The Howling

Chapter 14

Lena watched as the water exploded violently before it rippled and settled to show her what she demanded to see. All around the island they had gathered, standing side by side on the land just outside the protective barrier. Vampires and werewolves had sought her out and stood waiting for further instructions. She could feel that soon they wouldn’t be waiting much longer.

Lena cursed, the bowl shattered beneath her hand, sending water and blood spraying across the floor. She shook violently as the tears streamed down her face. Vlad placed his hand cautiously on her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry.” She wept. “I didn’t know they would come. Now, I’ve put you in danger.”

“Oh darling,” He swept her up in his arms. “I promised you would be safe here. Just have some faith. By the time night falls and day rises again they will be here, but I swear to you, your will shall be done.”

Lena let Vlad heal her hand. He walked her slowly away from the library and led her back to bed. She wept into his chest feeling completely defeated until she gave in and cried herself back to sleep.

Kyle was shaken until he crawled out of bed. His head pounded from one too many drinks and his eyes were still blurred from sleep. As he tried to focus a pair of jeans flew into his face and was followed by anxious shouts.

“They’ve located Lena. Get up now. We’re flying to New Orleans as soon as we can get to the airport.” John demanded.

“I’m up.” Kyle replied nearly vomiting as he vaulted out of bed.

“Easy, you won’t do any good killing yourself before we get there.” Keith said from somewhere near the door.

“Right,” Kyle muttered as he struggled into his clothes.

Still half asleep Kyle snagged his wallet and keys. He followed Keith and John outside where he found a limousine waiting. They climbed inside and rode to the airport in silent contemplation of what was waiting for them on the other side.

It was a two hour drive from the airport to the location they had been given. Kyle about chewed his nails until they had bled with nervous anticipation. Keith was the first out of the car when they finally reached the overpass. The smell nearly made him gag. John wasn’t far behind Keith. Kyle had to push his way through the gathering crowd to keep up with them.

“Do you smell that?” Keith asked.

“It’s definitely Lena, and it’s fresh.” John concurred.

“I don’t understand.” Kyle interjected impatiently.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t.” John chuckled.

“Down here,” Someone called out before Kyle could protest.

John and Keith climbed down the bank toward where the others had indicated. Kyle slipped and slid down struggling to keep up. As the three looked onward they could see under a foot of muddy water, the tail end of a car with Texas plates.

“My god,” Kyle hissed as he began to pray.

“She’s not in there.” Keith commented causing him to let out his breath harshly thankful.

“No, where she is at is much worse.” John said causing a chill to set in.

“Where is she?” Kyle nearly shrieked.

“She’s in there.” John pointed straight ahead.

“I don’t see anything.” Kyle said confused.

“No you wouldn’t. It’s not a place to be seen and you have to be one like us to feel it.” Keith replied.

“What is this place?” Kyle shivered.

“The sanctuary of the dark father.” John shivered.

“Wait, what?” Kyle shuddered then regained his composure. “You mean to tell me that our Lena is with the first of the fallen?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean to say.” John stated.

“Well get me a god damned boat would you? I’m going in there after her.” Kyle shouted as he stormed up the coast.

“You know what it means if we cross that line.” John said as he turned to Keith.

“Yes, and I’m prepared to accept it.” Keith replied.

“Alright, get us a boat then.” John grinned.

“It’s going to be one hell of a ride.” Keith grinned in return.

They made their way down into the bayou in search of Kyle. There was no way he could face the dark father alone. John and Keith knew the cost, but Kyle was just a human. They had to prepare for the worst. Lena could already be lost to them.

At last the boat arrived. Keith and John ordered everyone else to back away from the protected island. They then escorted Kyle toward the barrier. The hairs on the back of their necks stood up, along with the hair on their arms, as they drew near. They all took a deep breath and vanished from sight.

The boat ran aground violently causing Kyle to fall forward onto the grass. John leapt from the boat and helped him to his feet. Keith stood up and shut down the motor before making his way out of the boat. They turned and looked back to see nothing but darkness behind them and a brightly lit day before them. They didn’t make it two feet into the island before they heard a voice.

