situation when a tear rolled down her cheek, because Emma doesn't cry. Ever.

"I mean, don't you wanna have a proper goodbye? Get some new stuff from the town? And-and-and don't you wanna meet Victoria's sister? And oh my at least stay until after Caleb's birthday. And-"

"Emma" He cut her off, holding her cheek gently. "I have to do this. Please understand"

She didn't say anything else, just jolted out and up the stairs in a flash. Seconds after we heard her door slam shut and I could see that this affected him as much as it affected her.

"I'll go talk to her" He sighed. "But can I talk to you for a second please Victoria?" I wasn't expecting that, but I agreed anyway.

I followed him to the bottom of the stairs, away from lingering ears.

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did and have been doing for my brother" He started, looking really grateful and at peace.

"Ty you don't have to. Luka's much a saviour to me as I am to him"

"I knew that he had those thoughts. I couldn't find peace knowing he was somehow hurting inside. But now I know he's okay and I can move on. So thank you" He pulled me into a hug which I returned warmly.

"I'm happy you've made this decision. You deserve it. I hope you find your mate" I said truthfully.

"I do too. Take care of my brother, wont you?"

"You know I will" I chuckled. "And Emma?"

"Aah I'll talk to her. It hurts me as much as it hurts her you know? We've been together since conception so believe me when I say, this is the hardest thing I've ever done."

"I understand" I gave him a reassuring side hug before releasing him to go talk to his sister.

It's so beautiful, the love of a sibling. As much as you fight and fuss sometimes, they seem to be some of the only human beings that you'll bury the Earth for.

I could only imagine what the connection they had was like. I felt like I would do anything for Zoey, and I just found out about her existence this week.

All in all, I just hoped they'll come to some common ground before Ty leaves tonight.

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