The Howl of Claim | COMPLETED

Chapter 25 | Tabassum

XXV | F r e y a R u t h

Tabassum ( S m i l e )

I mean, everyone adores their hair, they like to groom them, keep them shiny and perfect. I do too. I love them, they are part of my identity.


And then there are people like Darius who would cut their hair for the sake of the bond. I mean, my work of two years going down for one ceremony?

Nope, I won't allow it.

But can someone make Darius understand that?

"What?" I snapped and he raised an eyebrow.

"I know you don't like Marco but at least try to be civil." I shrugged, not wanting to answer him. Darius didn't question my silence either.

He just walked to the desk that was placed in the corner and pulled it's wooden chair out, placing it in the center of the room.

I knew what was coming.

Well, I had an idea.

I watched Darius as he walked towards the dresser and opened a drawer, pulling out a pair of shears. My heart skipped a beat and involuntarily, I took a step back.

Darius' head snapped towards me with that mischievous look that screamed, 'I am going to have fun doing this.'

He walked towards me but this time I stood my ground, I will not cower away. I am an Alpha and I have my ego to keep up high.

Right! No trembling hands.

I quickly pulled my hands behind my back, in hopes of finding the doorknob without making it too obvious.

I thought Darius was going to go for my hair but instead, he brought his hand forward and pushed his palm towards me with the shears.

I stared at him and then at his hands.

"Cut my hair." My gaze went to his hair which had a few strands that had sneakily escaped his perfect combed hair and now covering his eyebrows.

His thick luscious hair made me want to touch them.

This could be our only chance to touch him without feeling bad about it.

My wolf sneakily muttered and I sighed.

Even though I did not want to go near him or him near me, I can have some fun - right?

Don't mess with him, it will bite you back. Did I listen to my conscience? Nope.

I finally took the shears and Darius turned on his heel, walking towards the chair, taking a seat, and watched me as I stood still staring at him.

Just cut his hair really bad and make a run for it.

"You know, giving your murderous erasthai something this sharp that could be used as a weapon is definitely not a smart move." I took a few steps towards him and stood behind him.

"I trust you." His words made my heart swell. Why did he trust me? Why? I could just stab him right now and go back to my pack. Why did he have to say this?

Somewhere deep down, you trust him too.

I sighed and grabbed a fist full of hair, angrily pulling them back along with his head.

I was satisfied when he grunted at my harsh grip.

But damn! His hair was so soft.

I started cutting and his hair dropped one by one. I smirked when I tugged really hard and cut his hair uneven from some areas. I even poked him slightly on his head with the tip of the shears.

Next time, he would not ask me to do this again because the way I pulled on his hair definitely hurt him, But he said nothing.

I pulled on the last few thick strands of his hair and he moaned.

"Damn this feels good." I stilled. Wait!? He was moaning because he was liking me pulling at his hair? Damn this guy!

But before I cut the last of his hair, I spotted the door. How long would it take me to get to it?

I sighed, preparing myself.

The second I snapped, I dropped the shears on the ground and made a run for it but as if Darius was expecting it - he grabbed my arm and pulled me over him in a second.

"Where do you think you are going, mate?"

My hair dropped around my face, curtaining it.

My heart stopped, as I looked at our faces so close - my wolf already raising her horny head and licking her mouth with lust - and I found it hard to breathe.

"To the bathroom." I rasped, he noticed.

"It's not that way and we both know that." The second he ended the sentence, he turned us around so quickly that I was dizzy for a second. I was now seated where he was sitting only a second ago.

He had stood up and was now walking behind me - probably going to cut my hair - and bending to pick up the shears.

I had sweat dripping down my forehead. I had to get away.

I tried to stand up but was pushed down by my shoulders. I looked down at my hands to find them shaking. My wolf was not helping me either instead, she was scolding me for trying to run away from one thing we should cherish, and so, she was sitting back enjoying my meltdown.

Taking her strength back.

I heard the first snip and I was back in my senses, I stood up with a jerk, and rolled to the door so I was faster than Darius - or at least that was what I hoped - and grabbed the doorknob.

I was pulled back by the scruff of my neck to an annoyed looking Darius.

"You are annoying me now." He growled and I snarled back he growled louder and I growled as well, both of our growls mixing to create a louder one and resulting in the breaking of the glass mug sitting on the dressing.

Darius and I looked at it.

It was in shards and I frowned.

Darius let me go slowly.

Getting up slowly, I walked to it, knowing Darius was following me.

"See, together what our growls can do? Imagine, what we both could do ruling side by side." Darius said with one hand that did not have the shears snaking around my waist and his lips slimming over my neck.

"We are made for each other. Why do you fight this?"

"I have a pack to go back to."

"What pack? This is your pack now." Darius growled lightly, still nuzzling his nose on my neck.