“Tris Morte, Keith, leader of the lycan’s, you know the cost of entering my world and yet you still come. I see you’ve brought a human with you.” Vlad said as he appeared before them.

“Where’s Lena you son of a bitch.” Kyle growled.

“I’m here.” She replied as she appeared next to Vlad.

“The real question is why you are here Kyle?” She asked.

“I’m here to take you home.” Kyle replied wounded.

“She does not desire to leave this place.” Vlad responded.

“Lena, this is a pace of pure evil. You can’t possibly understand it. Go home with Kyle.” Keith protested.

“Lena please, let’s just go. I love you come home with me.”

“Kyle, I don’t care.” She replied coldly as she turned to face him, her eyes a darkened blackness that sent chills down their spines.

She continued, “You arrogant, selfish, loathing, egotistical pricks; you dare enter this place with your need and desire placed above mine?”

“You, John, who didn’t have the courage to speak the truth to me, who thought what you wanted for me was more important than what I wanted to give you. I gave up my mortality for you and you turned me away.” She shouted.

“Keith, you pompous ass, I would have given my humanity for you. But instead, you two decided for me that I didn’t belong in your world.” Her anger grew.

“Lena, please stop.” Kyle begged.

“I’ve yet to begin Kyle, especially with you.” She growled.

“You never saw what you had until I was gone. Now, you come to tear me away from this place and for what? Because the three of you are too selfish to ask me what I want.” She hissed.

“Do you know what he is?” Keith shouted causing her attention to turn back to him. “This is the very thing we were trying to protect you from!”

“I do know. He is the first to see me, to desire to know me, and to appreciate who I am. All things before our union do not matter anymore. You all may see nothing but darkness when you gaze upon him. But, I see life, and love, and understanding beyond what you all are capable of.” She stated.

“Lena darling,” Vlad took her by the arm.

“I free them from the cost. It would be fit of them to learn to live with what they have done.” She spoke to him.

“What is she talking about?” Kyle whispered.

“Immortals forfeit their life if they seek out the dark father.” John explained.

“Holy crap,” Kyle whispered back.

“Be gone from me and live out your selfish existences. Should you seek this place out again your life will instantly be void.” Lena commanded.

Keith and John bowed to the great father and his mate. She was no longer the Lena they knew. She was now something much more divine. She had become what she was meant to be and nothing they said would change it. They faded away leaving Kyle to stand there looking dumbfounded. He didn’t understand what they saw or how they could give up so easily.

“Won’t you please reconsider?” He begged.

“Good bye Kyle.” She smiled.

A bright flash of light caused Kyle to shield his eyes. When he opened them again he found himself lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. He shivered. There was no way to convince his self that it was just a dream. Lena had left a giant hole in his chest. She had been right about them. Not once had they put her needs first. This was the fate he deserved.

Kyle crawled out of bed and reached for the phone. From his wallet, he pulled out the card the police chief had given him. He punched in the number. It was answered on the third ring.

“Kyle Dagwood, what can I do for you today?” The chief asked.

“Lena’s car was found in a Louisiana bayou two days ago. The investigator said it was completely submerged.” Kyle replied.

“So, it’s sad for me to report that Lena Crawford is dead.” He continued.

“I’ll close the case. I’m sorry for your loss.” The chief replied and then hung up.

Kyle put down the phone and thought about crying. Instead, he took a shower and with a sense of defeat began to rebuild his life without Lena. He did all he could do for her. The world would mourn the loss of a great woman. But no one would feel the pain of it deeper than him. Somewhere out there, she still existed, to someone that wasn’t him. He would have to live with that knowledge for the rest of his life.

Lena turned back to Vlad and smiled. He held open his arms to her. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.

“Do you regret it?” He asked softly.

“No,” She replied, “I know who I am now. This is where I belong, with you, forever.”

“I am glad you see it that way.” He smiled into her hair.

Vlad took Lena by the hand and transported her back to the house. Together, they lived in a peaceful existence, outside of the prying eyes of the world.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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