The Howl of Claim | COMPLETED

Chapter 9 | Ti Amo

IX | F r e y a R u t h

Ti Amo ( I L o v e Y o u )

We - I and Klepto - were huddled in the corner, away from sight.

People walked around us, minding their own business without a care in the world. They didn't even know that in what creature's presence they were, Creatures that could easily rip them apart and suck them off of their blood and flesh.

"By the way, if my calculations are correct, you are an Alpha then why are you not escaping by your immense strength?" To this rogue, I was really strong.

Of course, I was an Alpha.

"It's none of your business." I snap, feeling irritated by her nosy self.

"Okay then, I must take my leave. I have things to steal and not be killed. We shall meet again." Klepto says and I nod.

"Stay safe and don't get caught." I don't know why I said that but if she gets captured - I am afraid that she will lose her free-spirited self.

I like her like this.

"You too - but don't forget, you owe me Alpha." I slowly nod and watch her exit the shop.

I sigh.

She definitely had something against Alphas - why not - that she made obvious by calling my title like that.

The bell over the entrance door of the shop dinged again and I looked up to find a random person entering the shop. I release a cold breath.

It wasn't him, thank God.

It was the times like this where I cursed my wolf for disappearing - cause I had lost the senses of good smell - because the next thing I knew was that a large hand come and clamp over my mouth.

"We finally got you Alpha."

I might not have my strength but it definitely did not mean that I had forgotten how to fight so with that thought in mind, I raise my elbow and slam it hard in my captives stomach.

Elbow is the strongest part of the body.

The grip instantly loosened and I grabbed the man's hand and throwing his body over my shoulder and in front of me.

People in the small shop instantly stopping and looking at the commotion.

While I look down at the man that had hair on his forehead - kill me Darius or whatever but I find this guy quite handsome - my gaze soften but the guy immediately jumps up and make a move to punch me which I wasn't fast enough to dodge and it plants itself on my chest.

I grunt and a few other pairs of hands grab me from behind.

Probably the man's sidekicks.

"I have dealt with men stronger than you, you are an ant compared to them."

The skin above my left breast was throbbing painfully but I didn't have time for that.

"Say whatever you want but You are coming with us Alpha." The man who punched me said and I shook my head,

"That's where you are mistaken, I am going nowhere." With those words, I kick my legs above, kicking the man in the face causing immediate blood on impact.

Where the hell is Darius when you need him?

"What's wrong Alpha? Don't have your wolf?" The guy I kicked smirked and whispered to me while wiping the blood away and my eyes widened.

He did something to me.

A wave of sudden anger flared in me and I started thrashing, some people got between us and tried to pull me away and I seriously got to thank the public since they saved me today.

Not my mate!

"We will be back." He whispered to me and Hands dropped me and I was immediately engulfed by the crowd while the men who were supposed to take me ran away.

I was sitting on the cold floor.

Women rushed to me, giving me water and stuff. Asking me if I was alright.

In their eyes, I was just a girl.

I was still sitting on the ground when a hand was lent to me and I looked up - big mistake - only to meet the yellow gold eyes of Darius Valentino.

Immediately he grasped my palm and pulled me up, wrapping his arms around me and people started to scatter.

No! Please! Don't leave me with him!

"Hello love."

"Hi," I say with a nervous smile as we pull back from the hug. He had a smile on his face that clearly screamed 'The moment we are alone, you will pay,' and I seriously wanted to run away.

"Time to go." Darius started to pull me from among the crowd and I let him. There was no use fighting him at the moment and we both knew that.

It was now that I noticed him having a large bag over his shoulder probably filled with food and I felt the tiniest bit bad for him.

We now stood in the same area from where we parted.

"You don't have your wolf." He stated calmly but sternly and I looked away.

"You heard that?"

I heard harsh breath coming from him and I looked at him to see him trying to keep himself calm.

"You don't fucking have your wolf! Damn it!" He groaned while ignoring my sentence but then started to take deep breaths again.

He was a mystery to me.

"It's on temporary."

"I don't care if it is temporary or not! They could've taken you and You! You didn't deem it important to tell me! You are so careless! You don't deserve the position of an Alpha. I was right."

Now that ticked my nerve.

Who is he to tell me if I deserve to be an Alpha or not? He may be able to rule over the issues regarding mates but he cannot rule over the status of a wolf!

"You listen here, I am an Alpha and always will be. I am not going to sit back and let you walk all over me. I am An Alpha and you can do nothing about it." He didn't reply. He didn't say anything else and I waited.

"Don't make me say it again."

I flexed and stretched my arms but an involuntary wince escape my lips when the skin above my breast also stretched.

It did not go unnoticed by him.

"You got hurt." He stated as a matter of fact and I narrowed my eyes.

"I am fine," I say and cross my arms over my chest, holding in a wince.

Stupid human state.

He took a step closer but I held my ground,

"Show me." My eyes widened. No!

"Stay away from me." He took another step closer and this time, I knew his intentions so I took a step back.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer,

"Let me go!" I tried to thrash; keyword: tried.

He grabbed the back of my neck from one hand and unbuttoned the net neck. My thrashing was of no use.

He slowly peeled away the net from my skin and pushed the neckline of the dress a little lower to reveal an already blue-purple bruise.

I watched his eyes darken at the color of my skin.

Immediately I pushed him away and button my dress top again.

"I'll kill him." I heard him mutter but I just glared at him.

"It's all your fault! If you wouldn't have kidnapped me like this, I wouldn't try escaping!" I am just grateful that he didn't know what those men said to me.

Darius just glared at me as I waited for him to answer.

I have to give him points for how patient and calm he is.

But then I was turned around, arms went around and wrapped around my belly, trapping my hands under them and lifted me so my back was against his chest.

The bag was now on both of his shoulders that he probably bought from the store.

I kicked and screamed which did not affect him. It was useless.

I was useless at the moment.

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