I shuddered and closed my eyes.

"I am an Alpha, my pack needs me and you have to understand that. They are waiting for me and I cannot let my work to go down the drain just like that," I whispered softly, thinking this would get through his thick skull.

I was so polite!

"My love, your pack is with their real Alpha now." I stiffened and opened my eyes, this time looking at ourselves in the mirror of the dresser. We were so close.

My wolf howled, according to her, this was hot.

I did notice Darius' oddly angled hair and tried to stifle a laugh, but then remembered the matters at hand.

"Real Alpha? I am their Alpha." My voice was surprisingly calm. I just wanted to know what was going on in his mind so then later I can go banshee on him.

"Didn't you ask for your Gamma to be the leader if something happens to you? People of your pack already look up at him as a leader."

"You don't know that." My voice got a little louder and at that Darius stopped and raised his head, putting his chin on my shoulder.

In his arm, I looked like a doll. So delicate in his such big arms.

"I talked to him moments before coming here, he said everything was running smoothly and people had actually accepted him. He is not the official Alpha yet but it won't take long."

It should've been me asking my Gamma, but then I remembered that I was not talking to him. How he wanted me out of my own pack!

Darius finally pulled away and I got a good look at my hair.

The right side was snipped a little while everything was okay.

It was time for me to turn to a banshee. No?

I turned around in anger with my hand up in a fist but Darius caught it easily.

"Trust me, I love your long hair - they are sexy but they have to go." Sexy. That made me more frustrated, no matter how much I liked it deep down - he doesn't need to know that.

I raised my leg to hit him but I was a bit late cause Darius had me planted on the chair already once again and was now sitting over my thighs and hands, preventing me from moving.

"Move you, big oaf!"

I tried to move, shout, and everything else but it didn't affect Darius because once he started cutting my hair, he didn't stop.

Strands after strands of red hair touched the ground and I felt angrier by the second but I could do nothing. Nothing!

Darius stopped and stood up from me only after he was done. My head felt really light.

"Look in the mirror."

After I glared at Darius, I too stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.



My hair, my precious hair that was longer than 30 inches were gone, but I had to admit, it suited me but then again - it was a shame for me to lose the hair that I was known for.

"You look hot, mia Cara." Yes, it did make me swoon but my anger was far greater than that.

I turned around and pushed Darius on the ground, he let me. I straddled him and started punching his gorgeous face but I did not care.

"How could you, it's not about if I like them or not, do you even care about how hard I work!?"

How long I waited for my hair to grow and how my hard I worked for my pack, he cares for none!

I punched and punched, getting all my frustrations out. Darius did not stop me.

"I hate you!"

My wolf wouldn't allow me to hit our mate so she did not allow me to use her strength so my punches were weak but not that weak.

I punched and punched that I had to stop to take a break.

"Are you done?" He asked and I noticed that he was bleeding from his nose.

"No!" I shook my head and gave him one last punch.

"Now I am done." I noticed bruises already forming on his face but he did not say anything. He was expecting for something like this to happen.

I stood up, "I am not going to let you off the hook so easily."

"I expect nothing less." He followed and looked down at me as I looked back up at him.

I did not know what to do now because there was no way I was going out of this room looking like this.

With this stupid short hair.

Darius' face was now turning blue and my wolf howled in displeasure and started annoying me in my head.


So in wolf origin stories, it's said that one soul of a wolf is divided in to two and sent in different people. Known as mates and they are bound to care for each other so I can't really blame my wolf for nagging me.

"Sit down, I'll bring you some ointment." Darius boomed with laughter and I watched him wide-eyed.

"Yeah Yeah, laugh all you want. You might be thinking I am bipolar but when you are stuck with an annoying mate like you and a nagging female in your head, you are not sane anymore."

He pulled me closer by the sleeve of my shirt and smiled - I fucking swooned - his forehead touching mine.

My wolf had fainted and I was sure to follow.

"Thank you, love." What was he saying Thankyou for?

"For what?"

"For caring for me even after all this. I know you think I am neglecting all your problems and worries, you think I don't care but trust me - this is happening for a reason. For the best!" He whispered huskily and I just stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"Now go and get me the ointment, my handsome face sort of hurts." I pushed on his chest and walked to the bathroom where I had seen an ointment earlier.

For the best? Sure. Sarcasm.

I didn't even know I had a smile on my face. Fuck me! This was the first time I was seeing this side of him where he calmly talked to me, without making fun of me. His cute, carefree, and loving side.

I sort of liked it.

Sort of!


Hello Wolfies ♥️

I hope you liked this chapter even though it was not well written😅😜

I love, love, love Darius! What do you guys think? Share your thoughts guy and if any mistakes then do point out.

Love you too!


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